There are always so many people involved in putting a book together that I’m afraid to start thanking them because I don’t want to forget anyone! But I’m going to give it a shot.
Thanks to my awesome editor, Andrea Doering, who believes in me and my work—even when I have my doubts!
To Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency for all your hard work on my behalf and for believing in me too!
I can’t say thank you enough to Officer James (Jim) Hall and Retired FBI Agent Wayne Smith, who proof my law enforcement details. Any inaccuracies are mine and mine alone. You guys never charge me enough!
Also, a big thanks to Ruthie Owens at Spartanburg Regional Hospital for answering all of my many autopsy questions about a year ago.
And of course, I can’t forget the rest of the amazing and talented Revell team. Michele Misiak, Claudia Marsh, Barb Barnes, and the art design team—you guys rock and I love working with you all. I know there are more of you who are behind the scenes, so I’m thanking you too!
One person I also want to thank is Taylor Bevil, a young lady I’m proud to call friend. She’s an insightful, detail-oriented reader who caught a couple of mistakes when I asked her to read the story. She also offered excellent suggestions on how to make the story better! Thanks for your input, Taylor!
And last, but never least, I want to thank you readers who buy my books and support what I do. I definitely couldn’t do this without you!