
Thank you for reading All That Glitters. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Of course, writing a book is never a solo effort. I am grateful for all the support I received from my early readers, mentors and friends who took the time to read, comment and critique, particularly Lois Steinberg for her review and comments and the fabulous professionals at TanMar Editorial and Bookfly Design. I also want to thank the Sisters in Crime and all the Guppies for sharing their wisdom, their experience and, when necessary, their commiserations. Most of all, I want to thank Chuck, for his unwavering belief in my writing.

In each of my books, I share some of my experiences in cities around the world – places I’ve lived, worked, considered home or just wished were my home. Philadelphia has been my home for many years, and while in some ways that made it easier to write about, in others it made it much harder. I must also include here my thanks to all my friends in Philadelphia who helped me experience the city and all it has to offer. Black market art in Philadelphia is something I have not had the opportunity to experience, so for that I relied on an exceptional book, which I highly recommend if you’re interested in the subject. Priceless: How I Went Undercover to Rescue the World’s Stolen Treasures by Robert K. Wittman and John Shiffman (Broadway Books, 2011) is both entertaining and informative, as Robert Wittman shares his experiences working undercover on the FBI Art Crime Team.

Adam Kaminski lives on, in my mind and in the other books in this series. If you liked this book and want to read more, please visit my website to see the other books featuring Adam Kaminski as he steps up to the challenge of catching the killer, no matter where in the world he is.

To keep up on news about the Adam Kaminski books, including the fourth book in the series (coming Spring 2016), sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Twitter or Facebook.