When my fellow POWs and I walked out of that prison in North Vietnam, we were overwhelmed with gratitude for the many who had worked and prayed for our safe release. That sense of gratitude has remained with me every day since, and I want to take this opportunity to thank a few of the people who have made significant contributions to my life and, directly or indirectly, to this book.
My heartfelt appreciation goes out to
• Our fellow warriors, who were willing to do anything to get us out.
• Our national leaders, who made sure we did get out.
• The National League of POW/MIA Families, who worked so hard to improve our lot and gain a full accounting of our status.
• Ross Perot and his team of EDS and Dallas folks, who did so much to support our families and us during and after the war.
• Maxine McCaffrey, dear friend and talented artist, who took up our cause and touched the hearts of so many Americans with her extraordinary artwork. Her exceptional art is on display in the POW Alcove near E-ring in the Pentagon.
• Dr. Roger Shields, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for POW/MIA Affairs, who managed Operation Homecoming.
• The many POW/MIA bracelet wearers around the country who made sure we were not forgotten.
Turning homeward, I want to acknowledge the sacrifices made by my family, whose unfailing love and support meant so much. My parents, Molene and Leon, are gone now, but they soldiered for our cause and prayed like warriors. They led with honor, and they taught me about honor. That made all the difference, and I honor them for the lives they lived.
To my brother, Robert, and my sister-in-law, Pat, I’ve never been able to thank you adequately for what you did for me during those difficult years. I can only imagine what you went through. Thank you for your faithfulness, then and now.
Thank you to my extended family and friends in Commerce, Nicholson, and Athens, Georgia, and in Jackson and Madison counties. I’ll single out my dear friend Sally Tucker, as representative of so many of you who stood by me, not only in your thoughts and prayers, but also by your actions to raise awareness of my plight.
Writing this book has been much more difficult than I expected. It required a tremendous amount of emotional energy to revisit the details of my POW experience, and I could not have completed this project without the support of many people.
I had not met my wonderful wife, Mary, before I went off to war, so thankfully she missed that experience. But she deserves sainthood for her patience and forbearance with me as I labored for two years in my “war with words”—close to a hundred thousand, if you count all the edits and deletions. She has never been a golf widow, but she knows what it’s like to spend evenings and weekends alone, and she has handled it well. She also has labored to read and edit with her eagle eye, providing objective feedback as my co-laborer to help shape this book. Thanks, Dear, for all your love and support.
My kids have all contributed in their own special ways through both good ideas and encouragement. Thanks Pat, Kristy, Lance, and Meredith. Likewise, Barbara Owens, our dear friend, who has championed this work for a long time.
I don’t think I would have ever reached the finish line without the help of my talented editor Michael Dowling (http://www.MichaelJ-Dowling.com). He’s a good man with words, and when I ran out of energy or expressions, Mike saddled up as my ghostwriter. Mike’s been a joy to work with; he totally dedicated himself to this project.
As we were finishing the writing, Kevin Light came alongside to manage the production and marketing of the book. He knew how to get a book through the many steps to make it to the shelves. Publishing coach Rob Eager helped me refine the message and develop my first book proposal. Leadership consultant Debbie Shine stepped in to enhance the online coaching. I’ll always be grateful to these professionals.
I have drawn strength from family and so many friends during this endeavor. People far and near—some who hardly know me—have provided ideas and encouragement. Their support reminds me of my experience running the Atlanta Peachtree 10K race, when cheering fans lining the streets urged the other runners and me onward. At one point, as I was straining up the long and appropriately named Cardiac Hill, a band began playing upbeat music that lifted my spirits and gave me the necessary energy to mount that dreaded incline. Your fellowship has provided the same type of inspiration to me throughout this long writing journey.
Knowing I won’t remember all who need to be singled out, I muster the courage to name a few:
• Hugh Massie has been a great asset as a loyal friend and a strategic partner dedicated to leading with honor.
• Larry Bolden has been a great friend and coach, helping me to clarify my commitments and the purpose of this book. The staff and board at Wellspring Group have encouraged me at every turn.
• My support team of John Purcell and Dan Brown provided weekly encouragement, always affirming my ideas and talents.
• Dick Bruso has been an encourager and advisor for many years and his insights on the book were always helpful.
• Jack Hodge’s confidence in me and his belief in this book have been monumental. Likewise have been the longtime mentoring and special friendship of Don Jacobsen.
• Maj Gen George “Nordie” Norwood and Todd Tibbetts have gently and regularly pushed me along to just “get it done.”
• Friends at CEO Netweavers who have cheered me onward.
• My leadership-consulting friends Greg Hiebert, Craig Jones, Gary O’Malley and Rob Ketterer provided ideas and great feedback at key points to help me hone the message.
• Of course, I’m very grateful for the privilege of working with great clients over the years. These leaders have provided the experiences that I share in this book. In the process of serving them, they’ve taught me so much.
Many former POW friends have contributed to this effort by clarifying details and reminding me of stories. Thanks to each of you for your time and patience. Mike McGrath, former president of Nam-Pow, and our all-time historian, has been a huge supporter. He generously shared his repository of “Mac’s Facts,” and in cooperation with Naval Institute Press, he allowed me to publish five of his lifelike sketches of POW life.
I’ve been overwhelmed by the kind words of so many who have taken the time to review this book and endorse it. My heartfelt thanks goes out to each of you for putting your stamp of approval on this book for others to see.
If I’ve overlooked someone, and with so many providing encouragement and support, I’m sure I have. Please forgive me and grant me grace.
My desire and mission has always been to honor God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Trinity has kept me, loved me, and given me the gift of faith to believe, in good times and bad. I have truly been lifted up by eagles’ wings. Thank you, Lord.
Throughout history, nations and peoples around the world have established monuments to great battles. In ancient times the memorial was often a stone or a pile of rocks. In 1 Samuel 7:12, to recognize God’s help in winning a comeback battle, Samuel erects a stone and calls it Ebenezer, which means “stone of help.”
Truly, God was with my fellow POWs and me during our battle, and I hope this book will be an Ebenezer to recognize and honor His power and His faithfulness.