Jeremy learned about a war that had different meanings in the eyes of many people. Some believed it was a war for the South’s independence. Some felt it would break up the United States into two countries. Slaves believed it would bring them freedom. And some thought it was a revolt against Northern oppression of the South.
To answer his papa’s question, here are some of the things Jeremy might have said:
“I really believe it was a War of Independence because I believe the South wanted to be independent from the United States of America because they believed it was controlled by persons from the North.”
“I believe it was a Revolutionary War because the South really was revolting against the North and wanted to be free from their control.”
“I really believe it was the War Between the States because the South was fighting for their way of life and the North was fighting for its way of life.”
“I believe it was a War of Secession because the South really did want to secede or leave the United States of America and form their own country and carry out their own way of doing business.”
As a reader of this book, do you agree with any of these answers? Do you have a different idea? What would you have said?