THE VERSE BY BERNART de Ventadour, that appears in the page of epigraphs preceding the prologue, is translated from the langue d’oc by Claude Marks and appears in his book, Pilgrims, Heretics, and Lovers, A Medieval Journey, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York, 1975.
The verse from the cansos by William IX, Duke of Aquitaine, is also translated by Claude Marks and appears in the same book as mentioned above.
The lines by William IX, Duke of Aquitaine, that appear on pages 63-64 and 563 are from Songs Of The Troubadours, edited and translated by Anthony Bonner, Schocken Books, New York, 1972.
The lines on pages 261 and 277 by Bernard de Ventadour are also translated by Anthony Bonner and Claude Marks, respectively, and appear in the books mentioned above.
I would like to gratefully acknowledge my supportive agent, Jean Naggar; the unfailingly brilliant Susanne Jaffe, editor extraordinaire; Prof. Marie Ann Mayeski, Professor of Theology at Loyola Marymount College, for her historical expertise; Lyn Stimer for her invaluable help, patience, support, and incisive suggestions; Lisa Rojany for her eagle eye and validation. Lastly, and always, to Mark, who made it all possible.