My net worth has increased since I released (at my presidential announcement) the attached financial statement which is dated as of June 2014. The value of my real estate in New York, San Francisco, Miami, Washington, DC, Europe, and many other places has gone up considerably. I have very little debt, and even that is at low interest rates. My current net worth is more than ten billion dollars.

My income for 2014, as I reported in the PFD statement, was $362 million dollars—not including dividends, interest, capital gains, rents, and royalties. Income for 2015 will exceed $600 million. I also did well in the stock market. While that isn’t something that I’ve focused on in the past, and is only a small part of my net worth, 40 of the 45 stocks I bought rose substantially in a short period of time, resulting in a $27,021,471 gain on sale—the stocks remaining in the portfolio have an unrealized gain of more than $22 million.

On the financial disclosure forms I included more than 500 business entities, 91 percent of which I own completely. I also included the royalties from my book The Art of the Deal, one of the bestselling business books of all time, which is still selling after three decades, as well as my many other bestsellers.

I also reported receipts from my TV show, The Apprentice. NBC/Universal announced it was being renewed, and they were very disappointed when I informed them that I would not be available to be in the boardroom for our fifteenth season because of my run for president. They tried to talk me into it, but eventually hired Arnold Schwarzenegger—who will do a great job—to sit in my chair. During the 14 seasons of The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, which is now being broadcast around the world, I made $213,606,575.

I was very pleased to file this disclosure and proud of what I’ve accomplished.