Verbal Reasoning Question Types

The GRE MST contains two Verbal Reasoning sections with 20 questions each. Each section lasts 30 minutes and contains a selection of the following question types:

The Verbal Reasoning portion of the GRE rewards a strong, university-level vocabulary and facility with understanding and analyzing written material. Specifically, it evaluates your ability to do the following:

The GRE assesses those skills with an assortment of Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence, and Reading Comprehension items. The following chart shows how many questions of each type you can expect, as well as the average amount of time you should spend per question.

Text Completion Sentence Equivalence Reading Comprehension
Number of Questions Approx. 6 Approx. 4 Approx. 10
Time per Question 1–1.5 minutes 1 minute 1–3 minutes, depending on the length, to read the passage and 1 minute to answer each question