As a scientist, I look at the world as objectively as possible. I rely on observations and the laws of physics to understand how Earth’s climate has evolved through time and how it will change in the future. Science provides the ground for understanding how we are changing our planet. Human reasoning is exceptional for building the foundations upon which we can plan for our future, and I have enjoyed a rich, rewarding career in the sciences while learning much from my colleagues around the world. Many scientists believe that to move beyond the realm of reason threatens the validity of their work. I believe we need to expand our ways of knowing to include more than the logic of science.
I feel we need to enter onto a path of compassionate action to avoid the worst consequences of human-induced climate change. We cannot rely on technology alone to get us out of this situation; technology is only one aspect of the solution. If we open our hearts to the world’s suffering and feel our connection to the world, our actions will be true. Our path to a flourishing future will succeed through compassionate action rooted in care for others. I do not become less of a scientist by opening my heart to the world. I become more whole. I embody a source of wisdom resting in each of us.
The fruition of walking the path of compassion and wisdom is a better world for generations to come. When I look at my daughters I see their future; I see the rocky path we have paved for them, one rooted in uncontrolled consumption. I want to create a different path that leads to a world of flourishing fruition for all. I encourage you to look at the younger generation and commit to walking on a new path leading to a world of wonder and beauty. Look within and follow the path of your heart. See the basic goodness within yourself and others. This goodness is the ultimate ground from which we all begin. Touch it and stay true to the path of compassion, and you will create that world of wonder.