Towards the end of his life, Augustus wrote an account of his achievements. Nowadays referred to as the Res Gestae (literally ‘Things Done’), it was originally published on bronze tablets affixed to two columns, which stood in front of his Mausoleum in Rome. Intended for public display, copies were made and distributed across the Roman world and affixed on public buildings (see Güven, 1998). A near complete copy has survived as a marble inscription – written in the original Latin with a Greek translation – on a Temple of Augustus in Ancyra in Anatolia (the so-called Monumentum Ancyranum in Ankara, Turkey), but fragments have been found at Apollonia and Antioch, both in Pisidia (modern Antalya, Turkey). It might be considered Augustus’ own attempt to write a first draft of history by establishing the official record of his legacy. Beginning with a short introduction, in thirty-five paragraphs – plus an addendum posthumously written by another author, perhaps a local magistrate of Ancyra – the inscription documents his political career, unparalleled generosity, his numerous diplomatic and military accomplishments, and the Roman People’s approval of his deeds.
For explanatory notes on the inscription, see Brunt and Moore (1967) and Cooley (2009). For content relating to civil and foreign wars, see Lange (2008).
This translation is based on Frederick W. Shipley’s, first published in 1924 in the Loeb Classical Library as Velleius Paterculus and Res Gestae Divi Augusti, which I have adapted and annotated with the kind help of Karl Galinsky.
Note: ‘HS’ is the Latin monetary symbol for sestertius, a large brass coin with a gold-like appearance, equivalent to one quarter of a silver denarius or one hundredth of a pure gold aureus.
* * *
THE DEEDS OF THE DIVINE AUGUSTUS, by which he placed the whole world under the sovereignty of the Roman People, and of the amounts he spent on the Res Publica and the Roman People; as engraved upon two bronze columns that have been placed in Rome, here below is a copy.
Tablet 1
1. At the age of 19 [44 BCE], on my own initiative and at my own expense, I raised an army by means of which I restored liberty to the Commonwealth that had been oppressed by the tyranny of a faction. For this service the Senate, with complimentary resolutions, enrolled me in its order in the consulship of C. Pansa and A. Hirtius [43 BCE], giving me at the same time consular precedence in voting; it also gave me the imperium. It ordered me, as pro praetor, along with the consuls, ‘to see that the Commonwealth suffered no harm’. In the same year, moreover, as both consuls had fallen in war, the People elected me Consul and a Triumvir for Re-establishing the Constitution.
2. Those who slew my father I drove into exile, punishing their deed by due process of law, and afterwards when they waged war upon the Commonwealth I twice defeated them in battle [at Philippi, 3 and 23 October 42 BCE].
3. Wars, both civil and foreign, I undertook throughout the world, on sea and land, and when victorious I spared all citizens who sued for pardon. The foreign nations which could, with safety, be pardoned I preferred to save rather than to destroy. The number of Roman citizens who bound themselves to me by military oath was about 500,000. Of these I settled in coloniae or sent back into their own municpia, after their term of service, something more than 300,000, and to all I assigned lands, or gave money as a reward for military service. I captured 600 ships [from Mylae, Naulochus and Actium], over and above those which were smaller than triremes.
4. Twice I triumphed with an ovation [40 and 36 BCE], three times I celebrated curule triumphs [on 13–15 August 29 BCE] and was saluted as imperator twenty-one times. Although the Senate decreed me additional triumphs I set them aside. When I had performed the vows which I had undertaken in each war I deposited upon the Capitolium the laurels which adorned my fasces. For successful operations on land and sea, conducted either by myself or by my legati under my auspices, the Senate on fifty-five occasions decreed that thanks should be rendered to the immortal gods. The days on which such thanks were rendered by Decree of the Senate numbered 890. In my triumphs there were led before my chariot nine kings or children of kings. At the time of writing these words I had been thirteen times consul and was in the thirty-seventh year of my tribunician power [14 CE].
5. The dictatorship offered me by the people and the Roman Senate, in my absence and later when present, in the consulship of M. Marcellus and L. Arruntius [22 BCE] I did not accept. I did not decline at a time of the greatest scarcity of grain the charge of the grain-supply, which I so administered that, within a few days, I freed the entire people, at my own expense, from the fear and danger in which they were. The consulship, either yearly or for life, then offered me I did not accept.
6. In the consulship of M. Vinicius and Q. Lucretius [19 BCE], and afterwards in that of P. Lentulus and Cn. Lentulus [18 BCE], and a third time in that of Paullus Fabius Maximus and Q. Tubero [11 BCE], when the Senate and the Roman People unanimously agreed that I should be elected overseer of laws and morals, without a colleague and with the fullest power, I refused to accept any power offered me which was contrary to the traditions of our ancestors. Those things, which at that time the Senate wished me to administer, I carried out by virtue of my tribunician power; and even in this office I five times received from the Senate a colleague at my own request.
7. For ten years in succession I was one of the Triumvirs for Re-establishing the Constitution. To the day of writing this [I] have been Princeps Senatus for forty years [having commenced in 28 BCE]. I have been Pontifex Maximus, augur, a member of the Commission of Fifteen Men for Sacred Rites, one of the Seven Men for Sacred Feasts, an Arval Brother, a sodalis Titius and a fetial priest.
Tablet 2
8. As Consul for the fifth time [29 BCE], by order of the People and the Senate I increased the number of the patricians. Three times I revised the roll of the Senate. In my sixth consulship, with M. Agrippa as my colleague [28 BCE], I made a census of the people. I performed the lustrum after an interval of forty-one years. In this lustration 4,063,000 Roman citizens were entered on the census roll. A second time, in the consulship of C. Censorinus and C. Asinius [8 BCE], I again performed the lustrum alone, with the consular imperium. In this lustrum 4,233,000 Roman citizens were entered on the census roll. A third time with the consular imperium and with my son Ti. Caesar as my colleague I performed the lustrum in the consulship of Sex. Pompeius and Sex. Appuleius [14 CE]. In this lustrum 4,937,000 Roman citizens were entered on the census roll. By the passage of new laws I restored many traditions of our ancestors, which were then falling into disuse, and I myself set precedents in many things for posterity to imitate.
9. The Senate decreed that every fifth year vows should be undertaken for my health by the consuls and the priests. In fulfillment of these vows games were often held in my lifetime, sometimes by the four chief colleges of priests, sometimes by the consuls. In addition the entire body of citizens with one accord, both individually and by municipalities, performed continued sacrifices for my health at all the couches of the gods.
10. By Decree of the Senate [29 BCE] my name was included in the Hymn of the Salii, and it was enacted by law that my person should be sacred in perpetuity and that so long as I lived I should hold the tribunician power. I declined to be made Pontifex Maximus in succession to a colleague still living, when the People tendered me that priesthood which my father had held. Several years later [13 or early 12 BCE] I accepted that sacred office when he at last was dead who, taking advantage of a time of civil disturbance, had seized it for himself, such a multitude from all Italia assembling for my election, in the consulship of P. Sulpicius and C. Valgius [12 BCE], as is never recorded to have been in Rome before.
11. The Senate consecrated in honour of my return an altar to Fortuna Redux at the Porta Capena, near the Temple of Honour and Courage, on which it ordered the pontiffs and the Vestal Virgins to perform a yearly sacrifice on the anniversary of the day on which I returned to the city from Syria, in the consulship of Q. Lucretius and M. Vinucius [12 October 19 BCE], and named the day, after my cognomen, the Augustalia.
12. At the same time, by Decree of the Senate, part of the praetors and of the tribunes of the People, together with the Consul Q. Lucretius and the leading men of the state, were sent to Campania to meet me, an honour which up to the present time has been decreed to no one except myself. When I returned from Hispania and Gallia, in the consulship of Ti. Nero and P. Quinctilius [13 BCE], after successful operations in those provinces, the Senate voted in honour of my return the consecration of an altar to Pax Augusta in the Campus Martius, and on this altar it ordered the magistrates and priests and Vestal virgins to make annual sacrifice.
13. Ianus Quirinus, which our ancestors ordered to be closed whenever there was peace, secured by victory, throughout the whole domain of the Roman People on land and sea, and which, before my birth is recorded to have been closed but twice in all since the foundation of the city, the Senate ordered to be closed three times while I was princeps [29, 25 and 1(?) BCE].
Tablet 3
14. My sons C. and L. Caesar, who Fortune snatched away from me in their youth, the Senate and the Roman People to do me honour made consuls designate, each in his fifteenth year [5 and 2 BCE respectively], providing that each should enter upon that office after a period of five years. The Senate decreed that from the day on which they were introduced to the Forum they should take part in the counsels of state. Moreover, the entire body of Roman knights gave each of them the title of princeps iuventutis and presented them with silver shields and spears.
15. To the Roman plebs I paid out HS300 per man in accordance with the will of my father, and in my own name in my fifth consulship [29 BCE] I gave HS400 apiece from the spoils of war; a second time, moreover, in my tenth consulship [24 BCE] I paid out of my own patrimony HS400 per man by way of bounty, and in my eleventh consulship [23 BCE] I made twelve distributions of food from grain bought at my own expense, and in the twelfth year of my tribunician power [12–11 BCE] I gave for the third time HS400 to each man. These largesses of mine reached a number of persons never less than 250,000. In the eighteenth year of my tribunician power, as consul for the twelfth time [5 BCE], I gave to 320,000 of the city plebs 60 denarii apiece. In the coloniae of my soldiers, as consul for the fifth time [29 BCE], I gave HS1,000 to each man from the spoils of war; about 120,000 men in the coloniae received this triumphal largesse. When consul for the thirteenth time [2 BCE] I gave 60 denarii apiece to the plebs who were then receiving public grain – these were a little more than 200,000 persons.
16. To the municipal towns I paid money for the lands, which I assigned to soldiers in my own fourth consulship [30 BCE], and afterwards in the consulship of M. Crassus and Cn. Lentulus the augur [14 BCE]. The sum which I paid for estates in Italia was about HS600,000,000, and the amount which I paid for lands in the provinces was about HS260,000,000. I was the first and only one to do this of all those who up to my time settled colonies of soldiers in Italy or in the provinces; and later, in the consulship of Ti. Nero and Cn. Piso [7 BCE], likewise in the consulship of C. Antistius and Dec. Laelius [6 BCE], and of C. Calvisius and L. Pasienus [4 BCE], and of L. Lentulus and M. Messalla [3 BCE], and of L. Caninius and Q. Fabricius [2 BCE], I paid cash gratuities to the soldiers whom I settled in their own towns at the expiration of their service, and for this purpose I expended HS400,000,000 as an act of grace.
17. Four times I aided the Public Treasury with my own money, paying out in this manner to those in charge of the Treasury HS150,000,000; and in the consulship of M. Lepidus and L. Arruntius [6 CE] I contributed HS170,000,000 out of my own patrimony to the Military Treasury – which was established on my advice – that from it gratuities might be paid to soldiers who had seen twenty or more years of service.
18. Beginning with the year in which Cn. and P. Lentulus were consuls [18 BCE], whenever taxes were in arrears, I furnished from my own purse and my own patrimony tickets for grain and money, sometimes to 100,000 persons, sometimes to many more.
Tablet 4
19. I built the Curia and the Chalcidicum adjoining it, the Temple of Apollo on the Palatinus with its porticoes, the Temple of the Divine Iulius, the Lupercal, the Portico at the Circus Flaminius which I allowed to be called Octavia after the name of him who had constructed an earlier one on the same site, the state box at the Circus Maximus, the temples on the Capitolium of Iupiter Feretrius and Iupiter Tonans, the Temple of Quirinus, the temples of Minerva, of Iuno the Queen, and of Iupiter Libertas, on the Aventinus, the Temple of the Lares at the highest point of the Via Sacra, the Temple of the Di Penates on the Velia, the Temple of Youth, and the Temple of the Great Mother on the Palatinus.
20. The Capitolium and the Theatre of Pompeius – both works involving great expense – I rebuilt without any inscription of my own name. I restored the channels of the aqueducts, which in several places were falling into disrepair through age, and doubled the capacity of the aqueduct called the Marcia by turning a new spring into its channel. I completed the Forum Iulium and the basilica which was between the Temple of Castor and the Temple of Saturn – works begun and far advanced by my father – and when the same basilica was destroyed by fire I began its reconstruction on an enlarged site, to be inscribed with the names of my sons, and ordered that in case I should not live to complete it, it should be completed by my heirs. In my sixth consulship [28 BCE], in accordance with a Decree of the Senate, I rebuilt in the city 82 temples of the gods, omitting none which at that time stood in need of repair. As consul for the seventh time [27 BCE] I constructed the Via Flaminia from the city to Ariminum, and all the bridges (except the Mulvian and the Minucian).
21. On my own ground I built the Temple of Mars Ultor and the Forum Augustum from the spoils of war [12 May 2 BCE]. On ground purchased for the most part from private owners I built the theatre near the Temple of Apollo which was to bear the name of my son-in-law M. Marcellus [dedicated 4 May 11 BCE]. From the spoils of war I consecrated offerings on the Capitolium, and in the Temple of the Divine Iulius, and in the Temple of Apollo, and in the Temple of Vesta, and in the Temple of Mars Ultor, which cost me about HS100,000,000. In my fifth consulship [29 BCE] I remitted 35,000 pounds weight of aurum coronarium contributed by the municipia and the coloniae of Italia, and thereafter, whenever I was addressed as imperator, I did not accept the aurum coronarium, although the municipia and coloniae voted it in the same kindly spirit as before.
22. Three times in my own name I gave a show of gladiators, and five times in the name of my sons or grandsons; in these shows there fought about 10,000 men. Twice in my own name I furnished for the people an exhibition of athletes gathered from all parts of the world, and a third time in the name of my grandson. Four times I gave games in my own name; as representing other magistrates twenty-three times. For the College of Fifteen Men, as master of that college and with M. Agrippa as my colleague, I conducted the Ludi Saeculares in the consulship of C. Furnius and M. Silanus [17 BCE]. In my thirteenth consulship [2 BCE] I gave, for the first time, the Ludi Martiales, which, since that time, the consuls by Decree of the Senate have given in successive years in conjunction with me. In my own name, or that of my sons or grandsons, on twenty-six occasions I gave to the people – in the circus, in the forum, or in the amphitheatre – hunts of African wild beasts, in which about 3,500 beasts were slain.
23. I gave the People the spectacle of a naval battle beyond the Tiber, at the place where the Grove of the Caesars now stands, the ground having been excavated for a length of 1,800 and a breadth of 1,200 feet. In this spectacle 30 beaked ships, triremes or biremes, and a large number of smaller vessels met in conflict. In these fleets there fought about 3,000 men exclusive of the rowers.
24. After my victory I replaced in the temples in all the cities of the province of Asia the ornaments which my antagonist [M. Antonius] in the war, when he despoiled the temples, had appropriated to his private use. Silver statues of me, on foot, on horseback, and in chariots were erected in the city to the number of about eighty; these I myself removed, and from the money thus obtained I placed in the Temple of Apollo golden offerings in my own name and in the name of those who had paid me the honour of a statue.
Tablet 5
25. I freed the sea from pirates. About 30,000 slaves, captured in that war, who had run away from their masters and had taken up arms against the Commonwealth, I delivered to their masters for punishment. The whole of Italia voluntarily took oath of allegiance to me and demanded me as its leader in the war in which I was victorious at Actium [31 BCE]. The provinces of the Hispaniae, the Galliae, Africa, Sicilia and Sardinia took the same oath of allegiance. Those who served under my signa at that time included more than 700 senators, and among them 83 who had previously or have since been consuls up to the day on which these words were written, and about 170 have been priests.
26. I extended the boundaries of all the provinces, which were bordered by races not yet subject to our imperium. The provinces of the Galliae, the Hispaniae and Germania, bounded by the Ocean from Gades to the mouth of the Albis River, I reduced to a state of peace. The Alps, from the region which lies nearest to the Adriatic Sea as far as the Tuscan, I brought to a state of peace without waging on any tribe an unjust war. My fleet sailed from the mouth of the Rhenus River eastward as far as the lands of the Cimbri to which, up to that time, no Roman had ever penetrated either by land or by sea, and the Cimbri and Charydes and Semnones and other peoples of the Germans of that same region through their envoys sought my friendship and that of the Roman People. On my order and under my auspices two armies were led – at almost the same time – into Aethiopia and into Arabia (which is called the ‘Happy’) and very large forces of the enemy of both races were cut to pieces in battle and many towns were captured. Aethiopia was penetrated as far as the town of Nabata, which is next to Meroë. In Arabia the army advanced into the territories of the Sabaei to the town of Mariba.
27. Aegyptus I added to the empire of the Roman People. In the case of Armenia Maior, though I might have made it a province after the assassination of its King Artaxes, I preferred – following the precedent of our fathers – to hand that kingdom over to Tigranes, the son of King Artavasdes, and grandson of King Tigranes, through Ti. Nero who was then my stepson; and later, when the same people revolted and rebelled, and was subdued by my son Caius, I gave it over to King Ariobarzanes the son of Artabazus, King of the Medes, to rule, and after his death to his son Artavasdes. When he was murdered I sent into that kingdom Tigranes, who was sprung from the royal family of the Armenians. I recovered all the provinces extending eastward beyond the Adriatic Sea, and Cyrenae, which were then for the most part in possession of kings, and, at an earlier time, Sicilia and Sardinia, which had been seized in the Servile War [First 135–132 BCE, Second 104–100 BCE].
28. I settled colonies of soldiers in Africa, Sicilia, Macedonia, both Hispaniae, Achaea, Asia, Syria, Gallia Narbonensis, Pisidia. Moreover, Italia has 28 coloniae founded under my auspices, which have grown to be famous and populous during my lifetime.
29. From Hispania, Gallia and Dalmatia, I recovered, after conquering the enemy, many military signa which had been lost by other leaders. The Parthians I compelled to restore to me the spoils and signa of three Roman armies [of 53, 40 and 36 BCE], and to seek as suppliants the friendship of the Roman People. These signa I deposited in the inner shrine, which is in the Temple of Mars Ultor [20 BCE].
30. The tribes of the Pannonii, to which no army of the Roman People had ever penetrated before my principate, having been subdued by Ti. Nero who was then my stepson and my legatus, I brought under the sovereignty of the Roman People, and I pushed forward the frontier of Illyricum as far as the bank of the Danuvius River. An army of Daci – which crossed to the south of that river – was, under my auspices, defeated and crushed, and afterwards my own army was led across the Danuvius and compelled the tribes of the Daci to submit to the orders of the Roman People.
31. Embassies were often sent to me from the kings of India, a thing never seen before in the camp of any leader of the Romans. Our friendship was sought, through ambassadors, by the Bastarnae and Scythae, and by the kings of the Sarmati who live on either side of the Tanais River, and by the king of the Albani, and of the Hiberi and of the Medes.
Tablet 6
32. Kings of the Parthians, Tiridates, and later Phrates, the son of King Phrates, took refuge with me as suppliants; of the Medes, Artavasdes; of the Adiabeni, Artaxares; of the Britons, Dumnobellaunus and Tin[comarus]; of the Sugambri, Maelo; of the Marcomanni and Suevi, [Segime]rus. Phrates, son of Orodes, king of the Parthians, sent all his sons and grandsons to me in Italia, not because he had been conquered in war, but rather seeking our friendship by means of his own children as pledges; and a large number of other nations experienced the good faith of the Roman People during my principate who never before had had any interchange of embassies or of friendship with the Roman People.
33. From me the peoples of the Parthians and of the Medes received the kings for whom they asked through ambassadors, the chief men of those peoples [5–4 BCE]; the Parthians Vonones, son of King Phrates, grandson of King Orodes; the Medes Ariobarzanes, the son of King Atavazdes, grandson of King Ariobarzanes.
34. In my sixth [28 BCE] and seventh [27 BCE] consulships, when I had extinguished the flames of the Civil War, after receiving by universal consent the absolute control of affairs, I transferred the Commonwealth from my own control to the will of the Senate and the Roman People. For this service on my part I was given the title of Augustus by Decree of the Senate [on 16 January 27 BCE], and the doorposts of my house were covered with laurels by public act, and a corona civica was fixed above my door, and a golden shield was placed in the Curia Iulia whose inscription testified that the Senate and the Roman People gave me this in recognition of my valour, my clemency, my justice, and my piety. After that time I took precedence of all in influence, but of power I possessed no more than those who were my colleagues in any magistracy.
35. While I was administering my thirteenth consulship [2 BCE] the Senate and the Equestrian Order and the entire Roman People gave me the title of ‘Father of the Fatherland’, and decreed that this title should be inscribed upon the vestibule of my house and in the Curia Iulia and in the Forum Augustum beneath the chariot pulled by four horses erected in my honour by Decree of the Senate. At the time of writing this I was in my seventy-sixth year [11 May–19 August? 14 CE].
App. 1. The sum total of the money, which he contributed to the treasury or to the Roman plebs or to discharged soldiers, was 600,000,000 denarii.
App. 2. The new works which he built were: the Temple of Mars, of Jupiter Tonans and Feretrius, of Apollo, of the Divine Iulius, of Quirinus, of Minerva, of Juno the queen, of Jupiter Libertas, of the Lares, of the Di Penates, of Youth, of the Mother of the gods, the Lupercal, the state box at the circus, the Curia with the Chalcidicum, the Forum Augustum, the Basilica Iulia, the Theatre of Marcellus, . . . the Grove of the Caesars beyond the Tiber.
App. 3. He restored the Capitolium and sacred buildings to the number of 82, the Theatre of Pompeius, the aqueducts, the Via Flaminia.
App. 4. The expenditures provided for theatrical shows, gladiatorial sports, for exhibitions of athletes, for hunts of wild beasts, and the naval combat, and his gifts to coloniae in Italia, to cities in the provinces which had been destroyed by earthquake or conflagration, or to individual friends and senators, whose property he raised to the required rating, are too numerous to be reckoned.
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Rerum Gestarum Divi Augusti, quibus orbem terra[rum] imperio populi Rom[ani] subiecit, et impensarum, quas in rem publicam populumque Romanum fecit, incisarum in duabus aheneis pilis, quae su[n]t Romae positae, exemplar sub[i]ectum.
Tabula I
1. Annos undeviginti natus exercitum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi. ~ per quem rem publicam a dominatione factionis oppressam in liberatatem vindicavi. Eo [nomi]ne senatus decretis honorif[i]cis in ordinem suum m[e adlegit C. Pansa et A. Hirti]o consulibus, con[sula]rem locum s[imul dan sententiae ferendae, et i]imperium mihi dedit. ~ Res Publica, n[e quid detrimenti caperet, a] me pro praetore simul cum consulibus pro[viden]dum [iussit. P]opulus autem eodem anno me consulem, cum [cos. uterqu]e in bel[lo ceci]disset, et triumvirum rei publicae costituend[ae creavit].
2. Qui parentem meum [interfecer]un[t eo]s in exilium expuli iudiciis legitimis ultus eorum [fa]cin[us, e]t postea bellum inferentis rei publicae vici b[is a]cie.
3. [B]ella terra et mari c[ivilia ex]ternaque toto in orbe terrarum s[aepe gessi] victorque omnibus v[eniam petentib]us civibus peperci. Exte[rnas] gentes, quibus tuto i[gnosci pot]ui[t, co]nservare quam excidere m[alui]. Millia civium Roma[no]rum [sub] sacramento meo fuerunt circiter [quingen]ta. Ex quibus dedu[xi in coloni]as aut remisi in municipia sua stipen[dis emeri]tis millia aliquant[o plura qu]am trecenta et iis omnibus agros a[dsignavi] aut pecuniam pro p[raemis mil]itiae dedi. Naves cepi sescen[tas praeter] eas, si quae minore[s quam trir]emes fuerunt.
4. [Bis] ovans triumphavi et tri[s egi] curulis triumphos et appella[tus sum v]iciens et semel imperator. [decernente plu]ris triumphos mihi sena[t]u, qua[ter eis su]persedi. ~ L[aurum de f]asc[i]bus deposui in Capi[tolio votis, quae] quoque bello nuncupaveram, [sol]utis. Ob res a [me aut per legatos] meos auspicis meis terra ma[riqu]e pr[o]spere gestas qui[nquageniens et q]uinquiens decrevit senatus supp[lica]ndum esse dis immortalibus. Dies a[utem, pe]r quos ex senatus consulto [s]upplicatum est, fuere DC[CCLXXXX. In triumphis meis] ducti sunt ante currum meum reges aut r[eg]um lib[eri novem. Consul f]ueram terdeciens, cum [scribeb]a[m] haec, [et eram se]p[timum et] tricen[simu]m tribuniciae potestatis.
5. [Dic]tat[ura]m et apsent[i e]t praesent[i mihi delatam et a popul]o et a se[na]tu [M. Marce]llo e[t] L. Arruntio [cos.] non rec[epi. Non sum] depreca[tus] in s[umma f]rum[enti p]enuria curatio[n]em an[non]ae. [qu] am ita ad[min]ist[ravi, ut] in[tra] die[s] paucos metu et periclo p[r] aesenti civitatem univ[ersam liberarem impensa et] cura mea. Consul[atum] quoqu]e tum annum e[t perpetuum mihi] dela[tum non recepi.]
6. [Consulibus M. Vinicio et Q. Lucretio] et postea P. Lentulo et Cn. L[entulo et tertium Paullo Fabio Maximo] e[t Q. Tuberone senatu populoq]u[e Romano consentientibus] ut cu[rator legum et morum maxima potestate solus crearer nullum magistratum contra morem maiorem delatum recepi. Quae tum per me fieri senatus] v[o]luit, per trib[un]ici[a]m p[otestatem perfeci, cuius potes]tatis conlegam et [ips]e ultro [quinquiens mihi a sena]tu[de]poposci et accepi.
7. [Tri]umv[i]rum rei pu[blicae c]on[s]ti[tuendae fui per continuos an]nos [decem. P]rinceps s[enatus fui usque ad e]um d[iem, quo scrip]seram [haec, per annos] quadra[ginta. Pon]tifex [maximus, augur, XVvir]um sacris fac[iundis, VIIvirum ep]ulon[um, frater arvalis, sodalis Titius], fetialis fui.
Tabula II
8. Patriciorum numerum auxi consul quintum iussu populi et senatus. Senatum ter legi. Et in consulatu sexto censum populi conlega M. Agrippa egi. Lustrum post annum alterum et quadragensimum fec[i]. Quo lustro civium Romanorum censa sunt capita quadragiens centum millia et sexag[i]inta tria millia. ~ Tum [iteru]m consulari com imperio lustrum [s]olus feci C. Censorin[o et C.] Asinio cos. Quo lustro censa sunt civium Romanorum [capita] quadragiens centum millia et ducenta triginta tria mi[llia. Et tertiu]m consulari cum imperio lustrum conlega Tib. Cae[sare filio] m[eo feci,] Sex. Pompeio et Sex. Appuleio cos. Quo lustro ce[nsa sunt]civ[ium Ro]manorum capitum quadragiens centum mill[ia et n]onge[nta tr]iginta et septem millia. Legibus novi[s] m[e auctore l]atis m[ulta e]xempla maiorum exolescentia iam ex nostro [saecul]o red[uxi et ipse] multarum rer[um exe]mpla imitanda pos[teris tradidi].
9. Vota p[ro valetudine meo susc]ipi p[er cons]ules et sacerdotes qu[in]to qu[oque anno senatus decrevit. Ex iis] votis s[ae]pe fecerunt vivo m[e ludos aliquotiens sace]rdo[tu]m quattuor amplissima colle[gia, aliquotiens consules. Pr]iva[t]im etiam et municipatim univer[si cives unanimite]r con[tinente]r apud omnia pulvinaria pro vale[tu]din[e mea s]upp[licaverunt.]
10. Nom[en me]um [sena]tus c[onsulto inc]lusum est in saliare carmen et sacrosanctu[s in perp]etum [ut essem et, q]uoad ivierem, tribunicia potestas mihi [esse, per lege]m sanc[tum est. Pontif]ex maximus ne fierem in vivi [c]onlegae l]ocum, [populo id sace]rdotium deferente mihi, quod pater meu[s habuer]at, r[ecusavi. Qu]od sacerdotium aliquod post annos, eo mor[t]uo q[ui civilis] m[otus o]ccasione occupaverat, ~ cuncta ex Italia [ad comitia mea] confluen[te mu]ltitudine, quanta Romae nun[q]uam [fertur ante i]d temp[us fuisse], recep[i] P. Sulpicio C. Valgio consulibu[s].
11. Aram [Fortunae] R[educis a]nte aedes Honoris et Virtutis ad portam Cap[enam pro] red[itu me]o senatus consacravit, in qua ponti[fices et] vir[gines Ve]stal[es anni]versarium sacrificium facere [decrevit eo] di[e quo co]nsul[ibus Q. Luc]retio et [M. Vi]nic[i]o in urbem ex [Syria redieram, et diem Augustali]a ex [c]o[gnomine] nos[t]ro appellavit.
12. [Senatus consulto ea occasion]e pars [praetorum e]t tribunorum [plebi cum consule Q.] Lu[cret]io et princi[pi] bus viris [ob]viam mihi mis[s]a e[st in Campan]iam, quo honos [ad ho]c tempus nemini praeter [m]e es[t decretus. Cu]m ex His[p]ania Gal[liaque, rebu]s in iis provincis prosp[e]re [gest]i[s], R[omam redi] Ti. Nerone P. Qui[nctilio c]o[n]s[ulibu]s, ~ aram [Pacis A]u[g]ust[ae senatus pro]redi[t]u meo consa[c]randam [censuit] ad campam [Martium, in qua ma]gistratus et sac[er]dotes [et v]irgines V[est]a[les ann]iversarium sacrific]ium facer[e decrevit.]
13. [Ianum] Quirin[um, quem cl]aussum ess[e maiores nostri voluer]unt, cum [p]er totum i[mperium po]puli Roma[ni terra marique es]set parta victoriis pax, cum pr[ius quam] nascerer, a co[ndita] u[rb]e bis omnino clausum [f]uisse prodatur m[emori]ae, ter me princi]pe senat]us claudendum esse censui[t].
Tabula III
14. [Fil]ios meos, quos iuv[enes] mihi eripuit for[tuna], Gaium et Lucium Caesares, honoris mei caussa senatus populusque Romanus annum quintum et decimum agentis consules designavit, ut [e]um magistratum inirent post quinquennium. Et ex eo die, quo deducti [s]unt in forum ut interessent consiliis publicis decrevit sena[t]us. Equites [a]utem Romani universi principem iuventutis utrumque eorum parm[is] et hastis argenteis donatum appellaverunt.
15. Plebei Romanae viritum HS trecenos numeravi ex testamento patris mei. et nomine meo HS quadringenos ex bellorum manibiis consul quintum dedi, iterum autem in consulatu decimo ex [p]atrimonio meo HS quadringenos congiari viritim pernumer[a]vi, et consul undecimum duodecim frumentationes frumento pr[i]vatim coempto emensus sum. ~ et tribunicia potestate duodecimum quadringenos nummos tertium viritim dedi. Quae mea congiaria p[e]rvenerunt ad [homi]num millia nunquam minus quinquaginta et ducenta. Tribuniciae potestatis duodevicensimum consul XII trecentis et viginti millibus plebis urbanae sexagenos denarios viritim dedi. Et colon[i]s militum meorum consul quintum ex manibiis viritim millia nummum singula dedi. acceperunt id triumphale congiarium in colonis hominum circiter centum et viginti millia. Consul tertium dec[i]mum sexagenos denarios plebei, quae tum frumentum publicum acciebat, dedi; ea millia hominum paullo plura quam ducenta fuerunt.
16. Pecuniam [pr]o agris, quos in consulatu meo quarto et postea consulibus M. Cr[a]ssao et Cn. Lentulo augure adsignavi militibus, soliv municipis. Ea [s]u[mma s]estertium circiter sexsiens milliens fuit, quam [p]ro Italicis praedis numeravi. et ci[r]citer bis mill[ie]ns et sescentiens, quod pro agris provincialibus soliv. Id primus et [s]olus omnium, qui [d]eduxerunt colonias militum in Italia aut in provincis, ad memoriam aetatis meae feci. Et postea Ti. Nerone et Cn. Pisone consulibus, ~ et D. Laelio cos., et C. Calvisio et L. Pasieno consulibus, et L. Le[nt]ulo et M. Messalla consulibus, et L. Caninio ~ et Q. Fabricio co[s.], milit[i]bus, quos emeriteis stipendis in sua municpi[a dedux]i, praem[i]a numerato persolvi. ~ quam in rem sestertium q[uater m]illiens cir[cite]r impendi.
17. Quater [pe]cunia mea iuvi aerarium, ita ut sestertium milliens et quing[en]ties ad eos qui praerant aerario detulerim. Et M. Lepido et L. Ar[r]untio cos. in aerarium militare, quod ex consilio n[eo] co[ns]titutum est, ex [q]uo praemia darentur militibus, qui vicena [aut plu]ra sti[pendi]a emeruissent ~ HS milliens et septing[e]nti[ens ex pa]t[rim]onio [m]eo detuli.
18. [Ab eo anno q]uo Cn. et P. Lentuli c[ons]ules fuerunt, cum deficerent [vecti]g[alia, tum] centum millibus h[omi]num, tum pluribus multo frume[ntarios et n]umma[rio]s t[ributus ex horr]eo et patr[i]monio m[e]o edidi.
Tabula IV
19. Curiam et continens ei Chalcidicum templumque Apollinis in Palatio cum porticibus, aedem divi Iuli, Lupercal, porticum ad circum Flaminium, quam sum appellari passus ex nomine eius qui priorem eodem in solo fecerat Octaviam, pulvinar ad circum maximum, aedes in Capitolio Iovis Feretri et Iovis Tonantis, ~ aedem Quirini, aedes Minervae et Iunonis Reginae et Iovis Libertatis in Aventino, aedem Larum in summa sacra via, aedem deum Penatium in Velia, aedem Iuventatis, aedem Matris Magnae in Palatio feci.
20. Capitolium et Pompeium theatrum utrumque opus impensa grandi refeci sine ulla inscriptione nominis mei. Rovos aquarum compluribus locis vetustate labentes refeci, ~ et aquam quae Marcia appellatur duplicavi fonte novo in rivum eius inmisso. Forum Iulium et basilicam quae fuit inter aedem Castoris et aedem Saturni, ~ coepta profligataque poera a patre meo, perfeci, et eandem basilicam consumptam incendio ampliato eius solo sub titulo nominis filiorum m[eorum i]ncohavi, ~ et, si vivus non perfecissem, perfici ab heredibus [meis ius]si. Duo et octoginta templa deum in urbe consul sex[tu]m ex [auctori]tate senatus refeci, nullo praetermisso quod e[o] tempore [refici debeba]t. Consul septimum viam Flaminiam a[b urbe] Ari[minum refeci pontes]que omnes praeter Mulvium et Minucium.
21. In privato solo Martis Ultoris templum [f]orumque Augustum [ex ma]n[i]biis feci. Theatrum ad aede Apollinis in solo magna ex parte a p[r]i[v]atis empto feci, quod sub nomine M. Marcell[i] generi mei esset. Don[a e]x manibiis in Capitolio et in aede divi Iu[l]i et in aede Apollinis de Vestae et in templo Martis Ultoris consecravi, quae mihi constituerunt HS circiter milliens. Auri coronari pondo triginta et quinque millia municipiis et colonis Italiae conferentibus ad triumpho[s] meos quintum consul remisi, et postea, quotienscumque imperator a[ppe]llatus sum, aurum coronarium non accepi, decernentibus municipii[s] et colonis aequ[e] beni[g]ne adque antea decreverant.
22. Ter munus gladiatorium dedi meo nomine et quinquiens filiorum meorum aut n[e]potum nomine; quibus muneribus depugnaverunt hominum ci[rc]iter decem millia. ~ Bis athletarum undique accitorum spectaculu[m] p[o]pulo pra[ebui me]o nomine et tertium nepo[tis] mei nomine. Ludos feci m[eo no]m[ine] quater, ~ aliorum autem m[agistr]atuum vicem ter et viciens. ~ [Pr]o conlegio XVvirorum magis[ter con]legii collega M. Agrippa ~ lud[os s]aeclares, C. Furnio C. Silano cos. [feci. C]onsul XIII ludos Mar[tia]les pr[imus fec]i, quos p[ost i]d tempus deincep[s] ins[equen]ti[bus] annis [ex senatus consulto et lege fe]cerunt [co]n[su]les. ~ [Ven]ation[es] best[ia]rum Africanarum meo nomine aut filio[ru]m meorum et nepotum in ci[r]co aut in foro aut in amphitheatris, popul[o d]edi sexiens et viciens, quibus confecta sunt bestiarum circiter tria m[ill]ia et quingentae.
23. Navalis proeli spectaclum populo de[di tr]ans Tiberim, in quo loco nunc nemus est Caesarum, cavato [s]olo in longitudinem mille et octingentos pedes ~ in latudine[m mille] e[t] ducenti. In quo triginta rostratae naves triremes a[ut birem]es ~ plures autem minores inter se conflixerunt. Q[uibu]s in classibus pugnaverunt praeter remiges millia ho[minum tr]ia circiter.
24. In templis omnium civitatium prov[inci]ae Asiae victor ornamenta reposui, quae spoliatis tem[plis i]s cum quo bellum gesseram privatim possederat. Satatuae [mea]e pedestres et equestres et in quadrigeis argenteae steterunt in urbe XXC circiter, quas ipse sustuli ~ exque ea pecunia dona aurea in aede Apollinis meo nomine et illorum, qui mihi statuarum honorem habuerunt, posui.
Tabula V
25. Mare pacavi a praedonibus. Eo bello servorum, qui fugerant a dominis suis et arma contra rem publicam ceperant, triginta fere millia capta dominis ad supplicium sumendum tradidi. Iuravit in mea verba tota Italia sponte sual et me be[lli] quo vici ad Actium ducem depoposcit. Iuraverunt in eadem ver[ba provi]nciae Galliae, Hispaniae, Africa, Sicilia, Sardinia. Qui sub [signis meis tum] militaverint, fuerunt senatores plures quam DCC, in ii[s qui vel antea vel pos]tea consules facti sunt ad eum diem quo scripta su[nt haec LX ]X[XIII, sacerdo]tes ci[rc]iter CLXX.
26. Omnium prov[inciarum populi Romani], quibus finitimae fuerunt gentes quae non p[arerent imperio nos]tro, fines auxi. Gallias et Hispanias provincias, i[tem Germaniam qua inclu]dit Oceanus a Gadibus ad ostium Albis flumin[is pacavi. Alpes a re]gione ea, quae proxima est Hadriano mari, [ad Tuscum pacari fec]i. nulli genti bello per iniuriam inlato. Cla[ssis m]ea per Oceanum] ab ostio Rheni ad solis orientis regionem usque ad fi[nes Cimbroru]m navigavit, ~ quo neque terra neque mari quisquam Romanus ante id tempus adit, Cimbrique et Charydes et Semnones et eiusdem tractus alli Germanorum popu[l]i per legatos amicitiam mean et populi Romani petierunt. Meo iussu et auspicio ducti sunt [duo] exercitus eodem fere tempore in Aethiopiam et in Ar[a]biam, quae appel[latur Eudaemon, [maxim]aeque hos[t]ium gentis utr[iu]sque cop[iae] caesae sunt in acie et [c]om[plur]a oppida capta. In Aethiopiam usque ad oppidum Nabata pervent[um]est, cui proxima est Meroe. In Arabiam usque in fines Sabaeorum pro[cess]it exercitus ad oppidum Mariba.
27. Aegyptum imperio populi [Ro]mani adieci. Armeniam maiorum, interfecto rege eius Artaxe, c[u]m possem facere provinciam, malui maiorum nostrorum exemplo regn[u]m id Tigrani, regis Artavasdis filio, nepoti autem Tigranis regis, per T[i. Ne]ronem trad[er], qui tum mihi priv[ig]nus erat. Et eandem gentem postea d[e]sciscentem et rebellantem domit[a]m per Gaium filium meum regi Ariobarzani, regis Medorum Artaba[zi] filio, regendam tradidi ~ et post eius mortem filio eius Artavasdi. ~ Quo interfecto, Tig[ra]ne<m> qui erat ex regio genere Armeniorum oriundus, in id regnum misi. Provincias omnis, quae trans Hadrianum mare vergunt ad orien[te]m, Cyrenasque, iam ex parte magna regibus eas possidentibus, et antea Siciliam et Sardiniam occupatas bello servili reciperavi.
28. Colonias in Africa Sicilia [M]acedonia utraque Hispania Achai[a] Asia S[y]ria Gallia Narbonensi Pi[si]dia militum deduxi. Italia autem XXVIII [colo]nias, quae vivo me celeberrimae et frequentissimae fuerunt, me [auctore] deductas habet.
29. Signa militaria complur[a per] alios d[u]ces ami[ssa] devicti[s hostibu]s re[cipe]ravi ex Hispania et [Gallia et a Dalm]ateis. Parthos trium exercitum Romanorum spolia et signa re[ddere] mihi supplicesque amicitiam populi Romani petere coegi. Ea autem si[gn]a in penetrali, quod e[s]t in templo Martis Ultoris, reposui.
30. Pannoniorum gentes, qua[s a]nte me principem populi Romani exercitus numquam ad[it], devictas per Ti. [Ne]ronem, qui tum erat privignus et legatus meus, imperio populi Romani s[ubie]ci protulique fines Illyrici ad r[ip]am fluminis Dan[uv]i. Citr[a] quod [D]a[cor]u[m tra]n[s]gressus exercitus meis a[u]sp[icis vict]us profligatusque [es]t, et pos[tea tran]s Dan[u]vium ductus ex[ercitus me]u[s] Da[cor]um gentis im[peri]a p[opuli] R[omani perferre coegit].
31. Ad me ex In[dia regum legationes saepe missae sunt nunquam visae ante id t]em[pus] apud qu[em]q[uam] R[omanorum du]cem. Nostram amic[itiam petie]run[t] per legat[os] B[a]starn[ae Scythae]que et Sarmatarum qui su[nt citra fl]umen Tanaim [et] ultra reg[es. Alba]norumque rex et Hiberorum e[t Medorum].
Tabula VI
32. Ad me supplices confug[erunt] reges Parthorum Tirida[te]s et post[ea] Phrat[es] regis Phrati[s] filiu[s]. ~ Medorum Ar[tavasdes, Adiabenorum] Artaxares, Britannorum Dumnobellaunus et Tin[comarus, Sugambr]orum Maelo, Marcomannorum Sueborum [Segime]rus. Ad [me re]x Parthorum Phrates, Orod[i]s filius, filios suos nepot[esque omnes] misit in Italiam, non bello superatu[s], sed amicitiam nostram per [libe]ror[um] suorum pignora petens. Plurimaeque aliae gentes exper[tae sunt p. R.] fidem me principe, quibus antea cum populo Roman[o nullum extitera]t legationum et amicitiae [c]ommercium.
33. A me gentes Parthorum et Medoru[m per legatos] principes earum gentium reges pet[i]tos acceperunt: Par[thi Vononem, regis Phr]atis filium, regis Orodis nepotem. Medi Arioba[rzanem,] regis Artavazdis filium, regis Ariobarzanis nepotem.
34. In consulatu sexto et septimo, po[stquam b]ella [civil]ia oxstinxeram, perconsensum universorum [potens reru]m om[n]ium, rem publicam ex pea potestate ~ in senat[us populique Rom]ani [a]rbitrium transtuli. Quo pro merito meo senatu[s consulto Au]gust[us appe]llatus sum et laureis postes aedium mearum v[estiti] publ[ice coronaq]ue civica super ianuam meam fixa est ~ [et clu]peus [aureu]s in [c]uria Iulia positus, quem mihi senatum pop[ulumq]ue Rom[anu]m dare virtutis clement[iaequ]e iustitiae et pieta[tis caus]sa testatu[m] est pe[r e]ius clupei [inscription]em. Post id tem[pus a]uctoritate [omnibus praestiti, potest]atis au[tem n]ihilo ampliu[s habu]i quam cet[eri qui m]ihi quoque in ma[gis]tra[t]u conlegae f[uerunt].
35. Tertium dec[i]mum consulatu[m cum gereba]m, sena[tus et e]quester order populusq[ue] Romanus universus [appell]av[it me pat]re[m p]atriae idque in vestibu[lo a]edium mearum inscribendum et in c[u]ria [Iulia e]t in foro Aug. sub quadrig[i]s, quae mihi ex s.c. pos[it]ae [sunt, decrevit. Cum scri]psi haec, annus agebam septuagensu[mum sextum].
App.1.Summa pecun[i]ae, quam ded[it vel in aera]rium [vel plebei Romanae vel di]missis militibus: denarium sexien[s milliens].
App.2.Opera fecit nova aedem Martis, [Iovis] Ton[antis et Feretri, Apollinis], divi Iuli, Quirini, Minervae, [Iunonis Reginae, Iovis Libertatis], Larum, deum Penatium, ~ Iuv[entatis, Matris Magnae, Lupercal, pulvina]r ad circum, ~ curiam cum Ch[alcidico, forum Augustum, basilica]m Iuliam, theatrum Marcelli, ~ [p]or[ticum Octaviam, nemus trans T]iberim Caesarum.
App.3.Refecit Capito[liam sacra]sque aedes [nu]m[ero octoginta] duas, thea[t]rum Pompei, aqu[aram r]iv[as, vi]am Flamin[iam].
App.4.Impensa p[raestita in spec]tacul[a] sca[enica et munera] gladiatorum at[que athletas et venationes et] naumachi[am] et donata pe[c]unia [colonis municipiis oppidis] terrae motu incendioque consumpt[is] a[ut viritim] a[micis senat]oribusque, quorum census explevit, in[n]umera[bili]s.