The idea for this book was born from research for my doctoral thesis in classics that I undertook at the University of Exeter from 2004 to 2007. I owe an immense debt of gratitude to all those who took the trouble to glance at my work, offer helpful suggestions and moral support and who helped shape the material that eventually became the basis of this book. To Professor John Wilkins, whose sage advice and encyclopaedic knowledge of ancient food matters formed the basis of numerous hours of fascinating discussion (and often, much re-writing). To Professor Daniel Ogden, for encouragement and helpful words. To Pauline, Anna, Sharon, Steve and many others who offered constructive criticism and suggested useful avenues of research, and put up with my ramblings about Pliny the Elder and Athenaeus. To Tom Jaine and Prospect Books for making the creation of this book such a rewarding endeavour. And finally to Anne, for patience, tolerance and much sacrifice over the years, and without whom none of this would ever have come to pass.