I wish to recognize the following individuals for their valuable contribution to this book.

Dave Bellis, my friend and colleague for over forty years, for collaborating with me on the outline of the book, pulling from my other works to then write the first draft, folding in all the edits, and shaping this work into its final form. I recognize Dave’s writing skills and insights on the subject matter, and I’m deeply grateful for his contribution.

Tom Williams, for editing the manuscript to which he applied his valuable insights, wordsmithing skills, and passionate heart to help make these words come alive on the printed page.

Becky Bellis, for laboring at the computer to ready the manuscript.

Jake Kissack and Ben Bennett for reviewing the parent/child interaction in the fictional story and providing excellent input in order to make the story more realistic.

Jessie Fioritto, for the editorial guidance she brought to the manuscript’s completion.

Kelly McIntosh, vice president of editorial at Barbour Publishing, for her expert insights and help in shaping the direction of the book.

Tim Martins, president of Barbour Publishing, and the entire Barbour Publishing team, who caught the vision for this book and the Set Free Journey and labored tirelessly to launch this book to the Christian community.

–Josh McDowell