Why can’t I get my child to listen? Why do I have to repeat everything? Why does every conversation end in an argument?
The question becomes, “Who, not what, do you want to be?”
A person who was truly a child first, a person who experienced life as something wonderful and awe-inspiring, takes that with him into adulthood.
To me, the truly important question is this: “Are you intellectually curious?”
Every human being has value, and every human encounter is a fresh chance to let him know it.
Women nurture and enhance everything they come into contact with, men most of all.
A child needs to understand one of the basic truths about forgiveness: When we forgive, we are doing it first and foremost for ourselves.
Far too many families nowadays live together as strangers.
Love is the force in the universe that brings everything together; hate drives everything apart. Love is the gravity that unites us; hate the antigravity that rips us asunder.
A child who measures his self-worth through grades, popularity, and even his position on the Little League team will carry that into adulthood, and his entire life will be colored by skewed, fear-driven values.
The place of God in our life is to always remind us of the moral question. God demands righteousness.