
Chapter: Bret


“You’re healing up nicely,” his doctor said. Bret was in his room and lounging on his bed with several pillows under his knee. “Tomorrow we’ll look at you again but then I’ll be prepared to give the all clear to have you transferred if the arrangements have been made.”

Bret nodded. “They have. No offense, doc, but I’m ready to get out of here. I’m ready to get started on healing this thing so I can walk. Like I used to.”

“Just take it slow. And don’t get discouraged.”

Bret thanked him and watched him go. He noticed Stephanie standing in the hallway and Bret’s stomach lurched. He knew it was just about time they have the conversation neither of them really wanted to have. It was time for him to go off to rehab. He wouldn’t have her leave her life behind while he got better.

Because what if he didn’t? He had lived that limbo and it was tough. Bret loved Jaime with everything he had but he wouldn’t wish that kind of uncertainty on anyone. Even if they were just talking about a bum leg.

“Can I come in?” Stephanie asked, sounding more timid than usual.

“Sure,” he grinned with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. “I’d stand up and greet you except I can’t.” It came out sounding bitter. Bret had meant it as a joke but maybe it cut a little too close to home.

Stephanie entered and put her purse down on a chair. Smoothing her skirt, she sat down beside him. “I heard what your doctor said. That’s great that you’re ready for rehab.”

Bret nodded and put his hand on hers. “Maybe it’s time we rip the bandaid off, yeah? I have two months of rehab. You have a life here...”

“Don’t talk like that. I want to support you, Bret. I don’t know what that looks like but I think we owe it to ourselves to try. I don’t want to walk away from this. It feels really beautiful.”

“Let’s leave the walking joke on the cutting room floor, huh?” He leaned forward to stroke her hair back. “But I got to do this on my own. You understand, don’t you?”

“No,” Stephanie admitted. “But I’m willing to let you win for now. I have something I need to tell you. You’re not going to like it.”

“All right.” Bret leaned back. “Go ahead.”

Bret listened as Stephanie talked about the camera and how Gary retrieved it from her friend’s house. “So, what are you saying? He’s going to run with the piece?”

“He wants to. If I don’t, he’ll fire me. And he’ll run it anyway.”

“Then you have to, don’t you? Cast me a side. I get it. This is your job. And who am I to you? A friend?”

“You’re more than a friend. I know you feel betrayed by me.”

“You don’t know what I’m feeling. Don’t speak for me.” Bret said.

Stephanie exhaled. “I want to do a different piece. A real piece. Where I use the outdoor footage that we have but we do an interview. An interview about why you are the Wilderness Billionaire. About your grief. About Jaime.”

Bret’s eyes widened and pulled himself back. “I told you that because of my feelings for you. I don’t want it shared with the world.”

“Your emotion doesn’t make you weak, Bret. It makes you stronger. I wish you could see yourself as I do. I really do. You don’t have to hide. We can tell your story together.”

“Why? Why does it matter if I tell my story? My pain isn’t for others consumption.”

Stephanie face fell like he had really hurt her feelings. Bret was sorry about that. he wouldn’t have done that on purpose. “Because it makes you, you. Because people will connect to you and they’ll know they aren’t alone. You’re not the only one who has gone through loss and suffering. So many people have done exactly what you’ve done. You should really just think about it.”

She stood up and grabbed her purse. Bret feared if she left, he might not see her again. So, he grabbed her hand.  “If it’s just you, I’ll do it. I don’t want a crew in here.”

Stephanie nodded. “They’ll setup and then leave. Then you can tell the story your way. I promise.”

“Then I think I can do this but I gotta tell you, Steph. I’m going on a lot of faith here. A lot of faith.”

She smoothed the top of his head and planted a kiss on his forehead. “It’s not misplaced. When we’re done, I hope you change your mind about going through rehab alone.”

Bret couldn’t make any promises. But the idea of leaving Stephanie grew harder and harder. What if he really couldn’t let her go?