The gas lights in Akkarat’s operations center gutter out. Anderson straightens in the sudden darkness, surprised. The fighting has been desultory for some time, but all across the city it is the same. Krung Thep’s gas lamps are winking out, green points of light smothered down the thoroughfares, one by one. A few zones of conflict still flicker yellow and orange with burning WeatherAll, but all the green is gone from the city. A black blanket covers it, almost as complete as that of the ocean beyond the levees.

“What’s happening?” Anderson asks.

The dim glow of computer monitors is all that still lights the room. Akkarat comes back inside from the balcony. The operations room buzzes with activity. Emergency hand-cranked lantern LEDs come to life, spattering light around the room, illuminating Akkarat’s smiling face. “We’ve taken the methane works,” he says. “The country is ours.”

“You’re certain?”

“The anchor pads and the docks are secure. The white shirts are surrendering. We’ve gotten word from their commanding officer. They will be laying down their weapons and surrendering unconditionally. The word is going out over their coded radio now. A few will fight on, but we have the city now.”

Anderson rubs at his broken ribs. “Does that mean we can leave?”

Akkarat nods. “Of course. I will detail men to escort you back to your homes in just a little while. The streets will still take a bit of time to settle.” He smiles. “I think you will be very happy with the new management of our Kingdom.”

A few hours later they’re being ushered into an elevator.

They plunge to street level and find Akkarat’s personal limousine waiting. Outside, the sky is just starting to lighten.

Carlyle stops on the verge of climbing into the car, staring down the thoroughfare to where the yellow edge of dawn is thickening. “Now that’s something I wasn’t expecting to see.”

“I thought we were dead.”

“You seemed cool enough.”

Anderson shrugs gingerly. “Finland was worse.” But as he climbs into the car, he has another coughing fit. It goes on for half a minute, wracking him. He wipes blood off his lips as Carlyle stares.

“Are you all right?” Carlyle asks.

Anderson nods as he gingerly pulls the door closed. “I think I’m busted up inside. Akkarat used a pistol on my ribs.”

Carlyle studies him. “You sure you haven’t caught something?”

“Are you kidding?” Anderson laughs, which makes his ribs hurt. “I work for AgriGen. I’m inoculated against diseases that haven’t even been released yet.”

The car accelerates away from the curb with an escort of kink-spring scooters swarming around the coal-diesel limo. Anderson settles himself more comfortably in his seat, watching as the city slides past beyond the glass.

Carlyle taps a leather armrest thoughtfully. “I’ll have to get me one of these. Once the trade starts flowing, I’m going to have a lot of money to spend.”

Anderson nods, distracted. “We’re going to need to start shipping calories right away. Famine relief. I want to commission your dirigibles immediately, as a stopgap. We’ll bring U-Tex in from India. Give Akkarat something to crow about. Benefits of open markets, all that. Lots of good press from the whisper sheets. Get things cemented.”

“You can’t just enjoy the moment?” Carlyle laughs. “It’s not often you escape a black hood, Anderson. The first thing we do is go find some whiskey and a rooftop, and watch the damn sun rise over the country we just bought. That’s what we do first. The rest of the crap will all wait for tomorrow.”

The limousine makes a turn onto Phraram I Road and their escort forges ahead of them, hurtling across the rapidly lightening city. They come down off a flyway and detour around a rubbled Expansion tower that has been entirely toppled in the fighting. A few people are scavenging in the wreckage, but no one is armed.

“It’s over,” Anderson murmurs. “Just like that.” He feels tired. A pair of white shirt bodies lie half-off the curb, rag-doll limp. A vulture stands beside them, edging closer. Anderson touches his ribs gingerly, suddenly glad to be alive.

“You know someplace we can buy that whiskey?”