The plus sign

The plus sign matches the existence of the preceding character or character class one time or more, so it must exist at least once:

$ echo "tt" | awk '/to+t/{print $0}'
$ echo "tot" | awk '/to+t/{print $0}'
$ echo "toot" | awk '/to+t/{print $0}'
$ echo "tt" | sed -r -n '/to+t/p'
$ echo "tot" | sed -r -n '/to+t/p'
$ echo "toot" | sed -r -n '/to+t/p'

The first example doesn't have an o character, and that's why it's the only example that has no match.

Also, we can use the plus sign with the character class:

$ echo "tt" | awk '/t[oa]+t/{print $0}'
$ echo "tot" | awk '/t[oa]+t/{print $0}'
$ echo "toot" | awk '/t[oa]+t/{print $0}
$ echo "tt" | sed -r -n '/t[oa]+t/p'
$ echo "tot" | sed -r -n '/t[oa]+t/p'
$ echo "toot" | sed -r -n '/t[oa]+t/p'

The first example only doesn't match because it contains no o character at all.