
Chapter: Stephanie


It was still middle of the night when Stephanie awoke with a stretch and rolled over. She really had to go the bathroom which meant she needed to get up and find a private spot. Rolling up to her knees, she identified the outline of Bret asleep against the far rocks. Should she wake him to let him know she was leaving for a little bit and not to worry?

What exactly would she say? Sorry, I need to pee? Talk about embarrassing.

Quietly, she unzipped her backpack and found her small flashlight. She tip toed out and once she was a safe distance away, she turned the light on and surveyed the area. There were a series of trees not too far away but what if Bret heard her? No, Stephanie decided to go a little further away than that by some cliffs. It was further but not far enough to get lost.

Stephanie was pretty happy with herself as she sauntered away. She glanced back every once in awhile to make sure the cave hadn’t magically disappeared. By the time she slipped behind a tree and squatted, Stephanie was wide awake and proud at how well she had handled herself so far.

Too bad about the chill in the air.

She stood back up and zipped up her pants, feeling at once relieved and in desperate need of a shower. As she was stepping away, Stephanie thought she heard a growl. She instantly paused, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end. Afraid. Terrified. Slowly, she turned back around to make sure nothing was there.

Because nothing would be there.

Stephanie raised her flashlight and she saw what was impossible. A cat. No, a large cat. A mountain lion. Here? She had always heard rumors that they still roamed the upper parts of the mountains but she never thought she’d see one. It stepped with its bit fury paws around the edge, it’s eyes on her.

She trembled with fear. “Easy, kitty,” she whispered and bent over to pick up a big fallen stick. “Easy, boy.”

Was it a female? Were they the hunters? It did look thin which meant it was probably hungry and she’d end up being a Stephanie steak. Oh goodness how she didn’t want to be anything related to the steak.

If only she had stayed closer. If only Bret was close enough to hear her or read her mind—that’d be helpful.

Stephanie backed up and the mountain lion jumped down to the ground, circling near the trees but it’s eyes on her. It opened its mouth and growled, showing off its teeth and narrowing its eyes. Was it as scared as she was? Or was it getting ready to attack?

“You don’t want me, pal. Trust me. I bet I taste horrible.” Stephanie aimed the light into the mountain lion’s eyes. It turned it’s head away and Stephanie ran. Maybe she shouldn’t have but she did.

“Mountain lion!” She screamed and ran toward the cave. The mountain lion roared, in pursuit. Stephanie could feel it’s breath gaining on her but it had to be her imagination. She was just scared. Maybe she was even still sleeping. Please be dreaming, Stephanie said to herself, but she doubted it was true.

The cave wasn’t where Stephanie thought it’d be. Did she take a wrong turn? If she couldn’t find Bret what hope was there for her?

Stephanie screamed as she ran through the trees and toward the mountainside to her left. She was cornered and the mountain lion closed in. She backed up against the rocks and breathed heavily. “Please, don’t kill me,” Stephanie whispered, holding the large stick defensively, ready to swing.

As it closed in, she squeezed her eyes shut and heard a scream. A man’s scream. Stephanie opened one eye in time to witness Bret leaping off of the rock formation beside her and tackling the mountain lion to the ground. They rolled as if in for the fight of their lives.

Stephanie covered her mouth and screamed. Under the cover of darkness she couldn’t see anything but she heard a scuffle on the ground and the growling coming from the mountain lion. Then, Bret hollered as if in pain. While Stephanie had previously been anchored with fear, she sprung into motion.

Hands on the ground she searched for her flashlight. When she found it, she turned it on, she saw Bret pounding the mountain lion with his fists while the beast had Bret’s leg in it’s mouth. He was in trouble. Big trouble!

Stephanie picked up her log from earlier and sprinted forward. She whacked the lion over the head. Bret let out another pained scream and the mountain lion roared and turned on Stephanie. She wacked it off. Driving it and herself back. The mountain hunkered down and roared. Its vocalization sounded less offensive and more defensive. When it reared up, Stephanie wacked it across the jaw as hard as she could. He backed up, ducked tail and sprinted away. He’d be okay but at least now he wasn’t going to try to eat her or her friend.

Her friend. Bret.

Stephanie ran to where he was laying and used her flashlight to find her way. He was contorting in pain, a hand on his upper thigh and a horrible grimace on his face.  Stephanie dropped to her knees beside him. “You’re bleeding.”

“Why’d you leave camp? Why’d you go that far?” Bret’s words lashed out and accused her, as if she meant for this to happen.

“I...had to go the bathroom. I just wanted some privacy. I’m sorry.” She chocked on the words and felt like she had been scolded.

“You never should’ve—It’s all right.” Bret swallowed hard. He sat up to a seated position and when he tried to stand on his injured leg, he hollered.

“What is it?” Stephanie put a hand on his chest. His face contorted and turned red while he squeezed his eyes shut.

“The pain’s intense. I think that mangy cat snapped a tendon. Or maybe something worse.”

It sounded serious. Bret was her guide and now he was injured. Where would that leave her? Stephanie willed herself not to panic. “I’ll help you back to camp. You’ll just have tell me where it is.”

He pointed to the rock formation behind them. “Around the other side. That’s where we made camp.”

Stephanie nodded. She slipped his arm around his neck and slipped hers around his waist. She didn’t know if she could do this but she had to try. Bret was the survival expert. Not her. He was the one who was supposed to get her through this not the other way around. Panicking helped no one but she felt it speeding along in her chest. It wanted to manifest in screams and tears, but she forced it back down.

“On three,” Stephanie said. “One...two...”

She hoisted Bret up with his help. He cried out, allowing his injured leg to go slack beside him. They started forward micro step by micro-step. As the went, Stephanie gained confidence and went a little faster, but with Bret pushing against her, she swayed on her feet.

He only used his injure to balance himself when it felt like Stephanie would topple over. He leaned on her and was solid muscle. She was afraid they wouldn’t make it to the front of the cave.

Bret leaned against a tree, sensing how fatigued she was as they limped and staggered forward.

Stephanie gulped down a breath. “Let’s go...again.”

“You sure?” Bret asked and was just about as out of breath as she was. Stephanie thought it was from pain.

Stephanie nodded. She needed to get him to shelter and then see what they could do about his leg. The morning hike was only supposed to take a few hours. Stephanie wasn’t stupid. She knew she couldn’t carry Bret like this the whole way. She wasn’t strong enough and by the time they arrived at the pick-up point, it’d be hours too late.

What were they going to do?