Chapter Thirty-four
“I’m going to share one of the first lessons that my teacher shared with me,” Suna said.
After meeting the soul of Mago, they decided to meet at Boynton Canyon for training, to develop their senses. Suna, by far the most experienced, offered to lead the session. She began with light stretching to open the energy meridians of the body.
Leuters appeared to enjoy the stretching most. He moaned and groaned with pleasure as his stiff muscles softened and his circulation improved. He didn’t seem bothered that Toby and Angeline snickered at his hearty vocalization. When they had finished the full routine, Suna called Angeline to stand with her at the front of the clearing.
“Angeline,” she said. “Can you describe your gift
for us please?”
“Sometimes, I can exchange my health for another’s
“So, when you transfer energy to someone, it’s an exchange rather than a gift?”
“I guess,” she answered.
“And it’s difficult for your body to recover?”
“Yeah,” Angeline replied.
“The reason you experience this is because you are using your personal energy,” Suna said. “It’s important that all of us learn how to harness the universal energy available to us. I will call this energy LifeParticles, the purest particles of life. And it’s these LifeParticles that will enable you to perform great feats of healing without taxing your personal reserves.”
“How can I access them?” Angeline asked.
“You already know how, you just need to remember. Close your eyes and breathe in. Although you cannot see the air that your lungs gather, you feel it. Correct?”
Angeline nodded her head.
“It’s the same with LifeParticles: though you may not be able to see them, they are all around you, waiting to respond to your thoughts and emotions. You already use them to create. The trick is to learn how to use them to create with intention.”
“So, to use these LifeParticles to create what I wish, all I have to do is change my thoughts?”
“Yes,” Suna answered. “I want you to practice imagining yourself standing in the very center of a sea of LifeParticles. See them trembling with responsiveness to your every thought. Befriend each and every little twinkling particle. Tell them your hopes and dreams. That will be a helpful first step in familiarizing yourself with the tools that are available to help you create what you hold dear to your heart.”
“I will,” Angeline promised.
“We will check back next week to hear your experiences. Thank you, Angeline.” Suna touched her shoulder. “Leuters, please come forward.”
Leuters limped to the front.
“And what is your gift?” Suna asked.
“I hear thought,” Leuters said.
“Is that all?” Suna asked.
“Sometime I can rethink thought into person’s brain.
Like editor,” he answered.
“So you can purify a person’s thoughts?”
“Yes,” Leuters answered.
“Leuters has an exceptional gift. If someone is stuck inside a negative thought loop, he has the ability to free them. People think that he’s easy to be around because he is agreeable, but it’s much more than that. Leuters’s power is a perfect example of the third level of mastery that enables a person to shift from victim-
consciousness to God-consciousness. Though his gift is special, we all possess this capability.”
“How?” Noah asked.
“People talk about what is going on in their mind. Leuters has the ability to change a person’s thought on a subconscious level, but we all have the power of the spoken word. If a person complains about being sick, tell them you can see they are on the road to wellness—and if you are sincere enough for them to believe you, you will have changed their destined path.”
“How many levels of mastery are required to reach God-consciousness?” Angeline asked.
“Five,” Suna replied.
“Five?” Angeline asked, in disbelief.
“Not as many as you imagined?”
“Not nearly,” Angeline said. “Where did you learn
about this?”
“From my teacher,” Suna said. “He came up with a systemized approach to enlightenment that doesn’t stem from a belief in a particular institution, but simply from the development of the human brain, since enlightenment is a function of the brain.”
“How can I improve gift?” Leuters asked.
“Experience is the best teacher. Every time you hear a thought that doesn’t empower the thinker to a higher state, correct it. The same goes for the rest of you: every time you hear someone misspeak, either against themselves, or others, gently pose another, brighter option,” she suggested. “Toby, it’s your turn. Will you come to the front?”
Leuters and Toby exchanged places.
“Toby, what’s your gift?”
“I can read people’s thoughts, but only when I hold this mirror that my grandmother gave me.” He pulled the little bronze mirror out of his pocket.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Quite,” he said.
“Will you give me the mirror?” she asked, holding out her palm.
Toby had never, in his life, let someone else hold his keepsake. He put it in her hand.
“Please look at the group,” Suna directed.
Toby looked at Leuters, who smiled broadly. He saw the sword lighting up his forehead. He cast a quick glance at Angeline, whose encouraging thoughts streamed across her forehead.
“What?” Toby breathed.
“You no longer need a trinket. The power has been awakened within you.” Suna handed the mirror back to him. “You can keep it if you like, because it has sentimental value, but it is no longer necessary. This week, I want you to stretch the boundaries of your talent by trying to read the group energy. Anytime that you see a group of three or more, try to read the collective thought.”
“But groups don’t have thoughts. Individuals have
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Suna said. “If you look at any group, really look, you can see that they all kind of look alike. Their energy patterns are similar. It’s because they have tapped into a group consciousness.”
“I’ll try,” he said, doubting.
“You need to do more than try. Mago told us that we need to affect a shift that brings one percent of the population into master consciousness. You are the one who can measure how close or how far we are. We need you to be able to tap into the mass consciousness of the Earth at any given time. It’s important, Toby.”
“I understand,” he said.
“Noah, will you come to the front?” Suna asked.
“I’m not exactly sure what my gift is,” he confessed, as he made his way to the front.
“You don’t know it yet, but you have the inherent ability to recalibrate the realities that are stuck in people’s chakras. Look at your medallion,” Suna said. “As brilliantly as those chakra-colored gems shine, so will the chakras that you heal.”
“What’s your gift?” he asked.
“My gift is my voice. When I chant the ChunBuKyung I reach a pitch that resonates with the highest expression of LifeParticle energy and creates an interference pattern, or waves, through the ocean of them. Anyone in the vicinity is affected by those waves,” she explained, “since the human body is also composed of LifeParticles.”
They concluded the training by chanting the ChunBuKyung to first calibrate the particles of life in the ether around them, then practiced drawing the energy of the LifeParticles into their lower abdomens with deep breathing. By the end of the session their faces were gleaming with life. Noah had an epiphany. If accessing universal power was truly so simple, he could share the same techniques with everyone he met and influence a faster change on the Earth. It was almost too simple.