3. Why It Can’t Be Like It Was

  1.     Patrick Deneen, “The Power Elite,” First Things, June/July 2015.

  2.     Madeline Buckley, “Threats Tied to RFRA Prompt Indiana Pizzeria to Close Its Doors,” Indianapolis Star, April 3, 2015.

  3.     For a more extensive analysis of pornography and its effects, see James Stoner and Donna Hughes, editors, The Social Costs of Pornography: A Collection of Papers (Princeton, NJ: Witherspoon Institute, 2010).

  4.     “Porn Sites Get More Visitors Each Month Than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter Combined,” Huffington Post, May 4, 2013.

  5.     Norman Doidge, “Acquiring Tastes and Loves: What Neuroplasticity Teaches Us About Sexual Attraction and Love,” excerpted from his book The Brain That Changes Itself (New York: Penguin, 2007), and collected in Stoner and Hughes, The Social Costs of Pornography, 35.

  6.     Thomas Jefferson, “Letter to James Madison: The Earth Belongs to the Living,” Paris, September 6, 1789.

  7.     Christian Smith, with Kari Christofferson, Hilary Davidson, and Patricia Snell Herzog, Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 9, 10, 11, 69, 147.

  8.     Nicolette Manglos-Weber and Christian Smith, “Understanding Former Young Catholics: Findings from a National Study of Emerging Young Adults” (Notre Dame, IN: Institute for Church Life and Center for the Study of Religion and Society, University of Notre Dame, 2015), 14.

  9.     Smith, Lost in Transition, 15.

  10.   Mary Eberstadt, How the West Really Lost God: A New Theory of Secularization (West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2013), 133.

  11.   Ross Douthat, Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics (New York: Free Press, 2012), 70, 71.

  12.   Ibid., 72.

  13.   Pierre Manent, Seeing Things Politically: Interviews with Benedicte Delorme-Montini (South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, 2015), 171.

  14.   George Grant, Technology and Empire, 22–23.

  15.   Pew Research Center, “America’s Changing Religious Landscape,” www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape, May 12, 2015.

  16.   Pew Research Center, “The Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants: Majority Christian, Rising Share of Other Faiths,” www.pewforum.org/2013/05/17/the-religious-affiliation-of-us-immigrants/#affiliation, May 17, 2013.

  17.   Ibid.

  18.   Data taken from Pew Research Center 2013 (33 percent) and Boston College / Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) 2014 (40 percent) studies. Total U.S. Catholic population estimate by CARA, 2015.

  19.   “Boston College Study: Hispanics Vital to Future of Catholic Church,” Boston College Chronicle, May 8, 2014. See also Hosffman Ospino, Hispanic Ministry in Catholic Parishes: A Summary Report of Findings from the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 2015), 8–9.

  20.   Joshua Bolding, “Diffusion of Faith: Immigrants Are Transforming American Christianity,” Deseret News, January 12, 2012.

  21.   Ibid.

  22.   Alan Dunn, “Average America vs. the One Percent,” Forbes, March 21, 2012.

  23.   Agustino Fontevecchia, “Forbes’ 2016 Presidential Candidate Wealth List,” Forbes, September 29, 2015.

  24.   Jacob Davidson, “Wealth Inequality Doubled Over Last 10 Years, Study Finds,” Time, June 25, 2014.

  25.   “Class in America: Mobility, Measured,” Economist, U.S. edition, February 1, 2014.

  26.   Eli Lehrer and Lori Sanders, “Moving to Work,” National Affairs, Winter 2014.

  27.   Zygmunt Bauman, Consuming Life (Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2007), 18, 21, 29.

  28.   James Poulos, “Losing Liberty in an Age of Access,” New Atlantis, Summer/Fall 2014.

  29.   Ibid.