1. Main motion or question (original)

[For forms see 4:4–5, 10:9–25.]

2. Adjourn, ordinary case in societies

• I move to adjourn.

3. Adjourn at or to a future time, or in advance of a time already set, or when the assembly will thereby be dissolved

• I move to adjourn at 4 P.M.

• I move that the meeting adjourn to meet at 8 P.M. Tuesday.

• I move to adjourn.

• I move to adjourn sine die.

4. Adopt, accept, or agree to a report

• I move that the report be adopted.

5. Adopt bylaws or constitution, initially in forming a society

• On behalf of the committee appointed to draw up bylaws, I move the adoption of the bylaws submitted by the committee.

6. Adopt revised bylaws or constitution

• On behalf of the committee on revision of the bylaws, I move that, as a substitute for the present bylaws, the bylaws submitted by the committee be adopted with the following provisos:…

7. Adopt special rules of order

• In accordance with notice given at the last meeting, I move that the following resolution be adopted as a special rule of order: “Resolved, That…”

8. Adopt ordinary standing rules

• I move that the following resolution be adopted as a standing rule: “Resolved, That…”

9. Adopt parliamentary standing rules in a convention

• By direction of the Committee on Standing Rules, I move the adoption of the Standing Rules of the Convention as just read.

10. Adopt convention agenda or program

• By direction of the Program Committee, I move the adoption of the Convention Program as printed.

11. Amend a pending motion

• I move to amend by adding…

• I move to amend by inserting the word… before the word…

• I move to amend by striking out the second paragraph.

• I move to amend by striking out “concrete” and inserting “blacktop.”

• I move to substitute for the pending resolution the following resolution: “Resolved, That…”

[For manner in which above forms are varied in the particular case, see 12:32, 12:53, 12:67, 12:82–83.]

12. Amend an amendment of a pending motion

• I move to insert in the pending amendment the word… before the word…

• I move to amend the pending amendment by… [varying form to fit particular case, as under Amend a pending motion, No. 11].

13. Amend Something Previously Adopted, general case, including ordinary standing rules

• I move to amend the resolution relating to…, adopted at the September meeting, by…

14. Amend parliamentary standing rules in a convention, when they are not pending

• I move to amend Standing Rule No. 6 by…

15. Amend adopted convention agenda or program with reference to items not yet reached

• I move to amend the agenda [or “program”] by…

16. Amend bylaws or constitution, when not pending

• In accordance with notice given, I move the adoption of the following amendment to the bylaws…

17. Amend special rules of order, when not pending

• In accordance with notice given, I move to amend Special Rule of Order No. 3 by…

18. Appeal, general case

• I appeal from the decision of the chair.

19. Appeal, relating to indecorum or transgression of rules of speaking, or to the priority of business, or if made when an undebatable question is immediately pending or involved in the appeal

[Same form as No. 18]

20. Ballot, to order the vote on a pending question to be taken by

• I move that the vote on the pending question be taken by ballot.

21. Blank, to create by striking out

• I move to create a blank by striking out “$10,000.”

22. Blanks, proposals for filling

• I suggest $20,000.

23. Bylaw amendments, to rearrange order of consideration

• I move that the amendments be considered in the following order…

24. Chair, to declare vacant

• I move to declare the chair vacant and proceed to elect a new chairman.

25. Change or depart from adopted convention agenda or program, immediately to take up a matter out of its proper order

• I move to suspend the rules and take up…

26. Commit, Refer, or Recommit a pending question

• I move to refer the motion to the Program Committee.

• I move that the motion be referred to a committee of three to be appointed by the chair.

[For additional variations see 13:25.]

27. Committee, to refer a matter that is not pending to

• I move that a committee [stating number and manner of selection] be appointed to conduct a survey relating to…

28. Consider informally

• I move that the question be considered informally.

29. Consider by Paragraph or Seriatim

• I move that the resolution be considered by paragraph.

30. Continue speaking after indecorum, to grant permission to

• [Chair usually puts question without a motion. When done by a motion:] I move that the member be permitted [or “allowed”] to continue speaking.

31. Debate and amendment, to obtain immediate closing of

[See Previous Question, No. 70.]

32. Debate, to Limit or Extend Limits of, on a pending question

• I move that debate be limited to one speech of three minutes for each member.

[For variations in particular cases see 15:19.]

33. Debate, to Limit or Extend Limits of, for the duration of a meeting

• I move that during this meeting debate be limited to five minutes for each member.

34. Discharge a Committee

• [For a standing committee:] I move that the Finance Committee be discharged from further consideration of the resolution relating to…

• [For a special committee:] I move that the committee to which was referred… be discharged.

35. Discharge a Committee, when it has failed to report at prescribed time, or while assembly is considering partial report of committee

[Same forms as No. 34]

36. Division of the Assembly (call for verification of a voting result by an uncounted rising vote)

• Division!

• I call for a division.

37. Count of vote on Division, to order, if chair does not do so

• I move that the vote be counted.

• I move for [or “demand”] tellers.

• I move that the vote on this motion be by counted division.

38. Division of a Question

• I move to divide the resolution so as to consider separately…

39. Call for a separate vote on a resolution which is one of a series on different subjects offered by a single motion

• I call for a separate vote on the third resolution.

40. Duty, to be excused from

• I move [or “ask”] that I be excused from…

• I move that the resignation be accepted.

41. Effect, fix time for taking

• I move that the amendment to the… take effect as of…

42. Extend time for consideration of pending question, or time until scheduled adjournment or recess

• I move that the time for consideration of the pending resolution be extended for twenty minutes.

• I move to suspend the rules which interfere with continuing the consideration of the motion.

• I move that the time until the recess be extended ten minutes.

43. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn, if moved while a question is pending

• I move that when this [or, “the”] meeting adjourns, it adjourn to meet next Tuesday at 8 P.M.

44. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn, if moved while no question is pending

[Same form as No. 43]

45. Information, Request for

• I have a request for information.

• A point of information, please.

• Will the member yield for a question?

46. Lay on the Table

• I move that the motion be laid on the table.

47. Minutes, to approve

• [Normally done by unanimous consent. When proposed by a motion:] I move that the minutes be approved as read [or “as corrected”].

48. Minutes, to correct before adoption

• [Usually suggested informally and done by unanimous consent except in cases of disagreement. When done by a motion:] I move to amend the minutes by…

49. Minutes, to correct after approval

[See Amend Something Previously Adopted, No. 13.]

50. Minutes, to dispense with reading of

• I move that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with.

51. Minutes, to take up after their reading has been dispensed with

• I move to take up the reading of the minutes.

52. Minutes, to order the reading of a subordinate board’s

• I move that the minutes of the Executive Board’s last meeting be produced and read.

53. Nominations, to make

• I nominate George Beall.

54. Nominations, to close

• I move that nominations be closed.

55. Nominations, to reopen

• I move that nominations for… be reopened.

56. Nominations, motions relating to (except to close or reopen nominations) made while election is pending

• I move that candidates for service on the committee be nominated from the floor.

57. Nominations, motions relating to, made while election is not pending

[Same form as No. 56]

58. Object, to authorize motion outside society’s

• I move to authorize the introduction of the following motion:…

• I move that the motion just made by Member A be considered by the assembly.

59. Objection to Consideration of a Question

• I object to the consideration of the question.

60. Order, to make a special, when question is not pending

• I move that the following resolution be made a special order for 3 P.M.: “Resolved, That…”

61. Orders of the Day, to Call for

• I call for the orders of the day.

62. Orders of the day, to proceed to

[Chair at his discretion puts this question when orders of the day are due to be taken up or are called for.]

63. Order of the day, when pending

[Will have been introduced earlier as a main motion.]

64. Order, Point of, Question of, or Calling a Member to

• Point of order!

• I rise to a point of order.

• I call the member to order. [Applying to indecorum]

65. Parliamentary Inquiry

• I rise to a parliamentary inquiry.

• Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. President!

66. Postpone Indefinitely

• I move that the resolution be postponed indefinitely.

67. Postpone to a Certain Time, or Definitely, applied to a pending question

• I move to postpone the question to the next meeting.

68. Postpone a pending question to a certain time and make it a special order

• I move that the resolution be postponed until 3 P.M. and made a special order.

69. Postpone an event or action previously scheduled

• I move that the dinner previously scheduled for September 15 be postponed until October 17.

70. Previous Question (immediately to close debate and the making of subsidiary motions except the motion to Lay on the Table)

• I move the previous question.

• I move the previous question on the motion to commit and the amendment.

71. Proviso

• I move to add the following to the motion: provided that this shall not take effect until….

72. Question of Privilege, to Raise while regular introduction as main motion is not in order

• I rise to a question of privilege.

73. Question of privilege, to offer as a main motion when an ordinary main motion is in order or after being raised as in No. 72 above

[Is moved as a main motion.]

74. Quorum, to take measures to obtain, if moved while a question is pending

• I move that a committee of three be appointed by the chair and directed to contact absent members during the recess.

75. Quorum, to take measures to obtain, if moved while no question is pending

[Same form as No. 74]

76. Ratify, or Confirm

• I move that the action of the Executive Board on… be ratified.

77. Read Papers, to grant permission to

• [Usually done by unanimous consent. When done by a motion:] I move that the member [or “I”] be permitted [or “allowed”] to read…

78. Recapitulation of roll call, to order

• I move for a recapitulation of the vote.

79. Recess, to take a, if moved while business is pending

• I move to recess for five minutes.

80. Recess, to take a, if moved while no question is pending

[Same form as No. 79]

81. Reconsider

• I move to reconsider the vote on the motion relating to…

• I move to reconsider the vote on the amendment striking out… and inserting…

82. Reconsider, in a committee

[Form similar to No. 81]

83. Reconsider, call up motion to

• I call up the motion to reconsider the vote…

84. Recount, to order

• I move that the ballots be recounted.

85. Report, to receive when no time has been established for its reception

• I move that the assembly receive the report of the Finance Committee.

86. Rescind and expunge from the minutes

• I move that the entry relating to… be rescinded and expunged from the minutes.

87. Rescind, Repeal, or Annul

• I move that the resolution relating to… adopted on [date] be rescinded.

88. Refer

[See Commit, Committee, Nos. 26 and 27.]

89. Rise, or Rise and Report (in a special committee)

• I move that the committee rise.

90. Rise, or Rise and Report (in a committee of the whole)

• I move that the committee rise and report.

91. Substitute

• I move to substitute for the pending resolution the following resolution: “Resolved, That…”

92. Suspend the Rules (as applied to rules of order)

• I move to suspend the rules which interfere with…

93. Suspend ordinary standing rules, or standing rules in a convention

[Form similar to No. 92]

94. Take from the Table

• I move to take from the table the motion relating to…

95. Take up a question out of its proper order

• I move to suspend the rules and take up…

96. Voting, motions relating to, if made while subject is pending

• I move that the vote on this question be taken by rising and be counted.

97. Voting, motions relating to, if made while no question is pending

[Form similar to No. 96]

98. Withdraw or Modify a Motion, to grant maker permission to, after motion has been stated by the chair

• [Usually done by unanimous consent. When done by a motion, for the case of withdrawal:] I move that the member [or “I”] be permitted [or “allowed”] to withdraw the motion.

[For the case of modification by a motion, see Amend a pending motion, No. 11.]