All dates are BCE.



First Punic War.


First Illyrian War.


Second Illyrian War.


Second Punic War.


First Macedonian War.


Second Macedonian War.


War with Antiochus.

Book 41


Consuls: Marcus Junius Brutus (Liguria), Aulus Manlius Vulso (Gaul). Manlius campaigns against the Istrians and is joined by Junius after an initial defeat. The Senate receives a Lycian embassy complaining about Rhodes. Triumphs for Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Lucius Postumius Albinus for campaigns in Spain.


Consuls: Gaius Claudius Pulcher (Istria; Liguria), Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (Sardinia). Embassy from the Latins about migration to Rome and recruitment. Claudius initially fails to take command, then subdues the Istrians and is reassigned to Liguria. Campaigning in Sardinia. Claudius’ two triumphs.


Consuls: Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Hispallus (Pisa; died and replaced), Quintus Petillius Spurinus (Liguria; killed in battle); suffect consul: Gaius Valerius Laevinus (Liguria). The year begins with various bad omens. Scipio Hispallus dies, and Valerius Laevinus is elected in his place. The Ligures revolt again. Tiberius Sempronius is victorious in Sardinia. Petillius dies in a Roman defeat of the Ligures.


Consuls: Publius Mucius Scaevola (Liguria), Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (Liguria). Campaigning in northern Italy. First complaints are brought against Perseus, for fomenting conflict between the Bastarnae and the Dardani. Account of their fighting. Description of Antiochus.


Consuls: Quintus Mucius Scaevola and Spurius Postumius Albinus (provinces not in text). Plague at Rome. The envoys return from Africa. Perseus campaigns against the Dolopes and returns to Macedonia via Delphi and Thessaly; he attempts to win over the Greeks. The Achaeans debate repealing their embargo of Macedonia and decide to continue it. Catalogue of troubles among foreigners. Roman campaign against the Celtiberi. Activities of the censors.

Book 42


Consuls: Lucius Postumius Albinus (Liguria), Marcus Popillius Laenas (Statellates in Liguria). The Senate’s envoys return from failed embassy to Perseus. Fulvius and the temple of Fortuna Equestris. Diplomatic activity at Rome and in Greece. The Senate dispatches another embassy to Perseus. Popillius’ controversial treatment of the Statellates. Activities of the censors.


Consuls: Gaius Popillius Laenas (brother of consul of 173; Liguria), Publius Aelius Ligus (Liguria). The consuls and Senate debate the Ligurian situation. Eumenes visits Rome to urge war against Perseus. The Senate receives an embassy from Perseus. Attempted assassination of Eumenes at Delphi. The embassy returns from Macedonia and reports to the Senate. The Senate decides on war. Senatorial reaction to treatment of the Statellates. Embassies from the Carthaginians and Masinissa. The envoys report Perseus’ hostile behaviour. Accusations against Gentius. Mobilization begins.


Consuls: Publius Licinius Crassus (Macedonia), Gaius Cassius Longinus (Italy; attempted invasion of Macedonia). Attitudes around the Mediterranean towards the war. The Romans declare war on Perseus. Conscription (speech of Spurius Ligustinus). The Senate dismisses Perseus’ envoys. Roman diplomacy in Greece. Conference of Quintus Marcius Philippus and Perseus at the Peneus. Dissolution of Boeotian League. Roman and Macedonian diplomacy in the eastern Mediterranean. Marcius’ report in the Senate. Licinius’ departure for Macedonia. Perseus musters his forces and starts the campaign. First campaign season. Perseus’ victory over the Romans at Callinicus. The Romans reject Perseus’ peace overtures. Minor Roman successes.

Book 43


Cassius’ unauthorized march into Illyricum. Embassies from Spain.


Consuls: Aulus Hostilius Mancinus (Macedonia), Aulus Atilius Serranus (Liguria and Gaul). Complaints against Roman magistrates. Return of representatives from Masinissa and the Carthaginians. Appius Claudius campaigns in Illyricum.


Consuls: Quintus Marcius Philippus (Macedonia), Gnaeus Servilius Caepio (Italy). Activities of the censors. Perseus’ campaign in Illyricum; his failed negotiations with Gentius. Appius Claudius’ campaign in Illyricum.

Book 44


Consuls: Quintus Marcius Philippus (Macedonia), Gnaeus Servilius Caepio (Italy). Quintus Marcius Philippus invades Macedonia over the shoulder of Mount Olympus, unnerves Perseus, but returns to Thessaly because of inadequate supply-lines. Activities of the Roman fleet. The Rhodians tell the Romans to come to terms; the Senate’s response. Activities of the censors.


Consuls: Lucius Aemilius Paullus (Macedonia), Gaius Licinius Crassus (Italy). An Alexandrian embassy seeks Roman help. Paullus receives a report from Macedonia and addresses the Romans. Perseus and Gentius form an alliance. Failed negotiations between Perseus and Eumenes. Failed alliance between Perseus and the Gauls. Macedonian naval activities. Anicius’ campaign in Illyricum results in the defeat of Gentius. Lucius Aemilius Paullus establishes his command and reorganizes the army. He defeats the Macedonians at Pydna. Perseus flees, eventually to Samothrace.

Book 45


News of victory reaches Rome. Perseus surrenders. Gaius Popillius’ embassy to Antiochus and the ‘Day of Eleusis’. The Senate receives the embassies. Activities of the censors.


Consuls: Quintus Aelius Paetus (Liguria), Marcus Junius Pennus (Liguria). The Senate decides on general terms for Macedonia. Attalus in Rome. The Rhodians attempt to defend their actions. Anicius’ operations in Illyricum. Paullus tours Greece. The partitioning of Macedonia. The sack of Epirus. Gentius, Perseus, and leading Greeks sent to Rome. The Senate votes triumphs for Anicius (Illyricum), Octavius (fleet), and Paullus (Macedonia). Resistance to Paullus’ triumph stirred up by Galba. Servilius’ speech supporting the triumph. Paullus’ triumph and speech. Triumphs of Octavius and Anicius. Prusias of Bithynia visits Rome.