When people were willing to speak with us with attribution, we identify them when we quote them. We thank them all for their willingness to share their stories and insights. Discussion of failure can be sensitive. Many thoughtful managers spoke to us on conditions of anonymity, and so we do not acknowledge them by name. Nevertheless, we thank them all for their candor and for their willingness to share their experiences for the benefit of others. Rui Ma and Sissi Zuo read the manuscript carefully and provided helpful suggestions for improvement.
We are grateful for the financial support of the Wharton School Global Initiatives Research Fund, without which this book would not have been possible.
Tim Gray skillfully and swiftly edited the entire book, merging our styles and improving our prose.
We thank Peter Fader, Shannon Berning, and Brett LoGiurato of Wharton School Press for their enthusiasm for the project and for their expertise and professionalism in shepherding the book through the publication process.