Chapter 10

I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.

Psalm 3:4

Could he possibly mean he didn't believe that she was pregnant? “I'm not sure what you mean, Andrew. What story?”

“I’ve gone over and over this in my mind a thousand times. I'd say I knew my brother better than anybody in existence, and if he had a beautiful girlfriend, he would've told me. He did mention your name as the best friend he ever had, but he never mentioned you as a girlfriend.”

She hadn’t planned for this. Andrew could ruin everything. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, he put his hand up to stop her.

“Please don't tell me more lies. I just want to know the truth about my brother and why you're saying that this baby is his when you and I know it's not.”

Bree gulped and then took a sip of her drink wondering what she should say and how she could possibly convince him that the baby was Simon’s.

“What part of what I said don't you believe?” she asked him staring into his eyes.

“The only part I believe was probably the only part that was true; about your parents and your upbringing. I don't know who the father of your child is but I'm certain it’s not my brother. What I don't know is why you’re lying about this and causing my parents so much grief.”

Her plan was unraveling in front of her. She picked up a paper napkin on the table and clutched it in her hand. “That's not what I meant to do. That's not what I meant to do at all. I was a good friend of Simon’s and he told me what a good upbringing he had with your family. The whole thing sounded perfect and that’s what I want for my baby. I wouldn’t have thought of doing this if Simon hadn’t told me that your parents had longed for more children.”

“So you admit that Simon is not the father of your baby?”

“Yes.” She wiped a sole tear away before it trickled down her cheek. “I just thought it would be perfect and make your mother and father so happy if they could have another child to raise. The best thing I can do is give the baby to a good family, but I want to choose the family; I chose your family.” Bree burst into tears and buried her face in the paper napkin.

“Don’t cry. I won't necessarily tell my parents. Maybe this is a good thing for them. I guess if everyone thinks it’s Simon’s baby there’s no reason for them to know otherwise.”

She lowered the napkin. “Really? You won't tell them?”

He shook his head. “I had my suspicions from the start and I haven't told them yet. I could debate for days whether what I'm doing is morally right, but you're right about your baby having a good life. I can't think of better parents for your baby than mine. Would you keep your baby if you were able to?”

“No I can't. I just can't. Even thinking about it causes me to break out in hives.”

“Who’s the father?”

“He’s the boy my parents want me to marry. His name is Ryan. I told them Simon was the father. Anyway, he’s a lawyer too and the son of a very wealthy man. That’s why they were trying to force me to marry him.”

“Are you in love with him?”

“I thought I was until I found out I was just one of many women he’s been dating. Now I want nothing more to do with him.” She looked into Andrew’s eyes. “Why did you ask me to marry you just now if you knew I was lying?”

“To see if I was right about you. I knew by your answer that Simon wasn’t the father.”

“I suppose you think I'm a terrible person.”

He shook his head. “Just a person trying to do what she thinks is best.”

“Simon and I were very good friends and I think he really wouldn't have minded about me telling lies if it was for the good of my baby. He was really my best friend, my best friend in the world. I miss him so much.”

“He did tell me how close the two of you were.”

“I'm just trying to right my mistakes, Andrew.” As soon as Bree said the word ‘mistake’ she remembered that her parents had always described her as a mistake. She never would call her baby a mistake again; it was a horrible thing to say.

“Does this man know that you’re expecting his baby?”

Bree shook her head. “No and he doesn’t deserve to know. He’s been lying to me from the beginning.”

Andrew raised his eyebrows.

“I know. You’re thinking I’m a liar too, but I’m not normally. Please believe me.”

“I think the man deserves to know about the baby, before you give the baby up, if that’s what you decide to do. Surely he deserves some say in what will happen to his child.”

“I can’t. If I tell him, he won’t leave me alone; he’s not a nice person and I’ll have to deal with him for the rest of my life. My parents would be pleased if they knew it was Ryan’s baby.”

“You lied to your parents as well by telling them the baby was Simon’s?”

“Yes. I’ve told you everything and I only lied out of desperation.” Bree wiped her eyes hoping Andrew wouldn’t think too badly of her. “I know this all looks like I’m a dreadful liar, but I just want to be free of people who don’t have my best interests at heart.”

“Surely your parents only want good things for you.”

“No. They don’t. They never meant to have a baby. I was a mistake and they let me know it all the time. They’re both lawyers and they’re always working. I think I told you that already, but their jobs are all they care about. They wanted me to marry Ryan so they can get in good with Ryan’s father who’s a multimillionaire.”

“Even so, I’m sure they love you.”

Bree shook her head. “Then why did they tell me to go when I told them I was having a baby? Anyway, Simon told me that I shouldn't have anything more to do with him, the way he was treating me.”


Bree nodded and then the tears started to fall again. “Now I don't know what to do. I’ve made such a mess of things.”

Andrew reached out and patted her on the hand. “I'm sure things will work out.”

“I don't see how they will. Everyone will know that I'm dishonest and I feel so ashamed of making so many mistakes with my life. I've lost my best friend in a car accident and he was the only person who understood me. He was like a brother and now I’ve lost him and I’m all alone with no one.”

“I'll be there for you. I'll help you as much as I can.”

She blotted her eyes dry with the paper napkin that was now quite soggy. “How would you help me? If I tell your parents the truth they'll hate me and never trust me. They think they’re going to be grandparents and have another baby to raise, but they might not want to raise my baby if they find out the truth.”

“Every baby is a precious gift from God.”

“Well my parents never felt that way, and it certainly doesn't seem like I've been given a gift. It feels like I’ve been given a punishment. I want to do the right thing by my baby, but what is that—what is the right thing? Tell me, Andrew, what should I do?”

“I think you're right about one thing. It will upset my parents too much at this stage to tell them the truth. To find out now that they won’t have Simon’s baby around would be cruel, and would be like losing him all over again. You can’t do that to them, not yet.”

“Does that mean I should keep lying to them? Are you sure that would be the right thing to do?”

“I don't know. I think we’ve passed worrying about the right thing to do at this stage, don't you? I think it would be best if you keep playing along with what you’ve told them and see what develops over time.”

“What do you mean by ‘see what develops?’ What could possibly develop?”

Andrew’s shoulders slumped. “I'm not certain. All I know is that my parents will be too upset to find out now.”

“Would it be better for them to find out now rather than be upset later?”

“Not if you continue in your plans for them to adopt the baby. I'm sure they would be happy about that.”

Bree looked around the café and was glad that no one was looking at her crying. The place wasn’t that busy. “Andrew, you’ve got to help me. What should I do?”

He rubbed his forehead and looked down at the table. “It’s a tough one. Are you sure keeping your baby is not a choice you’d make?”