
This sucks.” Javi waved at the insects buzzing around his head. “It’s even worse than flying.”

Molly thwacked away a vine. “No deadly birds, though.”

“True.” Javi gave the white sky a nervous glance, then checked the branches for dangling snakes.

“If we can figure out what attracts the shredder birds to the device, maybe we can fix it,” Anna said. “And go back to jumping.”

Javi frowned. “Since when are they called shredder birds?”

“Since they tried to shred you,” Anna said.

“But I discovered them!” Javi said.

Discovered them?” Molly asked.

“Well, I saw them first. I should get to name them.”

“Okay, what do you got?” Molly was in front, whacking away vines and fronds with a survival knife. Her hair was singed on one side from the flare collision, and she wore a linen airplane napkin tied into a headband to keep the sweat out of her eyes. All that, combined with the knife, made her look like she was in a low-budget pirate costume.

“Um.” Javi thought for a moment. Shredder birds was a pretty cool name, but it didn’t seem fair to have his only shirt ripped up and not get naming rights.

Now he was wearing a button-down salvaged from a random piece of luggage in the hold. It fit perfectly, which only made it creepier that its real owner was dead. Javi wondered how long it would be before they were all wearing dead people’s clothing.

That thought sent all the good names for birds from his mind.

“I’ll get back to you,” he muttered.

“Shredder birds it is!” Molly cried, slashing through a vine hanging in front of her.

“Can I use the knife next, at least?” Javi asked.

“I called next,” Anna said.

“Whatever,” he said. “But I get to name the next scary thing we run into!”

Molly didn’t answer, just gave him a sharp look, like she didn’t want to be reminded that there were plenty more scary things out there in the jungle.

But Javi figured there probably were.

At first, leaving camp behind had lifted his spirits. The crashed airplane seemed haunted by the ghosts of all those other passengers, its broken frame a reminder of how badly everything could go wrong. But out here in the deep jungle, Javi had learned one thing: Technology might fail sometimes, but nature didn’t care either way.

Nature was also messy, he thought as he clambered over a fallen tree. The trunk was split open down the middle, and things with too many legs skittered around inside.

At least the flying insects were pretty. They glowed a soft Christmas-light blue. Maybe he could put a bunch of them in a jar and make a lantern, like fireflies in summer.

Lanternbugs? Bluebugs?

It would be pretty awesome, arriving home and announcing that instead of winning a robot-soccer championship, he’d discovered a new animal.

Of course, to do that he’d actually have to get home in the first place.

“It’s getting louder,” Molly said.

For a moment Javi thought she meant the buzz of insects. But then he felt the rumbling beneath his feet. He cupped his ears to place the sound—the waterfall was still straight ahead.

“Yoshi!” Molly called into the jungle.

“He won’t be able to hear you,” Anna said. “That waterfall’s too loud.”

“Onward through the bugs!” Javi cried.


Half an hour’s march later, the sound of rushing water had grown thunderous enough to make the fronds tremble. Clouds of spray drifted through the jungle like wandering ghosts, chilling to the touch.

The scent of water made Javi thirsty. His bottle had been empty for a while. This rescue mission had taken longer than they’d planned, and he didn’t want to think about how worried Oliver would be.

But finally Molly let out a whoop and led them forward to a clearing centered around a huge waterfall. It tumbled down out of the mists, crashing into an outcrop of rock. A rippling pool formed beneath the falls.

Javi stepped forward greedily, empty bottle in hand.

“Wait a second.” Anna put a hand on his arm, looking around. “This is a watering hole, but there aren’t any animals drinking.”

“What?” Molly asked. “You think it’s poison or something?”

Anna shook her head. “There might be predators around. Watering holes are a favorite place for ambush hunting.”

Javi stared at the cool, glittering water. “Ambush hunting, seriously? Why does nature have to be such a pain in the butt?”

“It’s funny that you think nature cares about your convenience,” Anna said.

Javi rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well at least civilization never tries to eat me.”

“So what are we supposed to do?” Molly asked. “Just sit here and … wait, what’s that?”

Javi followed her gaze. In the red vines tangled around the edge of the pool lay a dark blue shape—arms splayed out on the vines. Was that a body?

Javi almost cried out, but then he realized what it was. A shirt.

The same color that Yoshi had been wearing.

“Theories?” Molly asked softly, barely audible above the roar of water. “Conjectures?”

“He went for a swim?” Javi suggested.

Molly shook her head. “Then where is he?”

Anna shrugged. “Well, either it’s safe around here and he went wandering off. Or the local predator took him, and it’s already fed. In which case the watering hole should be safe for the rest of the day.”

Javi stared at her. “That’s cold. Even for you.”

But she was making a horrible sort of sense, and the shirt didn’t look bloody. Not from this far away, in any case.

“I’m going to check it out,” Javi said, and set off across the viney floor of the clearing.

As he drew closer, he noticed how neatly the shirt was arranged, like it was laid out to dry. A fancy shirt like that, Yoshi had probably just wanted to wash it. Score one for the no-predators theory.

Plus, nothing short of a T. rex could’ve taken Yoshi without a struggle, thanks to his sword. Javi looked carefully. No bloodstains.

So where was the guy?

Then Javi saw something in the undergrowth beside his foot, a glimmer of white among the rusty hues. He knelt to look closer and swallowed.

It was a cluster of bones about the size of a finger.

“What?” Molly called. She was making her way over from the edge of the clearing.

“Wait a second.” He leaned closer and realized that there were too many bones for a human finger, a whole string of them three inches long.

He pushed aside the undergrowth a little. It was a tiny spine, the size of a mouse’s, maybe. Just a random skeleton.

Javi swallowed. No big deal. When animals died in a jungle, nobody buried them.

But then he saw another little spine a couple of feet from the first one. So maybe there was a predator around here.

“Um, I think maybe we should …”

“Hey!” Molly shouted.

Javi looked up. Halfway across the clearing, her arms out for balance, Molly was struggling to lift her leg, but it was stuck somehow.

Then Javi saw the vines stirring beneath her, as if an army of snakes was swirling around her feet. He leaped up—

—or tried to.

A vine was wrapped around his right wrist, like a rope. He tried to pull away, but it slid tighter, coiling up his arm.

“What is this?” he yelled.

“Don’t know!” Molly cried. “Stay off the vines, Anna.”

Javi pulled again, trying to use the strength of his legs to uproot the vine. But it was useless. The vine was too strong, and now his ankles were entangled as well!

Then he remembered the flare in his pocket. He grabbed for it with his left hand, pulled it out.

But as he moved, another vine sprang up and coiled around his left wrist.

He struggled. More of the vines were snaking their way up from the undergrowth, wrapping around his waist, his legs. One was slithering toward his neck. He couldn’t bring his hands together to tear the top off the flare.

Clearly, whoever had designed this stupid flare hadn’t taken predatory vines into account!

Javi leaned his head down and took the tear-away top between his teeth. As he pulled back, a geyser of sparks hit him in the face. Smoke stung his eyes and filled his lungs, but he waved the gout of flame as much as he could …

A hissing sound reached Javi’s ears, and a smell like burning grass. A moment later, the grip on his left wrist went slack.

He managed to open his tearing eyes and waved the flare at the vines holding his right arm. They shot back into the undergrowth as fast as snapped rubber bands.

“Anna! Throw me your flare!” Molly called.

Waving the gusher of sparks around him, Javi finally managed to gain his feet. But then a single vine came shooting from the ground. It wrapped around his hand and squeezed, as painful as a handshake from one of his weight-lifting cousins. The flare dropped from Javi’s grasp and into the undergrowth.

A pulse went through the vines, spreading out from where the hissing, sputtering flare lay. But the cord wrapped around his hand stayed firm.

“Why won’t you die?” he cried out, kicking at its roots.

Then, out of nowhere, a flash of metal sliced through the air.

The pressure on his hand was gone, and Javi stumbled back, landing at the edge of the water. Before him stood a shirtless Yoshi, swinging the samurai sword at the thicket of vines. The sword moved faster than Javi could see, whistling in the air, slicing through the leafy strands like they were spiderwebs.

A moment later, the vines had disappeared again.

Yoshi stood there panting, his sword held ready. The smoke from the sputtering flare wreathed through the clearing, roiled by the spray from the falls. Molly stood ready to ignite the flare Anna had tossed her. But nothing moved in the undergrowth.

“Um, thanks,” Javi finally said.

Yoshi slowly lowered the sword, his eyes darting from side to side. Then at last he extended a hand.

“I guess we’re even now,” he said.

Javi frowned as he took Yoshi’s hand and pulled himself to his feet.

Then Javi remembered—he’d found the sword in the luggage. “Um, okay. But you’re pretty good with that thing.”

“Against a plant? Not exactly a challenge.” Yoshi inspected his blade. “You’re just lucky I came back for my shirt. Tanglevine is tricky if you don’t meet it with steel.”

“No kidding,” Javi said. “And there’s also these birds that …”

Javi’s voice faded. Tanglevine.

He let out a soft sigh.

“Cool name, dude.”