
I WOULD LIKE TO acknowledge with gratitude the many caring friends and excellent research facilities that made possible the writing of this book.

I am indebted to the Research and College Libraries of the University of California, the Los Feliz Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library, the Glendale Library, and the Brand Music and Art Library.

Specifically, I would like to thank: Marjorie Miller, whose inspired advice, unfailing support, and encouragement sustained me through many drafts; the gifted writers who belong to my writing group; Eve Caram, of the Writers Program at UCLA Extension, who went through the manuscript and offered invaluable suggestions and changes; Dr. Marie Ann Mayeski, Professor of Theology at Loyola Marymount College, who read the manuscript, corrected any errors, and patiently answered my innumerable questions.

I am also grateful to my agent, Jean Naggar, for taking a chance on an unknown writer and for all her other valuable assistance, and to my editor, Susanne Jaffe, for her warm validation and expert editing.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all my caring friends, and, most important, my patient, supportive husband, Mark, who not only made it possible for me to write but believed in me through thick and thin. There are no words to express the depth of my gratitude.