Kai and BC lived in a lighthouse. It had been in Kai’s family for years and years. It looked really old from the outside. The inside was totally new. It had been set up for a Border Guard.

When Kai got home he took BC’s fur off.

Kai hit a button. The fur went back inside BC’s metal body. Then Kai pushed BC’s talk button.

The dog began to talk. ‘Dust is bad,’ said BC. ‘Can’t see much.’ BC’s tail was wagging. That always meant there was trouble.

Kai could hear the wind outside.

‘The wind is blowing round in circles,’ he said. ‘Like little tornadoes!’

‘We need to get a sample of it,’ said BC. ‘Maybe a beast from Beastium is coming.’

‘Maybe,’ said Kai. ‘A beast could be trying to come through the wall again.’