Starting With the End in Mind: Setting Your Personal and Professional Goals


Create goals that keep you motivated and inspired.


A maxim on Maui says, “The unaimed arrow never misses.” That's okay if you're an unaimed arrow, but not if you want to be a successful author. In this case, you must hit the tiny bull's-eye of a small, distant target in a world with endless possibilities.

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey writes: “Begin with the end in mind.” If you want to be successful, you must know your goals. The more clearly you see them, the more likely you are to achieve them. You can draw a portrait of yourself and your future on a blank piece of paper or your computer screen by summing up your personal and professional literary and financial goals, and how you will reach them.

Your answers will determine the kinds of books you write, how you write them, how many you write, and what you do to promote them and build your platform and your career. There are no wrong answers; make them whatever you want. The criteria for your answers are the following:

Own your answers to these questions by starting them with the word I.

Also consider your personal goals.

Put your answers up where you write, and read them to keep you going. Change them whenever and however you wish. One way to verify your answers: Assume you've reached your goals. What's your life like?

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen believe in having giant goals. Their goal is to sell a billion books by 2020. Inventor Charles Franklin Kettering said, of the Wright brothers, that they “flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility.” Writers who can't write as well as you and aren't as articulate or as good-looking as you are successful authors. If they can do it, so can you!

Life is indeed a journey, and you are both the traveler and the destination. As you approach the horizon of your possibilities, you will grow into them and become a more capable you. May your journey be filled with goals you reach and horizons that continue to recede as you advance into the best future you can imagine. Believe the words of Samuel Johnson: “Your aspirations are your possibilities.”

Chapter twenty-one has suggestions for test-marketing your goals.

The following chapter offers building blocks for getting your book published.