The following is a list of sample Argument essay prompts similar to those you might encounter on the GRE Analytical Writing section. Those preceded by an asterisk (*) have a sample essay response in the subsequent section of the chapter.
Notice posted on business door:
Due to frequent customer inquires, Sunshine Restaurant will be switching to an all-vegetarian menu. Vegetarian food is better for the environment, delicious, and increasingly popular. We will be closing our establishment to renovate as we convert our kitchen to accommodate our new meatless menu. Be on the lookout for an announcement for our grand reopening!
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered to decide how likely it is that the stated change of direction would be successful for Sunshine Restaurant, making sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the decision.
Fifty years ago, an entomologist in Ballaland identified a new species of beetle: the scalawag. This beetle is nearly identical to the Andover mop beetle, but is slightly larger. A recent comparison of a colony of Ballaland beetles and Andover mop beetles demonstrates that the two beetles may be more similar than previously thought. The range of size between the largest beetle and the smallest beetle was identical in both colonies, and, as the beetles were physically identical in every other way, it was concluded that the two species were actually the same and that the differences in behavior and diet could be attributed to differences in habitat. Some biologists suggest that before a proposed interbreeding experiment is conducted, more research on behavior and diet of the two beetle species should be conducted.
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to assess the reasonableness of both the recommendation and the argument upon which it is based. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
Write a response in which you examine the assumptions of the argument. Explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and the effect on the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
Here are sample top-scoring essays to five of the sample Argument prompts found in the previous section. Remember that an essay does not have to be perfect to receive a top score. Review these essays and note the qualities that earned them each a score of 6.
The following is a memorandum from the marketing department of a computer manufacturer.
“We need a new strategy in our ads promoting our line of laptop computers. Surveys show that laptop purchasers consider reliability more important than any other quality. Thus, we should highlight that our Compulink laptop is the most technologically advanced laptop you can buy and that it uses the same hardware that NASA uses in its computers on the space station. We should also point out that our customers will save money because they won’t have to bring their Compulink laptop in for costly repairs. This approach is sure to increase our market share.”
Write a response in which you examine the underlying assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument hinges on these assumptions. Comment on how any additional information could affect the argument.
The following was written as part of an application for a permit to congregate by a religious group in the city of Gustav:
“We plan to meet at the Hunter Pavilion on the north side of the park. We expect about 200 attendees. Although we do plan to celebrate our message in words and song, we will be mindful of others who are sharing the park on that day. We have found that in the past, when our group meets in a public space, we run the risk of harassment by those who do not agree with our message. Therefore, we would like to hire five security officers to protect our congregants from religious intolerance. We would like to post one guard at the entrance to the park and others, who will dress in plain clothes, at the perimeter of our gathering. We hope you understand and will endorse this request.”
Write a response in which you describe what specific examples or evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and how those examples or evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the Happy Sun Happy Moon daycare center:
“Since the road construction on I-72 has begun, we’ve noticed that parents are picking up their children after the center is officially closed. Effective immediately, parents who pick up their children more than five minutes after closing will have to pay a $10 fee. Parents who pick up their children more than one hour after closing will be subject to an additional $30 fee. We predict this will encourage parents to leave earlier from work to pick up their children on time each day.”
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered to decide how likely the stated recommendation is to yield the predicted result. Be sure to explain how these answers would help to evaluate the recommendation.
In 2002, many farmers in Jalikistan began using a hormone designed to produce larger cows that would produce more milk. Since then, the rate of childhood obesity in Jalikistan has increased by 200 percent. The amount of milk and other dairy products consumed by children in this area has not increased or decreased. Children in the same area who are lactose intolerant, and as a result drink almond milk or soy milk, have not experienced an increase in obesity. The only clear explanation is that the introduction of the hormone is responsible for the increase in childhood obesity in Jalikistan.
Write a response in which you discuss one or more viable alternatives to the proposed explanation. Justify, with support, why the alternatives could rival the proposed explanation and explain how those explanation(s) plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument.
The following appeared in a memo from an advertisement by Pest Protection, Inc.:
“Gardens along the coast are already being infested by the mill bug, a slimy purple pest that can decimate a vegetable garden in seconds flat. If you live within 100 miles of the coast, you need the Pest Protection cure today. Thousands of satisfied customers who have used our chemical-free treatments have never had mill bug problems. One treatment per year will ensure that you never have to lose your valuable crops to this pest.”
Write a response in which you examine the underlying assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument hinges on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unfounded.
The following appeared in a letter to the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles:
“The use of cell phones while driving is a source of great concern to the community, particularly to parents with young children. Teenage drivers, who are the most likely to text or talk on the phone while driving, are among the most dangerous. In our county alone there were 75 fatalities from traffic collisions. If we raise the legal driving age from 16 to 20, the problem would largely be solved because the most dangerous drivers would no longer be on the road.”
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to assess the reasonableness of both the prediction and the argument upon which it is based. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the prediction.
The following memorandum is from the Media Director of the Athletic Department at Burtsdale University:
“We have decided to recommend that the school no longer offer free student access to University athletic events, regardless of level, sport, or gender of the participants. Our policy in the past has been to sell tickets only to events with significant popularity, such as men’s Division I football and basketball games, and other nationally televised events. Although other sports do not typically sell out, or generate the same level of interest outside the student body, we feel it is unfair to Division II sports and the women’s teams not to charge admission to their events as well. Charging admission to all events is the only way to treat all athletic teams equitably.”
Write a response in which you describe what specific examples or evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and how those examples or evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
The following is from an editorial in a legal journal:
“It is now apparent, based on data that has been collated from several independent studies, that asbestos is the cause of lung cancer, emphysema, and other respiratory illnesses in the miners of Coal Valley. The studies show a high incidence of such ailments among the miners, far higher than that of the general population. In 1920, before the mine opened, relatively few miners were known to have had such conditions. Studies published in 1960, 1980, and 2000 show that the incidence of such ailments has risen dramatically among the miners of Coal Valley.”
Write a response in which you discuss one or more viable alternatives to the proposed explanation. Justify, with support, why your explanation could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument.
The following is an excerpt from a letter to the editor of the Billington Bugle:
“There is no possible downside to the community in bringing the Grand Prix to Billington. Though it has not proved financially successful in other cities that have hosted the race, this will not be the case for Billington. The race’s course will run through the economic center of downtown, and the organizers of the event have offered to pay to repave the downtown streets through which the race will run. Those streets are in such disrepair that having them repaired will be a tremendous boon to the city. Furthermore, though most downtown businesses (aside from restaurants and food vendors) will likely be shut down for three days, the influx of tourist dollars will be immense. Finally, the international prestige of hosting such a race will raise the city’s profile significantly, generating new interest in doing business here.”
Write a response in which you describe what specific examples or evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and how those examples or evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
The following is a recommendation from the Board of Directors of the Cheshire College Preparatory Academy:
“We recommend that Cheshire College Preparatory Academy dispense with the use of standardized tests as an entrance requirement. Cheshire has been an elite school for more than 100 years, but we have recently seen a decline in enrollments. We have had particular difficulty in attracting students from non-legacy families (those who have never had a member attend Cheshire). We do not require entrance exams for legacy applicants, and those enrollments have not declined. Cutting the standardized entrance requirement will allow us to better compete with Surrey Academy, which recently dropped its exam requirements and concurrently overtook Cheshire in enrollments.”
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered to decide how likely the stated recommendation is to yield the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
The Supreme Court of the United States must be composed in such a way that it accurately reflects the demographics of the country. As the highest court in the land, it functions as the final arbiter of justice. In a multicultural and multiethnic society, with a variety of races, creeds, and beliefs, it is imperative that the backgrounds of the justices on the court reflect that diversity. Since our society is not homogeneous, our judicial system must follow suit. Otherwise, it will be impossible to fairly represent the views, beliefs, and cultural norms of the entire country.
Write a response in which you describe what specific examples or evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and how those examples or evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
The problem of poorly trained teachers that has plagued the state public school system is bound to become a good deal less serious in the future. The state has initiated comprehensive guidelines that oblige state teachers to complete a number of required credits in education and educational psychology at the graduate level before being certified.
Write a response in which you discuss how well reasoned you find the argument. In your response, describe specific examples or evidence needed to evaluate the argument and how those examples or evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.