Ken Bluttman is a veteran software and web developer specializing in Excel/VBA and database-centric web applications. He has written numerous articles and books on a variety of technical topics. His latest projects include large-scale cloud-based applications and mobile app development. Ken lives in North Carolina with his wife, son, two cats, a rather large white tree frog, and a couple of geckos.
In memory of Rick Leighton. I would not be writing computer books if not for Rick suggesting I look into programming when I was starting out on my career path.
Much activity goes on behind the scenes in bringing a book from idea to reality. Many people are involved. I wish to thank the great Wiley staff — Lynn Northrup, Katie Mohr, and everyone else on the Wiley team — for all their hard work. Thanks to Guy Hart-Davis for tech editing. Thanks to Stacey Czarnowski and the great staff at StudioB.
Special thanks to my family for understanding that, at times, sitting in front of a computer is a priority, even when it means I have to miss something special. But, darn, I did miss watching some fun movies and shows (sigh).
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
Associate Publisher: Katie Mohr
Project Editor: Lynn Northrup
Technical Editor: Guy Hart-Davis
Editorial Assistant: Matthew Lowe
Production Editor: Mohammed Zafar Ali
Cover Image: © Fisherss/Shutterstock