
I immersed myself in the world of the suffragettes while I was researching Esther’s story. The Museum of London was a wonderful resource. I visited their suffragette exhibit, and went on a very illuminating guided walk round London with one of their staff. The museum staff also helped me find newspaper reports of Black Friday from which I shamelessly plundered lots of the stories that made it into my novel. The women being thrown to the crowds is true. Esther’s placard cutting the policeman’s hand actually happened to a suffragette on the day, as did the invasive searches that some of the police were carrying out. Agnes’s sad experience on the day is, thankfully, fiction.

While I was living Esther’s story, I suddenly realised I knew nothing about the day-to-day role of a head teacher in 2019. So I need to thank the fabulous Sally Weeks, head teacher at Poverest Primary School, who took time out of her busy day (and believe me, it’s busy!) to speak to me and fill me in on everything she does. Many of the ideas that Lizzie and Paula come up with to save Elm Heath were copied from Sally’s great work at Poverest.

A huge thank you to my fabulous agent, Felicity, and my editors at HQ, Abi, Belinda and Dom. Also to my fellow writers who are always there to offer help, advice or simply a sympathetic ear, especially Aimee, Kath, Annie and Andi. And of course, to all my readers. Thanks for everything and I hope you enjoy this one!