By default, any variable you declare inside a function is a global variable. That means this variable can be used outside and inside the function without problems.
Check out this example:
#!/bin/bash myvar=10 myfunc() { myvar=50 } myfunc echo $myvar
If you run this script, it will return 50, which is the value changed inside the function.
What if you want to declare a variable that is exclusive to the function? This is called a local variable.
You can declare local variables by using the local command like this:
myfunc() { local myvar=10 }
To ensure that the variable is used only inside the function, let's check out the following example:
#!/bin/bash myvar=30 myfunc() { local myvar=10 } myfunc echo $myvar
If you run this script, it will print 30, which means that the local version of the variable is different than the global version.