Chapter Six

Condors fly through the Andean air.

In the States they’re incredibly rare.

They can endlessly soar

On wings ten feet or more.

Climbing thousands of feet with no care.

He was sitting behind his massive desk looking not at all happy. “OK, what news of fresh disasters do you have for me now?”

“Well,” I replied. “the Detroit Police are examining that tape of the meeting. I don’t think you come across as a particularly mild-mannered husband and parent. (Snort from the Bear) Wolford talked them out of you having to be there physically for a deposition, but they are arranging for the Cincinnati Police to come by and represent them in a joint interview over Skype. That should happen in just a bit. Meanwhile, Condo and Ursula are hacking into the systems at the Phox firm and the Professor’s office. The Colonel is flying Otto back up to Detroit along with Inspector Wallaroo to physically search the offices. Not strictly legal but this is war! Wolford and I are staying here to assist in your interview and oh, yes! Madame Catt (Chita) is going along to the Phox firm to seek representation in a (fictitious) case of suspected jewelry fraud. We have to avoid entrapment there but it’s one way of getting inside the lawyer’s fortress and watching how they work. Who knows what she’ll turn up as a client?”

The Bear was not pleased. “I don’t like any of this, but I can’t think of any other tactic that can squash this whole thing. What we really need to do is find the real killer. Any thoughts on that?”

“Well, there are the old-time favorites: Motive, Means and Opportunity.”

“As for motive” said Wolford, “You might want to include most of this cosmos and several other alternate worlds. It seems the Muskox was just about universally hated. Employees; victims - real and prospective; members of the science and technology communities; publishers; academics. God knows what his personal life was like, if he had any. I can’t imagine a female putting up with him.”

Octavius looked up at the ceiling. “You forgot one group. The Phox Law firm. They may have seen him as their potential meal ticket until he and this phony suit got out of control. You know, kill him off, blame me and frame me, cut their losses and get on to more lucrative opportunities.”

I piped up. “I’d be willing to put some money on that possibility. They are a slimy bunch.”

Back to Wolford. “As for means, any old, disposable, blunt instrument could do the trick and with his office one floor below the law firm, there would be ample opportunities.”

“OK, let’s see what the Detroit cops are making of all this. I hope they are not fixating on that tape. Senhor L. Condor, can you download a copy?”

“I already have. The original and the file they sent to the Police. Right now, we’re checking to see what additions, deletions or modifications have been made to the copy. There are changes, particularly to the Professor’s activities. We might ask Special Agent Badger to demand both files for forensic analysis. I can point her in the right direction to find the alterations. Will she look the other way on how I got them if I can provide her with the evidence?”

Bruce cut in, “I’m pretty sure she will. That firm has been on her and my radar for quite a while. If you want, I can send the files to her and keep you out of it. She and I share law enforcement confidences.”

The group broke up and the Detroit-bound team headed out to the helicopter. Chita was very impressed with the Ursa Minor. Madame Catt’s Motto: Luxury at all costs.

Next on the agenda. The ‘Animal of Interest’ is to be interviewed.

Frau Schuylkill popped her head in the door. “Herr Bear, there is a plainclothes officer from the Cincinnati Police here to interview you. Detective Inspector Carlo Coyote.”

“Thank you, Frau Ilse.” Octavius half rose from his desk chair in greeting. “Hello again, Carlo. It’s been a while.”

“Yes, it has been, Doctor Bear. I’m somewhat embarrassed that we’re meeting this way, but the Detroit PD insisted we have someone here representing local law enforcement during the interview. You are officially an ‘Animal of Interest’ in the death of Professor Hercules Ovibos. Never quite sure what that phrase means. I don’t think DPD knows either. There is, at the moment, insufficient evidence to name you as a suspect and certainly you have more than enough reputation and law enforcement history to make a case for your probable innocence. However, it’s not my or Cincinnati’s call. I’m just here as a witness.”

He turned to Wolford and me who had remained silent during this conversation. “Hello, Maury! Hello Mr. Wolverine. I assume you are representing Doctor Bear.”

Wolford stretched out a paw and said, “Yes, I am and the sooner we get through this process, the quicker we can set about finding the real culprit. Unfortunately, I have had no experience with this Captain Ford in Detroit.”

“I’ve worked with him several times. A solid, skilled and objective cop. No pushover. I’m afraid Doctor Bear’s reputation will not cut much ice with him. On the other hand, this Phox Law Firm that supplied the recording of the meeting has absolutely zero credibility in Detroit or all of Michigan, for that matter. There isn’t an officer up there who hasn’t had some kind of dustup with them and that goes for the DA’s office as well. The fact that they represent the Professor is just another strike against them. I wouldn’t want to be in Ford’s position right now. The media is beginning to apply pressure although what they can see in that dead Muskox that’s worth reporting is beyond me. But, it’s another chance to build headlines. Now, we didn’t have this conversation, right?”

“Of course not, but even if we did, you have no more standing in this case than the Average Beast on the Street.”

“Too right!”

Frau Ilse came back. “The Detroit police are on the line. They want to set up a Skype connection with Herr Bear, Wolford and Inspector Coyote.”

Since I had not been included in the list of participants, I decided to play technician and set up and monitor the call. We had already punched up a separate internet connection to Ursula and the Bear’s personal computer and got a large video screen and audio system active. We, too, would be recording the interview. I brought up Skype. Sound and picture resolved itself.

“Hello, this is Captain Ford of the Detroit Police Department. Am I connected to Doctor Octavius Bear?”

Octavius responded, “Yes Captain. I’m here. But just a moment we seem to be having a problem with the video. I’m appearing on my screen instead of you.”

Laughter on the other end. “You’re not having a problem. I’m a grizzly bear and I look a lot like you. You’re a bit bigger. Wait, I’ll put on my cap.”

Sure enough, Captain Ford was a grizzly with facial characteristics much like Octavius. This was going to be interesting.

“OK, Captain, we’ve got you. I have my attorney, Mr. Wolford Wolverine, Esq. with me and at your request, Detective Inspector Carlo Coyote of the Cincinnati Police Department is here as well. We are also recording this interview. My associate, Mr. Maury Meerkat is managing the connection.”

I zoomed out to take in the three of them. Greetings all around.

“Is there anyone else there with you, Captain?”

“I have Detective Sergeant Rachel Racoon here with me. She is handling our end of the hookup.” (and no doubt acting as a witness) Let’s get started! We are currently treating you as an ‘Animal of Interest’ in the death of Professor Hercules Ovibos.”

Wolford interjected, ‘What exactly does that mean, Captain?”

“It means that in our judgment and the judgment of the DA, we have insufficient direct evidence to hold Dr. Bear as a suspect and put him under arrest. However, there is enough substantial information of the circumstantial variety for us to pursue building a further inquiry around him.”

“Are there others who are under the same scrutiny.”

“Yes, there are, but I am not going to identify them just as we are not publicly identifying Doctor Bear.”

“Does that mean the press has not been let in on your treatment of my client?”

“You know as well as I do, Counsellor, that the press has their own methods of prying out information. Prepare yourself for public accusations, although to the best of my knowledge, it hasn’t come from us.”

Octavius, who had been silent up to this point, rumbled, “Could it possibly have come from a certain Detroit-based law firm?”

“No comment!”

“The same law firm that has supplied you with a tape of our meeting with them and their client?”

“Again, no comment.”

“Well, may I strongly suggest that you submit that tape to your forensics experts to check for tampering. We have strong reasons to believe the Phox firm has made significant alterations to the original and if you ask me how I know, I’ll fall back on your statement, ‘No comment!’”

“All right, Doctor. I’ll follow through. Now let’s check your activities the evening of the Muskox’ murder.”

“Wolford again, “You’re convinced it was murder?”

“Oh yes, no question about it. He was attacked with an as yet unidentified blunt instrument, crushing the back of his skull and then dragged to the river and dumped in. He was found floating face down by a passing pedestrian at one in the morning.”

“Could he have been killed at the river?”

“Very possibly! The river or somewhere else. We have no evidence of any violence committed in his office. Now, this inquiry is not for me to pass on information. I need to know your relationship with the Professor, any motivation you may have had to do him harm and your whereabouts from five PM until one AM.”

“You are probably aware that the Professor, aided and abetted by the Phox law firm had set about a campaign of threats and accusations not only aimed at my company but a wide spectrum of institutions, corporations and individuals in countries around the world. Their outrageous demands for admission of guilt of theft of intellectual property coupled with payment of damages to the tune of one hundred million dollars has caused the FBI, Australian Police and others to claim extortion. As far as I know, they have not yet instituted lawsuits.”

“I insisted in meeting the culprits face-to-face to disabuse them of any hope of succeeding in their crazy plan. In retrospect, that may not have been a wise move. Our meeting only lasted a few minutes when the Professor, after hurling abuse at me, butted me with his formidable horns and sent me flying to the floor. I grabbed his horns but was parted from him by several members of both teams. Mr. Wolford and Mr. Meerkat were both there. After we were separated, we elected to call the meeting to a close with the Muskox shouting threats as we departed. That was the last time any of us saw him.”

“On our way down to the RenCen garage, we received word that there was a heavy snowfall in Cincinnati with advice that we should hold off our return trip to the next morning. Inspector Coyote can testify to the Cincinnati weather that evening.”

The coyote agreed.

“So, we got rooms at the Marriott and had dinner and drinks from six until eight. I returned to my room and slept until early the next morning when we got clearance for the helicopter to head back home. It was only after we returned to Cincinnati that I heard of the Professor’s demise.”

“Who was with you during the evening?”

“Let’s see. Mr. Wolverine; my two security chiefs and helicopter pilots, Frau Ilse Schuylkill and Colonel Wyatt Where; Mr. Meerkat; Chief Inspector Bruce Wallaroo of the Australian National Police; and Otto Otter, my Operations Manager. During the meeting, Special Agent Honey Badger had joined us via Skype.”

“Have you ever been in the offices of Muskoxen Atomic Propulsion Systems Ltd.?”

“No, I have not. Wolford, have any of our staff been there?”


“Was this your first direct encounter with the Professor?”

“He threatened litigation over a variety of trumped up complaints in the past, but I have never met him in person. Same for the Phox firm.”

“I assume you didn’t like him.”

“Me and the rest of the world. I think you will be hard-pressed to find a friend of his, except perhaps at the law firm. I’m not even sure of them.”

“So, from the time you left the meeting until you went to bed, you were in the company of some or all of your companions.”

“Not entirely. After we first checked in at the hotel, I went up to my suite. I stayed there until it was time to go to dinner. A little more than an hour.”

“Did you kill the Professor?”

“Absolutely not.”

“How about a member of your staff?”

“Not at all likely but you’ll have to ask them. Wolford? Maury?”

Two negative shakes of the head.

“Did you get that, Sergeant Racoon?”

“No sir. Will you both please state your name and answer the question.”

“Wolford Wolverine. I did not kill Professor Ovibos.”

“Maury Meerkat. I deny killing Professor Ovibos.”

“Inspector Coyote. Can you get a statement from the rest of the party while you are there and forward it to us?”

The Cincinnati Policeman agreed.

“OK, as far as I’m concerned that wraps up this session, but your status hasn’t changed, Doctor Bear. We are still very interested in you. Please turn your passport over to Inspector Coyote and keep us informed of any travel plans.”

Wolford protested the taking of the passport. “You are not on very solid ground taking Doctor Bear’s documents. He is hardly a flight risk and you know it. He has a high-ranking member of the Australian police with him and the FBI are also in contact with him.”

“All right, Counsellor. He can keep his passport, but I want to know where he is at all times.” He signed off.

I turned to Inspector Coyote and said, “A couple of members of our Detroit meeting team are not here right now. Colonel Where, Inspector Wallaroo and Otto Otter are out in the field at the moment. When they return, I’ll have them pay Cincinnati PD a visit and you can get their formal denials. If you want, I can bring in Frau Ilse Schuylkill to give you a statement right now.

“Fine! Let’s get this over with as soon as we can. I’m only doing this to maintain good relations with Detroit.”

I called in the Frau, explained what Captain Ford wanted and asked her to answer the question “Did you kill him?” so Inspector Coyote can pass it on up to him.”

The Frau marched in, bowed to the policeman and said, “Did I kill him? No! Although I suspect there are a number of animals who would have liked to. Is that all?”

Thus ended, for the moment, the interrogation of the Great Bear and Company.