+ (addition operator), 27

&& (AND operator), 38

= (assignment operator), 19

... (closed range operator), 48

/ (division operator), 27

== (equal to operator), 36

> (greater than operator), 37

< (less than operator), 37

% (modulo operator), 30, 55, 105

* (multiplication operator), 27

?? (nil coalescing operator), 65, 151, 185

!= (not equal to operator), 36

! (NOT operator), 38

|| (OR operator), 38

| (pipe), 248

- (subtraction operator), 27


addition operator (+), 27

alpha (transparency setting), 286–287

anchorPoint property, 208–209, 287

AND operator (&&), 38

app icon, adding to project, 125

Apple ID (Apple account)

creating, 5

for running app on a device, 14

signing in to Xcode, 7

applications. See apps

application delegate, 174

managing app lifecycle, 177

shared property, 178

apps, 3. See also BirthdayTracker; Hello World; Schoolhouse Skateboarder

creating, 5–9, 122–125, 205–206

lifecycle, 174, 177

arc4random_uniform() function, 229

arguments, 82

in a function call, 83

labels, 84, 88, 89

custom, 90

removing, 90–91

arithmetic operators, 27–30


accessing items, 69

adding items, 70

index, 67

Index out of range error, 69–70

initializing, 68

looping through, 50, 74–75

mutable and immutable, 68

properties, 73

removing items, 71–72

replacing items, 72

artwork. See images

asset catalogs, 125, 206–207, 214

assignment operator (=), 19

Attributes Inspector, 12, 127

auto layout, 138–139


behavior, of an object, 96

bitmasks, 247–249

BirthdayTracker (app), 121, 122

AddBirthdayViewController class, 144, 145

alphabetizing birthdays, 185–186

app icon, adding, 125

Birthday class, 142–144, 175–176

BirthdaysTableViewController class, 127–129, 156–158

creating project, 122–125

displaying birthdays

connecting user input to display, 166–172

creating list of birthdays, 155–166

display name, adding, 126


permissions for, 192–194

removing, 199

scheduling, 194–199

removing birthdays, 186–189

saving birthdays, 173–181

user input

Add button, 130–133

auto layout, 138–139

Cancel button, 139, 153–154

controllers, 127–130, 145–146

date picker, 137–138, 147–150, 152

input controls, 133, 146–147

Save button, 139, 150–151, 153

text fields, 136–137, 147–149, 151–152

user interface labels, 134–136

body, of a function, 83

Bool data type, 24


expressions, 36–40

values, 24

break keyword, 105–106

Bundle Identifier, 9

bundles, 294


Calendar class, 195–197

calling a function, 83

cases, of enums, 259–260, 280–281

casting, 26. See also downcasting

CGFloat data type, 210, 219

CGPoint struct, 210

CGRect struct, 210

CGVector data type, 240

classes, 95

accessing properties, 98–100

creating, 96

definition, writing, 96–97

inheritance, 108–110

initializers, 98, 100–103

instances, 96

methods, 96, 98, 103–106

naming, 96–97

objects, 95

properties, 97, 219

self keyword, 106–107

superclasses and subclasses, 108–110

class keyword, 96

closed range operator (...), 48

code blocks

nesting, 54–55

scope, 55–57

collections, looping through, 50

comments, 32–33

comparison operators, 36–38

compound assignment operators, 31–32

compound Boolean expressions, 38–40

conditional statements, 36, 40–45

console. See debug area


declaring and creating, 20

naming, 22

when to use, 21

coordinates, 11, 210

Core Data framework, 174

adding to project, 123, 174

deleting managed objects, 188

entities and attributes, 174–176

fetching managed objects, 181–182

managed object context, 178

saving managed objects, 180

sortDescriptors property, 185–186

count property

array, 73

dictionary, 78

creating a new project, 6, 122–125, 205–206


databases, 173–174. See also Core Data framework

data types, 22

Bool, 24

casting, 26

CGFloat, 210, 219

CGVector, 240

custom class, 95

declaration of, 23

Double, 24

downcasting, 113–114

Float, 24

Int, 24

String, 24–25

TimeInterval, 232, 272

type inference, 25–26

UInt32, 247


class, 144

data type, 159

DateComponents class, 195–197

date formatter, 159

date picker

adding, 137–138

getting date from, 152

setting a maximum date, 149–150

debug area, 10

displaying output, 83

opening, 19, 48

decimal numbers, 24

definition, writing for a class, 96–97

degrees, of rotation, 255

delegation, 166–168

delegate, creating, 170–171


adopting, 168–170

creating, 168

device orientation, 124, 211–213

devices, running apps on, 14–16

dictionaries, 75

accessing values, 76–77

adding items, 77

initializing, 75–76

looping through, 78–79

mutable and immutable, 75

optionals, 76

properties, 78

removing items, 77

replacing items, 77–78

dismissing view controller, 153–154

division operator (/), 27

dot notation, 98, 104

do-try-catch blocks, handling errors with, 180

Double data type, 24

downcasting, 113–114


else if statements, 41–43. See also if statements

else statements, 41. See also if statements

enums (enumerations), 259–260, 280–281

equal to operator (==), 36


fixing with Xcode, 99–100

handling with do-try-catch blocks, 180

Index out of range error, 69–70

playground, 21

exhaustive switch statements, 105


Float data type, 24


in SpriteKit, 270

in storyboard, 12

for-in loops

arrays, 50, 74–75

collections, 50

dictionaries, 78–79

ranges, 48–49

formatting strings, 273–274

frames, 210

func keyword, 82

functions, 81

argument labels, 84, 88, 89–91

arguments, 82

body, 83

calling, 83

input parameters, 82, 84–88

naming, 82

return values, 91–93

void, 82


game engine. See SpriteKit

game loop update(_:) method, 231–233

GameScene class, 208

gesture recognizers, 234–235

greater than operator (>), 37

graphics. See images


Hello World (app)

adding a label, 10–12

creating and naming, 6–9

running in simulator, 12–13

running on a device, 14–16

stopping, 13


IBAction, 150


connecting to storyboard, 147–149

setting up, 146–147

if-let statements, 62–64

if statements, 40–43


adding to project, 206–207

finding, 204

sizing for devices, 213–214

suffixes, 214

implicitly unwrapped optionals, 64

index, 67. See also arrays

IndexPath struct, 165–166

inheritance, in a class, 108–110

initializers, for classes, 98

calling with input parameters, 102–103


with input parameters, 101–102

without input parameters, 100–101

default, 100

init keyword, 100–102

input parameters, of a function, 82, 84–88

installing Xcode, 4–5

instances, of a class, 96

Int data type, 24

integers, 23, 24

iOS, 4

iPhone simulator. See simulator

isEmpty property

array, 73

dictionary, 78

is keyword, 110

iteration, 49


keys, 75. See also dictionaries



adding to storyboard, 10–11

positioning, 134–136

in SpriteKit, 268–272, 273–274

landscape vs. portrait, device orientation, 124, 211–213

less than operator (<), 37

let keyword, 20

local notifications. See notifications

logical operators, 38–40

long-press gestures, 234

loops, 47

for-in loops. See for-in loops

nesting, 54–55

while loops, 50–53


managed object context, 178

MARK: keyword, for marking file sections, 170

methods, 96

calling, 104

creating, 103

helper methods, 104–106

initializers, 98

selectors, 235

mobile apps, 4

modal view controller, 132

modulo operator (%), 30, 55, 105

modulus. See modulo operator

multiplication operator (*), 27



classes, 96–97

constants and variables, 22

functions, 82

navigation controller, 129

accessing in code, 171–172

adding buttons, 130–133, 139

adding a title, 130

Navigator pane, 9–10, 124

nesting code blocks, 54–55

nil coalescing operator (??), 65, 151, 185

nil value, 60

not equal to operator (!=), 36

notifications, 191

changing settings, 194

removing, 199

requesting authorization, 192–194

scheduling, 194–199

trigger, 195–196

NOT operator (!), 38

NSKeyedUnarchiver, 294


Objective-C, 4

Object Library, 10

objects, 95–96

opening a project, 13

operands, 27


arithmetic, 27–30

comparison, 36–38

compound assignment, 31–32

logical, 38–40

modulo (%), 30, 55, 105

order of operations, 30–31

optionals, 59, 60

declaring, 60

dictionary values, 76

if-let statements, 62–64

nil coalescing operator (??), 65, 151

optional binding, 62–64


forced, 61–62

implicit, 64

order of operations, 30–31

OR operator (||), 38


pan gestures, 234

parameters, of a function, 82, 84–88


after function names, 83

for order of operations, 30–31, 39

particle emitters, 291–297

physics bodies, 240

applying forces to, 250–251

applying to sprite, 244–245, 263

properties, 242–244, 253–254

shapes, 241–242

physics categories, 247

physics engine. See SpriteKit physics engine

pinch gestures, 234

pipe (|), 248


debug area, 19–21

opening, 17–18

results sidebar, 18–19

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files, 207

portrait vs. landscape, device orientation, 124, 211–213


sprites, 210, 220–221, 226–227, 263

storyboard elements, 134–136

prepare(for:sender:) method, 171–172

print(_:) function, 19, 82

projects. See also individual projects

creating, 6–9, 122–125, 205–206

opening, 13

running on device, 14–16

running in simulator, 12–13

saving, 13


of arrays, 73

of classes, 96–97

accessing, 98–100

default values, 97

of dictionaries, 78

protocol, for delegation, 167, 168–170


radians, of rotation, 255

random numbers, 229

ranges, looping through, 48–49

raw values, of enums, 259–260

rectangles, for frames, 210

refactoring code, 182

reference types, 115–116

repeat-while loops, 52–53

return keyword, 91

return values, 91–93

rotating device, in simulator, 213

running an app

in simulator, 12–13

on a device, 14–16



birthdays, in BirthdayTracker, 173–181

managed objects, in database, 180

projects, 13


in SpriteKit, 205, 208

in a storyboard, 10

Schoolhouse Skateboarder (app), 203

anchorPoint, setting for scene, 208–209


adding, 224–225

animating, 226–230

leaving gaps, 229–230

physics bodies for, 245–246

contacts and collisions, 246–250

creating the project, 205–206

ending the game, 254–255

game loop, 231–233

game state, 280–281


collecting, 267–268

removing, 264–265

spawning, 262–264

updating, 265–267

gravity, simulating, 235–238, 240


displaying background, 207–211

downloading, 204, 206

filling the screen, 215

menus (MenuLayer class), 282

displaying, 286–288

message label, 283–285

removing, 288–289

score label, 285–286

orientation, setting, 211–213

platforms, adding multilevel, 258–262


displaying with labels, 268–272

for collecting gems, 275–276

high scores, 276

updating, 272–275


checking rotation of, 255

jumping, 234–238, 250–251

physics body for, 244–245

resetting, 220–221

Skater class

creating, 218

instantiating, 219


adding to project, 289–290

downloading, 204, 206

playing, 290

sparks, 291–297

speeding up the game, 257–258

starting the game, 251–254

scope, 55–57, 103–104

SDK (Software Development Kit), 4

segues, 132, 171–172

selectors, 235

self keyword, 106–107

simulator (iPhone simulator)

rotating device, 213

running app on, 12–13

Size Inspector, 11, 127

SKAction object, 284–285, 295

SKEmitterNode, 294–295

SKLabelNode class, 269–273

SKPhysicsWorld class, 240

.sks (SpriteKit scene) files, 206, 291, 294

SKScene class, 208, 240

SKSpriteNode class

creating, 210, 218, 225

subclassing, 218, 282

Software Development Kit (SDK), 4

sound effects

adding to project, 289–290

finding, 204

playing, in SpriteKit, 290

sparks, adding with particle emitters, 291–297

spawning, in games, 225

SpriteKit, 204

animating via actions, 284–285, 295

debug information, 223

game loop update(_:) method, 231–233

didMove(to:) method, 208, 210, 234, 253

filling the screen, 215

nodes, 223

getting by name, 273

name property of, 271, 273

physics engine. See SpriteKit physics engine

scene size, 215

SKAction, 284–285, 295

SKEmitterNode, 294–295

SKLabelNode, 269–273

.sks (SpriteKit scene) files, 206

SKScene class, 208

SKSpriteNode class, 210

subclassing, 218, 282

sound effects, 289–290

spawning, 225

sprites. See sprites

SpriteKit physics engine, 239

applying forces, 250–251

categoryBitMask property, 248

collisionBitMask property, 248

contacts and collisions, 246–250, 267

contactTestBitMask property, 248–249

didBegin(_:) method, 249–250, 267

gravity, 240

physics bodies, 240

applying to sprite, 244–245, 263

properties, 242–244, 253–254

shapes, 241–242

physics categories, 247

SKPhysicsBody class, 241–251

SKPhysicsContactDelegate protocol, 249–250

SKPhysicsWorld class, 240

speed, 240

vectors, 240, 250–251

sprites, 204

adding, 210–211, 220, 222, 225, 263

animating, 226–229, 231–233, 284–285

children and parents, 211, 220

color, 286–287

displaying, 210, 220, 263

moving, 284–285

overlapping, 221

positioning, 210, 220–221, 226–227, 263

removing, 226–227, 252, 264–265, 288

zPosition property, 220–221, 225, 270, 283

state, of an object, 95–96

storyboard, 9, 126

adding a navigation controller, 129

adding view controllers, 127

auto layout, 138–139


adding, 10

positioning, 11–12, 134–136

segues, 132

String data type, 24

strings, 24

concatenation, 25

embedded variables, 49

formatting, 273–274

structs, 117–118

CGPoint, 210

IndexPath, 165–166

use in Schoolhouse Skateboarder, 247

subclasses, 108–110, 218

subtraction operator (-), 27

superclasses, 108–110

super keyword, 109

Swift, 4

creating file, 142–143

playground. See playground

safe language, 59

swipe gestures, 234

switch keyword, 44

switch statements, 44–45, 105


table view, 155


adding, 158–159

displaying, 164–166

data source, 162

IndexPath struct, 165

reloadData() method, 169

rows, 162–163

deleting, 187–188

editing, 187

sections, 162–163

table view controller, adding to storyboard, 127

tap gestures, 234–235

targets, for selectors, 235

text alignment

in SpriteKit, 269, 271, 283, 286

in storyboard, 12

text fields

adding, 136

reading text from, 151–152

textures, for physics bodies, 241–242, 244–245

TimeInterval data type, 231–233, 272

transparency setting (alpha), 286–287

typecasting, 110–113

type inference, 25


UIDatePicker class, 146, 149. See also date picker

UInt32 data type, 247

UITableViewController class, 156–157. See also table view controller

UIViewController class, 145–146. See also view controller

unsigned integers, 247

unwrapping optionals, 61–64

user interface elements, 10

User Notifications framework. See notifications.

Utilities pane, 10, 124–125


value types, 115–116

variables, 18

changing value of, 20

declaring and creating, 19

naming, 22

var keyword, 19

vectors, 240

vertical pipe (|), 248

view controller, 10, 122

dismissing, 153–154

file, 124

in SpriteKit, 215

storyboard, 11

UIViewController class, 145

viewDidLoad() method, 145

used for setup, 149, 162, 215

viewWillAppear(_:) method, 146, 181

void functions, 82


while loops, 50–53, 228


.xcassets files, 207


autocomplete, 85

creating a new project, 6, 122–125, 205–206

installing, 4–5

opening, 5

playground, 17

signing in, 7

x-coordinates, 11, 210


y-coordinates, 11, 210


zPosition property, of sprites, 220–221, 225, 270, 283