Wisdom Publications
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Somerville MA 02144 USA

© 2018 Institute of Tibetan Classics

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Newman, Beth, translator. | Thupten Jinpa, writer of introduction.

Title: The Tibetan book of everyday wisdom: a thousand years of sage advice / translated by Beth Newman; introduced by Thupten Jinpa.

Other titles: Legs bshad lugs kyi bslab bya’i dpe tshogs. English.

Description: Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2017. | Series: The library of Tibetan classics; Volume 27 | Includes bibliographical references and index. |

Identifiers: LCCN 2017026925 (print) | LCCN 2017039139 (ebook) | ISBN 9781614295136 (ebook) | ISBN 1614295131 (ebook) | ISBN 9780861714667 (hard cover: alk. paper) | ISBN 0861714660 (hard cover: alk. paper)

Subjects: LCSH: Didactic poetry, Tibetan—Translations into Tibetan. | Spiritual life—Buddhism.

Classification: LCC PL3735 (ebook) | LCC PL3735 .L4613 2017 (print) | DDC 895/.410080382943—dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017026925

ISBN 978-0-86171-466-7       ebook ISBN 978-1-61429-513-6

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Cover and interior design by Gopa&Ted2.