Chapter Three

At the conclusion of the meal, while Kris went to the bathroom, Jason took a moment to call his yacht. Manu lived on board as well and took responsibility for organizing everything there, including taking care of unexpected visitors.

“Hey, Manu. I’m on the way home and I’m bringing Kris with me. He’ll be staying over. I need a guest room for him.”

“No worries.” Manu’s rich baritone was always measured and reassuring. “He has some things he keeps here for when we travel. I’ll make sure a room’s ready. Everything okay? You sound kinda…agitated.”

Jason shook his head. Manu was a man of many talents. He ensured the yacht was spotless, that meals were cooked as needed and that catering brought everything on board when Jason hosted parties. He was in charge of the ship, including captaining the vessel when sailing to another part of the country, ensuring there were berths at the marinas and any maintenance the yacht needed.

And Manu knew Jason almost as well as Kris did.

“Some idiot has a fixation with Kris and we had the bad luck to run into him before dinner. I just don’t want Kris going home and being alone. You know what I’m like.”

“I sure do. No worries. You leave things with me. I’ll sort it all out.”

“Thanks.” Jason ended the call just as Kris approached the table and he greeted his friend with warmth. “It’s all sorted. Manu will have a room ready for you by the time we get back to the yacht.”

“You really didn’t need to bother.” Kris sighed then shrugged. “But, you know, I’m kinda glad you did. At least now I know I’ll get a good night’s sleep and be fresh for tomorrow.”

“Good. Let me pay the bill, call Tad to bring the car around, get the takeout I ordered for him and his wife and we can go. Let’s head up front.”

“Great. I’m so full I can hardly move.” Kris patted his stomach and Jason snorted a laugh as they wound their way from the patio.

“You call that a stomach? You’re nothing but a skinny twink.”

“It has its advantages.” Kris stood tall, sucking in a nonexistent paunch, but quickly slouched again with a groan. “But coping with a big meal isn’t one of them.”

“When we get home, we’ll have a Cointreau on ice. It works wonders for me. Beats a brandy any day.”

“I dunno… I’ve had a fair bit to drink tonight already.”

“Kris”—Jason laid his hands on his friend’s shoulders—“you’re coming home with me. Whatever time I think is suitable is the time we’ll get into work tomorrow. Jenny will put any urgent calls through to my cell phone. We can catch up with everything else during the day. Relax. Okay?”

“Sorry.” Kris sighed. “I’m just a bit edgy.”

“It’s understandable. For once, let me take care of you the way you normally take care of me.” Jason gently squeezed Kris’ shoulders. “You don’t always have to be in control. You can trust me.”

“I do. I mean, you’re right.” Kris laughed, but it sounded tight and brittle, not like his normal warm laughter. “I am a control freak. Is Tad here yet?” Kris stared out of the restaurant window and Jason knew the matter was closed.

For now. A beep from his phone coincided with his car coming to a stop outside the restaurant.

“Tad’s here.” Kris called out over his shoulder as he hurried outside, and Jason followed him as soon as he’d paid the bill and picked up his take-out.

Jason held up the bag for Tad to see and the chauffeur came around to the back of the car.

“I’ll leave this in the boot for you. Oh, and tomorrow, have a lie-in. No, not a lie-in. Take the day off…on me. I’ll call a cab if and when I decide to go to the office.”

“Thank you, sir. That’s very generous of you.” Tad sniffed at the bags. “Whatever’s in there smells delicious.”

“Don’t mention it. And definitely don’t say anything about tomorrow to Kris.” Jason dropped his voice and winked. “He’s going to be spending the night on the yacht. This is going to be a big surprise for him. He’s not the type to just decide to take time off.”

“No, not him, sir.” Tad laughed. “He’s business all day, every day.”

“Good. Right then… Home it is.”

“Yes, sir.” Tad closed the door behind Jason after he slid into the car next to Kris.

“Is everything all right?” Kris asked.

“Yes. Just organizing Tad for tomorrow.” Jason secured his belt and relaxed into his seat.

“Okay.” Kris took his cue from Jason and sat back.

With a quick glance at his friend, Jason felt justified in a self-satisfied smile. I think a nice lazy morning with a sail along the coast will be on the executive agenda tomorrow.

When they reached the marina, Jason led Kris to his speedboat. While Kris stood beside him, Jason piloted the craft out to his yacht, where Manu welcomed them aboard.

“Good to see you, Kris. It has been a while.” Manu hugged the smaller man and nodded at Jason. “I have a suite sorted for Kris.”

“Thanks, Manu. I feel in need of a shower and change of clothes into something I can relax in. How about we all meet in the lounge in thirty minutes? We can have a couple of drinks and listen to some good music.”

“Sure thing.” Manu nodded.

“Fine by me.” Kris tapped Manu’s powerful forearm. “I could do with a shower myself.”

“No worries, bro.” Manu grinned down at him. “You have your own bathroom. Take a bath, shower, whatever you like. This way.”

Jason watched his friends head below deck, then he looked out over the water. The sight always calmed him. Kris is fine, so why do I still feel on edge? With an impatient huff, Jason descended the stairs.

Once in his own bedroom suite, Jason stripped, leaving a trail of clothes to pick up after he showered. Under the heated spray, Jason sighed as he let the hot water cascade over him.

He grabbed the shower gel and rubbed it into his chest hair then under his arms and down to his furred calves. Although being a bear had its advantages, Jason also liked to feel and smell clean.

With the suds thoroughly rinsed off, Jason dried himself then went back to pick up his clothes and dump them into the washing hamper. Opening a set of drawers, Jason shut it again. Fuck it. There’s only me, Manu and Kris. Nothing like a little freeballing.

Dressed in a comfortable pair of sweat shorts and an old T-shirt, Jason slipped on his sandals and headed to the lounge. At the far end of the room was a fully stocked bar, complete with every imaginable kind of spirit. He preferred to keep his bottles of wine in a temperature-controlled wine fridge in the kitchen.

A glint of silver caught his eye, and Jason crouched down to pick up the piece of foil. Before he could stand again, he heard Manu and Kris coming into the lounge. Their voices carried to him.

“I think it’s a good plan. You know you can count on me to help, Kris.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it, but this is down to me. I have to do this on my own and live with the consequences. You’re a good friend, Manu. You know, it wouldn’t even matter to me if Jason didn’t have any of this. I just l—” Kris stopped, and Jason wondered what his friend had been about to say.

“Yeah, bro. I know.”

“Yeah. He’s a great guy—and so very kind-hearted.”

The affirmation warmed Jason’s heart, and a goofy grin curved his lips. Not wanting his friends to know he’d overheard any of their private conversation, he popped his head up over the bar and feigned surprise, clutching at his chest.

“Jeez, guys. Way to give an old man a heart attack. I definitely need a drink now. I promised Kris a Cointreau on ice. What about for you, Manu?”

“Cognac, please. And I’ll have ice in mine, too. It’s a hot evening.”

“Right.” Jason set out the glasses on a tray and got the bottles ready to pour the drinks, opting for Cointreau over ice for himself as well. Looking toward his friends, Jason was grateful that he was tucked away behind the bar.

Manu still wore the same weathered denim shorts and old T-shirt he favored. However, until that moment, his greater bulk had hidden Kris from view. Now Jason’s mouth went dry.

Kris wore a black silk robe—a short black silk robe—that skimmed his mid-thigh. Jason blinked to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. When the fuck did Kris get legs up to his armpits?

Jason was struck by the sudden realization that he was staring at his friend, and he forced his attention back onto pouring the drinks. A warm expression fixed in place, he carried the tray over to him, making sure not to stare at Kris’ legs.

He handed glasses to Manu and Kris then sat down with his own. On a sudden devilish impulse, Jason let his legs fall open in an exaggerated manspreading display, stretching the thin fabric over his package. He didn’t miss the way Kris’ eyes widened. Inexplicably pleased by the reaction, Jason leaned forward and held up his glass.

“Right…a toast. To good friends.” The toast was echoed, glasses tapped and Jason took a sip of the orange liqueur, savoring the way the cool drink transformed into seductive heat on its way down.. Reaching for his entertainment controller, Jason set the surround-sound system to play classical music then sat back to enjoy the company of his two closest and dearest friends.

A couple of pleasurable hours passed before Kris announced that he was retiring to bed. Jason tried, and failed, not to stare at his retreating figure and the way the silk slid against those amazing long legs.

“See something you like?” Manu’s deep chuckle jolted Jason back into the present.

“What? No, absolutely not. He’s a very good friend and I wouldn’t dream of jeopardizing our friendship.” Jason’s cheeks burned red-hot, but he chose to ignore that. “Anyway, I want to talk about something else entirely.”

“If you say so.” Manu rolled his eyes, but his smirk remained firmly in place.

“I want to give Kris a surprise—a day off tomorrow. I’ve given Tad the time off already. I thought we could sail up the coast. I’ve wanted to have a chat with the winemaker at Mills Reef. Then I thought, why not sail to Tauranga, call in and chat in person? We can do lunch there. My treat.”

“Sounds good.” Manu nodded. “I’ll contact the marina to see about getting a berth for the day. I’ll set the alarm early and get us there as soon as possible, so we can make the most of the time we have. I told Kris that if he’s up and hungry to just help himself in the kitchen. It was fully-stocked this morning, so everything’s fresh.”

“Excellent. I think we’ll all appreciate a relaxing day, even if you do have to pilot the yacht.”

“Ships these days pretty much pilot themselves with computer technology—but don’t tell anyone. I don’t wanna blow my image as a ship’s captain.” Manu chuckled. “Sailing, swimming and good food… You can’t beat that. Are you sure about Kris? You know…just good friends?” Manu sketched inverted commas in the air and Jason snorted.

“Very sure.” Jason nodded firmly. “He’s not in the least bit interested in me like that.” Jason rose to his feet. “Pass me the glasses. I’ll rinse them out now, then go crash.”

“Fine. See you in the morning.” Manu stood, waved at Jason then wandered out of the room.

As his friend left, Jason’s thoughts returned to Kris.

He likes me, but there’s a big difference between liking someone and taking a friendship to the next step. The last thing on earth I want is for Kris to feel he’s swapped one stalker for another—and that this one is his boss.

Unfortunately for Jason, sleep was the last thing on his mind when he got into bed, especially when his imagination kept replaying Kris entering and leaving the room, those long, lean legs and the tantalizing way the kimono had moved.

Instead, he reached down, teasing his balls and trailing his fingers along his already-half-hard cock. With a grunt, Jason shifted slightly, reached into his bedside table and drew out a bottle of lube. After pouring a small amount into his hands, he reached down.

This time, he wrapped his hands around his cock and began to stroke. His imagination provided a vision of Kris, the kimono gone, and those long legs wrapped around his waist as he pleasured them both.

A soft groan escaped his lips, and he stroked a little faster, imagining Kris begging him for harder, faster and deeper. Toying with his areolae, he circled his nipples until they were tight peaks, then he tugged on each in turn, wishing it was Kris’ tongue, then his teeth that were tormenting the sensitive nubs.

His breath was coming in harsh, panting gasps as Jason began to fuck his hand in earnest, hips thrusting as he envisioned pounding into Kris as his make-believe lover moaned his encouragement.

“Oh, fuck, oh, yeah, oh, Kris.” Jason groaned aloud as his orgasm crashed over him. Milky strands decorated his abdomen as his cream slid from his hand and onto his body. Slowing the movements, Jason didn’t stop until the last few drops had dripped free.

For a few moments, Jason lay there, his heart thundering as he recovered from the explosive release. Fuck. If I come like that thinking about him, he’ll damn near kill me if we ever do it for real. With a deep sigh, Jason reached back into his drawer to snag some baby wipes to clean up. Once this party’s out of the way, maybe I can date Kris and see if we can move to the next level.