Most entries in this index refer to the sections and paragraphs as numbered in the text. Some entries refer to the page numbers in the printed version of this book. For these, the link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.
“a” vs. “the” in previous-meeting notice requirement, 56:50, 59:32
Call of the House to compel attendance, 40:13–16; explanations and excuses, 40:15
candidates, 46:46
delegates, 58:16–17
election result affected by, 46:49(c)
president, 47:11
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes to protect, 37:46, 37:49
rules protecting, 23:6(e), 25:10, 41:39, 56:68
secretary, 47:33
abstention (from voting), 4:35, 44:1, 44:3
blank ballots as, 45:31
calling for, 4:35
effect on vote based on members present, 44:9
questions affecting oneself, 45:4–5
of authority by chair, xxvii, 62:2–15
of privileges by member (see dilatory motions or tactics)
Accept. See Adopt report or recommendations.
acclamation (election by unanimous consent), 46:40
acclamation (voice vote), xxx
accused, rights of. See also disciplinary procedures.
due process in disciplinary procedures, 63:5
in investigation, 63:12
investigation resolution without details, 63:11
notice, 63:28–29
in review of trial committee findings, 63:36
in trial, 63:33
ad hoc committee. See special committees.
add a paragraph. See insert (or add) a paragraph.
add words. See insert (or add) words.
address, forms of
member, 3:13
adhering motions, 6:26(1), 10:35
Amend Something Previously Adopted does not adhere to adopted question, 17:5
Commit’s effect on, 13:19
Lay on the Table’s effect on, 17:5
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate applied to, 43:17
Postpone’s effect on, 14:18
Previous Question applied to, 43:17
Reconsider applied to, 37:9(2), 37:25–34
Take from the Table’s effect on, 34:6
withdrawal of motion adhered to, 33:16
Adjourn, adjournment (motion or procedure to end the meeting), 6:12(4), 8:2(5–6), §21, 21:1, 21:6. See also adjourn sine die (without day); adjourned meeting; call of the chair; Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn.
“adjournment of” as term for adjourned meeting, 9:17
in agenda, program, or schedule, 18:8, 21:14, 41:56, 41:59, 41:66–68, 47:7(11)
announcement of vote on, 21:12, 21:18, 53:31
Call of the House and, 40:14, 40:16
calling meeting back to order after, 21:12
calling out the motion, 42:22
in committee, 50:22
in committee of the whole, 52:10, 52:16–17
early, 21:14
at emergency, fire, or riot, 8:10, 47:7(11)
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn and, 22:10–11
form and example, 21:16–20
gavel rap to signal, 21:20
Lay on the Table renewal after vote on, 17:11
main motion vs. privileged motion, 6:13n5, 21:1–4
in mass meeting, 53:28–31
motion not always required, 8:10, 21:14–15
order of business and, 8:7, 25:12
organizing a society, at meetings for, 54:10, 54:25
parliamentary steps before and after vote on, 21:10
pending business affected by, 8:7
postponing the time for, 41:56
precedence of, t4
previous notice of motion, to give after voting to, 10:48
privileged motion vs. main motion, 6:13n5, 21:1–4
quorum, in absence of, 40:6–7, 40:11
vs. recess, 8:7
Reconsider called up before, 37:17
renewal of the motion, 21:13, 38:7(4)
within session, 8:7
special orders and, 41:41, 41:53, 41:56
Adjourn, Fix the Time to Which to. See Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn.
adjourn sine die (without day), 8:2(6), 8:6, 21:8, 21:16
adjourned meeting, 9:17–19, 22:4, 22:9, 54:24. See also call of the chair; Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn.
of annual meeting, 9:23, 14:12
of board, 49:16
business taken up at, 9:19, 21:7(a)
completing an election at, 46:44
minutes approval and, 9:19, 48:9
postponing a question to, 14:7
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes countered by, 37:51
regular meeting cannot intervene, 22:7
session, as continuation of, 8:2(5)
vs. special meeting, 22:9
Take from the Table at, 34:3
trial at, 63:21
administrative duties of president, 47:20
Adopt report or recommendations, 4:3, 10:5, 10:52, 51:13, 51:17
“adopted” (motion agreed to), 4:3, 4:43, 4:49
agenda, 41:1–36, 41:58–70. See also order of business.
Adjourn at session with, 21:3(2), 21:14
adjournment provided in, 18:8, 21:14, 41:66–68, 41:70
adoption of, 41:60–62
advance distribution, 41:62
Call for the Orders of the Day to conform to, 18:1, 18:5
chair’s duty to follow, 18:3, 47:7(2)
conflicts with constitution or bylaws, 10:26(1)n1
general orders in, 41:3, 41:42, 41:58
as guide pending adoption, 41:61
items, taking up at assigned time, 41:65
items, taking up out of order, 41:37–39
preparation of, 41:7, 41:62, 47:8, 47:33(10)
program, relation to, 3:19, 41:2n2, 41:64, 59:54
recess provided in, 18:8, 20:6, 41:66–68
session as devoted to one, 8:2(6), 8:5
special orders in, 41:3, 41:42, 41:58
for trial, 63:32
unfinished business in, 41:69
Agree to report or recommendations. See Adopt report or recommendations.
“agreed to” (motion adopted), 4:3, 4:43, 4:49
alternates (convention), 58:11–17, 59:39–40
bylaw provisions on, 58:6, 58:9, 58:13–15
Credentials Committee duties on, 59:3, 59:14, 59:17–19, 59:23, 59:25
number and qualifications of, 58:13
order and ranking of, 58:14
paired with delegates, 58:15
reliance on by delegates, 58:18
replacement procedure, 58:16–17
sample rules, 59:39–40
seating of, 58:11, 58:16–17, 59:17–19
temporary substitution, 58:17
vice-president as president’s alternate, 47:25, 58:12
alternation between opposite sides in debate, xxxiii, 3:33(3), 42:9(3)
alumni associations, 3:4, 45:57
ambiguity in rules or documents, 3:2, 56:68
Amend, amendment (subsidiary motion to change wording of pending motion), 6:5(2), 10:30(3), 10:53, §12, 12:1, 12:7, t3–t5. See also bylaw amendments; filling blanks; Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted; Withdraw or Modify a Motion; and the particular forms of amendment: insert (or add) a paragraph; insert (or add) words; strike out a paragraph; strike out and insert (transfer) a paragraph; strike out and insert words; strike out words; substitute.
acceptance by maker, 12:91, 33:19
vs. Amend Something Previously Adopted, 12:2
of amendment (see secondary amendment)
announcement of vote on, 12:37–38
of charter before adoption (see also charter), 54:15
Commit’s effect on, 13:19–20
in committee of the whole, 52:8–9, 52:12
committee or board reports, of motions arising from, 51:17, 51:19, 51:70
committee recommendation of, 51:17, 51:42–43, 51:45–51; Resolutions Committee, 59:81
conforming, 12:15, 27:5, 27:11
in consideration by paragraph, 28:3, 28:6
of Credentials Committee report, 59:24
debate, not counted as speech in, 43:12
degrees of, 12:11–13
divisible series of, 27:11
of Division of a Question, 27:4
effect of adoption or rejection, 12:4
form of, changing to another, 12:22(4)
“friendly,” 12:91
germaneness of (see also germaneness of amendments), 12:6, 12:16–21
improper types of, 12:22
Lay on the Table renewal after vote on, 17:11
in mass meeting, 53:16
Modify a Motion, procedure when objected to, 33:19
to negate a motion, 12:22(2)
out of order, when, t4–t5
previous notice, beyond scope of, 35:4
primary (see also primary amendment), 12:11–13
putting the question on, 12:36, 12:40
Reconsider’s effect on, 37:19n6
vs. Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, 12:2
same question presented by, xxvi, 12:25, 13:20
secondary (see also secondary amendment), 12:11–13
as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 6 of all motions, 7:2
stating the question on, 12:33–35, 12:40, 47:17
stopping (see Previous Question)
to strike enacting words, 12:22(6)
subsidiary motions, applied to, 6:7
of suggestions for filling blanks, 12:100
Take from the Table, after adoption of, 34:6n2
third degree, 12:12
by unanimous consent, 12:45
Amend Something Previously Adopted. See Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted.
amendment of bylaws. See bylaw amendments.
amendment of charter, 2:6, 54:15
amendment of constitution, 2:10–11, 56:54
amounts, filling blanks with, 12:108–112
“and” vs. “or” in term of office, 50:14, 56:28–30, 62:16
Anglo-Saxon influence, xxxi
announcement of voting result, 4:41–49, 47:7(4), 47:17–18
on Amend, 12:37–38
Appeal from, 24:7
disregarded if member seeking floor, 43:7
motion to retake vote after, 24:7, 42:8
Point of Order concerning, 24:7n4
announcements, 21:10, 41:35, 53:31, 59:55
annual meeting, 9:20–23, 56:35, 56:63
adjourned meeting of, 9:23, 14:12
bylaw amendments at, 56:52
committees and, 50:29
elections at, 9:22, 56:35, 56:62–63
minutes of, 9:22
postponement beyond, limits on, 14:6
reports (see annual reports)
subjects set by bylaws for, 9:23, 14:12, 41:20
standing committees, 50:29, 51:3
treasurer, 48:21
Annul. See Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted.
Appeal (from the decision of the chair), 6:17(2), §24, 24:1, 24:3, 62:6–7
announcement of vote on, 24:7
of assignment of the floor, 42:15
chair’s duties and, 47:7(8)
chair’s failure to comply with decision, xxvii, 62:7, 62:11n4
Commit’s effect on, 13:19
in committee of the whole, 52:9(1), 52:9(2)n13, 52:10(2)
debate on, 16:18, 43:12, 43:39, 49:21; by chair, 42:10, 43:30
dilatory, 39:3
in disciplinary procedures, 63:33
form and example, 24:9–13
ignored by chair, 62:7, 62:9, 62:11n4
interrupts speaker, 42:18
of motion’s being ruled not in order, 4:17
of Parliamentary Inquiry response, 24:6, 33:5
precedence of, 6:21
precedent set by, 23:10
Previous Question’s effect on, 16:18
of quorum ruling affecting prior business, 40:12
Raise a Question of Privilege, of chair’s ruling on, 19:9
of removal by chair of nonmembers, 61:8, 61:19
renewal of Appeal or Point of Order after vote on, 38:5(6)
timeliness requirement for, 24:8
applicability of motions, 6:6
incidental motions, 6:16–22
motions that bring a question again before the assembly, 6:27
secondary motions, 5:5
as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 2 of all motions, 7:2
subsidiary motions, 6:6–8
appointment. See also committees.
by chair or president, 13:15, 47:20, 47:26, 50:13, 56:46, 56:65
of chairman pro tem, 47:11
deciding method of, 50:11
by motion, 50:13
notification by secretary, 47:33
of officers or consultants, 47:43–56
approval of minutes. See minutes, reading and approval of.
Approve. See Ratify.
“Are there any amendments?” 4:15(a)n8
“Are you ready for the question?” 4:15(a), 4:34, 10:41, 16:21, 43:4
Arrangements Committee. See convention.
arrears of dues
effect on good standing, 1:13n3
resignation prevented by, 32:8
suspension of rights and, 47:39, 56:19, 61:6
voting rights and, 45:1
article and section numbers, correcting, 57:19
Articles of Association, 2:5
Articles of Incorporation, 2:5
as if in committee of the whole. See quasi committee of the whole.
assembly, 1:3. See also deliberative assembly.
authority and powers of, 2:13, 56:2
vs. committee, 50:1
vs. committee of the whole, 52:4
dissolution of, 21:3(3), 48:12
executive-board minutes subject to examination by, 49:19
executive board must obey decisions of, 49:7
large, 42:16
local, 1:13
vs. meeting, 1:3
privileges of the, 19:7
rights of individual vs., 44:4
small-board rules in, 2:16
assessments (financial), 56:19. See also dues; fines.
assignment of the floor (recognition to speak), 3:13, 3:30–35, 42:2–17. See also preference in recognition.
Appeal of, 42:15
Call of the House, fee payment before, 40:15
chair’s duty in, 42:2, 47:7, 62:3–4
debate, as prerequisite to, 3:30, 4:28
denial of, in response to dilatory tactics, 39:4
at electronic meetings, 9:36
in example format, 10:37
in large assemblies, 42:16, 47:18
limited recognition, 17:23, 42:3, 43:12n5
at mass meeting, 53:18
motions, as prerequisite to, 3:30, 42:2, 42:4
motions and steps not requiring, 4:20, 4:23, 4:52, 18:9, 19:8, 41:25, 46:6, t44–t45
for nominations, 46:6
vs. privileges of floor, 3:31n5
reports, maintained during reading of, 42:21
in small boards, 42:2(1), 49:21
for suggestions to fill a blank, 12:96
by vote, 42:14
association, organizing. See organizing a society.
assumed motions, 4:59
for accused to leave while penalty considered, 61:16
for recommendations in a report, 51:12, 51:44, 51:51, 59:12
resignation, to accept, 32:5
at ease, to stand, 8:2(4), 23:3, 47:51
“at pleasure” appointments. See pleasure, removal at.
Athens, xxx
attachments to minutes, 48:5(5)
attendance at meetings
duty of, 56:20
right to, 1:4, 3:31n5, 23:7, 61:6
at disciplinary procedures, 63:30
for dissolution, 55:5
for incorporation, 2:6, 54:8, 54:12, 56:5
for merger or consolidation, 55:2
audioconferences, 9:33. See also electronic meetings.
auditing committee, 48:22–26, 56:65, 59:55
authentication. See signatures.
“aye” (in voice vote)
example, 10:41
form for announcing result, 4:49(a), 4:50
form for taking vote, 4:37
“aye” or “yes” or “yea” (in roll-call vote), 45:47
balance sheets, 48:23
Balch, Thomas J., xlvi
ballots, 45:18–42. See also mail; preferential voting; tellers.
adjournment during counting, 21:6(1)n5
announcement of result, 45:39
assembly judges result, 45:10, 45:33, 46:50
black and white balls, 30:1, 45:18n3
blank, 44:1, 44:3, 45:31, 45:34, 45:36, t52
box or receptacles for collecting, 45:29
business conducted during voting, 45:6
bylaw requirement for, 10:55, 23:6(e), 25:7, 45:19–21, 45:42, 56:26, 56:62
chair’s vote by, 4:56, 44:12, 45:28
in committee of the whole, 52:10
for committee or board member selection, 13:13, 45:36, 46:33–34, t52
counting rules for, xxiv, 45:31–36, t52
for disciplinary procedures, 45:19, 61:17, 63:33
disposal or retention of, 45:41
election by (see elections: by ballot)
electronic devices for, 45:18, 45:23, 45:42
“for” or “against,” 45:25, 46:1
form of, 45:24–25
Lay on the Table immediately before vote by, 16:2(2)n11
member admission by, 45:18n3
in minutes, 48:5
motion to take vote by, 6:17(8), 30:1, 30:5, 30:7, 45:19
nominating, 46:22–24
parliamentarian’s vote by, 47:55
polls, closing or reopening, 30:8
on Postpone Indefinitely if ordered on main motion, 30:5
procedure, 45:26–30
recess during counting, 8:2(3), 21:6(1)n5
Reconsider method of, 45:20
Reconsider moved by member voting by, 37:10(a)
on reconsidered motion if ordered originally, 30:7
recounting, 45:41
repeated, 45:69
requirement of, ratifying violation, 10:55
requirement of, suspending, 45:20, 46:35
secrecy of, 45:18, 45:20–21, 45:42
secretary’s casting of, 45:22
secretary’s custody of, 45:41
sections treated separately, 45:36
technical errors on, 45:33
unanimous, making, 45:21
by voters not entitled to vote, 45:35, t52
write-in, 45:18, 45:24–25, 46:2, 56:26
balls, ballot vote by, 30:1, 45:18n3
Barclay’s Digest of Rules and Practice of the House, xl
basic rights of individual member, 1:4, 23:6(e), 25:11. See also members’ rights.
benediction, 41:30, 47:40, 59:55
biennial convention. See convention.
bills (legislative), 10:30(4), 17:13n16
“blackball,” 45:18n3
blanks, creating, 12:95
blanks, filling. See filling blanks.
board of directors, governors, managers, or trustees. See boards; directors.
board reports, 51:20–22. See also reports.
content agreed at meeting, 51:2
at convention, 59:55
filed with secretary, 47:35
form of, 51:7
for information, 51:3, 51:53, 59:55
in minutes, 51:22
motions arising out of, 3:25, 41:14
in order of business, 3:16, 41:13–14, 51:22
presentation of, 51:8–9
recommendations in, 51:4–6
reporting member, 51:22
signatures, 51:21
boards, xlv, 1:9, 1:22, 1:22–23, §49, 56:39–43. See also board reports; directors; small-board rules.
action without meeting, 10:54, 49:16
actions of, when invalid, 10:54–57, 23:9
Adjourn in, 21:9
adjourned meetings of, 49:16
assembly, as type of, 1:22
assembly of society is superior to, 1:23, 10:11, 23:9, 49:7, 56:41
authority, variations in, 49:3, 49:6, 56:42–43, 56:64
ballot to elect, 45:36
board of directors (managers, trustees, governors), administrative council, etc., as title of executive board, 49:3, 56:40
bylaw provisions on, 49:3–7, 49:14, 56:39–43; sample, 56:64
committees of (see also executive committee), 49:14, 50:30
convention of society, authority to plan, 59:2, 59:7, 59:61
cumulative voting to elect, 46:43
delegation of authority, 49:12
disciplinary procedure in, 49:15
discipline or censure of, 10:56, 23:9
electronic meetings of, 9:31
ex-officio members, 47:3, 49:8
executive board (see also directors; executive committee), 1:23, 49:3–7, 56:39–43, 56:64; vs. board of directors, 49:3, 56:40; executive committee is subordinate to, 49:13, 56:41; executive committee reports to, 49:20; executive secretary employed by, 47:43
executive committee (see executive committee)
executive session in, 9:25
functions and types, 1:23
independent, 49:7, 49:11, 49:15
majority of entire membership in, 44:9
meetings of, 49:2, 56:64, 59:8, 59:56
members, periodic partial change, 21:7(c), 34:3n1, 49:22
members as officers of the society (see also directors), 47:58, 49:4, 56:23
notice (of meetings), 49:16
officers of, 49:11, 49:22, 56:40
procedure in, 49:15–21
Ratify actions taken by, 10:54–57
recount of membership vote cannot be ordered by subordinate, 46:50
Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted in assembly applied to actions of, 35:2(7)
rules in (see also small-board rules), 49:15, 56:39
special meetings (of the society) called by, 9:14(1)
standing committees functioning as, 50:4, 50:9
subordinate, 1:23, 10:54–55, 49:3–7, 51:1
bonding of treasurer, 47:38
breaches of order, §23, 61:10–21. See also call member to order; disciplinary procedures.
in boards, 49:15
in committees, 50:28
continuing, 23:6
breakout groups, 52:28
bringing a question again before the assembly. See motions that bring a question again before the assembly; renewal of motions.
bullet voting (partial abstention), 45:3, 46:33, t52
burgesses, xxxii
Burke, Edmund, xxix
classes of (see order of business)
introduction of (see also main motions; motions), 3:16, 3:21–29, 4:1–24, 5:4, 6:1, 6:25, 10:1
new (see New Business)
“old,” 41:21n5
order of (see order of business)
outside of society’s object, 10:26(2)
business corporations, 1:23, 45:70, 49:7
business meeting, §9. See also meeting; session.
convention ceremonies preceding, 59:10
convention delegates’ duty to attend, 58:18
vs. convention nonbusiness events, 18:3n1, 41:2n2
vs. social or cultural meeting of society, 9:6, 14:7, 56:52
bylaw amendments, §57
vs. adoption of bylaws, 54:20
amendment of, within scope of notice, 35:2(6), 35:4, 56:50, 57:1(2), 57:4–5, 57:10–13
at annual meeting, 56:52
arrangement of multiple, 57:6
bylaw provisions on, 2:9, 56:50–56, 57:1; sample, 56:67
conflicting, 57:6
conforming amendments, 57:3
conforming corrections to lettering and numbering, 57:19
Consideration by Paragraph, 57:6
counted vote on, 57:9
dissolution or merger requires same vote as, 55:3, 55:6
effective time of, 57:15–17
majority of entire membership and, 56:50, 57:1
in minutes, 57:9
officers, effect on incumbent, 57:16
previous notice: method of giving, 10:46–51, 56:51, 57:14; requirement of, 2:8(4), 8:14, 10:45, 56:53, 57:1(1); requirement of can’t be suspended, 25:10; scope of (see “amendment of, within scope of notice” subheading, above)
provisos relating to, 56:15, 57:15–17
quorum changed by, 40:4
Reconsider applied to, 57:1(3)
revision of bylaws (general revision), xxvii, 47:47, 56:3, 56:6, 56:15, 57:5
substitutes for existing sections or articles, 57:4, 57:5n2
vote required, 35:2(7), 56:50, 57:1
bylaw provisions on
alternates (convention), 58:6, 58:9, 58:13–15
ballots (see ballots: bylaw requirement for)
boards (see “executive board” subheading, below)
bylaw amendments (see bylaw amendments)
committees, 56:44–48; appointment of, 50:13; of boards, 49:14; sample, 56:65
constituent or subordinate units, 56:6–7, 56:57
delegates (convention), 58:6–9
disciplinary procedures (see disciplinary procedures)
dues (see dues)
elections (see ballots: bylaw requirement for; elections)
electronic meetings, 9:30, 9:35–36
executive board, 49:3–7, 49:14,
executive committee, 49:13, 56:40, 56:57
executive secretary, 47:44
finance, 56:57
fiscal year, 48:21
honorary members and officers, 47:42; sample, 56:61
meetings, 9:1, 56:33–38; sample, 56:63
members, 32:1, 56:19; sample, 56:61
name of society, 2:9, 56:17; sample, 56:59
nominating committee, 46:10, 47:20, 50:13(d); sample, 56:62
nominations, 41:20, 46:11, 46:13, 46:26, 56:25; sample, 56:62
nominees, dropping one with fewest votes, 46:32n1
notice (of meetings), 9:4, 9:14(2), 56:34; sample, 56:63
object of society, 56:18; sample, 56:60
officers, 47:1, 56:23–32; duties, 56:57; sample, 56:62
parliamentary authority, 56:49; sample, 56:66
previous notice for certain subjects, 10:45
Program Committee, 56:45; sample, 56:65
quorum, 3:3, 40:2, 40:4, 56:37; sample, 56:63
resignation, 32:7, 56:21; sample, 56:61
standing committees, 50:8
vice-president (see vice-president)
voting: absentee, 45:56; by ballot (see ballots: bylaw requirement for); by ballot (sample), 56:62; basis of, 44:10; cumulative, 56:26; by plurality, 44:11; preferential, 56:26; by proxy, 45:70–71
bylaws, 2:8–13, §56, 56:1. See also bylaw amendments; bylaw provisions on; bylaws committee.
article and section numbers, correcting, 57:19
ballot requirements in (see ballots: bylaw requirement for)
conflicts and violations (see also Point of Order), xxvi, 10:26(1–2), 10:55, 23:6(a), 39:5
Consideration by Paragraph when adopting or revising, 28:4–5, 43:18, 56:15, 57:6
constitution, relation to, 2:8, 2:10–12, 56:1
copies of: chair’s, 47:8; members’, 2:13; in organizing a society, 54:13; secretary’s, 47:33(8)
interpretation by society, 56:68
mass-meeting call functions as, 53:9
preamble, 56:18
precedent, superseding by amendment to, 23:11
rescinding, dissolution equivalent to, 55:6
revision (see bylaw amendments: revision of bylaws)
rules of order in, 2:20–21, 25:2(2)n5, 25:7
sample, 56:58–67
session, as restriction on freedom of majority at, 8:12, 8:14
subject set for particular session by, 14:12, 41:20
Suspend the Rules applied to, 2:8(4), 2:21, 8:14, 25:1, 25:2(2), 25:7, 45:20
table of contents, 56:16
transition provisions, 56:12
writing style, 56:11
bylaws committee, 54:8, 56:3–15, 56:51, 57:14
calendar, consent, 41:32
Call for the Orders of the Day (to demand to take up the proper business in order), 6:12(1), §18, 18:1, 18:4, t3–t5
in committee of the whole, 18:6
convention program, 18:3n1
debate on, 43:38
form and example, 18:9–11
interrupts speaker, 42:18
main motion, to bring up, 10:36, 18:7
out of order, when, t4–t5
postponed question, to bring up, 14:17
precedence of, t4
quorum, in absence of, 40:7
recess, to take as scheduled, 20:6
renewal of, 38:7(3)
“call for the question,” 16:6–7. See also Previous Question.
call meeting to order. See call to order (of assembly).
call member to order, 4:17, 23:13–16, 23:21, 43:21, 61:11, 63:11. See also disciplinary procedures.
call of meeting. See notice (of meetings).
call of the chair
adjourning to meet at, 8:2(5), 8:8, 8:10, 22:8, 22:12
committee or board meetings held at, 21:9, 49:16n2, 50:21
meeting to organize a society held at, 54:8–10
recessing until, 20:8
series of mass meetings held at, 53:32
Call of the House (to compel attendance of absent members), 40:8, 40:13–16, 47:40
call of the roll. See roll call.
“call the question,” 16:6–7. See also Previous Question.
Call to Convention, 9:3, 58:6, 59:14(1)n1, 59:52. See also convention.
call to order (of assembly), 3:15, 3:16(1)n3, 41:8, 41:29. See also call member to order.
at adjourned meeting, 3:16(1)n3
after adjournment in error, 21:12
in agenda, 41:59
chair stands during, 47:9
in convention program, 59:54
at organizational meeting or convention, 54:2–3, 60:3
president-elect’s duty, 47:22
president’s absence, 47:11, 47:22–23, 47:33(11)
president’s duty, 47:7(1)
quorum determination before, 40:11
after recess, 3:16(1)n3, 8:7, 20:10
secretary’s duty, 47:11(3), 47:33(11)
at trial, 63:33
vice-president’s duty, 47:11(1), 47:23
call up motion to Reconsider. See Reconsider.
called meeting, 9:13. See also special meeting.
chair included among, 47:10
compromise, 46:24
limiting to two, 46:24
statement with mail ballot, 45:58
in uncontested election, 46:40, 50:13(b)
captions, 57:18
“carried” (motion adopted), 4:3, 4:43, 4:49
casting vote. See voting: chair’s vote to affect results.
caucuses, 58:19–22
cause (grounds for removal from office), 62:16
censure, 10:56–57, 12:20, 39:7, 47:10
penalty in disciplinary procedures, 61:2, 61:15
without disciplinary procedures, 61:2n1
Certificate of Incorporation, 2:5
chair (person presiding at a meeting, or station from which to preside), 3:7, 47:5–20. See also chairman; committee chairman; president (regular presiding officer of an assembly).
abstention, 4:56
abuse of authority, xxvii, 62:2–15
address, forms of, 3:10–12, 3:31, 10:37
adjournment declared by (see also Adjourn, adjournment: in agenda, program, or schedule), 8:10, 21:12, 21:14–15, 47:7(11)
agenda (order of business) preparation, 41:7, 47:8
agenda, handling, 41:65
amendments, handling, 12:33–45
announcement of voting result, 4:41–49
assumption of motions (see assumed motions)
business, announcing or calling for items in sequence, 10:41–42, 18:3, 18:8, 47:7
call of the chair, meeting or reconvening at (see call of the chair)
“the chair,” 3:7, 3:11, 3:13, 47:5
“chair” as variation of “chairman,” 3:10
committee appointments, 13:15, 47:20, 50:13, 56:65
committee chairman as temporary, 47:12
counted vote directed by (see counted vote)
debate, forcing to end, 4:32, 39:4, 43:7, 62:3–4
debate, taking part in, 4:31, 43:29–30, 47:19; in committees and small boards, 49:21(7), 50:25
disciplinary-procedure duties, 63:33
documents at meeting, 47:8
duties, 18:3, 47:7–12, 62:11n4
as essential officer, 3:6, 47:1
expediting business, 39:4, 41:27, 43:7, 47:7, 62:3–4
impartiality, 3:9
“in the chair,” 3:7
inexperienced, suggestions for, xlvi, 47:14–19
mass meeting, 53:5–6, 53:11–13, 53:32
motions, assisting members in wording, 4:7
motions, assuming (see assumed motions)
motions, making or suggesting in committees and small boards, 49:21(7), 50:25
nonmember as, 47:2
nonmember guests, authority over, 61:19
obeying orders of, 61:8
order-of-business memorandum, 41:7, 47:8
orders of the day, setting aside, 18:8
parliamentarian as adviser to, 47:46
Parliamentary Inquiry directed to, 33:3
polls closed by, 30:8
pro tempore (see chairman pro tem)
putting the question, 4:34–40
questions of privilege, rulings on, 19:2, 19:9
quorum, duty to determine, 40:11–12, 47:7
recess declared by (see also Recess: in agenda, program, or schedule), 20:6
Reconsider, duty to inform assembly, 37:17
relinquishing the chair, 43:29, 47:10, 52:2, 52:7, 62:11n4
removal during one session (see also removal from office), 47:11(2–3), 62:10–14
RONR Official Interpretations consulted by, xxv
rulings on parliamentary procedure, 4:16–17, §23–§24, 47:7, 47:54
sits and stands, when, 4:24, 4:31, 4:34, 4:41, 24:3(5), 47:9
stating the question, 4:15–24
strike out and insert words, handling, 12:62
substitute (form of Amend), handling, 12:71
taking the chair, 3:15
temporary (see chairman pro tem)
vacant, to declare, 47:11, 62:11
votes, duty to verify, 4:41, 29:6
voting by: to affect result, 4:43, 4:56, 44:12, 45:48; in ballot vote, 45:28; in committees and small boards, 49:21(7), 50:25
chairman (presiding officer with no specific other title), 3:10, 47:5. See also chair (person presiding at a meeting); chairman pro tem; committee chairman; president (regular presiding officer of an assembly).
“chair” or “chairperson” as variation of “chairman,” 3:10
“Madam Chairman” or “Mr. Chairman” as form of address, 3:10, 3:31, 10:37
temporary (see chairman pro tem)
chairman pro tem (temporary presiding officer), 43:29, 47:11
also called chairman pro tempore,
in absence of president and vice-president, 47:11, 47:33(11)
convention of temporary society, 60:3
in disciplinary procedures to remove chair, 62:10–14
invited nonmember, 47:13
mass meeting, 53:32
organizational meeting, 54:3, 54:22–23
president’s appointment, 47:11
president’s relinquishment of the chair, 43:29–30, 47:11, 62:11–12
previous notice to elect beyond current session, 8:16, 47:11
professional presiding officer, 47:13
removal of, 62:11
temporary society, 53:32
chairperson, 3:10. See also chair; chairman; committee chairman; president.
challenges. See also Appeal; Division of the Assembly; Point of Order.
credentials of delegates or delegation, 59:24
election results, 46:48–50
changing a vote, 4:42, 45:8, 45:50
chaplain, 47:40
charge (assigned functions of a committee), 10:30(4), 49:14, 50:8–10, 51:7. See also Discharge a Committee; instructions: committee.
charges and specifications in disciplinary procedures, 63:1, 63:24
Committee on Discipline adoption of, 63:39
disclosure to public, 63:3
investigating committee required before bringing, 63:11
members’ right to due process, 63:5
notice of, to accused, 63:28
read and pleaded to at trial, 63:33
resolution to prefer, 63:15, 63:19
specifications supporting charges, 63:15, 63:19, 63:24–25, 63:28, 63:33, 63:39
voting on, 63:33
charter, 2:5–7
amendment after adoption, 2:6
amendment while pending, 54:15
attorney’s services for drafting and processing, 2:6, 54:12, 54:15, 56:5
bylaws conformance to, 2:8(2), 2:12
conflicts and violations (see also Point of Order), 10:26(1–2), 23:6(a), 39:5
copies for members, 2:13
corporation, 2:5–7
name of society in, 56:17
national or state organization, issued by, 2:7n4
object of society in, 56:18
Suspend the Rules applied to, 2:7, 25:2(2)n5, 25:7
charter members, 54:21
chat rooms, 9:34
chief executive, 47:20, 47:43–45
choice voting. See preferential voting.
churches, quorum in, 3:4, 40:2(2)
city councils, 1:21, 1:23, 50:30
claiming the floor. See assignment of the floor; preference in recognition.
classes of business. See order of business.
classes of members, 1:4, 56:19
clauses. See resolutions; rules.
Cleary, James W., xlv
clerk, 3:6, 40:15, 45:47, 47:1, 47:32. See also reading clerk; secretary.
close debate. See Limit or Extend Limits of Debate; Previous Question.
Close Nominations, 31:1–2, 31:4–7, 46:19–20, 46:40
election at later session not affected by, 31:6
renewal of the motion, 38:7(5)
two-thirds vote required, 31:2(7), 44:4
close polls. See polls, to close or reopen.
close suggestions to fill a blank, 12:101, 12:105
closed session (without secrecy), 9:25, 9:28. See also executive session.
cloture, 16:5(7)n14
co-chairman, 13:17
code of conduct or ethics, 61:1, 63:24, 63:33(e)
colonies (American), xxxiv–xxxv
Columbia University, xliv
Commit or Refer, 6:5(3), 10:30(4), §13, 13:7, 52:28, t3–t5. See also committee of the whole; committees; Consider Informally; quasi committee of the whole.
adhering motions affected by, 13:19
adhering to postponed main motion, 14:18
agenda topic, before taking up, 41:65
amendments affected by, 13:19–20
Appeal affected by, 13:19
automatic referral of certain subjects, 10:30(4)
completing incomplete motion, 13:10–14
consider in committee of the whole, in quasi committee of the whole, or informally, as variations of, 13:2–3, 13:5, 13:8(a), 13:12, 13:21, 13:25, 52:1
consideration by paragraph, during, 28:8
debate, motion not counted as speech in, 43:12
debate closure, limitation, or extension exhausted by adoption of, 13:21, 15:18, 16:11–12
debate closure’s effect on ability to move, xxv, 13:7(2), 15:11–13, 16:2(2)
debate on, 43:37
dilatory, 13:9
election challenges, applied to, 46:50
form and example, 13:25–26
Lay on the Table renewal after vote on, 17:11
and Limit or Extend Limits of Debate (see “debate” subheadings, above)
meeting, referral beyond next regular, 9:8, 9:10
minutes approval, applied to, 41:11n3
out of order, when, t4–t5
Point of Order affected by, 13:19
Postpone Indefinitely ignored upon adoption of, 11:4, 13:19
precedence of, t4
and Previous Question (see also “debate” subheadings, above): execution interrupted by vote on, 16:9–10
quarterly time interval, referral beyond, 9:8, 21:7(c)
recommit, motion to, 13:4–5, 13:12, 13:25, 54:19
Reconsider affected by, 13:19, 37:34
Reconsider applied to, 36:6, t3–t5
recount, applied to, 46:50
renewal of committed motion, 38:8(5)
renewal of motion to Commit, 38:7(1)
“same question” rules affected by, 13:20–21
during seriatim consideration, 28:8
session, going over to later by, 9:8–10
temporarily but not finally disposed of, 9:9–11
committee chairman. See also chair (person presiding at a meeting); chairman.
appointment, 13:17–18, 50:11–14
chairing assembly, 47:12
duties and role, 50:21, 50:24–25
report, presenting to assembly, 51:8–9
report, signing, 51:27
committee of the whole, 52:1–2, 52:4–18. See also quasi committee of the whole.
amendments by, 52:8–9, 52:12–13
Call for the Orders of the Day in, 18:6
debate in assembly after, 13:21
disorder in, 52:10(5)
motion to go into, 13:2–3, 13:5, 13:8(a), 13:12, 13:21, 13:25, 52:6
motions in order in, 52:9
vs. ordinary committee, 50:2, 52:5
quorum in, 40:5, 52:18; action when lacking, 40:10
Reconsider in, 37:35
rising and reporting, procedures for, 52:11–17
rising to request adoption of undebatable motion, 52:14
secretary of, 52:7
speech length and number in, 43:18, 52:1
straw polls, as alternative to, 45:72
subcommittees of, 50:15
vice-president as chair, 47:23
voting in, 52:10
committee of the whole, as if in. See quasi committee of the whole.
Committee on Discipline, 63:38–40. See also disciplinary committees.
committee reports, 51:23–71. See also reports.
action without meeting, 51:2
amendments recommended in, 10:30, 50:20, 51:45–51; multiple, 51:47–48, 52:23
of board committee to board, 49:12, 49:14
chairman presiding during report, 47:12
of committee of the whole, 52:11–13
content agreed at meeting, 51:2
convention, 59:55
date of, 51:24
filed with secretary, 47:33, 47:35
final report automatically discharges committee, 36:8–9, 46:17, 50:30, 53:27
floor retained when secretary reads, 42:21
for information, 51:3, 51:53, 59:55
investigating committee, 63:13–27
membership committee, 51:54
minority reports, 51:64–71
in minutes, 48:4(8), 48:5(3), 48:5(5), 51:44, 51:60
on motion referred, with committee’s recommendations, 51:36–52; for adoption or rejection (or with no recommendation), 51:37–43; to Amend, 51:45–48; to Amend by substitution, 51:49–51; on amendments pending at time of referral, 51:42–44; to Postpone to a Certain Time or Postpone Indefinitely, 51:44
motions arising out of, 3:25, 41:14, 42:9, 51:10–19
oral, 48:4, 51:23, 51:44, 51:54, 51:60–62
in order of business, 3:16, 41:13–14, 51:28, 59:55
partial, 51:63
partial agreement with, 51:71
postponement (definite or indefinite) recommended in, 51:44
presentation of, 51:8–9; not counted as debate, 43:11
in published proceedings, 48:16
of quasi committee of the whole, 52:23
recommendations, adopting all by unanimous consent, 51:48
recommendations, general content of, 51:4–6
recommendations without resolutions, 51:33
reporting member, 51:5, 51:8, 51:33
of standing committee to assembly, 50:9
on subject referred without pending motion, 51:34
substitutes recommended in, 12:77–78, 51:49–51
third-person wording in, 51:25
written, 51:23, 51:31, 51:54, 51:60–62
committees, 1:24, 6:5(3), §50, 50:1. See also Commit or Refer; committee of the whole; committee reports; quasi committee of the whole; special committees; standing committees.
action without meeting, 50:21n6
Adjourn in, 21:9
amendments recommended by, 10:30(4), 50:20, 51:45–51
appointment, deciding method, 50:11
appointment by chair or president, 13:15, 47:20, 47:26, 50:13, 56:46, 56:65
appointment by motion, 50:13
auditing committee, 48:25–26, 56:65, 59:55
automatic referral of certain subjects, 10:30(4)
ballot, election by, 45:36, 50:13
of a board, 49:14
bylaw provisions on, 56:44–48, 56:65
chairman (see committee chairman)
committee of the whole vs. ordinary, 50:2
composition and size, 50:18
convention, 59:3
cumulative voting to elect, 46:43
dilatory debate in, 50:25n7
discharging (see Discharge a Committee)
discipline when disorder in, 50:28
election by ballot, 45:36, 50:13
electronic meetings, 9:35
ex-officio members, 47:20, 50:16, 56:47
executive session, 9:24
finance committee, 56:65
“with full power,” 13:8(d), 50:5
instructions to (see instructions: committee)
investigating committee (see investigating committee)
joint committees, 55:3
large, instructions on rules, 50:26
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate not allowed in, 15:1, 49:21(3)n3
mass meeting, 53:19–27
meetings of, 50:4, 50:21–23, 59:55
members of, announced, 13:15, 50:13
minutes of, 50:24
nominating committee (see nominating committee)
nominations by chair, 46:5, 50:13
nominations from the floor, 50:13
nonmembers appointed to, 13:15, 50:12–13
Previous Question not allowed in, 15:1, 16:4, 49:21(3)n3
procedure in, 50:24–28
Program Committee (see Program Committee)
Ratify unauthorized action of, 10:54
Reconsider in, 37:10(a–b), 37:35
records of, 47:36
removing or replacing members, 13:23, 50:14
reports of (see committee reports)
Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted in, 35:2(7)
resignation from, 13:23
Resolutions Committee (see Resolutions Committee)
seconds in, 4:9n7
secretary of, 50:24
show of hands in, 4:40
size and composition, 50:18
small-board rules, 1:24, 50:25–26
speaking seated in, 3:12
substitute recommend by, 12:77–78
term of some assembly members ends, effect on, 21:7(c)
terms of members, 13:23, 50:29–30
trial (see also disciplinary procedures), 63:21–23, 63:35–37
vice-chairman, 13:17
common parliamentary law, xxix, xxxviii, 1:5, 2:15, 53:8
communications to assembly, 3:26–28, 47:33–34
complaints. See Appeal (from the decision of the chair); call member to order; censure; charges and specifications in disciplinary procedures; contested election results; counted vote; demands; Division of the Assembly (member’s demand for a rising vote); objection to unanimous consent; Point of Order; recounts.
computer software, electronic meeting, 9:36
conduct, code of, 61:1, 63:24, 63:33(e)
conference. See convention.
conference table, 42:3
Confirm. See Ratify.
conflict of interest, 45:4
conflicting motions, 2:2, 10:26–27, 39:5
board with assembly, 10:11, 49:7, 56:41
bylaw amendments exception, 57:1, 57:7
bylaws, 2:12, 10:26(1–2), 23:6(a), 39:5
charter, 2:7, 2:12, 10:26(1–2), 39:5
constitution, 10:26(1–2), 39:5
Discharge a Committee to consider, 10:26(5)(a)
executive committee with board or assembly, 49:13, 56:41
fundamental principle of parliamentary law, 23:6(d)
motion previously adopted, 10:26(4), 23:6(b), 37:13, 39:5
order limiting or extending limits of debate, 15:17
parliamentary authority, 2:16
previous notice to consider, 10:27
Suspend the Rules to consider, 10:26(5)(b)
temporarily but not finally disposed of, 6:25(b), 10:26(5), 12:17
two-thirds vote to consider, 10:26(1)n1, 10:26(2)
conforming amendments, 12:15, 27:5, 27:11, 51:48(b)n11
bylaw amendments, 57:3
Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, 35:5
confusion, 4:34, 47:17, 56:68(1)
congress. See convention.
Congress (U.S.), 8:5–6
Congressional Manual, xl
consensus, xlvii–xlviii
unanimous (or general) (see unanimous consent)
consent calendar, 41:32
Consider as a Whole, 28:4–5
Consider Informally (to allow an unlimited number of speeches in debate), 52:1–2, 52:24–27. See also small-board rules.
debate in assembly after, 13:21
minutes and, 48:5
motion to, 13:2–3, 13:5, 13:8(a), 13:12, 13:25, 52:25
speech length and number, 43:18, 52:1
Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim, 6:17(6), §28, 28:1, 28:2
adhering to postponed main motion, 14:18
form and example, 28:10–11
Lay on the Table during, 28:8
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate during, 28:8
number of speeches, 43:18
Postpone Indefinitely during, 28:8
Previous Question during, 28:8
after referral, 13:19
substitute, when in order during, 12:76
consideration of a motion, basic steps, 4:25–57
Consideration of a Question, Objection to. See Objection to the Consideration of a Question.
consolidation, 55:1–3
constituent units or societies, 2:7n4, 56:7, 56:57
constitution, xxxv–xxxvi, 2:8–13, 54:8(1)n1, 56:1
amendment after adoption, 2:10–11, 56:54
bylaws, relation to, 2:8, 2:10–12, 56:1
conflicting motion, 10:26(1–2), 39:5
object of society in, 56:18
Suspend the Rules, 25:1
constitutional convention, 1:15
Constitutional Convention (U.S.), xxxv
contested delegates, 59:24
contested election results, 46:48–50
Continental Congress (U.S.), xxxv
continued meeting. See adjourned meeting.
continuing breaches, 23:6, 46:49
contracts, 2:5
between officers and society, 57:16
Reconsider applied to, 37:9(2)
convention, 1:9, 1:14–18, §58–§60, 58:1. See also alternates; convention standing rules; Credentials Committee; delegates and delegations.
Adjourn vs. Recess, 8:7
announcements, 59:55
Arrangements Committee, 59:4, 59:51, 59:61–66, 60:2
assembly, each convention as new, 1:17, 8:5, 21:3(3)n4
assignment of the floor, 42:16
auditors’ report, 59:55
board, authority in planning, 59:2, 59:61
board report, 59:55(5)
bylaw provisions on, 56:38, 58:6–10
Call for the Orders of the Day, 18:2, 18:3n1
Call to Convention, 9:3, 58:6, 59:14(1)n1, 59:52
caucuses, 58:19
ceremonies, preliminary or opening, 59:10
Committee on Standing Rules (see Rules, Committee on Standing)
committee reports, 59:55
committees appointed by, expiration of, 50:30
Credentials Committee (see also Credentials Committee), 59:3
debate, sample rule, 59:43
delegates (see delegates and delegations)
elections at, 59:55(11)
Elections Committee, 59:9
events outside of business meetings, 18:3n1
executive secretary elected at, 47:43
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn in, 59:59
fractional voting, 44:1
general orders, 59:55
installation of officers, 59:55
majority of entire membership, 44:9
members (see also delegates and delegations), 58:7–8
motions in order before credentials report adopted, 59:22
name of, 59:10
nominating speeches, 46:27
nominations, 59:55
notice (of meetings), 9:3, 58:6, 59:52
officers’ authority in planning, 59:2
one person, one vote, 45:2
opening ceremonies, 59:55
order of business, 3:19, 21:7(a)
orders of the day, 41:47
organization of, 59:10–13
Postpone Indefinitely’s effect during, 11:3
postponement beyond, limits on, 14:6
program, 3:19, 41:2n2, 59:51–60
Program Committee (see also Program Committee), 59:3
published proceedings of, 48:16
purpose not involving permanent organization, 60:4
quorum in, 3:4, 40:2(3), 58:6, 59:26
Recess vs. Adjourn, 8:6
Reconsider, 37:10(b)
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, 37:46–48
registration (see also Credentials Committee), 59:14, 59:16–21, 59:29, 59:52, 59:55
reporting member, 59:12
reports, 59:55
Resolutions Committee (see Resolutions Committee)
roll call, 45:53
rules (see convention standing rules)
Rules, Committee on Standing, 59:3, 59:27–47, 60:3
second for committee reports, 59:12
seconding speeches, 46:27
secretary, 59:12
session, 8:5
special, 21:8
special orders, 59:55
treasurer’s report, 59:55
unfinished business, 41:70, 59:55
voting members (see also delegates and delegations), 58:7, 59:24, 59:26
convention standing rules, 2:24, 45:42, 59:27–47. See also Rules, Committee on Standing.
adoption, xxvii, 59:30–35; vote required, 59:34–35
amendment after adoption, 59:36
amendment before adoption, 59:32; rereading of amended rule, 59:33
for assignment of the floor, 42:15n3
for debate limits, 43:16
mass-meeting standing rules similar to, 53:8
vs. ordinary standing rules, 59:27
rescission, 59:36
rules applied before adoption of, 59:29
sample, 59:38–47
separate vote on individual rule, 59:32
Suspend the Rules applied to, 59:37
convocation. See convention.
Corporate Charter. See charter.
corporations, 1:23
attorneys’ services for (see attorneys)
business corporations, 1:23, 45:70, 49:7
bylaws, 56:17–18
charter, 2:5–7
constitution, 2:8(2)
proxy voting, 45:70
correspondence, 3:26, 47:33–34
corresponding secretary, 47:37. See also secretary (recording secretary).
correspondence not read by, 47:34
executive secretary functioning as, 47:44
vs. recording secretary, 47:32
sample bylaws, 56:62
Corsey, Mark, xxvii
council, city, 1:21, 1:23, 50:30
counted vote. See also ballots; rising vote; roll call; show of hands.
on bylaw amendments, 57:9
on bylaws adoption, 54:20
chair may direct, 29:5, 30:6, 44:5–6, 54:20
chair’s vote to affect results, 4:56
form for announcing result, 4:43, 4:49
form for taking, 4:39
Lay on the Table due to time consumed by, 16:2(2)n11
method of counting, 45:15
in minutes, 48:5
motion for, 4:53, 6:17(8), 29:5, 30:1, 54:20
recount of, 45:15
to verify show of hands or voice vote, 4:51, 45:14
voting cards, when taken by, 45:16
counting rules for ballots, 45:31–36, t52
courteous language, 4:30, 39:7
courtesy resolutions, 59:78
creating blanks, 12:95. See also filling blanks.
Credentials Committee, 1:16, 59:3, 59:14–26, 59:63
Amend the report of, 59:24
delegate replacement by alternates, 58:16–17
motions in order before report adopted, 59:22
organization of convention, 59:11–13
organizing a society, 60:3–4
parliamentarian as adviser to, 59:9
registration, 59:14, 59:16–21, 59:25, 59:52, 59:55
reports of, 59:22–26; sample rules, 59:39
roll of registered voting members, 59:25–26
Crestwood (Ernest Dunn), 27:7, 27:12–15
cross-references, correcting, 57:19
crystallization of opinion, aids to, 52:28
cultural or social meetings, 14:7
cumulative voting, 46:43, 56:26
curator, 47:40
Cushing, Luther S., xxxvii–xxxviii, xl, xli
custom and customary practices
announcements, 41:35
elections, voting method, 45:18n3, 46:30
executive session, 9:24
formality, 3:9–14
nominations, time for, 46:6, 46:14, 46:18, 56:25
parliamentary authority, 2:19
voting method, 46:30
vs. written rules, xxix–xxx, xlvi, 1:5, 2:25
dais. See platform (stage).
“dark horse” candidate, 46:32
dates, filling a blank with, 12:111–112
De Repvblica Anglorvm, xxxiii
debatability of motions, 43:35–40, t3–t5, t6–t33, t46–t47
as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 5 of all motions, 7:2
debate, 3:30, 4:27–33, §43, 43:1. See also debatability of motions; discussion without a pending motion; sit and stand, when to.
alternation between opposite sides in, xxxiii, 3:33(3), 42:9(3)
blank, on motion to create, 12:95(b)
chair, addressed to or through, 3:12, 4:30, 33:9, 43:22, 61:10
chair enforces rules of, 47:7
chair’s taking part in, 4:31, 43:29
closing (see also Previous Question), 4:32, 43:7
Commit’s effect on, 13:21
committee report presentation and, 43:11
Consideration by Paragraph’s effect on, 28:1, 28:3, 28:6–7, 43:18
discipline for words spoken in, 61:22
exhaustion of right to (see exhaustion: right to debate)
explaining a vote, 45:7
extension of time, 4:61, 6:5(5)
germaneness of, xxxiv, 4:8n6, 4:30, 43:20, 61:10
interrupting (see interruption of member assigned the floor; interruption of pending business; preference in recognition)
leaders, time controlled by, 15:19(f), 59:82–83
length of speeches, 4:29, 6:5(5), 43:8
limits of, modifying (see also Limit or Extend Limits of Debate), 43:14–18
maker of motion speaking against it, 43:25
making motion not counted as, 43:12
in mass meeting, 53:18
motions, explaining undebatable, 43:31
motions, making at conclusion of speech, 10:31, 42:5, 43:5
motions, when not pending, 4:7, 4:8n6, 43:4
names, use in, 43:23
on nominations, xxvii, 46:27–29
by nonmembers, 25:9n7
number of speeches, 2:16, 4:28, 6:5(5), 43:12–13
personal attacks, 46:28
personalities to be avoided, xxxiv, 4:30, 43:21
on Point of Order submitted to assembly, 12:21, 23:19
postponement’s effect on, 14:19
on prior action of society, 43:24
questions during (see also Parliamentary Inquiry; Request for Information), 43:10, 43:12, 43:22, 43:31–32
quorum, when absent, 40:12
Read Papers, Request to, 33:20
recognition to speak (see assignment of the floor; preference in recognition)
on Reconsider and during reconsideration, 16:17, 37:9(5), 37:18–23, 37:29–32
reports and recommendations, on motions arising from, 51:17
reserving time in, 43:10
right to, 1:4
roll call, after begun, 45:48
small-board rules, 49:21
special rules of order for, 43:15
before stating of the question, 4:24
on suggestions for filling blanks, 12:96, 12:98–101
vote disregarded if member seeking floor to, 43:7
yielding time in, 43:10
deceased honorary officers, 47:42
deciding vote. See voting: chair’s vote to affect results.
decision of the chair. See Appeal; rulings.
declare the chair vacant, 47:11, 62:11
decorum, xxxiii, 4:17, 33:9, 43:19–28, 47:7
“defer.” See Postpone to a Certain Time.
definite postponement. See Postpone to a Certain Time.
degrees of amendment, 12:11–13
delegates and delegations (convention), 1:14–16, 8:2(6), 47:25, 58:1, 59:39–40
alternates (see alternates)
bylaw provisions on, 58:6–9
caucuses, 58:19–22
cumulative voting to elect, 46:43
duties of, 58:18
ineligible, 59:14
one person, one vote, 45:2
quorum at convention, 40:2(3)
Ratify unauthorized action of, 10:54
registration, 59:14, 59:16–21, 59:29
vacancies among, 58:12
voting freedom, 58:18
delegation of authority, 49:12
“delete,” 12:8(2)n3. See also Amend, amendment; Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted; strike out a paragraph; strike out words.
deliberative assembly, xxix, §1, 1:1, 43:1. See also assembly.
electronic meetings and, 9:31
nature of, 1:1–8
types, 1:9–24
demand the regular order. See Call for the Orders of the Day.
demands (by one member), t44, t45. See also counted vote; objection to unanimous consent; Previous Question; Withdraw or Modify a Motion.
for ballot vote on disciplinary procedures, 45:19, 61:17, 63:33(e)
to be excused from a duty, 32:1
to poll delegation on roll-call vote, 45:53
for reading of minutes, 41:9
for reading of motion, 4:6, 4:15(e–f), 4:37, 33:21, 59:33
to withdraw a second, 4:21
different question, 38:1. See also same question.
dilatory motions or tactics, 39:1–4, 47:7, 62:3–4
Adjourn as, 21:13
Appeal as, 24:3(2)(b)
Commit as, 13:9
committee debate, unlimited speeches in, 50:25n7
Division of the Assembly as, 4:52, 29:7
Reconsider characteristics to prevent, 37:8, 37:10
roll call, ordering in society with large membership, 45:46
straw polls, 45:72
directors, 47:40–41. See also boards.
as officers, 56:23
standing-committee chairs, 49:4
Discharge a Committee, 6:26(3), 6:27, §36, 36:1, 36:4
alternate procedures, 36:6–7
in classification of motions, 6:25–27
conflicting motion, to consider, 10:26(5)(a)
debate on, 43:40
final report, automatic discharge at time of, 36:8–9, 46:17, 50:30, 53:27
form and example, 36:12–15
as incidental main motion to Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, 6:27(1–2), 36:11
instruction to report as substitute for, 36:7
partial report, at time of, 36:4(7), 51:63
previous notice of the motion, 8:12, 10:45
renewal of motions and, 38:8(5)
session’s freedom and, 8:12
subcommittee, to remove a matter from, 36:1n3
disciplinary committees. See also investigating committee.
president’s involvement in, 47:20, 50:13(d), 56:47; sample bylaws, 56:65
standing committee on discipline, 63:38–40
trial committee, 56:47, 56:65, 63:21–23, 63:33, 63:35–37, 63:39
disciplinary procedures, §61–§63. See also disciplinary committees; expulsion from membership; removal from office.
adjourned meeting for, 63:21
agenda for trial, 63:32
Appeal during trial, 63:33
in boards, 49:15
bylaw provisions on, 56:57, 61:2–3, 63:7, 63:24, 63:33, 63:38
call member to order, 4:17, 23:13–16, 23:21, 43:21, 61:11, 63:11
chair’s role at trial, 63:33
charges and specifications (see charges and specifications in disciplinary procedures)
closing arguments at trial, 63:33
code of conduct or ethics, 61:1, 63:24, 63:33(e)
in committee of the whole, 52:10
in committees, 50:28
confidentiality in (see also “ballots” subheading, above), 9:24–27, 63:2–3, 63:12, 63:33, 63:35
due process, 63:5
executive session for (see “confidentiality in” subheading, above)
in Good of the Order, 41:34
hearsay, 63:4
investigating committee (see investigating committee)
at meeting, 61:6–21
motion related to, language, 39:7, 63:11
motions in order during trial, 63:33
“naming” offending member, 48:4, 61:12–18
nonmembers, 61:19–21
notification of accused, 63:28–29
objections during trial, 63:33
offenses outside meeting, 61:22
opening statements at trial, 63:33
plea, 63:33
proof, standard of, 63:4, 63:34
public disclosure of result, 9:26, 63:3
questions during trial, 63:33
resolutions, 63:11, 63:13–27, 63:32–33, 63:35
secretary’s duties in, 63:28–29, 63:33
special meeting for, 9:14, 56:36, 63:21
special rules of order for, 63:32n10
specifications supporting charges, 63:15, 63:19, 63:24–25, 63:28, 63:33(a), 63:33(b), 63:33(e), 63:39
suspending authority, rights, and duties pending, 63:26
time limits in trial, 63:32
timeliness requirement, 61:22
trial, 32:8, 61:13, 63:21, 63:30–34, 63:39
trial committee (see disciplinary committees)
trial resolutions, 63:32–33
warnings before, 61:12
words taken down, 61:12, 61:14, 61:17
Discipline, Committee on, 63:38–40. See also disciplinary committees; investigating committee.
discourteous language, 4:30, 39:7
discussion (of a motion). See debate.
discussion without a pending motion, 4:7–8, 43:31–34
of bylaw amendment for which notice is being given, 57:14
explaining a vote, 45:7
Good of the Order, General Good and Welfare, or Open Forum, 41:34
at mass meeting, 53:19
organizing a society, 54:5–7, 54:9
Reconsider, to urge moving, 37:10(a)
Request for Any Other Privilege to permit, 33:22
small-board rules, 49:21
disorderly members and guests. See breaches of order; call member to order; disciplinary procedures; nonmembers.
dispense with a ballot vote, 56:26
dispense with the reading of the minutes, 48:11
dispense with the regular order of business, 25:12
disposed of. See temporarily but not finally disposed of.
disruption of meeting, 61:19
dissolution of assembly, 8:2(6). See also adjourn sine die.
dissolution of organizations, 21:3(3), 21:8, 55:4–7
disturbing the assembly, 43:28
Division of a Question, xxxiv, 6:17(5), §27, 27:1, 27:3
Commit’s effect on, 13:19
consideration by paragraph prevents, 28:9
demand for: on multiple amendments, 12:14, 27:11, 51:48(b), 52:13, 52:23; on multiple unrelated main motions or resolutions, 10:25, 27:10; on proposed convention standing rules, 59:32
form and example, 27:12–15
motions that cannot be divided, 27:5–9
Postpone’s effect on, 14:18
precedence of, 6:19
renewal of, 38:5(5)
strike out and insert words, not applicable to, 12:56
strike out as alternative, 27:9
substitute, application to, 27:9
Division of the Assembly (member’s demand for a rising vote), xxx, 4:50, 4:52, 6:17(7), 24:7, §29, 29:1, 29:4. See also rising vote.
Adjourn, applied to, 21:12
on bylaws adoption, 54:20
in committee of the whole, 52:9
dilatory demand for, 39:3
form and example, 29:8
interrupts speaker, 42:18
precedence of, 6:19
show of hands instead of, 4:55
time limits on, 4:52, 29:4(1), 45:9
division of the house. See Division of the Assembly; rising vote.
docket. See consent calendar.
doubting a vote result. See Division of the Assembly.
dropping motions. See ignoring or dropping motions or business.
due process in disciplinary procedures, 63:5
assessment in addition to, 56:19
bylaw provisions on, 47:39, 56:19, 56:61
collection of, 47:39
honorary members’ exemption, 47:42n2
quorum in organizations without, 40:2(2)
unpaid (see arrears of dues)
duties of members, 32:1, 32:3–7
duty, neglect of. See neglect of duty.
Duty, Request to Be Excused from, 6:17(10), §32, 32:1, 43:39, 50:18
Eclipse Publishing Services, xxvii
Edward I, xxxii
effect of motion, termination of, 10:26(4)n3
elections, 9:22, 46:30–50. See also candidates; nominations; tellers.
“acclamation,” 46:40
annual meeting, 9:22, 56:35, 56:62–63
by ballot (see also ballots), 45:18–42, 46:30–36; announcement of result, 45:39, 46:31; assembly judges result, 45:10, 45:33, 46:50; board member selection, 45:36, 46:33–34; bylaw provisions on, 25:7, 45:19, 46:35, 56:26; committee member selection, 13:13, 13:25, 45:36, 46:33–34, 50:13(a); completing at later session, 30:7; “for” or “against” form, 45:25, 46:1; nominating ballot in lieu of, 46:23; organizing a society, 54:23; recounts, 45:41, 46:50; tellers’ report form, 45:37; voice vote in lieu of, 10:55, 25:7, 46:35, 46:37, 46:40–41
bylaw provisions on, 9:22, 14:12, 32:1, 56:26; sample, 56:62
chair presiding when candidate, 47:10
completing when incomplete, xxvii, 30:7, 32:7, 46:44–46
contesting results, 46:48–50
at convention, 59:9, 59:55(11)
cumulative voting, 46:43
declining office or duty, 32:3, 32:7, 46:46
effective time of, 46:46–47, 54:23
ineligible candidates, 45:32
mail, 44:11, 45:56–61, 46:36, 56:26
method, determining, 46:30; for committee selection, 50:11–13
notification by secretary, 47:33
organizing a society, 54:3, 54:23
plurality vote, 44:11
postponement of, 14:12
preferential voting, 44:11, 45:62–69, 56:26
Rescind’s applicability to, 35:6(c)
roll call, 46:42
special order, regarded as, 41:20
temporary officers (see also chairman pro tem; secretary pro tem): mass meetings or organizing a society, 53:32, 54:3, 54:23
timing within session, 46:31(1), 59:55(11)
unanimous consent when uncontested, 46:40
viva-voce (voice), 10:55, 50:13
write-in votes (see write-in votes)
Elections Committee, parliamentarian as adviser to, 59:9
electronic communication to members, 9:5
electronic mail. See e-mail.
electronic meetings, 8:2(1), 9:30–36, 9:31, 10:54, 49:13
bylaw provisions on, 9:30, 9:35–36
in committees, 9:35
notice of, 9:36
rules for conducting, 9:36
sample rules, pages 635–649
simultaneous-communication requirement, 1:1n1, 9:31, 9:33–34
electronic voting, 45:18, 45:23, 45:42
roll call, 45:55
as convention delegate, 59:14
for office, 41:1–4, 45:32, 46:49, 56:23, 56:31, t52
to vote by mail, 45:58
e-mail, 1:1n1, 9:5, 9:34, 45:59, 45:61
embarrassing main motion, 6:5(1)
emergency basis for adjournment, 8:10, 47:7(11)
employees, instructions to, 10:24
en bloc. See in gross.
enacting clause, 2:17, 12:22(6)
entire membership
majority of (see majority of entire membership)
two-thirds of, 56:55
ephors, xxx
ethics, code of, 61:1, 63:24, 63:33(e)
Evans, William J., xlv–xlvi
evidence, 63:33
ex-officio members
of committees, 50:16
president as member of committees, 47:20, 50:16, 56:47, 56:65
example format, 10:37
Excused from a Duty, Request to Be, 6:17(10), §32, 32:1, 43:39, 50:18
excuses for absence, under a Call of the House, 40:15
executive board. See boards.
executive committee, 49:13. See also boards.
assembly and board are superior to, 56:41
board reports reviewed by, 51:21
bylaw provisions on, 49:11, 56:40, 56:57
executive secretary and, 47:44–45, 49:13
reports to board, 49:20
executive secretary (executive director), 47:34, 47:43–45, 49:13, 59:71
executive session, xxvi, 9:24–27, 19:16, 49:17–19
action that may be divulged, 9:26
attendance, 9:25
disciplinary procedures in, 9:24, 63:2, 63:33, 63:35
electronic meetings, 9:36
ending, 9:24
minutes, 47:36, 48:13, 49:17–19
question of privilege to go into, 19:7
Resolutions Committee meeting in, 59:79
secrecy, 9:26–27
exhaustion. See also expiration; ignoring or dropping motions or business.
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, 13:21, 14:19, 15:3, 15:18, 34:6–7, 37:23
order prescribing voting method, 30:7
Previous Question, 13:21, 14:19, 16:11–12, 34:6–7, 37:23
right to debate, 4:28, 34:6–7, 37:18, 37:21, 43:8–13, 43:18
expel a member. See expulsion from membership.
expiration. See also exhaustion; ignoring or dropping motions or business; term of office.
chair’s authority to call adjourned meeting, 22:8
nominating committee, 46:17
recount period, 45:41
special committee, 36:8–9, 50:30, 53:27
term of some members, 9:9, 34:3n1, 48:12, 49:22
explaining a vote (by a member), 45:7
explanation for absence, under a Call of the House, 40:15
explanation of pending business, chair’s duty of, 4:34, 47:17. See also debate.
explanation outside debate, 4:7–8, 43:31–34
expulsion from membership. See also committees: removing or replacing members; disciplinary procedures; removal from office.
disclosure by society, rights of members regarding, 9:26, 63:3
dues non-payment, 32:8
at meeting, after “named” as offender, 61:15–17
by minority, 45:5
penalty for refusing to testify, 63:4
penalty in disciplinary procedures, 61:2, 61:15–17, 63:33(e)
reconsideration, rescission, or reversal of, 35:6(c), t51
removal from office, combined, 63:1n7
resignation to escape charges, 32:8
resolution preferring charges, 63:19
after trial, 63:33(e)
two-thirds vote required for, 61:17, 63:33(e), t48
Expunge from the Minutes, Rescind and, 35:13, 44:9(b)
extend debate. See Limit or Extend Limits of Debate.
extension of time
for considering pending question, or of scheduled recess or adjournment (see set aside orders of the day)
in debate (see Limit or Extend Limits of Debate)
extraordinary meeting or session. See special meeting.
face-to-face meeting, 9:31
“fall to the ground.” See also ignoring or dropping motions or business.
upon adjournment, 6:12(4), 21:7(c), 37:11(c), 49:22
customs conflicting with rules, 2:25
partial change in board membership, 49:22
Reconsider, 37:11(c)
“false,” word not permitted in debate, 43:21
fax (facsimile transmission), 1:1n1, 9:5, 9:34
filibusters, 50:25n7
filing reports, 47:35
filling blanks, 12:92–113
in Commit, 13:12
creating blanks, 12:95
in Division of a Question, 27:4
examples, 12:95–96, 12:109–110, 13:7(6), 13:8, 13:12–13, 13:26, 27:4, 31:3
in Nominations, Motions Relating to, 31:3, 46:30
Previous Question, multiple versions similar to, 16:5(6)
procedural overview, 12:94
suggestions, procedure for consideration (see filling blanks, suggestions for)
trial committee members, 63:22
in Voting, Motions Relating to, 30:4, 46:30
filling blanks, suggestions for, 12:96–112
Amend not applicable, 12:100
amounts, 12:108–112
ballot vote on, 12:103
chair calls for, 12:96
dates, 12:111–112
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, 12:101
making, 12:96–97
money, 12:108–110
names, 12:107
number of suggestions per member, 12:97
numbers, 12:111–112
places, 12:111–112
Previous Question, 12:101, 12:105
recognition to make or debate, 12:96
roll-call vote on, 12:103
rule changes in RONR, xxvi
seconding, 12:96
unanimous consent, 12:106
unfilled, 12:105
voice vote on, 12:103
voting on, 12:102–105
finally disposed of. See temporarily but not finally disposed of.
finance committee, 56:45, 56:65
financial reports, 47:38, 48:22–26, 59:55
financial secretary, 47:32, 47:34, 47:39
fines, 56:68(7), 61:2, 63:33(e). See also assessments; dues.
fire, basis for adjournment, 8:10
first-degree amendment. See primary amendment.
fiscal year, 48:21
Five Towns Jewish Times, xlvi
fix the time at which to adjourn, 22:11. See also Adjourn, adjournment: in agenda, program, or schedule.
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn (to provide for an additional meeting of the same session), 6:12(5), §22, 22:1, 22:6, t3–t5. See also Adjourn, adjournment; call of the chair.
vs. Adjourn, 22:11
Adjourn pending or voted for, moving when, 21:10
adjourned meeting established by, 9:17, 14:7, 14:12
convention, 59:59
form and example, 22:12–20
as main motion, 22:4
organizing a society, 54:8
precedence of, t4
as privileged motion, 22:3
quorum, in absence of, 40:7
Reconsider, to enable calling up, 37:17
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, as counter to, 37:52
Reconsider takes precedence of, 6:27(5)
renewal of the motion, 38:6(2)
session continuation, alternate methods, 8:8
fixed membership, majority of, 44:9(b)n1
assigning or obtaining (see assignment of the floor; preference in recognition)
on the floor, 4:3
have the floor (see also assignment of the floor), 3:31
nominations (see nominations: floor)
privileges of, 3:31n5
Folk-moot, xxxi
“for” or “against” ballots, 45:25, 46:1
Form and Example format, 10:37
forums. See hearings; Open Forum.
fraction or proportion (of votes or members), 1:6–8, 3:3–5, 4:35–57, §44. See also fractional voting; majority vote; minority; plurality vote; quorum; tie votes; voting.
board members elected periodically, 49:22
majority of entire membership (see majority of entire membership)
majority of fixed membership, 44:9(b)n1
of members present, 4:35, 44:7–9
of members present and voting, 1:6–7, 44:7
one third, one fifth (see minority)
as quorum requirement, 40:1–5
three fourths, 44:7, 56:61, 59:75
two thirds (see two thirds of entire membership; two-thirds vote)
fraud, by treasurer, 48:25
“fraud,” word not permitted in debate, 43:21
“friendly amendments,” 12:91
frivolous motions, 39:3. See also dilatory motions or tactics.
full power, committee with, 13:8(d)
fundamental principles of parliamentary law, 25:9
one person, one vote, 23:8, 25:9, 45:2, 46:43
one question at a time, xxxiii, 5:4, 25:9
Point of Order regarding violations, 23:6(d), 23:8
Suspend the Rules involving, 25:1, 25:9
two-thirds vote needed to suppress question without debate, 17:15
vote limited to members present, 23:8, 25:9, 45:56, 46:49
gavel, use of. See also “gaveling through.”
adjournment, 21:20
disorderly behavior, 61:9–10
installation ceremonies, 59:55(12)
recess, 20:9
“gaveling through,” 39:4, 43:7, 62:3–4
general assembly. See convention.
general consent. See unanimous consent.
General Good and Welfare, 41:34
general orders, 41:3, 41:22–24, 41:41–52. See also orders of the day; special orders.
in agenda, 41:58
Call for the Orders of the Day to take up, 18:1
committee of the whole, time for sitting, 52:16
conflicting, 41:49–52
convention, 59:55
discharged question, 36:10
in order of business, 3:16, 21:7(b), 41:5, 41:21–26, 41:46
vs. orders limiting or extending limits of debate, 15:3
Postpone to create, 14:2, 14:14–15, 41:43
priority of, 41:49–52
renewal of motions set as, 38:8(1)
session, going over to later, 9:9
vs. special orders, 41:41
taking up, 3:29, 10:26(5)(b), 41:49–52, 41:50n6
vs. unfinished business, 41:23
general parliamentary law, xxix, 1:5
general revision. See revision of bylaws.
general statement of purport (in previous notice), 10:47, 56:51
general statements yielding to specific statements, 3:2, 56:68(3)
“gentleman,” 42:3
“gentlewoman,” 42:3
Gerber, Shmuel, xlvi
germaneness in debate, xxxiv, 4:8n6, 4:30, 43:20, 61:10
germaneness of amendments, 12:6, 12:16–21
chair may seek assembly’s judgment, 12:21, 23:18–21
secondary to primary, 12:16
at special meeting, 9:16
strike out and insert, each part to the other, 12:59
Good of the Order, 41:34
good standing, 1:13n3, 32:8, 58:8
governing documents. See rules.
governors, 1:23, 56:40. See also boards; directors.
Governor’s Council, xxxiv
Great Council, xxxi–xxxii
grievances. See complaints.
Griggs, S.C., xliii
gross, amendments in, 51:48, 52:13, 52:23
ground, falling to. See “fall to the ground.”
guard, 47:40
guest registers, 2:23
guests. See nonmembers.
guilty plea, 63:33
hands, vote by show of. See show of hands.
harsh language in debate, 39:7
Hatsell, John, xxxvi
have the floor, 3:31. See also assignment of the floor.
headings in documents, correction of, 57:18
headings in the order of business. See order of business.
public bodies, 9:29
hearsay, 63:4
Henry III, xxxii
history, legislative, 48:5
History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides), xxx
Hofstra University, xlvi
holdover in office. See term of office.
Honemann, Daniel H., xlv–xlvi
honorary members, 47:42, 56:21
sample bylaws, 56:61
honorary officers, 47:42, 56:23
hostile amendments, 12:16
hour of meeting, 2:23
House of Burgesses, xxxiv
House of Commons (U.K.), xxxii–xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvi
Journal of, xxxiii
house of delegates, 58:2. See also convention.
House of Lords, U.K., xxxii, 4:8n6
house of representatives, 58:1–2. See also convention.
House of Representatives, U.S., xxxvii, xl, xli
Lay on the Table, 17:13n16
Previous Question, 16:5(7)n14
Hundred-moot, xxxi
hypothetical questions, 33:3
“I call for the question,” 16:6. See also Previous Question.
“I move we vote now,” 16:6. See also Previous Question.
“I so move,” 10:9
ignoring or dropping motions or business. See also conflicting motions; exhaustion; Reconsider; Withdraw or Modify a Motion.
Amend, when blank created, 12:95(b)
bylaw amendments, conflicting, 57:6–8
chair: justly, 39:1–4; unjustly, 62:7–9, 62:11n4
disciplinary charge, upon acquittal on specifications, 63:33(e)
main motion or subject (see also Objection to the Consideration of a Question; Postpone Indefinitely; Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted): by adjournment, 6:12(4), 21:7(c); communications without motion, 3:28; by Discharge a Committee, 6:26(3), 36:5, 36:10–11; by Lay on the Table and alternatives, 17:2, 17:8, 17:13–19, 34:3; by Previous Question, 16:5(7); by Reconsider, 37:7, 37:9(1)(b), 37:11–12, 37:17; by substitution, 12:80
minutes, motion to approve, 41:10–11
Objection to the Consideration of a Question, when reconsidered, 26:6, 37:19n6
Postpone, when time has passed, 34:6
Postpone Indefinitely, upon committal, 10:8(2), 11:4, 13:19, 51:44
Previous Question: multiple, 16:5(6), 16:27; when reconsidered, 16:16, 37:19n6
Reconsider: upon committal, 13:7(2), 13:19, 37:34; upon Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, 37:47(2); when not adopted, 21:7(c), 37:11
renewal of motions and, 38:2
second, for lack of, 4:10, 4:12–13, 23:5, 38:2
session, at close of, 21:7(c)
suggestions or names to fill blank or position, when excess, 12:107(c), 13:12–13, 13:26, 27:4, 31:3, 46:37–39, 50:13(b)
immediately pending question, 5:7–9
impartiality of chair, 3:9, 4:56, 43:29
improper language, 10:9–12, 39:7, 43:21. See also decorum.
improper motions, 39:5–7
in camera. See executive session.
“in favor” (form in taking vote), 4:37–40, 10:41
in order, 5:5(2)
incidental main motions, 6:2, 10:4–7. See also main motions.
chair, to declare vacant, 62:11
in classification of motions, 5:2
conflict with rule of order in constitution or bylaws, 10:26(1)n1
convention Resolutions Committee and, 10:6, 59:5, 59:67
vs. incidental motions, 6:2
incidental motions, corresponding, 6:23, 10:7
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate as, 15:4, 43:16
vs. original main motions, 10:2–7
Postpone as, 14:3
privileged motions, corresponding, 6:13, 10:7
procedural, 10:4–5
Ratify (or Approve or Confirm), 10:5, 10:54–57
Recess as, 20:3
reports and recommendations on referred matter, 51:18
subsidiary motions, corresponding, 6:9, 10:7
Voting, Motions Relating to as, 30:2, 46:30
incidental motions, 6:15–24, §23–§33
characteristics as a class, 6:15–16
in classification of motions, 5:2
debate on, 43:39
vs. incidental main motions, 6:2
incidental main motions corresponding to, 6:23, 10:7
list of, 6:17
main motion, during consideration of, 10:31–35, 43:5
precedence of, 5:12
Previous Question doesn’t prevent, 16:2
quorum, when absent, 40:7
Reconsider applied to, 6:27(5), 37:24–34
renewal of, 38:3(1)
at special meeting, 9:15
income statements, 48:23
incomplete elections, 30:7, 46:44–46
incorporation. See corporations.
incumbents. See term of office; vacancies.
indecorum, 23:21, 24:3(5), 61:9. See also decorum; disciplinary procedures.
indefinite postponement. See Postpone Indefinitely.
independent boards, 49:7, 49:11, 49:15
independent resolutions in a single motion, 10:25, 27:10
indirect rejection. See Postpone Indefinitely.
indivisible questions, 27:5–9
informal consideration. See Consider Informally.
Information, Request for (or Point of). See Request for Information.
inquiries. See questions, asking; Requests and Inquiries.
insert (or add) a paragraph (form of Amend), 12:8, 12:31
form and example, 12:31–44
insert (or add) words (form of Amend), 12:8, 12:26–30
after adoption of motion to substitute, 12:74
form and example, 12:31–44
after rejection of strike out and insert words, 12:64
words struck out previously, 12:48, 12:63
inspection of records, 47:33, 47:36
installation of officers, 46:47, 59:55
board, 49:7
committee, 9:35, 13:8(d), 13:14, 13:22, 27:5, 36:7, 50:19, 52:6, 63:13n8
committee of the whole, 52:15
delegates, 58:21
employees, 10:24
Internet, 9:31. See also electronic meetings; e-mail.
interpretation, principles of, xlvi, 3:2, 56:68
interruption before motion stated
by Objection to the Consideration of the Question, 26:2
by Reconsider, to call up, 37:9(3)
by Take from the Table, 34:2, 34:10
interruption of member assigned the floor, 3:32, 42:18–22, t44–t45. See also preference in recognition.
preference in recognition for same purpose, 42:7
previous notice, to give, 10:48, 10:50
by Privilege, Request for Any Other, 33:22
by Raise a Question of Privilege, 19:9–10
by Request for Information, 33:8–10, 43:10, 43:22
separate vote on resolution, by demand for, 10:25, 27:10–11
before speech begins, 42:19–22; by Objection to the Consideration of the Question, 26:8; previous notice, to give, 10:48, 10:50; by Reconsider, 37:9(3)
as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 3 of all motions, 7:2
subsidiary motions cannot cause, 6:6
by Take from the Table, 34:2(3), 34:4, 34:9
interruption of pending business
by adjournment, 21:2, 41:66–68
by Call for the Orders of the Day, 18:5
previous notice, to give, 10:48, 10:50
by Raise a Question of Privilege, 19:2, 19:9–10
by special orders, 41:41, 41:53
by Take from the Table, 41:25
interruption of votes, 45:6
investigating committee, 63:7–13
Committee on Discipline subcommittee, 63:39
discharging, after failure to report, 63:13n8
nondisclosure agreement with accused, 63:25
president not ex-officio member, 56:47, 56:65
trial by committee recommended by, 63:21–23
invocation, 41:30, 47:40, 59:55
“Is there any (further) debate?” 4:15(a), 4:34, 10:41, 43:4
items or classes of business. See agenda; order of business.
Jefferson, Thomas, xxx, xxxii–xxxiii, xxxvi–xxxvii, xxxviii, xl, xli
joint committees, 55:3
journal, 45:52, 48:1. See also minutes.
Journal of the House of Commons, xxxiii
keypad voting, xxvii, 45:42. See also electronic voting.
killing business. See ignoring or dropping motions or business.
knights, xxxii
“lady,” 42:3
conflicting motion, 10:26(1), 39:5
constitution, when required by, 2:10
proxy voting, 45:70–71
Suspend the Rules applied to, 25:1, 25:8
violation can’t be ratified, 10:55
lawyers. See attorneys.
Lay on the Table (to interrupt the pending business so as to permit doing something else immediately), xxv, xlv, 6:5(7), §17, 17:3, t3–t5. See also Take from the Table.
agenda topic, before taking up, 41:65
calling out the motion, 42:22
class of business, application to entire, 41:38
consideration by paragraph, during, 28:8
debate closure, moved after, 15:12, 15:15
debate closure, when exhausted after, 15:18
debate on, 43:37
dilatory, 39:3
form and example, 17:20–24
killing business by, and alternatives, 17:2, 17:8, 17:13–19, 34:3
Objection to the Consideration of a Question not prevented by, 6:17(4), 26:2(1), 43:17
order of the day, applied to when pending, 18:7
out of order, when, t4–t5
preference in recognition after,
Previous Question, after ordered, 16:2(2)n11, 16:10
Reconsider affected by, 37:34
renewal of motion lying on table, 38:8(3)
session, going over to later by, 9:9
subsidiary motions applied to each other, 6:7
“table” (as a verb), 17:1, 17:20n17
to take up a general order, 41:50n6
to take up business out of order, 10:26(5), 41:38
time limits on taking from the table, 17:6, 17:8, 34:3
leave (permission). See also Request for Any Other Privilege; Request to Be Excused from a Duty; Request to Read Papers; Requests and Inquiries; Withdraw or Modify a Motion.
committee of the whole, to continue sitting, 52:14
leaving a meeting as discipline. See meeting.
lectern, 3:7, 47:5. See also platform (stage).
legal advice. See attorneys.
legislative body, xxix, xxxvii, 1:9, 1:19–21
Call of the House, 40:13
chair as nonmember, 47:2
committee of the whole, 52:4
committees of, automatic referral of bills, 10:30(4)
consent calendar, 41:32
members, term of some ends, 21:7(c), 34:3n1
order of business, 3:20
sergeant-at-arms, 47:40
legislative history, 48:5
length of speeches, 4:29, 43:8
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, 15:2, 43:8, 43:17
lesser offense (in disciplinary procedures), 63:33(e)
letters, 3:26
Lex Parliamentaria (George P.), xxxiii–xxxiv
liability, 2:5
“liar, lie,” words not permitted in debate, 43:21
libel, 63:3
librarian, 47:40
life members, 47:42n2
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, 6:5(5), 6:8, §15, 15:5, 43:8–9, 43:17, t3–t5
Amend applied to, 15:6
amendments, to allow at close of debate, 15:19(e), 59:82–83
in boards, 49:21(3)n3
chair cannot impose, 43:8
closing debate at particular hour vs. after specified length of time, 15:16
Commit’s effect on order to, 13:21
in committee of the whole, 52:10,
conflicting motions to, 15:12
consideration by paragraph, during, 28:8
debate on, 43:37
exhaustion of order, 13:21, 14:19, 15:18
extension of member’s time, 4:61–62, 15:19(a), 43:8
form and example, 15:19
incidental main motion, corresponding, 10:7
informal consideration, during, 52:26
Lay on the Table after debate closed under, 17:12
leaders, debate time controlled by, 15:19(f), 59:82–83
as main motion, 15:4
motions subsequently made, effect on, xxv, 15:8
out of order, when, t4–t5
Postpone’s effect on order to, 14:19
precedence of, t4
vs. Previous Question, 15:2
reconsideration under an order to, 37:23
renewal of, 38:7(1)
rule changes in RONR, xxv, xlv
on series of debatable motions, 15:7
subsidiary motions applied to each other, 6:7
on suggestions for filling blanks, 12:101
two-thirds vote principle, 44:4
by unanimous consent, 4:61, 15:19(a), 15:21(a), 43:8–9
line numbers, 12:26, 12:32, 12:53, 59:58
lines drawn through expunged words, 35:13
lining up to speak. See assignment of the floor; microphones; preference in recognition.
local assembly, 1:13, 10:54, 56:22
lodge system, 9:24
“lost” (motion defeated), 4:3, 4:43, 4:49
machine voting, 45:42. See also electronic voting.
ballots by, 44:11, 45:56–61, 56:26
electronic (see e-mail)
nominations by, 46:25
postal, 1:1n1, 9:5, 9:34, 59:55
registered, 63:28
main motions, 3:23, 6:1, §10, 10:1, 10:8, t3–t5
alternative, defeating to offer, 10:30(5), 42:13
ballot-vote order applies to Postpone Indefinitely, 30:5
Call for the Orders of the Day brings up, 18:7
changing before adoption, procedures for, 10:29–30
in classification of motions, 5:1–2
conflicting motions (see conflicting motions)
continuation in force, 10:26(4)n3
debatability, 43:36
Discharge a Committee from subject referred by, 36:11
form and example, 10:38–43
general orders, making by, 41:42(2), 41:45
improper language, 10:9–12, 39:7
incidental (see incidental main motions)
language not allowed in debate, 39:7
in minutes, 48:4(6)
modification before question stated, 4:20–22, 10:30(1)
not in order, 10:26
orders of the day as, 10:36
original (see original main motions)
precedence of, 5:8, 6:1, t4–t5
previous notice for certain subjects, 10:45
Privilege, Raise a Question of, brings up, 10:36
privilege, when treated as question of, 19:3
to reaffirm, 10:10
to refrain from doing something, 10:11
renewal of, 10:26(3), 38:5, 38:8
resolutions (see resolutions)
secondary motions during consideration of, 4:64, 10:31–35, 43:5
special orders, making by, 41:42(2), 41:45
subsidiary motions during consideration of, 43:5
Take from the Table’s right of way over new, 34:4
test opinions on by Postpone Indefinitely, 11:5
wording of, 10:9–12
in writing (see also resolutions), 4:18, 9:36, 10:3, 10:13
majority, 44:1. See also fraction or proportion; majority vote; minority; plurality vote; tie votes.
of term in office, 47:4, 56:31
majority of entire membership, 1:7, 44:7–10, t48–t49
agenda, to change, 41:63
board minutes, to provide access, 49:18–19
bylaw amendments, to adopt, 2:22, 8:14, 10:45, 35:2(7), 56:50, 57:1, 57:11
at convention, 1:16
to Discharge a Committee, 36:4(7)
minutes, to correct after adoption, 48:15
previous notice, as alternative, 44:9(b)
for removal from office, 56:29–30, 62:16
to Rescind and Expunge from the Minutes, 35:13
to Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, 35:2(7), 35:4, 35:8
special rules of order, to adopt or amend, 8:14, 10:45, 43:15
standing committee, when required to create, 50:8
majority of fixed membership, 44:9(b)n1
“majority report,” 51:64
majority vote, 1:6, 4:41, 44:1, 49:19, 56:2. See also fraction or proportion; minority; plurality vote; tie votes; voting.
as basic principle of decision, 1:6, 44:1
chair’s vote to affect results, 4:56, 44:12
Suspend the Rules, when adopted by, 25:15, 59:36
maker of a motion
minutes, name recorded in, 48:5(1)
preference in recognition, 4:6, 4:27, 42:9, 43:4
putting the question, when ignored by chair, 62:8–9, 62:11n4
Reconsider called up by, 37:15–16
speaking against own motion, 43:25
Withdraw or Modify a Motion, 33:11–19
making a motion, 4:4–8, 5:6, 42:4
members’ rights of, 1:4
not counted as debate, 43:12
managers (at disciplinary trial). See disciplinary procedures.
managers (convention), 59:62
managers (directors). See boards; directors.
managers (professional). See executive secretary.
Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States (Jefferson’s Manual), xxxii(n2), xxxvi–xxxvii, xxxviii, xl
Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Rules of Proceedings and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies (Cushing’s Manual), xxxvii–xxxviii, xl
Martyn, Henry, xxxix(n7)
mass meeting, 1:10–12, §53, 53:1
adjournment sine die (without day), 8:2(6)
Amend resolutions to accomplish purpose, 53:17
announcements, 53:31
assignment of the floor at, 42:15n3, 53:18
call (notice or announcement) of meeting, 53:3, 53:7, 53:9, 53:14
chairman, 47:5, 53:5–6, 53:11–13, 53:32
chairman pro tem, 53:32
convention similar to, 58:4
convention standing rules, similarity, 53:8
debate, 53:18
as deliberative assembly, 1:9
disciplinary procedures, 53:10, 61:19
discussion without pending motion, 53:19
election of officers, 53:5–6, 53:11–13, 53:32
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn, 53:28, 53:30
length of speeches, 53:32
motions outside purpose, 53:17
nonmembers, 61:19
number of speeches, 53:32
object or purpose, 26:3, 53:2, 53:15, 53:17
order of business, 3:18
organizing a society, §54
parliamentary authority, 2:15, 53:8
recess, 53:22
resolutions at, 53:15–27; committees to draft, 53:19–27, 53:32; wording, 10:15
roll-call voting inappropriate, 45:45
secretary, 53:5, 53:11, 53:13, 53:32
secretary pro tem, 53:32
series of, 53:32
sponsors, 53:2
standing rules, 53:8
temporary society, 53:32
viva-voce (voice) election, 53:11–13
meeting, 1:3, 8:2(1). See also adjourned meeting; annual meeting; regular meeting; session; special meeting.
vs. assembly, 1:3
attendance: duty of, 56:20; right to, 1:4, 3:31n5, 23:7, 61:6
bylaw provisions on, 9:1, 56:33–38; sample, 56:63
called meeting (see special meeting)
day of regular, 56:33
disruption (see breaches of order)
electronic (see electronic meetings)
face-to-face, 9:31
hour and place, 56:33
leaving, as discipline, 61:13, 61:15–21; in boards, 49:15; in committees, 50:28
renewal of motions at, within session, 38:6–7
resolution scheduling, 9:2, 56:34
session, relation to, 1:3, 8:1, 8:3–7, 9:18
stated meeting (see regular meeting)
members, 1:4. See also members’ rights; sit and stand, when to.
absentee (see absentees)
active, 56:19
address, forms of, 3:12
admission as, 10:8(7)(a), 45:18n3, 56:19, 56:61
associate, 56:19
of board vs. of society, 9:25, 44:9(b), 47:3, 47:36, 49:8, 49:15, 49:17–19
bylaw provisions on, 32:1, 56:19; sample, 56:61
character, conduct, and reputation, 39:7
charter provisions on, 54:21
of committee vs. of society, 9:25, 47:36, 50:27–28, 59:79
convention (see also delegates and delegations), 58:11–18
disorderly (see breaches of order; call member to order; disciplinary procedures)
dues (see dues)
duties and obligations, §32, 56:19–20
eligibility to become, 56:19, 56:61
enrollment, when organizing a society, 54:21
ex officio (see ex-officio members)
exclusion of, remedy for improper, 23:7
expelling (see expulsion from membership)
in good standing, 1:13n3, 32:8
motives of, 4:30, 43:21, 61:11
as parliamentarian, 47:55
putting the question, when ignored by chair, 62:8–9, 62:11n4
reinstatement, 35:6(c)
resignation (see also Request to Be Excused from a Duty), 32:8, 56:21, 56:61, 63:6
roll of (see roll call; roll of members)
suspending rights of, 63:20, 63:26
units as, 56:22
members present
action on behalf of society, 1:1; without quorum, 40:9
as committee of the whole, 50:2
quorum is based on, 40:1
Reconsider unanimous consent, eligibility of, 37:10(a)
small-board rules, as criterion for, 49:21
voting requirements, as basis of, 4:35, 44:7–9
members present and voting, as basis of voting requirements, 1:6–7, 44:7
members’ rights. See also absentees.
to attend meetings, 1:4, 3:31n5, 23:7, 61:6
basic rights of individual member, 1:4, 23:6(e), 25:11
bylaws’ effect on, 2:13
due process in disciplinary procedures, 63:5
Point of Order about, 23:6(e)
Suspend the Rules protecting, 25:11
two-thirds vote compromise, 44:4
membership. See also members; members’ rights.
majority of entire (see majority of entire membership)
majority of fixed, 44:9(b)n1
periodic partial change in, 48:12
two-thirds of entire, 56:55
membership committee, 51:54, 56:45
merger, 55:1–3
microphones, 3:31–32, 42:16–17, 47:18. See also assignment of the floor; preference in recognition.
Milwaukee, xlii
minority, xlvii, xlix, 1:6, 4:58. See also fraction or proportion; majority vote; minority reports or views; plurality vote; tie votes; two-thirds vote.
Call of the House ordered by, 40:14
counted voted ordered by, 44:6
cumulative-voting coordination, 46:43
dilatory motions or tactics, 39:3
expulsion or suspension attempts by, 45:5
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn and, 22:18
Lay on the Table and, 17:2, 17:16
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate and, 15:5(7)
one fifth of the members, 40:14
one fifth of the members present, 4:35, 45:46
one third, greater than (see also two-thirds vote), xlix, 42:16
one third of the members, 40:14
one third or less, 25:2(7), 44:6
and Reconsider, 37:10(a), 37:50–52
roll-call vote ordered by, 45:46
Suspend the Rules and, 25:2(7), 59:37n3
minority reports or views, 46:16, 51:64–71
minutes, 3:6, 47:33, 48:1–16. See also minutes, content of; minutes, reading and approval of.
also called journal, 48:1
advance distribution, 41:12
annual meeting, 9:22
approval (see minutes, reading and approval of)
attachment of committee reports, xxvi, 48:5(5)
availability, 47:36
of boards, xxvii, 47:36, 49:17–19
convention, 59:55(9–10)
correction (amendment) after approval, 48:12, 48:15
correction (amendment) before approval (see minutes, reading and approval of)
draft, status of, 41:12
executive session, 9:26–27, 47:36, 48:13, 49:17–19
expunging from, 35:13, 44:9(b)
form and example, 48:8
inspection of, 47:33(4), 47:36
order-of-business memorandum based on, 41:7, 41:24
publication of proceedings, 48:16
minutes, content of, 48:2–6
board reports, 51:22
bylaw amendments, vote on, 57:9
committee-of-the-whole proceedings, 52:7
committee reports, 48:5(5), 51:19
correction and approval of previous minutes, 48:4(5), 48:14
executive-session proceedings, 9:26–27, 47:36, 48:13, 49:17–19
form and example, 48:8
informal-consideration proceedings, 52:26
main motions, 48:4(6)
modification of standard content, xxvi, 48:3
motions worded as put by the chair, 4:34
“naming” an offender, 48:4(11), 61:12–14
Point of Order, 23:10, 48:4(10)
as precedent, 23:10
presence of chairman and secretary, 48:4(4)
presence of quorum, 45:52, 48:5(2)(c)
previous notice of motions, 10:50, 48:4(9)
quasi-committee-of-the-whole proceedings, 52:21
Reconsider, 37:10(c), 37:27, 37:40, 37:46
rulings of the chair, 23:10, 48:4(10)
secretary’s comments, 48:2
tellers’ reports, 45:40
votes, xxvi, 45:52, 48:5, 57:9
words taken down, 61:12, 61:14
minutes, reading and approval of, xxvi, 41:9–12, 48:9–15
absent members and, 41:11
adjourned meeting, 9:19, 21:7(a), 48:9
annual meeting, 9:22
approval by subordinate board or committee, 48:12
Commit applied to, 41:11n3
convention, 8:7, 21:7(a), 48:12, 59:55
correction (amendment) after approval, 48:12, 48:15
correction by unanimous consent, 4:61, 41:10
“dispense with,” motion to, 48:11
executive session, 9:27, 48:13
official record made by, 41:12
in order of business, 3:16
at organizational meetings of new society, 54:14
Postpone applied to, 41:11n3
recording in the minute book, 48:4(5), 48:14
regular meeting, 48:9
special meeting, 48:9
Minutes, Rescind and Expunge from, 35:13, 44:9(b)
misconduct, 4:17, 61:22, 62:1, 62:16, 63:24. See also breaches of order; decorum; disciplinary procedures; indecorum.
moderator, 3:10. See also chair; chairman; president.
breakout groups, 52:28
Modify a Motion. See Withdraw or Modify a Motion.
money, filling a blank with amounts, 12:108–110
monitors (for ballot vote), 45:26, 45:29–30, 45:60. See also tellers.
Morehouse College, xxxix
motions, 3:21–29, 3:22, §4–§7, 5:1, §10–§39. See also specific motion names and classes as listed in 5:2, 6:5, 6:12, 6:17, 6:26.
alternative suggested by chair, 4:17
assumed (see assumed motions)
brought before the assembly, steps, 4:2–24
chair’s assistance in wording, 4:7
changing before adoption, procedures for, 10:29–30
classification of, 5:1–2
conflicting (see conflicting motions)
consideration, order of (see precedence of motions)
consideration, steps, 4:25–57
dilatory (see dilatory motions or tactics)
ignored by chair (see also ignoring or dropping motions or business): justly, 39:1–4; unjustly, 62:7–9, 62:11n4
maker of (see maker of a motion)
making (see making a motion)
modifying (see Withdraw or Modify a Motion)
multiple at same time, 25:4
parliamentary, §5–§7, §11–§37, 4:17, 4:64–65, 10:27, 12:22, 37:9(2)(h)
reading (see reading of motion, resolution, or paper)
right to make, 1:4
same question previously decided, 39:6
same time, two at, 25:4
series connected with one question, 34:5, 42:13
small-board rules, 49:21
withdrawing (see Withdraw or Modify a Motion)
wording of (see also main motions; resolutions), 4:16–24, 10:9–12; in minutes, 4:34, 48:4(6)
in writing (see also resolutions), 4:18, 9:36, 10:3, 10:13
Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and the Polls. See polls, to close or reopen; Voting, Motions Relating to.
Motions Relating to Nominations. See Nominations, Motions Relating to.
motions that bring a question again before the assembly, 6:25–28, §34–§37. See also renewal of motions.
in classification of motions, 4:64, 5:2
list of, 6:26
in minutes, 48:4(6)
renewal of motions and, 8:15, 38:1
motives of members, 4:30, 43:21, 61:11
“move” (when making a motion), 4:2, 10:9. See also making a motion.
mover of a motion. See maker of a motion.
name of society, 2:5, 2:9, 56:17, 56:59
in assignment of the floor, 3:31
avoiding mention of, 3:12, 4:30, 43:23
filling a blank with, 12:107
“naming” an offending member, 48:4, 61:12–18
Naval Academy, U.S., xliv
“nay” or “no” (in roll-call vote), 45:45, 45:47. See also “no” (in voice vote).
nays, yeas and. See roll call.
negative statement in motion, 10:12
negative vote, when not taken, xxxiii, 4:35, 44:9(a)
Reconsider eligibility, 37:10(a)
neglect of duty, §62–§63. See also removal from office.
as cause for removal from office, 62:16, 63:24
in resolution appointing investigating committee, 63:9
in resolution preferring charges, 63:15
New Bedford, Massachusetts, xxxix
next item, calling for, 10:41–42
quorum, when absent, 40:12n1
Take from the Table during, 17:6
new organization or society, organizing. See organizing a society.
“no” (in voice vote)
example, 10:41
form for announcing result, 4:49(a), 4:50
form for taking vote, 4:37
“no” or “nay” (in roll-call vote), 45:47
nominating committee, 46:9–21, 46:26, 56:47, 56:62
appointment, 50:13
bylaw provisions on, 46:10, 47:20, 50:13(d), 56:25, 56:62; sample, 56:62
discharged upon report, 46:17
election of, 46:9–10
floor nominations, relation, 46:6
members as candidates, 46:12
minority report, 46:16
office, multiple nominees, 46:11, 56:25
president should not appoint or serve on, 46:10, 56:47, 56:65
report of, 46:14–17, 51:54; failure to make, 46:18
revival if nominee withdraws, 46:17
nominations, 46:1–29. See also candidates; elections; nominating committee; Nominations, Motions Relating to.
acceptance by candidate, 46:13
by ballot, 46:22–24
bylaw provisions (see bylaw provisions on: nominations)
closing, §31
of committee members, 50:13
convention, 59:55
at election session, call for, 46:6, 46:18
filling blanks, similarity, 12:107
floor, 13:13, 13:25, 46:3, 46:6, 46:18–22, 50:13(b)
by mail, 46:25
mass meeting, 53:11–13
method, determining, 31:3, 46:3
nominating speeches, 46:27–28; personal attacks, 46:28
number of, limitation per member, 46:6
number of offices for same nominee, 46:7
by petition, 46:26
reopening, 31:4
seconding speeches, 46:27–28
special orders, regarded as, 41:20
Nominations, Motions Relating to, 6:17(9), §31, 31:2
as incidental main motion, 31:1n14
nominees. See candidates.
Appeal from chair’s removal of, 61:19
breaches of order, 49:15, 50:28, 61:19–21
chair’s authority over guest, 61:19
closed session (without secrecy), 9:25
committee service, 13:15, 50:12–13, 56:46
debate, 25:9n7
disciplinary procedures, evidence from, 63:4, 63:30
election, 46:49
electronic meeting, 9:36
executive session, 9:25
as honorary members or officers, 47:42
improper voting, remedy, 23:8
mass meeting, 61:19
meeting attendance, 3:31n5, 61:7, 61:19
officers, 47:2
presiding officer, invited temporary, 47:13
professional presiding officer, 47:13
vote, 25:9
Norman Conquest, xxxi
not finally disposed of. See temporarily but not finally disposed of.
notice (of meetings), 1:7, 9:2–5
board, 49:16
bylaw provisions on, 9:4, 9:14, 56:34; sample, 56:63
committee, 50:21–22
computation of days, 9:4, 9:14(2), 56:34
electronic meeting, 9:36
mass meeting, 53:3, 53:9, 53:14
notice of motions included in, 1:7, 10:44, 10:51, 44:10, 57:14
regular meeting, 56:34
regular meeting beyond quarterly time interval, 9:3
secretary sends, xxvi, 9:14, 47:33
special meeting, 9:13, 9:15–16, 56:63
trial, 63:28–29
notice (of motions). See previous notice.
null and void, xlvi, 1:5, 23:6, 23:9, 39:5, 40:6, 45:35, 49:7, t52
number of speeches, 4:28, 43:12–13
committee, unlimited, 49:21, 50:25, 52:1, 52:9
Consider Informally, 52:24
during consideration by paragraph, 43:18
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, 15:2, 43:17
motion, making not counted in, 43:12
quasi committee of the whole, 52:22
question, asking not counted in, 43:12
Reconsider, 37:18
small-board rules, 49:21
numbers, filling a blank with, 12:111–112
object of society, 2:5, 2:9, 54:6
bylaw provisions on, 56:18; sample, 56:60
mass meeting, 53:2, 53:15, 53:17
motion outside scope, 10:26(2), 26:3, 39:7, 56:18
opening ceremonies recalling, 41:30
when business within in order, 3:16, 9:12
Objection to the Consideration of a Question, 6:17(4), §26, 26:1, 26:2, 43:17
form and example, 26:8–9
interrupt speaker, 42:18
vs. Lay on the Table, 17:19
vs. objection to unanimous consent, 26:4
to original, not incidental, main motions, 10:6
precedence, 6:20
reconsideration, application to, 37:19n6
renewal, 38:9
reported matter previously referred, 51:18
reports and recommendations on referred matter, 51:17
same question out of order, 8:4, 10:26(3)
two-thirds vote, 44:4
objection to unanimous consent, 4:59–60, 26:4
obstructive purposes. See dilatory motions or tactics.
obtaining the floor. See assignment of the floor; preference in recognition.
offender, offenses. See disciplinary procedures.
officers, §47. See also individual officers by title.
administrative duties, 48:17
appointed officers, 47:43–56
bylaw amendments, effect on incumbent, 57:16
bylaw provisions on, 47:1, 56:23–32; duties, 56:57; sample, 56:62
convention, as voting members of, 58:11
directors classed as, 56:23
elected officers, 47:5–42
election (see elections)
essential officers, 3:6
multiple offices, one person, 46:7, 56:62
nominations (see nominations)
nonmembers (see also nonmembers), 47:2
rank, 56:23
ratify unauthorized action by, 10:54
removal (see removal from office)
reports, 3:16, 3:25, 9:22, 41:13–14, 48:17–27
resignation (see resignation)
temporary (see chairman pro tem; temporary officers)
term of office (see term of office)
titles, refer to by, 43:23
vacancies (see vacancies)
Official Interpretations, RONR, xxv
“old business,” 41:21n5
on the floor, 4:3
one person, one vote, 45:2
Open Forum, 41:34
open microphone. See hearings; Open Forum.
“open nominations.” See nominations: floor.
opening ceremonies, 41:30
meeting, at each within session, 8:7, 21:7(a)
in order of business, 3:15, 41:8
opponents and proponents, alternation in debate, xxxiii, 3:33(3), 42:9(3)
“opposed” (form in taking vote), 4:37–40, 10:41
“or” vs. “and” in term of office, 50:14, 56:28–30, 62:16
oral notice of motions, 10:47
order. See also “orders” headings, below.
breaches of, 49:15, 50:28, 61:10–18
calling a meeting to (see call to order (of assembly))
calling a member to (see call member to order; disciplinary procedures)
“in” vs. “not in” (or “out of”), 5:5(2)
point of (or question of) (see Point of Order)
order of business, 3:15–20, 41:1–36, 41:2
agenda, 41:1–4, 41:7, 41:58–70
board reports in, 51:22
Call for the Orders of the Day, 6:12(1), 18:1, 18:5
classes of business, sequence, 41:2
convention, 3:19, 41:2, 41:60, 59:48
debate on, 43:39
dispense with, 25:12
guide pending adoption, 59:57
legislative body, 3:20
mass meeting, 3:18
memorandum of, 41:7, 47:8, 47:33
optional headings, 41:28
orders of the day in, 14:15
parliamentary authority, given in, 3:16
session, 8:2(2)
special, 2:16, 3:16, 41:6, 41:60
take up business out of order, 10:26(5)(b), 17:1, 17:10, 25:3, 41:37–39
uncompleted, 21:7
when none, 3:16
order of precedence of motions, 5:10–13, t3–t5. See also precedence of motions.
orders (instructions to employees), 10:24
orders, general. See general orders.
orders, special. See special orders.
orders limiting, extending, or closing debate. See Limit or Extend Limits of Debate; Previous Question.
orders of the day, 41:1–57, 41:3, 41:40. See also Call for the Orders of the Day; general orders; special orders.
Lay on the Table, 18:7
make, 41:42–45
vs. order limiting or extending limits of debate, 15:3
order of business, relation to, 14:16, 41:46
set aside, 6:12(1), 18:8, 21:14
ordinary committee, 50:2–3, 52:5
ordinary standing rule, 2:23–24, 25:15, 59:27, 59:35(2). See also standing rules.
organizing a society, 1:11, §54
attorney’s role, 54:12
bylaws, adopt, 54:15–20
bylaws, committee on, 54:8, 56:3–15
chairman pro tem, 54:3
committees, 54:24
expenses, 54:8
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn, 54:8
incorporation, 54:12
mass meeting, 54:1
members, enrolling, 54:21
officers, election, 54:3, 54:23
parliamentarian’s advice in, 54:11
resolution declaring intention, 54:5–7
roll of members, reading, 54:21
secretary pro tem, 54:3
original main motions, 6:2, 10:2–3, 51:17. See also main motions.
in classification of motions, 5:2
Commit as, 13:6
vs. incidental main motion, 10:2–7
Objection to the Consideration of the Question applies to, 6:17(4), 6:20, 26:1
renewal, 38:9
out of order, 4:17. See also Point of Order.
pages and messengers, 4:5, 59:65
paper ballots. See ballots.
Papers, Request to Read. See Read Papers, Request to.
papers given to committee, 36:9
paragraph, consideration by. See Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim.
paragraph numbers, 12:26
paragraphs, forms of Amend relating to. See insert (or add) a paragraph; strike out a paragraph; strike out and insert (transfer) a paragraph; substitute.
Parliament (U.K.), xxix, xxx, xxxii–xxxiv, xxxvi
parliamentarian, 47:6, 47:46–56
convention, consultant in preparing, 59:9
convention standing rules drafting, 59:28
Interpretations, consult RONR Official, xxv
Point of Order, chair consult on, 23:3, 23:17
Program Committee (convention), advise, 59:50
Resolutions Committee (convention), advise, 59:79
parliamentary authority, xxix, 2:15, 2:18–19
adopt, 2:15
binding, 2:18
bylaw provisions on, 56:49; sample, 56:66
convention, 59:47
copy at meetings, 47:8
mass meeting, 53:8
order of business in, standard, 41:6
persuasive, 2:18–19
Parliamentary Guide (Henry M. Robert), xliii
Parliamentary Inquiry (to ask a relevant procedural question), 6:17(11), 33:1, 33:3–5. See also Request for Information.
Appeal answer, 24:6
chair’s duty, 47:7
form and example, 33:4
Point of Order, when uncertain of grounds for, 23:4
parliamentary law, xxix–xxx, 1:1, 2:1–3
common, xxix, xxxviii, 1:5, 2:14, 53:8
history, xxx–xlviii
in Parliament, xxix–xxx
parliamentary procedure, relation to, xxx
Parliamentary Law (Henry M. Robert), xliv
parliamentary manual. See parliamentary authority.
parliamentary motions. See under motions.
Parliamentary Practice (Henry M. Robert), xliv
item or class of business, 14:11, 25:12
in roll-call vote, 45:48
pass a motion. See “adopted.”
patriotic exercises, 3:15
penalty. See disciplinary procedures.
pending motion(s) or question(s), 4:3, 5:3–9
immediately pending motion (or question), 5:7
order of consideration (see precedence of motions)
perfecting amendments. See Amend, amendment.
permission. See Request for Any Other Privilege; Request to Be Excused from a Duty; Request to Read Papers; Requests and Inquiries; Withdraw or Modify a Motion.
personal attacks, 4:30
personal privilege, 19:7. See also questions of privilege; Raise a Question of Privilege.
personalities avoided in debate, 43:21
personnel policies, 47:44
of parliamentary authority not adopted, 2:18–19, 53:8
of precedents, 23:10
petitions, nominating, 46:26
Petyt, George, xxxiii
Philips, George, xxxiii
Pigeon, Robert, xxvii
place of meeting, 9:1
places, filling a blank with, 12:111–112
platform (policy statement), 28:4, 59:76–77
platform (stage)
chair’s position, 3:7, 3:10, 47:24
committee chairman’s position, 47:5
at convention, 59:65–66
honorary presidents and vice-presidents on, 47:42
Platform Committee. See Resolutions Committee.
pleading (at trial), 63:33
pleasure, removal at
committee members, 13:23, 50:14
officers, 56:29–30, 56:62, 62:16
Pledge of Allegiance, 41:30, 59:55
Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (Henry M. Robert). See Robert’s Rules of Order.
podium. See lectern; platform (stage).
Point of Information. See Request for Information.
Point of Order (to demand a ruling from the chair regarding a breach of the rules), xxvi, 6:17(1), §23, 23:1, 23:2. See also Parliamentary Inquiry.
adhering to postponed main motion, 14:18
Appeal pending, while, 24:3(2)(a)
assembly, submitted to, 12:21, 23:18, 43:30, 47:7
assignment of the floor, about, 3:34, 42:15
call member to order, 61:11
chair decides, 47:7
chair’s abuse of authority in meeting, 62:4–5, 62:7
chair’s improper act, xxvii, 62:2, 62:11n4
in committee of the whole, 52:9
custom conflicts with rule, 2:25
debate without pending motion, 4:8
dilatory, 39:3
election, 46:49
form and example, 23:12–21
grounds, 23:3
ignore, 62:7–8
interrupt speaker, 42:18
minor technical irregularities, 23:4
minutes, 48:4
Objection to the Consideration of the Question, similarities, 26:3
precedence of, 6:19–21
quorum, regarding absence of, 40:12
after referral, 13:19
renewal, 38:5(6)
reserve, 23:5
second lacking, that, 4:13
police, 61:20–21
Call of the House enforcement by, 40:15
policies. See bylaws; platform (policy statement); standing rules.
polling place, 46:31(1)
polls, straw, 45:72
polls, to close or reopen, 6:17(8), 30:1, 30:3, 30:8–11, 45:30
renewal of the motion, 38:7(5)
two-thirds vote to close, 44:4
Portland (Oregon), xli
postal mail. See mail.
Postpone. See Postpone to a Certain Time.
Postpone Definitely. See Postpone to a Certain Time.
Postpone Indefinitely (to drop the main motion without a direct vote), 6:5(1), §11, 11:1, 11:2, 45:21, t3–t5
alternative, to offer, 10:30(5)
ballot-vote order applies to, if ordered on main motion, 30:5
committee recommends, 51:44
consideration by paragraph, during, 28:8
debate on, 43:37
discharged question, 36:10
form and example, 11:6–8
vs. Lay on the Table, 17:1, 17:18
minority report, 51:70
out of order, when, t4–t5
vs. Postpone to a Certain Time, 14:1, 14:9
Previous Question interrupted by vote on, 16:9–10
referral to committee, ignored after, 10:35, 11:2(8)n1, 13:19, 51:44
renewal, 38:5(2)
reports and recommendations, 51:17
seriatim consideration, application to, 28:8
postpone temporarily. See Lay on the Table.
Postpone to a Certain Time (or Postpone Definitely, or Postpone), 6:5(4), §14, 14:4, t3–t5. See also postponing an event; set aside orders of the day.
adhering motions affected by, xxv, 14:18
adjourned meeting, to, 14:7
adjournment, 41:56
agenda topic, before taking up, 41:65
Appeal affected by, 14:18
bylaws consideration, when organizing a society, 54:19
Call for the Orders of the Day to take up postponed motion, 18:5
class of business, 14:11, 41:38
closing debate, order; effect on, 15:11, 15:13, 15:18
committee recommends, 51:44
consideration by paragraph, during, 28:8
debate, motion not counted as speech in, 43:12
debate closure, limitation, or extension exhausted by adoption of, 14:19, 15:18, 16:11–12
debate closure’s effect on ability to move, xxv, 14:4(2), 15:11–13, 16:2(2)
debate on, 43:37
discharged question, 36:10
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn, in conjunction with, 22:10
form and example, 14:20–22
general order, 14:2
general orders, creating, 14:14, 41:42
kill measure, improper use to, 14:9
vs. Lay on the Table, 17:1, 17:19
and Limit or Extend Limits of Debate (see “debate” subheadings, above)
as main motion, 14:3
minutes approval, applied to, 41:11n3
order of the day, creating, 18:7, 41:42
out of order, when, t4–t5
Point of Order affected by, 14:18
vs. Postpone Indefinitely, 14:1, 14:9
and Previous Question (see also “debate” subheadings, above): execution interrupted by vote on, 16:9–10
quarterly time interval, to meeting beyond, 25:13
recess, 41:56
Reconsider affected by, 37:34
renewal, 38:7(1)
reports and recommendations, 51:17
seriatim consideration, application to, 28:8
session, beyond next, 8:12, 25:13
session, within quarterly time interval, 9:9
special order, 14:2
special orders, 41:42
special orders, creating, 14:14
subject bylaws set for a session, 14:12
Take from the Table, when ignored, 34:6
to take up business out of order, 41:38
temporarily but not finally disposed of, 9:9–11
unfinished business, 41:69
postpone to a time certain. See Postpone to a Certain Time.
postponing an event, 10:8(7)(c), 10:45, 14:3
postponing the time for adjournment or recess. See set aside orders of the day.
power, full (or with), committee, 13:8(d)
preamble, 10:16–19
bylaws, 56:18
Consideration by Paragraph, 28:7
platforms or policy statements, 59:77
Previous Question, application to, 16:8, 28:7
precedence of motions, 5:3–13, 5:8, 10:31–35, t3–t5
incidental motions, 6:18–22
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, 15:6
motions that bring a question again before the assembly, 6:26
privileged motions, 6:12
pronunciation, 5:8n2
question recurs, after disposal of motion taking precedence, 10:32–34
as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 1 of all motions, 7:2
subsidiary motions, 6:4
Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons (Hatsell), xxxvi
preference in recognition, 3:32–35, 42:6–17, 42:7. See also assignment of the floor.
alternate proponents and opponents, xxxiii, 3:33(3), 42:9(3)
alternative, member suggested defeat to offer, 10:30(5), 42:13
interrupt before speech begins, when entitled to, 42:7
large assemblies, 42:16
prearranged main motion, to move, 42:13
previous notice, to give, 10:48, 42:7
Reconsider, make motion to, 42:7
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, make motion to, 42:7
special meeting, to move motion called to consider, 42:13
spoken, member who has not, 42:9, 43:13, 52:1
Suspend the Rules, 25:2(1)
Take from the Table, 34:4
preferential voting, 44:11, 45:62–69, 56:26
presence at electronic meetings, 9:31
“present,” in roll-call vote, 45:48, 45:51
present, voting based on members, 4:35, 44:7–9, 45:56
present and voting, voting based on members, 1:6–7, 44:7
president (regular presiding officer of an assembly), 47:5–20, 56:62. See also chair (person presiding at a meeting); chairman (presiding officer with no specific other title); chairman pro tem; committee chairman.
absence, 47:11, 47:22–23, 47:33(11)
administrative duties, 47:20, 62:15
board, same capacity, 49:11, 56:40
board reports drafted and signed by, 51:21
chairman of delegation caucus, 58:19
committee appointments by, 47:20, 50:13, 56:46, 56:65
committee members, remove or replace, 13:23
committees, ex-officio member, 47:20, 50:16, 56:47, 56:65
executive secretary or director, relation, 47:45
minutes, sign, 48:7
nominating committee, 46:10
parliamentarian, appointment of, 47:48
presiding duties and procedures (see chair: duties)
Program Committee (convention), advise, 59:50
reports, 48:19
special meeting, call, 9:14
vacancy, 56:32
vice-president as nominee for, 47:31
president-elect, 47:11, 47:20, 56:23
presiding officer. See chair (person presiding at a meeting); chairman (presiding officer with no specific other title); chairman pro tem (temporary presiding officer); committee chairman; president (regular presiding officer of an assembly).
presiding officer, professional, 47:13
presiding officer, temporary. See chairman pro tem.
prevailing side, 6:26(4), 37:35(2)
reconsideration of secondary motion, 37:30
previous notice (of motions), 1:7, 10:44–51, 44:9, 44:10. See also notice (of meetings).
bylaw amendments, 2:8(4), 8:14, 10:45, 25:10, 56:50–51, 57:1, 57:14
bylaw provisions on, 10:45
conflicting motion, to consider, 10:27
Discharge a Committee, 8:12
interrupt speaker, 10:48, 42:19
majority of entire membership instead of, 44:9(b)
with notice (call) of meeting, 1:7, 10:44, 10:51, 44:10
preference in recognition, 42:7, 42:13
quorum, when absent, 40:9
of Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, 6:27(3), 8:12, 35:2–4, 35:7–9
right to give, 1:4
scope of, 10:47; amendments, 35:4; bylaw amendments, 56:50, 57:1, 57:10–13; special meeting, 9:15–16, 10:54
special meeting, of motions for, 9:16
special rule of order requiring, 10:45
special rules of order, to amend, 2:22, 8:14
vacancy in office, filling, 56:32
when Adjourn pending or adopted, 21:10
withdraw, 33:17
Previous Question (immediately close debate and the making of certain subsidiary motions), xlv, 6:5(6), §16, 16:1, 16:5, 43:17, t3–t5
adjournment delayed to carry out order for, 41:66
Appeal affected by, 16:18
board, 49:21(3)n3
call the question, 16:6–7, 42:22
in committee of the whole, 52:10
consideration by paragraph, during, 28:8
debate, conclude speech by moving, 42:5
debate on, 43:37
execution, 16:5(8)n15, 16:10
exhaustion of, 13:21, 16:11–12
form and example, 16:20–28
large assemblies, 42:16
Lay on the Table after debate closed under, 17:12
Lay on the Table, in lieu of, 17:18
vs. Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, 15:2
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate, t3–t5
order limiting or extending limits of debate doesn’t prevent, 15:17
out of order, when, t4–t5
recess delayed to carry out order for, 41:66
reconsideration of, 16:13–16
reconsideration under an order for, 16:17, 37:23
renewal, 38:7(1)
seriatim consideration, application to, 28:8
series of debatable motions, 16:1
special order interrupting, 16:2, 16:10
subsequent motions affected by, 16:19
subsidiary motions applied to each other, 6:7
subsidiary motions, which applied to, 6:8
substitute, to clear way for, 12:79
suggestions for filling blanks, 12:101, 12:105
two-thirds vote, 44:4
unanimous consent, 16:7
Priddle, Clive, xxvii
primary amendment, 12:11–13
committee recommends, 51:48
number pending at one time, 12:13–15, 12:92–93
principles of interpretation. See interpretation, principles of.
prior action of society, 43:24
priority of business. See also precedence of motions.
Appeal relating to, 24:3(5)
Call for the Orders of the Day and, 18:4(1)
Point of Order relating to, 23:19
Suspend the Rules relating to, 18:4(1), 25:2(1)
Privilege, Request for Any Other, 6:17(11), 33:1, 33:22, 37:10(a)
privileged motions, 4:64, 6:11–14, §18–§22, t3–t5
also called privileged questions, 5:4, 6:11
in classification of motions, 5:2
debate on, 43:38
disciplinary procedures, 63:33
incidental main motions, corresponding, 10:7
list of, 6:12
main motion, during consideration of, 10:31–35, 43:5
precedence of, 5:10–11
Previous Question doesn’t prevent, 16:2
vs. questions of privilege, 19:4
Reconsider applied to, 6:27(5), 37:24–34
special meeting, 9:15
privileged questions, 5:4, 6:11. See also privileged motions.
vs. questions of privilege, 19:4
privileges of the assembly, 19:7. See also questions of privilege; Raise a Question of Privilege.
privileges of the floor, 3:31n5
pro tempore. See chairman pro tem; secretary pro tem; temporary officers.
procedural motions. See incidental main motions; motions: parliamentary.
proceedings, publication of, 48:16
professional presiding officer, 47:13
program, 41:1–36, 41:2, 41:2n2, 41:58–70, 41:64
adjournment, 21:14
agenda, relation to, 3:19, 41:2n2, 41:64, 59:54
Call for the Orders of the Day, 6:12(1), 18:1, 18:3n1, 18:5
change after adoption, 59:59
convention, 3:19, 8:5, 59:51–60
events outside of business meetings, 18:3n1
general orders, 41:3
guide pending adoption, 59:57
order of business, 41:36
recess, 20:6
session, 8:2(2)
at social or cultural meetings, 9:6, 56:52
special orders, 41:3
Program Committee, 59:3, 59:7, 59:48–60
bylaw provisions on, 56:45; sample, 56:65
Convention Arrangements Committee, relation, 59:63, 59:65
organization of convention, 59:11–13
organizing a society, 60:3
parliamentarian as adviser to, 59:9
Resolutions Committee, liaison with, 59:82
precedence, 5:8n2
sine die, 8:2(6)n1
viva voce, 4:35n10
proponents and opponents, alternation in debate, xxxiii, 3:33(3), 42:9(3)
proportion. See fraction or proportion.
proposals. See motions.
Proviso, to Create, 43:39, 54:23, 56:15
proxy voting, 45:2, 45:55–56, 45:70–71
public session, 9:28–29
published proceedings or transactions, 48:16
purport (in previous notice), 10:47, 56:51
purpose of society. See object of society.
putting the question, 4:2, 4:34–40, 43:6, 47:7
disregarded if member seeking floor, 43:7
by member when chair ignores, 62:8–9, 62:11n4
motion unamendable & undebatable, 4:15(a)n8
on resolution without reading, 4:37
unanimous consent avoids, 4:58
qualifications. See eligibility.
quarterly time interval, 9:7–9, 21:7(b–c), 38:8
adjournment effect, 21:7(b–c), 41:21
board, effect on authority, 49:6
election postponement, 46:44
minutes approval, effect on, 48:9
minutes approval; effect on, 48:12
notice of motions, 10:44
order of the day, effect on, 41:40
postponement not possible beyond, 14:7
Reconsider, 37:11(d)
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, 37:47(5)
standard order of business, 41:6
table, effect on items laid on, 6:26(1), 17:8, 17:16, 34:3, 41:15
unfinished business at meeting within, 41:21
quasi committee of the whole, 52:1–2, 52:19–23
debate in assembly after, 13:21
minutes, 48:5
motion to go into, 13:2–3, 13:5, 13:8(d), 13:12, 13:21, 13:25, 52:20
speech length and number, 43:18, 52:1
straw polls, alternative to, 45:72
“Question!” 16:20, 42:22. See also Previous Question.
question. See also motions; motions that bring a question again before the assembly; and “questions” headings.
“Are you ready for the question?” 4:15(a)
call for the question (see also Previous Question), 16:6–7
different question, 38:1
immediately pending question, 5:7–9
of order (see Point of Order)
putting the question (see putting the question)
question recurs, after disposal of motion taking precedence, 10:35
same question (see same question)
series of motions connected with one question, 34:5, 42:7
stating the question (see stating the question)
Question, Division of. See Division of a Question.
Question, Objection to the Consideration of. See Objection to the Consideration of a Question.
Question, Previous. See Previous Question.
Question and Answer Forum, xxiv
questions, asking. See also Parliamentary Inquiry; Request for Information.
addressed through chair, 43:22
hypothetical, 33:3
not counted as debate, 43:12, 43:31–32
time charged to speaker, 43:10, 43:22
questions, privileged, 5:4, 6:11. See also privileged motions.
vs. questions of privilege, 19:4
questions of order. See Point of Order.
questions of privilege, 6:12(2), 19:1n2, 19:2. See also Raise a Question of Privilege.
of the assembly, 19:7
Call of the House, 40:14
chair, declare vacant, 62:11
debate on, 43:38
executive session, go into, 9:24
form and example, 19:11–17
interrupt speaker, 42:18
office, remove from, 62:16
personal privilege, 19:7
Previous Question, interrupts, 16:10, 16:19
vs. privileged motions (or privileged questions), 19:4
privileges of the assembly, 19:7
quorum, when absent, 40:7
renewal, 38:5(6)
Request to Be Excused from a Duty, 32:7
vacancies, filling, 32:7
queue of members seeking the floor. See assignment of the floor; microphones; preference in recognition.
queue or stack of motions. See precedence of motions.
absence, motions in order, 40:6–10
absentees, protect, 25:10
bylaw provisions on, 3:3, 40:2, 56:37; sample, 56:63
Call of the House to obtain, 40:8, 40:13–16, 47:40
chair’s duty to determine, 40:11–12, 47:7
changing, 40:4
committee of the whole, 40:5, 40:10, 52:18
convention, 3:4, 40:2(3), 58:6, 59:26
dues not required, group in which, 40:2(2)
election, absence during, 46:49
electronic meeting, 9:36
enforcing, 40:11–12
ex-officio member, 49:8, 50:16
mass meeting, 40:2(1)
notice of motion in absence of, 40:9
obtain, measures to, 40:7–8
quasi committee of the whole, 40:5, 40:10
ratify action taken without, 10:54–55
roll call, 45:52
setting, considerations, 40:3
Suspend the Rules, 25:10
voting, during, 44:2
railroading. See “gaveling through.”
Raise a Question of Privilege, 6:12(2), 10:36, §19, 19:1, 19:6, t3–t5
debate on, 43:38
form and example, 19:11–17
precedence of, t4
renewal of, 38:5(6)
rank of motions. See precedence of motions.
board, unauthorized action, 10:54–57, 23:9
quorum, action in absence, 40:9
special meeting, action outside scope of notice, 9:15
Raymond, Melissa, xxvii
Read Papers, Request to, 6:17(11), 33:1, 33:20–21
reading and approval of minutes. See minutes, reading and approval of.
reading clerk, 42:21, 51:9, 51:11
reading of motion, resolution, or paper
bylaws, proposed, 54:17
mass meeting call, 53:14
putting question, 4:37, 4:37n11
Request to Read Papers, 6:17(11), 33:1, 33:20
right to read or require, 33:21, 43:26
secretary reading doesn’t take away floor, 42:21
stating question, 4:15(b–f)
reaffirm, motion to, 10:10
real estate, purchase or sale of, 10:8(7)(a)
rebuttal (in Appeal), 24:3(5)
recapitulation (in roll-call vote), 30:1, 45:9, 45:51, 45:55
receipts (financial), 47:39, 48:23, 54:21
Recess (motion or procedure to take a short break in the meeting), 6:12(3), 8:2(3), §20, 20:1, 20:5, t3–t5. See also standing at ease.
vs. adjournment, 8:7
in agenda, program, or schedule, 20:6–7, 41:56, 41:59, 41:66–68
ballots, to count, 20:1
until called to order by chair, 20:8
committee of the whole, 52:10
form and example, 20:8–10
as incidental main motion, 10:5, 20:3
Lay on the Table renewal after vote on, 17:11
mass meeting, 53:22
members, enroll, 54:21
opinion, crystallize, 52:28
Previous Question, after ordered, 16:10
quorum, measures to obtain, precedence, 40:8
quorum, when absent, 40:7
renewal, 38:7(4)
within session, 8:7
special orders, 41:41, 41:53, 41:56
vs. standing at ease, 8:2
recognition to speak. See assignment of the floor; preference in recognition.
recognized, 3:30
recommendations. See board reports; committee reports; reports.
Recommit, 13:4–5, 13:12, 13:25, 54:19. See also Commit or Refer.
Reconsider (motion to bring back a question from the same session as if it had not been voted on), xxvi, 6:26(4), §37, 37:1, 37:9. See also motions that bring a question again before the assembly; Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes; renewal of motions.
Adjourn, 21:10
adoption, effect, 37:19
ballot, motion previously voted on by, 45:21
ballot, motion to vote by, 45:20
bylaw amendments, 57:1(3), 57:6
bylaws adoption, 54:20
in classification of motions, 6:25–27
committee of the whole, 37:35
election, 46:46
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn yields to, 6:27(5)
form and example, 37:36–45
inapplicable to certain motions, 37:9(2)
interrupt speaker, 42:19
Lay on the Table, when pending, 17:23
maker on prevailing side, 37:8(a)
making, effect, 37:11
members excluded, remedy, 23:7
Objection to the Consideration of the Question, 26:5–6
order limiting or extending limits of debate, 15:11, 15:18
order of presiding officer, 61:8
Postpone Indefinitely and main motion, 10:26(3)n2, 11:2(8)n1
precedence of, 6:27(5), 37:10(c)
preference in recognition, 42:7, 42:9, 42:11, 42:13
Previous Question, 16:13–16
Previous Question in effect, 16:17
program, convention, 59:59
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, differences, 37:46
referral to committee, ignored after, 13:19
rejection finalizes disposal of motion, 10:26(5)(d)n4
renewal, 37:9(2)(a), 38:5(3)
Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted after, 35:6(a)
same question during session, decide, 10:26(5)(d), 38:1
secondary motions, applied to, 6:27(5), 37:24–34
session, impact on definition of, 8:4
special orders, 41:55
as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 8 of all motions, 7:2
suspension of action, 37:11, 37:33
take up business out of order, 10:26(5)(b), 41:40
take up when made, 37:14
temporarily but not finally disposed of, 9:9–11, 10:26(5)(d), 21:7(c)n6, 38:8
time limits, 37:10(b)
time limits in committees, 37:35(1)
withdraw, 33:17
Withdraw or Modify a Motion, 37:10(b)
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes (special form of Reconsider), 8:7n2, 21:10, 37:46–52
abuse, remedy, 37:51–52
call up, 37:46
interrupt speaker, 42:19
preference in recognition, 42:7, 42:13
Reconsider, differences, 37:46
suspension of action, 37:49
time limits, 37:46–47
wait, when decision cannot, 37:47(5), 37:51
record of meeting. See minutes.
recorder, 47:32. See also secretary.
recording devices, 25:15, 48:6
recording secretary, 47:32, 47:34, 47:37, 56:62. See also corresponding secretary; secretary (recording secretary).
records of a society, 47:33, 47:35–36
ballot, 45:41
counted vote, 45:15
incidental main motion, 45:41
incidental motion, 45:41
roll call, 45:54
time limits, 45:41
recusal, 45:4–5, 47:10, 62:11n4
Redgrave, John Robert, xlv
Refer. See Commit or Refer.
Reference Committee. See Resolutions Committee.
refrain, motion to, 10:11
register of members, quorum when unreliable, 40:2(2)
registered mail, 63:28
registration of delegates, 59:14, 59:16–21, 59:29, 59:52, 59:55
regular meeting, 9:1–12
also called stated meeting, 9:1
adjourned meeting, 9:17
annual meeting, relation to, 9:22
bylaw provisions on, 1:13; sample, 56:63
election, complete, 46:44
minutes, 48:9
notice of meeting beyond quarterly time interval, 9:3
social or cultural, 9:6, 14:7, 56:52
Take from the Table at, 34:3
regular order, to demand. See Call for the Orders of the Day.
regular session. See regular meeting.
reinstatement of membership, 35:6(c)
“rejected” (motion defeated), 4:3, 4:43, 4:49
religious exercises, 3:15
relinquishing the chair, 43:29, 47:10, 52:2, 52:7, 62:11n4
removal from office, 61:22, 62:16, §63. See also expulsion from membership.
bylaw provisions on, 56:29–30, 56:62
expulsion from membership, combined with, 63:1n7
incidental main motion, 62:16
presiding officer, during all or part of session, 62:10–14
Rescind’s applicability to, 35:6(c)
removal of appointees, 13:23, 50:14
removal of offender from meeting, 61:7, 61:19–21
renewal of motions (to introduce again after not being adopted), 8:15, §38, 38:1. See also motions that bring a question again before the assembly; Reconsider.
Adjourn, 21:13
Call of the House, 40:14
dilatory, 39:4
incidental motions, 38:3(1)
Lay on the Table, 17:11
members excluded, remedy, 23:7
Objection to the Consideration of the Question, 26:5
second, died for lack of, 38:2
session, same vs. later, 8:15, 38:3
subsidiary motions, 38:3(1)
Suspend the Rules, 25:6
Take from the Table, 17:8
withdrawn motion, 38:2
reopening nominations, 31:6
reopening the polls. See polls, to close or reopen.
Repeal. See Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted.
reports, 3:16
agree to, 51:14
Amend, 51:19
annual, 9:22, 41:13, 48:18, 48:21, 48:27, 51:3, 51:20
auditors’, 48:24–-25
board (see board reports)
committee (see committee reports)
Consideration by Paragraph, 28:1
convention, 59:55
historian, 48:27
motions arising out of, 3:25, 41:14, 48:19, 48:27, 51:10–19
officers, 3:16, 3:25, 9:22, 41:13–14, 47:27, 48:17–27, 59:55
order of business, 41:13–17
organization of, 51:7
presentation, 51:9
recommendations, 51:4–6
second, 51:12
special committee (see committee reports)
standing committee (see committee reports)
tellers, 45:37–40
treasurer, 48:20–26
Request for Any Other Privilege. See Privilege, Request for Any Other.
Request for Information (to ask a relevant nonprocedural question), 6:17(11), 33:1, 33:6–10. See also Parliamentary Inquiry.
addressed through chair, 43:22
chair’s duty to respond, 47:7
form and example, 33:7–8
time charged to speaker, 43:10
Request for Permission (or Leave) to Withdraw or Modify a Motion. See Withdraw or Modify a Motion.
Request to Be Excused from a Duty, 6:17(10), §32, 32:1, 43:39, 50:18
Request to Read Papers, 6:17(11), 33:1, 33:20–21
Requests and Inquiries, 6:17(10–11), 6:21, §33
in committee of the whole, 52:9
interrupt speaker, 42:18
privilege, question of, 19:3
Rescind and Expunge from the Minutes, 35:13, 44:9(b)
Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, 6:26–27, 10:26(4), §35, 35:1, 35:2
actions that cannot be, 35:6
agenda, to change, 41:63
Amend, difference from, 12:2
amendments, multiple, 51:48(a)n10
board, 56:41
bylaw amendments (see also bylaw amendments), 57:1
in classification of motions, 6:25–27
conforming amendments, 35:5
convention standing rules, 59:36
debate on, 43:40
Discharge a Committee, similarity, 36:3
disciplinary procedures, 63:33
form and example, 35:7–12
as incidental main motion, 6:27(1–2)
main motion, 10:8(7)(c), 23:6(b)
meeting, schedule between others in session, 22:2
members excluded, remedy, 23:7
minutes, to correct after adoption, 48:15
postpone event, 14:3
previous notice of, 10:45, 35:4; when too late for Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, 37:50
reaffirm, motion to, 10:10
removal or replacement of committee members, 13:23
remove committee members, 50:14
renewal, 38:5(4)
same question during session, decide, 38:1
session, something adopted at earlier, 8:12
reserving a Point of Order, 23:5
reserving objection to unanimous consent, 4:60
reserving time, 43:10
resignation, 32:8, 47:54. See also Request to Be Excused from a Duty.
board, authority to accept, 47:57
bylaw provisions on, 32:7, 56:21, 56:61
debate, 43:39
disciplinary procedures, 63:6
membership, 32:8, 56:21, 56:61, 63:6
Rescind’s applicability to, 35:6(c)
resolutions, 4:4–5, 10:13–23. See also main motions; Resolutions Committee.
advance preparation and distribution, 4:5, 4:10
Consideration by Paragraph, 6:17(6)
consolidation, 55:3
convention, 59:55
courtesy, 59:78
disciplinary procedures, 63:11, 63:13–27, 63:32–33, 63:35
dissolution, 55:6
form, 10:13–15, 10:20–25, 59:77
mass meeting, 53:15–17
meetings, scheduling by, 9:2, 56:34
merger, 55:3
moved and seconded, when treated as, 59:80
organizing a society, 54:5–7
platform, 59:77
putting the question on, 4:37
reading (see reading of motion, resolution, or paper)
series in single motion, 10:25
special orders, 59:82
stating the question on, 4:15(b–f)
Resolutions Committee, 59:5, 59:42, 59:55, 59:67–83
Amend, recommend, 59:81
courtesy resolutions, 59:78
executive session, 59:79
hearing, 59:79
incidental main motions not referred, 10:6
mass meeting, 53:19–27
meetings, 59:79
moved and seconded, reported r. treated as, 59:80
parliamentarian as adviser to, 59:9
platform, 59:76–77
power, variations in, 59:74–75
referral of resolutions, automatic, 10:30(4), 59:69–71
report, 59:80–83
report resolution, authority not to, 59:75
special orders, 59:82
submission of resolutions, 59:72–73
“Resolved,” use in resolutions, 2:17, 10:13–15, 10:22, 12:22(6)
“Respectfully submitted,” 48:7
restorative motions. See motions that bring a question again before the assembly; renewal of motions.
revision of bylaws, 47:47, 56:3, 56:6, 56:15, 57:5. See also bylaw amendments.
authorization required, 57:5
committee to prepare, 57:5
riot, basis for adjournment, 8:10
rise, or rise and report, 50:23, 52:5, 52:9(1)n12, 52:10–11
committee of the whole, 52:9
special committee, 21:9, 50:23
on bylaws adoption, 54:20
counted, 4:51, 4:53, 30:1, 44:5–6, 45:15
Division of the Assembly, 4:52, 6:17(7), 29:1–8
form, 4:38
result, announcing, 4:43
two-thirds vote, 4:38, 4:43, 44:5, 45:11
verify doubtful voice or show of hands, 29:6, 30:6, 45:11, 45:14
Robert, Helen Thresher, xliii
Robert, Henry M., xxiii, xxv, xxxviii–xlviii
Robert, Henry M., Jr., xliv
Robert, Henry M. III, xlv–xlvi
Robert, Isabel Hoagland, xliii
Robert, Joseph Thomas, xxxix
Robert, Sarah Corbin, xliv
Robert’s Rules Association, xlv
website, xxiv
Robert’s Rules of Order, xxiii, xlii–xlvii
first edition, xxv
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief, xxiv, 47:15
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR), xlv–xlvi
e-book, xxiv
electronic version, xxiv
reference manual, xxiv
revision process, xxv
Twelfth Edition, xxiii, xxiv, xxv–xxvii, xlvi
Robert’s Rules of Order Revised, xxv, xliii–xliv
change vote, 45:50
committee of the whole, 52:10
convention, 45:53
delegation, 45:53
election, 46:42
electronic, 45:55
Lay on the Table after debate closed, 16:2(2)n11
mass meeting, 45:45
motion to take, 30:1
opening ceremonies, 41:31
quorum, 45:52
recapitulation, 45:9
signed ballot, alternative, 45:46
suggestions for filling blanks, 12:103
roll of members, 47:33, 47:35, 54:22, 59:23, 59:26
quorum when unreliable, 40:2(2)
RONR (abbreviation), vii, xxiii. See also Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
RONR Official Interpretations, xxv
rostrum. See platform (stage).
rotation in office, 47:4, 56:31, 56:62
rule out of order, decision of the chair to, 4:16–17
rules, xxix–xxx, 1:5, §2. See also bylaws; charter; constitution; convention standing rules; custom and customary practices; parliamentary authority; parliamentary law; rules of order; special rules of order; standing rules; Suspend the Rules.
Amend, 44:4
board (see also small-board rules), 49:15, 56:39
chair’s duty to enforce, 47:7, 47:19
committee, 50:25–26
conflict in, 3:2
copy at meetings, 47:8
executive session, requiring, 9:24
interpretation (see interpretation, principles of)
nominations, 31:3
small board (see small-board rules)
types of, 2:1–4
Rules, Committee on Standing, 59:3, 59:27–47
organization of convention, 59:11–13
organizing a society, 60:3
parliamentarian as adviser to, 59:9
rules of order, xxix–xxx, xxxviii, xli, 2:14–22
instructions to committee may supersede, 13:8(d)
rulings, 24:5–7
criticize, 24:2
minutes, 23:10
precedent, 23:10–11
same question, 38:1
Amend, amendment, 12:25
as motion finally or temporarily disposed of, 10:26(5), 12:17, 39:6
as question in committee, 36:2
as question laid on the table, 17:9
after referral, 13:20
San Francisco, xxxix
schedule. See agenda; order of business; program.
within a session, 8:8
scientific societies, 45:57
scope of notice. See previous notice (of motions): scope of.
Scott, Foresman and Company, xlv
scribe, 47:32. See also secretary.
scripts for handling motions, 10:37
SDCs (standard descriptive characteristics) of motions, 7:1–3, 10:32
Seabold, Daniel E., xlvi
second (to a motion), 4:2, 4:9–14, 62:3, 62:6, 62:8–9
blanks, creating, 12:95(b)
board, 51:12
chair’s duty, 47:17
committee, 51:12
convention, 59:12
example format, 10:37
lack of, procedure, 4:10, 4:12–13, 23:5
lack of, renewal of motion, 38:2
minutes, 48:5
Modify a Motion, 33:19
nominations, 46:6
Previous Question, 16:7
Reconsider, 37:15
secondary motions, 5:6
sit and stand, when to, 4:9
small-board rules, 49:21
as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 4 of all motions, 7:2
suggestions for filling blanks, 12:96
second-degree amendment. See secondary amendment.
secondary amendment, xxiv, 12:11–13
committee recommends, 51:46
involving a primary amendment to: insert (or add) a paragraph, 12:31; insert (or add) words, 12:27, 12:30; strike out a paragraph, 12:51; strike out and insert words, 12:61–62; strike out words, 12:49–50; substitute, 12:70–71, 12:81–87
pending at one time, 12:12–15, 12:92–93
Reconsider, 37:31
vs. secondary motion, 5:2n1
secondary motions, 4:45, 5:2–7, 6:27(5)
in classification of motions, 5:2
debate, conclude by offering, 10:31
incidental main motions, corresponding, 10:7
main motion, during consideration of, 43:5
minutes, 48:4
precedence of, 5:8–13
vs. secondary amendment, 12:7(2)n2
secret ballot. See ballots.
secret proceedings (or secret session). See executive session.
secret vote. See ballots.
secretary (recording secretary), 47:32–37. See also corresponding secretary.
also called clerk, 3:6, 47:1, 47:32
also called recorder, recording secretary, or scribe, 47:32
absence, 47:34
absence of chair, call meeting to order, 47:11, 47:33
ballot, cast, 45:22
ballots and tally sheets, custody, 45:41
board, 49:17
board, same capacity, 49:11, 56:40
board reports, 51:21
bylaw amendments, conforming corrections, 57:19
committee of the whole, 52:7
convention, 59:12
correspondence, reads, 47:34
desk, 3:7
disciplinary procedures, duties, 63:28–29, 63:33
duties, 47:33
executive (see executive secretary (executive director))
list of eligible voters, 45:58
mass meeting, 53:5, 53:11, 53:13, 53:32
minutes (see minutes)
motion paraphrase, 4:18
notice (of meetings), 9:14
notify those appointed or elected, 47:33, 50:19
opinion in minutes, 48:2
order of business memorandum, 41:7
preside over motion to declare chair vacant, 62:11n4
previous notice in call, 10:51
quasi committee of the whole, 52:21
reading doesn’t take away floor, 42:21
Reconsider, 37:10(c)
recording secretary and other secretaries compared, 47:32, 47:34, 47:37, 56:62
records, maintain, 36:9, 47:33, 47:35
reports, 41:13
Rescind and Expunge from the Minutes, 35:13
sign acts of society, 47:33
sign minutes, 48:7
temporary (see secretary pro tem)
writing, request motions in, 4:18
secretary, executive, 47:34, 47:43–45
secretary, financial, 47:32, 47:34, 47:39
secretary pro tem, 47:33
organizing a society, 53:32, 54:3, 54:21–22, 60:3
preside over motion to declare chair vacant, 62:11n4
section and article numbers, correcting, 57:19
select committee. See special committees.
Senate, U.S., xl, 9:24, 16:5(7)n14
separate vote, to demand
on amendment, 12:14
on resolution, 10:25, 27:2, 27:10, 42:18, 51:48
sergeant-at-arms, 42:16, 47:40, 61:20–21
Call of the House, enforce, 40:15
seriatim. See Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim.
series of amendments, 51:48
offered by single motion, 12:14
series of motions connected with one question
preference in recognition, 42:7
Take from the Table, 34:5
series of resolutions in single motion, 10:25, 34:5, 51:31
Consideration by Paragraph, 28:1
different question, 38:5(1)
division on demand, 27:10, 42:18
form, 10:22
serpentine vote, 45:15
session, 1:3, 8:2(2). See also meeting.
Adjourn vs. Recess during, 8:7
adjourned meeting, 22:8
convention, 1:14
Lay on the Table, 17:8
local assembly, 1:13
meeting, relation to, 1:3, 8:1, 8:3–7, 9:18
number of meetings in, 8:3
order limiting or extending limits of debate, 16:12, 43:16
Postpone, limits, 14:7
Postpone Indefinitely applies to full, 11:1
Reconsider at same, 6:26(4)
reconsideration, 37:19n6
renewal of motion, same vs. later, 38:3, 38:6
rules applying outside of, 25:13
same question during, 6:25(a)
significance, 8:11–16
special-committee meetings constitute one, 50:23
special meeting, 9:13
set aside orders of the day, 6:12(1), 18:8. See also Call for the Orders of the Day.
adjournment scheduled, 18:8, 21:14, 41:56, 41:67
agenda topic, 41:65
recess scheduled, 18:8, 20:7, 41:56, 41:67
shire, xxxii
Shire court, xxxi
Shire-moot, xxxi
show of hands, 4:35, 4:40, 30:6, 45:11
count vote, whether to, 4:53
Division of the Assembly, 4:55, 29:1
inconclusive, 4:55
result, announcing, 4:43
small-board rules, 49:21
verify vote, 4:55
board reports, 51:21
committee reports, 51:27, 51:71, 63:13
members (see also signed ballot), 45:59–60, 54:7, 54:21, 59:14(5)(c), 59:19
president, 47:7(10), 48:7, 51:21, 59:14(1)
secretary, 35:13, 47:33(7), 48:7, 48:14, 51:21, 59:14(1)
sergeant-at-arms, 40:15
signed ballot, 30:1, 45:46, 46:25
simultaneous communication, requirement, 1:1
sine die, to adjourn, 8:2(6), 8:6, 21:8, 21:16
pronunciation, 8:2(6)n1
sit and stand, when to
chair, 4:24, 4:31, 4:34, 4:41, 24:3(2), 47:9
committee, 42:2n1
member, 3:12, 3:31, 4:6, 4:9, 23:12, 42:2, 43:27, 46:6
secretary, 41:9
small-board rules, 42:2n1, 49:21
small-board rules, 1:24, 49:21
assembly, 2:16
chair votes, 4:56
committee, 50:25–26
second, 4:9n7
show of hands, 4:40
Smyth, Sir Thomas, xxxiii
“so moved,” 10:9
social or cultural meetings, 9:6, 14:7, 56:52
Sparta, xxx
Speaker (presiding officer), 3:10
speaker, guest, 48:5
speaking, rules of. See debate.
speaking seated, 3:31n4
unable to stand, 3:12n2
special committees, 13:8(c), 13:12–13, 50:3, 50:10. See also committees.
act after members announced, 13:15
Adjourn, 21:9
amendments, recommend, 10:30(4)
composition and size, 50:18
convention, 50:30
to deliberate, 50:18
disagreement, decline appointment, 50:18
discharge (see also Discharge a Committee), 36:9, 50:30
implement assembly order, 50:18
to investigate, 50:18
large, instructions on rules, 50:26
list of at meetings, 47:8
members, naming (see also committees), 13:15–16, 50:13, 56:46
Reconsider, 37:8(a–b), 37:10(a–b), 37:35
reports (see also committee reports), 3:16, 41:17, 50:30
rise, motion to, 50:23
rise or rise and report, 21:9
termination, 50:30
special meeting, 1:13, 9:13–16
also called called meeting, 9:13
absentees, scope of notice protects, 25:10
vs. adjourned meeting, 22:9
adjourned meeting of, 9:17
bylaw provisions on, 1:13, 9:14, 56:36; sample, 56:63
convention, 21:8
disciplinary procedures, 63:21, 63:21n9
Lay on the Table, when dilatory at, 17:14, 39:3
minutes, 48:9
motion called to consider, preference in recognition to move, 42:13
ratify action outside scope of notice, 10:54
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, 37:51
special between regular meetings, effect, 9:13n4
Suspend the Rules, 25:10
Take from the Table at, 34:3
trial in disciplinary procedures, 56:36
special order of business. See order of business.
special orders, 14:14–15, 41:3, 41:41, 41:53–57
Adjourn, 21:7(b)
agenda, 41:58
Call for the Orders of the Day, 18:1, 18:5
committee of the whole, 52:16
conflicting, 41:54–55
convention, 59:55
discharged question, 36:10
election, 41:20
motion to bring up, 41:19
nominations, 41:20
vs. order limiting or extending limits of debate, 15:3
order of business, 3:16, 3:29, 10:42, 41:18(b)
in order of business, 41:18–20
order of business, 41:46
Postpone to create, 14:2
Previous Question, interrupts execution, 16:10, 16:19
priority of, 41:53–57
renewal of motions, 38:8(1)
resolution considered as, 59:82
session, set for later, 9:9
the special order, 14:14, 41:18n4, 41:53, 41:57
subject bylaws set for particular session, 41:20
unfinished, 9:9–11
special rules of order, 2:15–18, 2:20–21, 45:42, 56:49, 56:66
Amend, 2:22
assignment of the floor, 42:15n3, 42:16
board, 49:15
bylaws, in, 2:20
consent calendar, 41:32
convention standing rules, comparison, 59:27
custom, incorporate, 2:25
debate, changing limits, 43:15
disciplinary procedures, 63:32n10
drop nominee with fewest votes, 46:32n1
electronic meeting, 9:36
minutes content, 48:3
plurality vote, 44:11
precedent, change, 23:11
previous notice, 10:45
roll call vote, require, 45:46
session, place beyond reach of majority at later, 8:14
standing committees created by, 50:8
vote, require count, 45:14
voting basis, 44:10
special session. See special meeting.
specific statements taking precedence of general statements, 3:2, 56:68(3)
specifications in disciplinary procedures, 63:15, 63:19, 63:24–25, 63:28, 63:33(a), 63:33(b), 63:33(e), 63:39
speeches. See debate.
stage. See platform.
stand and sit, when to. See sit and stand, when to.
standard descriptive characteristics (SDCs) of motions, 7:1–3, 10:32
standard order of business. See order of business.
standing at ease (brief pause without declaration of recess), 8:2(4), 23:3, 47:51. See also Recess.
standing committees, 13:8(b), 13:12, 50:7–9. See also committees.
amendments, recommend, 10:30(4)
board, when functions as, 50:4, 50:9
composition, 50:18
continuing existence, 50:3
convention business, 59:7
discharge (see also Discharge a Committee), 36:9
disciplinary procedures, 50:28
initiative of committee, 51:31
large, instructions on rules, 50:26
list of at meetings, 47:8
Program Committee, 59:50
Reconsider, 37:8(a–b), 37:10(a–b), 37:35
referral of certain subjects, automatic, 10:30(4), 50:8
reports (see also committee reports), 3:16, 41:13, 50:4, 50:9, 50:29, 51:3
special rules of order, 50:8
standing rules, 50:9
term of office, 50:7
standing rules, 2:23–24, 25:15. See also convention standing rules.
adopt, 2:23
board, 49:15
convention standing rules vs. ordinary, 59:27, 59:35(2)
copy for members, 2:13
electronic meeting, 9:35
mass meeting, 53:8
meetings, hour and place of, 9:1, 56:33
precedent, change, 23:11
Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, 2:23
standing committees created by, 50:9
Suspend the Rules, 2:23, 6:23, 8:13, 25:3, 25:15
suspension for session, 6:23, 8:13, 25:15
standing vote. See rising vote.
stated meeting, 9:1. See also regular meeting.
stating the question, 4:2, 4:15–24, 5:6, 47:7, 47:17
chair’s duty, 47:17, 62:3, 62:11n4
modification of motion before, 10:30(1), 33:11–12
quorum, when absent, 40:12
Take from the Table before, 34:4
unanimous consent avoids, 4:58
withdrawal of motion before, 33:11–12
statutes. See law.
Sthenelaïdas, xxx
stock corporations, 1:23, 45:70, 49:7
stool, 3:7
straw polls, 45:72
“strike,” 12:8(2)n3
strike enacting words, 12:22(6)
strike from the minutes. See Rescind and Expunge from the Minutes.
strike out a paragraph (form of Amend), 12:8, 12:51–52, 27:9
after adoption of insert (or add) words, 12:28(1)
form and example, 12:53–55
strike out and insert (transfer) a paragraph (form of Amend), 12:8(3)(b)n4. See also substitute.
strike out and insert words (form of Amend), 12:8, 12:56–68, 12:72
after adoption of insert (or add) words, 12:28
as alternative to pending motion to strike out, 12:50
form and example, 12:67–68
germaneness of each part to the other, 12:59
strike out words (form of Amend), 12:8, 12:46–50
after adoption of insert (or add) words, 12:28, 12:63
form and example, 12:53–55
indivisible question, 27:9
after rejection of strike out and insert words, 12:64
secondary amendment of, 12:51
committee of the whole, 52:10
Convention Arrangements Committee, 59:63
subordinate units, 2:7n4, 56:7, 56:57
subsidiary motions, 6:3–10, §11–§17, t3–t5
characteristics as a class, 6:6
in classification of motions, 5:2
incidental main motions, corresponding, 10:7
incidental motions, resemblance, 6:15
list of, 6:5
main motion, during consideration of, 10:31–35, 43:5
precedence of, 5:10–11
quorum, when absent, 40:7
Reconsider applied to, 6:27(5), 37:24–34
renewal of, 38:3(1)
reports and recommendations, 51:17
special meeting, 9:15
substantive motions. See main motions; original main motions.
substitute (form of Amend), 10:30(4), 12:8, 12:69–90, 36:7
after adoption of insert (or add) words, 12:28(3)
bylaw amendments, 57:4, 57:5n2
committee recommendation of, 12:77, 51:49–51
form and example, 12:82–90
minority report, 51:70
vs. strike out and insert words, 12:57
for a substitute, 12:69n6
suggestions for inexperienced presiding officers, 47:14–19
sunshine laws, 9:28
supermajority, 1:6–8, 10:8(7). See also fraction or proportion; majority of entire membership; minority; previous notice (of motions); two-thirds vote.
for amendment of bylaws or constitution, 2:8(4), 2:10–11, 35:2(7), 56:50–56; sample bylaws, 56:67
majority of fixed membership, 44:9(b)n1
previous decision, principle for changing, xlix–l, 6:25(c)
three fourths, 44:7, 56:61, 59:75
two-thirds of entire membership, 56:55, 59:75
support. See second.
Suspend the Rules, xlvi, 2:2, 6:17(3), §25, 25:1, 25:2
ballot required by bylaws, 45:20
chair’s authority to preside, suspend, 62:12–14
chair’s duty to preside in bylaws, 62:12n5
charter, 2:7
conflict with constitution or bylaws rule of order, 10:26(1)n1
conflicting motion, to consider, 10:26(5)(b)
convention standing rules, 59:37
drop nominee with fewest votes, 46:32n1
form and example, 25:17–20
Lay on the Table, 17:10
meeting, schedule, 22:2
Modify a Motion, 33:19
not suspendible, 25:7–13
order of presiding officer, 61:8
orders of the day, set aside, 18:8(a), 41:49
orders of the day, take up early, 14:13
preference in recognition, 42:13
presiding officer, invited temporary, 47:13
program, to proceed to, 41:36
rules applying outside of session, 25:13
special orders, 41:55
standing rules, 25:15
take up business out of order, 10:26(5)(b), 14:11, 41:37
two-thirds vote, 44:4
unanimous consent, 25:16
vote required, 25:14–16
suspension of action
Reconsider, 37:5, 37:7, 37:11, 37:33
Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes, 37:49
suspension of members, 61:2, 61:15
sustaining the decision of the chair. See Appeal.
“table” (as a verb), 17:1, 17:20n17. See also Lay on the Table; Take from the Table.
Take from the Table (to resume consideration of a motion that lies on the table), 6:26(1), 17:6–8, §34, 34:1, 34:2. See also Lay on the Table.
in classification of motions, 6:25–27
debate on, 43:40
form and example, 34:8–10
interrupt to move, 34:4, 41:25
main motion, right of way over new, 34:4
minutes, take up after dispensing with reading, 48:11
new business, in order of business, 41:27
in order of business, 34:2(1), 41:25
preference in recognition, 34:4, 42:9, 42:13
renewal, 38:7(2)
reports, in order of business, 41:15, 41:17
session, relation to, 9:9
temporarily but not finally disposed of, 6:27(4)
unfinished business, in order of business, 41:25
take up business out of order, 41:37–39
Suspend the Rules, 25:3
tally sheets, 45:15, 45:41, 45:54
teleconferences, 9:33
appointment, 45:26
counted vote, 45:15
mail ballot, 45:58–61
refer uncertain questions to assembly, 45:10
report, 45:37–40
temporarily but not finally disposed of, 9:11
adhering motions, 10:35
board, periodic partial change in membership, 49:22
conflicting motion, 6:25(b), 12:17
Discharge a Committee, 6:27(4)
Lay on the Table, 17:9
minutes, 48:4
renewal of motions, 8:15, 38:8
same question, 6:25(b), 10:26(5), 39:6
Take from the Table, 6:27(4), 34:4
temporary officers, mass meetings or organizing a society, 53:32, 54:3, 54:23
temporary presiding officer. See chairman pro tem.
temporary secretary. See secretary pro tem.
temporary society, 53:32
term of office
complete election throughout, 46:45
directors, 49:4
ends, 56:27
length, xxvii
officers, 47:4, 56:27, 56:62, 58:10, 62:16
standing-committee members, 50:7, 50:29
until successors elected, 56:27, 56:62
term limits, 47:4, 56:31, 56:62
tertiary amendment not permitted, 12:12
the special order, 14:14, 41:18n4, 41:53, 41:57
“the” vs. “a” in previous-meeting notice requirement, 56:50
third-degree amendment not permitted, 12:12
threshold. See fraction or proportion.
Thucydides, xxx
ticket. See nominating committee.
time of meeting, 9:1
Appeal, 24:8
Point of Order, 23:5
second lacking, 4:13
titles of officers, addressing by, 43:23
total membership
vs. fixed membership, 44:9(b)n1
majority of (see majority of entire membership)
two-thirds of, 56:55
transactions, publication of, 48:16
treasurer, 47:38–39, 56:65. See also auditing committee.
professional, 47:2
reports, 47:38, 48:20–26, 59:55
trials. See disciplinary committees; disciplinary procedures.
trustees (auditors), 47:40, 48:26. See also auditing committee.
trustees (directors). See boards; directors.
two thirds of entire membership, 56:55, 59:75
two-thirds vote, 1:7, 14:14, 44:3, 49:19. See also fraction or proportion; minority; voting.
bylaw amendments, 2:8(4), 56:50, 57:1
chair’s vote to affect results, 44:12
conflicting motion, to consider, 10:26(1)n1, 10:27
counted vote, 44:5–6
debate, interfere with, 43:3
main motion, 10:8(7)
motions requiring, 44:4, t48–t49
orders of the day, set aside, 6:12(1), 18:8
result, announcing, 4:43
show of hands, 44:5
special rules of order to require count, 45:14
stability over sessions, 8:14
Suspend the Rules, 25:14
unanimous consent, 4:63
also called general consent, 4:58
Adjourn, 21:19
Amend, 12:45
assumed, 33:20
ballot required by bylaws, 45:20
chair turned over to appointee, 43:29
change vote, 4:42
close debate, 16:7
debate, to allow when vote retaken, 43:8
Division of a Question, 27:4
election by (“acclamation”), 46:40, 50:13(b)
extend time to speak, 43:8
make motion when not recognized, 42:4
minutes correction, 4:61, 41:10
Privilege, Request for Any Other, 33:22
quorum, when absent, 4:63, 40:9
Reconsider, moved by any present, 37:10(a)
Reconsider, withdraw, 37:10(b)
Request to Be Excused from a Duty, 32:1
speaker, to hear, 41:36
Suspend the Rules, 25:16
take up business out of order, 41:37–39
two motions at once, 12:59
Withdraw or Modify a Motion, 33:15
unfinished business, 41:21–26
Adjourn, effect, 6:12(4), 21:7(b)
board membership change, effect, 49:22
items constituting, 41:23
order of business, 3:16
in order of business, 41:21–26
renewal of motions, 38:8(2)
Take from the Table in order, 17:6
temporarily but not finally disposed of, 9:9–11
Unfinished Business and General Orders, 41:21–26. See also general orders; unfinished business.
next item, announcing, 10:42
Take from the Table in order, 17:6
unit, instructions to vote as, 58:21
unorganized groups, 1:10
vacancies, 32:7, 44:9(b)n1, 46:49, 56:32
committee, 13:23, 50:11, 50:17
office, xxvii, 46:45, 47:4, 47:57–58, 56:32, 62:16n6
president, 47:22, 47:28, 56:32
president-elect, 47:21–22
vacant, to declare chair, 47:11, 62:11. See also relinquishing the chair.
verifying a vote. See recapitulation (in roll-call vote); voting: verifying.
vice-chairman, 13:17
vice-president, xxvi, 47:23–31, 56:62
alternate in convention delegation, 58:11–12
bylaw provisions on, 47:11, 47:25–26, 56:23; sample, 56:62
committee of the whole, chairman, 52:7
multiple, ranking of, 47:29–30
nominee for president, 47:31
reports, 48:19
vacancy, 56:32
vice-chairman of delegation caucus, 47:25
videoconferences, 9:33
Village-moot, xxxi
Virginia Governor’s Council, xxxiv
Virginia House of Burgesses, xxxiv
viva voce, 4:35. See also voice vote.
pronunciation, 4:35n10
voice vote, xxx, 4:35, 13:13, 30:6, 45:11
committee members, 50:13
count vote, whether to, 4:53
Division of the Assembly, 29:1
mass meeting election, 53:11–13
show of hands to verify, 4:55, 29:2
suggestions for filling blanks, 12:103
vote immediately, motion to. See Previous Question.
voted down. See “lost.”
voting, 4:34–57, §44–§45. See also abstention (from voting); announcement of voting result; ballots; counted vote; Division of the Assembly; elections; rising vote; roll call; show of hands; voice vote; Voting, Motions Relating to.
Adjourn during, 21:6(1)
agenda topic, on pending questions before taking up, 41:65
Appeal, 24:7
balls, black and white, 30:1
Call of the House, fee payment, 40:15
cards, 45:16
chair’s duty to verify, 4:41
chair’s vote to affect results, 4:43, 4:56, 44:12, 45:48
conflict of interest, 45:4
effect, describing, 4:46
electronic meeting, 9:36
explain vote, 45:7
fixed membership, 44:9(b)n1
improper, remedy, 23:8
keypad, xxvii
machine, 45:42
mail ballot, 44:11, 45:57–61, 56:26
majority, 44:1
majority of entire membership, 44:9
method, determining, 30:4
multiple by one voter, remedy, 23:8
negative, when required, 4:35
nonmembers, 25:9
one person, one vote, 45:2
oneself, questions affecting, 45:4–5
Point of Order timeliness, 23:5, 45:9
preferential, 44:11, 45:62–69, 56:26
presence required, 23:8, 25:9, 45:56
present, number of members as basis, 4:35, 44:7–9
present and voting, number of members as basis, 1:6–7, 44:7
“present” in roll call, 45:48, 45:51
quorum, when absent, 40:12
requirements, as Standard Descriptive Characteristic 7 of all motions, 7:2
result, announcing, 4:41–49
result, assembly judges, 45:10
result, motion in order after announcing, 4:44, 42:8
retake, 4:51, 43:7, 45:9, 45:14
same method again, 30:6
standing (see rising vote)
on suggestions for filling blanks, 12:102–105
transfer, 45:2
two-thirds vote (see two-thirds vote)
as a unit, 58:21
verifying (see also recapitulation (in roll-call vote)), 4:38–39, 9:36, 24:7, 30:6, 45:14
Voting, Motions Relating to, 6:17(8), §30, 30:1, 30:3, 45:42. See also polls, to close or reopen.
election, 46:30
precedence of, 6:21
preference in recognition to make, 42:8
signed ballot, 45:46
time limits, 45:9
verify doubtful voice or show of hands, 45:14
voting member, 1:4, 1:13. See also members.
voting station, 46:31(1)
warden. See sergeant-at-arms.
warrant (of meeting). See notice (of meetings).
warrant officer. See sergeant-at-arms.
website, Robert’s Rules Association
Question and Answer Forum, xxiv
RONR Official Interpretations, xxv
“Whereas,” use in preamble, 10:16–18
whole membership. See fixed membership; total membership.
Wilberforce, Samuel, xxxix(n7)
Wilson’s Digest, xl
witan, xxxi
witenagemot, xxxi–xxxii
with power, committee, 13:8(d), 50:5
withdraw a second, 4:21
Withdraw or Modify a Motion, 6:17(11), 10:30(1–2), 33:1, 33:11–19
Adjourn, 21:11
form and example, 33:12, 33:14–15
minutes, 48:4
Reconsider, 37:10(b)
renewal of withdrawn m., 38:2
stating question, before, 4:19–24, 10:30(1), 33:11–12
withdrawal from committee. See Discharge a Committee.
within the control of the assembly, 17:9. See also temporarily but not finally disposed of.
“without objection.” See unanimous consent.
wording of motions, 4:16–24, 10:9–12, 10:29–30, 39:7
words, forms of Amend relating to. See insert (or add) words; strike out and insert words; strike out words.
words not permitted in debate, 43:21
words taken down (disciplinary procedures), 61:12, 61:14, 61:17
write-in votes, 45:18, 45:25, 46:2, 54:23, 56:26
machine voting, 45:42
written rules vs. customs, xxix–xxx, xlvi, 1:5, 2:25. See also custom and customary practices; rules.
written submissions
previous notice of motions, 10:51
questions and motions during trial, 63:33
reports, 51:23, 51:31, 51:45, 51:49, 51:53–54, 51:60–62, 63:35
“yea” or “yes” or “aye” (in roll-call vote), 45:45, 45:47. See also “aye” (in voice vote).
yeas and nays. See roll call.
yielding, one motion to another, 5:8
yielding the floor, 3:31, 5:8n3
yielding time, 43:10
“you” (second-person singular personal pronoun)
to chair, 3:11
“You are out of order,” 4:17