Author’s note: Denver Cereal is an ongoing serial fiction project. It started in June 2008 and has continued, one chapter a week, every single week, since then. This means that regardless of what is happening in my life, I write at least 3,000 words to keep Denver Cereal going. Every single week for more than 10 years.
These chapters were written after I had an extreme spine surgery. The surgery took more than 10 hours. I was physically ill for almost five months. Day in, day out, I was vomiting, sleeping most days, and on heavy medications.
In this time, the key story for the fourth Seth and Ava Mystery came to mind. This chapter belonged in the fourth Seth and Ava Mystery, called “The Cigarette Man.” This chapter was removed from this book because it belonged in the Cigarette Man.
But you’ve been here as this story developed! It doesn’t seem quite fair to close the cover and make you get another book. Please accept this 50% off coupon for the book. To use the coupon:
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2. Search for “The Cigarette Killer by Claudia Hall Christian”.
3. At check out, use coupon: QM89L.
Enjoy the book. Thank you for reading!
P.S. If you’re curious, you can always read the chapter at Denver Cereal continues there and at