Holly was home when he got there, and packing. “I’m off tomorrow morning,” she said. “Can Fred drive me to the airport?”

“Of course, he’ll be delighted. When you’re done packing, come down to the study and have a drink. I’ve got some things to tell you.”

“Give me a few minutes,” she said.

Stone went downstairs and called Lance, making his report on Peter’s estate.

“That rather confirms my suspicions about the McIntoshes,” Lance said. “Was there anything on next of kin?”

“No. I would be interested to know who the extra woman was at the Vineyard inn, though.”

“It’s beginning to sound like Vanessa,” Lance said.

Stone didn’t want it to be Vanessa. “Is there any other evidence to back that up? Did they sign a register at the inn, or were reservations made in another name?”

“No, but it was noted that the extra woman had her own room. Were Peter and Vanessa ever romantically involved?”

“I doubt it,” Stone said, “from the way she talks about him.”

“How’s she doing?”

“She’s in a wheelchair now, and talking more. She wants to move into Peter’s apartment as soon as possible. That reminds me, I’ve got to call Peter’s attorney about that. Anything else?”

“Not for the moment.”

Stone hung up, called Bryce Gelbman, and introduced himself. “Vanessa Baker wants to move into the new apartment as soon as possible,” he said. “Is there a problem with that?”

“Not really. Peter put everything into a trust to avoid probate, and I’m his executor. So sure, tell her to go ahead. I left a key for her.”

“Will you call her about that, please? Another thing,” Stone said, “he also left her his car, and that’s going to need some serious work after its swim in the Hudson. I think I can make a few calls and get the police to release it to you.”

“Fine, I’ll give it to the dealer and have them go to work on it.”

“Bryce, have you learned anything about Peter’s next of kin?”

“Apparently there isn’t one. His parents are both dead. That’s why he made a will and set up the trust.”

“Is 1010 a co-op building?”


“How long did it take you to close it?”

“He bought the place shortly after his return to this country. Someone he knew is chairman of the co-op board, so he got through that step quickly. We closed as soon as he got board approval.”

“Who did he use as references on his application?”

“I don’t know; I never saw it. The Realtor handled all that.” He gave Stone her name. “But, she said at closing that she was leaving the country the next day for a few weeks. I think she was spending her commission.”

“Any idea where she went?”

“None at all.”

“Thank you, Bryce. Let me know about the car.” Stone hung up, and Holly walked into the room. He poured them drinks, and they sat down.

“So, what do you have to tell me?” she asked.

“I’ve been talking to Lance a lot, and he’s convinced that the mole at State is Mac McIntosh.”

She looked shocked. “But he was cleared in the investigation.”

“I’m afraid they missed something.”

“Apparently so did I,” she said. “I don’t know what to say to the press.”

“You’re going to say ‘No comment, for reasons of national security.’”

“I hate to hide behind that.”

“You’re not hiding, it’s a fact.”

She sighed. “Oh, well. When is he going to be arrested?”

“Not immediately,” Stone said. “Lance doesn’t have his ducks in a row just yet.”

“Good, because I don’t want to deal with it yet.”

“I don’t blame you.”

“May we have dinner here tonight? I don’t feel like going out.”

“Of course.” He called Helene and gave her instructions, then his cell rang and he picked it up.


“It’s Vanessa,” she said. “I can only talk for a moment, but I need your help on a couple of things.”

“What can I do?”

“First, I need some discreet movers to pack a few things, move me into the new apartment, unpack, and arrange the things that are there.”

“What else?”

“I need a new nurse. I don’t trust the woman who’s here now.”

“Round the clock?”

“Yes, please.”

“What time do you want the movers?”

“Around ten. Same with the nurses. Mother will be out of the house all day.”

“Right. I’ll call when it’s all arranged.”

“Don’t call, text me. Mother will be home soon, and I don’t want her to know where I am.”

“As you wish.” They said goodbye and hung up. Stone buzzed Joan and put her to work on Vanessa’s requests.

“There,” Stone said. “Now I can enjoy my drink.”

A half hour later, Joan buzzed. “Vanessa is all set,” she said. “The movers will be there at ten with four men, and the Carlsson Clinic is supplying the nurses. They’ll be there at ten, too.”

“Wonderful; please text Vanessa with the news.” He gave her the number and hung up. “Where was I?” he asked.

“Drinking,” Holly replied, “and I think we’re both ready for another.”

Shortly, Stone got a text from Vanessa: All is well, it read. Thanks.

They had just sat down to dinner when Lance called and scrambled.

“What’s up?” Stone asked.

“I had somebody go to the Vineyard inn and talk to the proprietor. She remembered the name of the woman accompanying Peter: it’s Baker. Something else. Peter’s mother was the younger sister of Vanessa’s mother, so she and Peter are first cousins. We’re doing a full background check on her.”

“I’m sorry to hear it.”

“I want to wire Peter’s apartment before Vanessa moves in.”

“She’s planning to move at ten tomorrow,” Stone said. He gave Lance the apartment number, and Lance hung up.

“Why do you look so sad?” Holly asked.

“I’ve heard something I didn’t want to hear,” Stone said.