Neil, words like “appreciate” and “thank you” just don’t cut it. Your ministry has changed my life. I am so thankful to my Lord for you. You are the man God used to help me understand my true identity and bring me to freedom in Christ. Some day, Neil, when we stand before our Lord, you will see just how God has used you in my life. Then you will know how truly thankful and appreciative I am of you. Your life and example has had a great impact on me and I see Christ in you. Grace and I are grateful to you and Joanne for your sterling testimony and walk of freedom. It’s so refreshing to minister with individuals who live out what God’s Word teaches and truly model unconditional love and acceptance.

Thanks to Roger McNichols and the whole Freedom in Christ team for your prayers, support and guidance. You are so, so special to me. I truly love you and enjoy ministering with you.

Thanks to my special prayer partners: Larry and Joyce Beckner, Peg and Chapo McCabe, and Vera Beckner. Our intimate prayer times are dynamic and life-changing. Thanks for your transparency and love.

My thanks to Chub and Ruth Park, better known as Dad and Mom to me. Dad, you always told me I ought to write that down. Well, you said it enough times so that I finally did. Mom, thanks for your love and, of course, for your brownies. Thank you so much for the loving home you made for me and the continued support in my life.

Dave Park