As a young person today, you have two absorbing concerns: First, you desperately want to gain some sense of identity; second, you want to experience the freedom to really walk with God. Few people are pointing you in the right direction, back to the pages of the Bible. Only in God’s Word can you gain a sense of who you really are, and how significant and secure you are as a child of God.

I have shared many times in my speaking and writing about my own personal struggles with a poor self-image. I can say without hesitation that the realization of who I am in Christ is the single most important element in my successful walk as a Christian in ministry.

Neil and Dave have developed two much-needed books— Stomping Out the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker Youth Edition— that point you to the one place where you can gain your true identity and freedom. Your commitment to the Word of God and careful study will help you realize the power of your identity in Christ and help you become the spiritual person you want to be.

How wonderful it is to see resources specifically written for youth that address the real issues with which many young people are struggling. Standing against the spiritual forces of this fallen world and learning how to win the battle for the mind is a message that should not have any age limit.

Jesus promised us that we could live a victorious, abundant and free life. I believe those promises were made to young people as well. Neil and Dave show in a warm and insightful way how our God is in the business of stomping out the darkness and how Jesus Christ is the Bondage Breaker.

Stomping Out the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker Youth Edition are must-reading for every person who desires to walk free and understand the truth of who we really are in Christ.

Josh McDowell