abandoned equipment/matériel, 241–42, 246, 271, 286, 309, 438 See also ammunition/weapons, abandoned
accidental injuries/deaths, 192–93, 195, 355, 427
activism, political
—and discrimination against African Americans and Native Americans, 11
—for peasants in Europe, 11
—segregation in schools, 3–4, 6
—voting rights, 480n 14
African Americans
—baseball games, 441
—bi-racial relationships, Sáenz disparagement of, 11, 422, 424
—discrimination against, 11, 76, 496n 1
—minstrel show, 442
Aguilar, Amado and Juan, 267
Aincreville, France, 265
aircraft, identification of, 212 See also dogfights
Alabama, 455
Alaníz (Galavíz), Francisco, 108
Alf, Germany, 323–25
Alfred, Texas, 33
algebra, studying, 364, 367, 380, 392
Allegheny Mountains, 121
Allen, Henry T., 62, 75–76, 114
Alvarez, José López, 494–95n 2
American Council of Spanish Speaking Persons, 6
American GI Forum, 6
Americanization of Mexicans, Sáenz desire for, 12–13, 190, 400–401, 427, 431, 460
ammunition/weapons, abandoned, 241–42, 244, 246, 254, 296
Andersen, Hans Christian, 198, 234
Andevanne, France, 267, 277, 300
Andreus, Macelin, 221
Appalachian region, 121
Arabian Nights, 497n 2
Arango, Doroteo (Pancho Villa), 118
Arbot, France, 165
Argonne forest, 267
Arkansas, 120
Armistice Day, 284–85
Artes Gráficas, 7
Atlantic Transport Line, 448
Austin, Texas, 118
Avocourt, France, 241
awol infractions, 141
Ayers (Lieutenant), 384, 387, 416
Aztec heritage, 3, 98, 153, 251, 459
balloons, observation, 187, 193
bands, military, as inspiration for soldiers, 78, 95, 108, 128, 151
Bantheville, France, 251
Barlaband, Charles, 416
Barrera, Eduardo, 87, 96, 117, 194, 212, 214–15, 260–61, 276, 304–5, 395–96, 404
Barricourt, France, 271
baseball, 150–51, 385, 440–41, 442
Bastille Day festivities, 157–58
Bater (Sergeant), 255
bathing, noteworthy anecdotes
—Germany, 348
—transatlantic crossing, 129
Baton (Sergeant), 101, 213–14, 260
battle, descriptions of
—dugout shelter incident, 254–55, 303–5, 357
—highlights, 201–2, 213–16, 218–21, 247–48, 274
—synopsis of last campaign, 302–6
—tribute from General McAlexander, 299–301
battle of Château-Thierry, 162–63, 164
bear (mascot), 67
Benavides Pubic School, 136
Benton, Curran, 57–58
Berner (carpenter), 165
Bernkastel-Kues, Germany, 428
bi-racial relationships (with Blacks), Sáenz disparagement of, 11, 422, 424
Blacks. See African Americans
Blenode, France, 196
bodies. See corpses, profusion of
Bois de Montigny, France, 270
Bois de Tailly, France, 271
Bois-le-Prete, France, 299 See also Le Prete forest
Boisseau (Lieutenant), 360, 367
—France, 197, 249, 275, 292–93
—shipboard, 126
—US training facilities, 45–46, 52, 60, 80, 94, 109
Boston, Massachusetts, 451–54
Bowen, Arthur (Captain), 359, 370, 392
boxing tournament, 381
bravery, noteworthy examples, 203, 204, 226–27, 255, 268–69, 459
Bremen, Germany, 322–23
British military, conditions on transatlantic vessel, 124, 126
brothel in Paris, 422–24
Buffalo, New York, 120–21
Bulgaria, surrender of, 224
burials, mass, 257–58
Bustos, S., 89
camaraderie among soldiers, 10, 446 Mexican friends, 58, 89, 98–101, 117, 166, 258–61, 313–14, 373–76
Camp Bullis, 106–10
Camp Devens, 452
Camp Mills, 122–24
camp siren for the fallen, 90
Camp Travis, 135
—arrival at, 43–47
—brigade assignment, 48
—quarantine of recruits, 44–45, 64, 86
—return to, 461
Canal, José, 477n 2
Canary Islanders, 3
“Canción Mixteca” (song), 494–95n 2
—deployment of, 205, 211–12, 244, 250
—description, 99
—howitzers, 25
—training for, 85–86
—See also abandoned equipment/matériel
cannon fodder, poor and/or illiterate as, 76, 240, 259, 294
Cantú, Rafael, 34
Carnaval festivities, 373–76
Carranza, Venustiano, 165, 447
Carter, Feliciano, 263–64, 415
Carter, Jesse, 416
Cásares, Amado, 87, 89, 96, 239, 313
Catholicism, 241, 262, 328, 333
cavalry. See mounted detachments
Cavazos, Humberto, 481n 22
cease-fire agreement, 284–85
cemeteries/graves, 235, 250, 257–58, 419–20, 437
censorship of mail, 71, 72, 168, 343
Chameroy, France, 177–78
Chamont, France, 183
champagne incident, 416
“champurrado,” 487n 16
Charlotte of Belgium, 290
Château de Charmois, 280
château in Rouvres, 150–51
Château-Thierry, France, 162–63, 164, 172
Châtillon-sur-Seine, 416
Chavez, Deonisio “Dennis,” 411
Chemin des Dames, 437
Chicago Tribune, 379
The Child of Pleasure (D’Annunzio), 490n 10
Christian, Carole E., 17
Christianity, 333 See also Catholicism; church services/churches, noteworthy
Christmas festivities, 330–31
chronology of 360th Regiment, 21
church services/churches, noteworthy, 241, 308, 320, 331, 339, 347, 407, 421
cigarette smoke, nuisance of, 44, 50, 94, 311
citizenship and nativity issues, 4, 6, 13–16, 40–41, 100
Ciudad Juárez, battle of, 455
Ciudad Victoria, 479n 8
civil rights initiatives, 4, 6, 10–11, 13–17, 71
Cleveland, Ohio, 120
coffee, making in the field, 217–18
collective American experience, war as, 12–13
college, application for, 345, 363
Colmiers de Haute, France, 161
“colonche,” 348
community of veterans, proposition for, 11, 314, 346, 350, 392, 400, 431
compass training, 175–76
Conrad, Casper, 68–69, 78, 103
conscientious objection vs. ignorance, 29–30, 71
cooks and servers, 248, 296–97
“cornwilly,” 130
corpses, profusion of, 246, 257–58, 264–65, 268, 270–71, 273–74
Corps of Combat engineers, 332
Correa, L. (artist), 481n 22
Cortéz, Hernán, 49
cotton fields, labor in, 459–60
crafts/handmade items, 67, 227, 263–64, 364
criers (news), 333
Cruttinger (comrade in arms), 127, 269
cultural identity, 12–13 See also Americanization of Mexicans, Sáenz desire for; racial identity
Cuyas, Arturo, 191
D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 158–59
Darness (Sergeant), 255
Daughters of the American Revolution, 406, 411–12
Davis, Bennis, 488n 22
Davis, E. L., 39
“Dead Man’s Hill,” 242
deaths, troop losses, 263
deaths of friends and fellows
—Luis Rodríguez, 206
—Pepe González, 235
—Sergeant Irwin, 204
—Simón González, 274
debt to France, 119, 139, 158, 186
deciphering of records, 73
de Escandón, José, 477n 3
de Hoyos, Francisco, 233
de la Rosa, Valente, 87, 98, 235, 313, 343
Department of Information and Discharges, 73
—and military service as basis for equality, 13–17
—overview, 7–12
—provenance/validation, 12
—and racial identity, 12–13
—translation of, 17–19
discharge from military service, 8, 464–65
discrimination in military
—cannon fodder, poor and/or illiterate as, 76, 240, 259, 294
—officer training school, 10, 87–88
—promotion, lack of, 8, 10, 93, 164, 229
—See also González, Maximiliano; officers, arrogance of
discrimination in society
—businesses and services, 41
—civil rights initiatives, 4, 6, 10–11, 13–17, 71
—education, 2, 117, 259, 349, 411–12
—laborers, 459–60
Dittlinger, Texas, 30, 34, 117
Dixon, Mary Lenn, 17
draft, fairness and policy, 53–54
draft dodging, 13, 14, 15, 29–30, 40–41, 100
dreams (of Sáenz), 126, 179, 194, 226, 336, 387, 444
drinking alcohol, 40, 157, 165, 257, 348, 358, 362, 371, 384, 435 See also wine
Dudelange, Luxembourg, 311
dugout shelter incident, 254–55, 303–5, 357
Dungermain fortification, 183–84, 185–86
Dun-sur-Meuse, France, 279, 300
duty and sacrifice. See sacrifice and duty, theme of
—discrimination in, 2, 117, 259, 349, 411–12
—English classes to fellow soldiers, 8, 345–46, 349, 358–59, 400
—guarantee for soldiers, 345, 363
—importance of for Mexican Americans, 190, 400–401, 427, 460
egoism of Allies, postwar, 359, 412–13
El Chinaco, 484–85n 2
El Cosmopolita, 2
elections in Germany, 344, 347, 352
eleventh hour, 285
El Imparcial, 477n 2
El Latino-Americano, 94–95, 224, 340, 379, 393, 404, 410–12, 486n 13
El Palo del Oso, Texas, 3
English classes to fellow soldiers, 8, 345–46, 349, 358–59, 400
—baseball games, 150–51, 385, 440–41, 442
—Bastille Day festivities, 157–58
—Christmas festivities, 330–31
—circus, 417
—concerts, 62, 77, 85, 108, 151, 168, 176
—football (soccer), 353, 354, 361, 365
—Independence Day festivities, 150–51
—Mexican gathering for Carnaval, 373–76
—minstrel show, 442
—Native American presentation, 385
—piano, 343
—theater, Paris, 420–21
equalization, racial, by patriotic service, 13–17, 25–26, 40–41, 68, 456 See also ignorance and societal advancement; sacrifice and duty, theme of
Escobedo, Petra, 95–96
La Escuela Laica Vicente Lozano, 3
Esparza, José María (Gregorio), 3–4
Esparza, María Petra (wife), 3–4 See also under letters from/to Sáenz
espionage and spies, 63, 111, 378
exemptions, requests for, 73–74, 96, 196 See also González, Maximiliano
Farías, Canuto, 208
farming colony proposal, 11 See also community of veterans, proposition for
Farris (Major), 245
—Germans’ fear of aggrieved populations, 257, 316, 317, 428
—Sáenz’s premonition, 210
—and shipboard drill, 127, 128
Ferdinand Maximilian, 495n 6
fishing, 393
flag (semaphore) training, 67, 156
Flammarion, Camilo, 286
Flores, Guadalupe, 379
Flores, Pedro, 380
food, local scavenging, 208, 265
football (soccer), 353, 354, 361, 365
Foret de la Faye, France, 161
Foret de Woevre, 280
Fort Sam Houston, 43
Fourteen Points, 233
France, overviews
—arrival in, 139–40
—battles in, 8
—Latrecy, 143–47
—training in, 8
—train to Troyes, 142–43
Franz Joseph I of Austria, 495n 6
French intervention in Mexico, 3, 110, 160, 173, 185, 214, 234, 290, 386, 484–85n 2
French language skills, 144, 155, 191–92, 347
French soldiers
—poor outfitting of, 209
—training US troops, Camp Travis, 85–86, 95
Freye Stellung line, 300
frugality of Sáenz, 68
Galavíz (Alaníz), Francisco, 108
García, José (Sergeant), 275
García, Lupe, 404
García e Iñiguez, Calixto, 493n 2
Garza, Guadalupe, 380
gender hierarchy, 15
George (Lieutenant), 161, 240, 340
George V, King of England, 124, 130–31
German fortifications, description of, 215–16
German life/people, profiles
—children and school, 340, 354, 355, 357, 398
—Christmas celebration, 330–31
—reception of occupational forces, 312, 315, 316–17, 318–21
German-origin Americans
—discrimination by, 15, 40–41, 114, 117–18, 404
—See also Schwarz (Sergeant)
Germany, occupation of
—entering, 314–15
—landscape/scenery descriptions, 315, 323–24, 405, 434
—march to, 308–14
—sheltering in, rules for, 315–17, 370
—travel rules, 370, 418–19, 424–25
—See also German life/people, profiles
Gersbach (Sergeant), 253, 320, 330–31, 340, 354, 393
gifts given to Sáenz
—carved wooden soldier, 264, 415
—French poetry book, 221
—Koblenz coin, 390
—missal and scapular, 103
—pocket watch, 161
Gleim, Fidel, 151, 155, 313–14, 336–37, 1814
Gómez, Eulogio, 87, 96, 99–101, 117, 258–60, 304–5, 395–96
Gómez, Samuel, 456
González, Cayetano, 208
González, Doroteo, 236
González, Filomeno, 53, 65, 87
González, José G. “Pepe,” 87, 98, 162, 235, 289, 413–14, 463
González, Maximiliano, 8, 53–54, 74–75, 96, 252, 470
González, Simón, 49, 53–54, 252, 274–75, 470
“Good-bye” (song), 88–89
“Good-bye Broadway, Hello France” (song), 118–19
government/military, praise for
—efficiency (travel, supplies), 119, 294
—food/meals and facilities, 69, 80, 90, 119, 294
—leave policies, 388
—mail/correspondence, 224
—separation policies, 464–65
—treatment of recruits’ families, 69, 90
Graach, Germany, 355, 358–59, 366, 380, 381
Graebner, Gus A., 114, 404 See also home, purchase of
Grancey-le-Château, France, 161
graves. See cemeteries/graves
Greenville, Texas, 119
grenade attacks, 200, 249, 252
Griescourt, France, 187
Guajardo, Juan F., 156
guard duty, 151–52, 153–54, 173
Guernsey, Mrs. George T., 406
Gurgy-le-Ville, France, 154
Gutiérrez, Amado, 94–95, 224, 410–12
Gutiérrez, Luis C., 215
Gutiérrez, Pablo, 440
“hardtack,” 130
Harrison, Ralph, 31
Hazañas de un Mexicano en las trincheras de Francia (Canal), 477n 2
headaches plaguing Sáenz, 52, 123, 154, 206, 231, 237, 244–45, 282, 369
health issues
—accidental injuries/deaths, 192–93, 195, 355, 427
—hygiene, 188
—immunizations/vaccinations, 49, 54, 55, 59, 385
—physical examinations, 33–34, 61, 127, 440
—See also illnesses; insects/vermin
Herald, 233
Heras, Florencio “Lencho,” 32–33, 113, 380
Hernández, Cristina (mother), 1, 2–3
Hernández, Francisco, 226–27, 459
Hidalgo y Costilla, Manuel, 491n 18
“hiding,” training in, 156
Hindenburg line (trenches), 240, 251, 257–61
Hinnatt, King, 114–15
Hinojosa, Max, 208
Hoboken, New Jersey, 122
Hoey, Robert E., 12, 122, 334, 390–91
home, purchase of, 92–93, 114, 397
Hoover, Herbert, 481n 24
—bombing of in Montaville, 195
—exhibition in Germany, 383
—mounted detachments, 87, 100–101, 194, 212, 260
—value of to military, 142
Houston, Texas, 456–59
howitzers, 25
Hubbard, Elbert, 493n 2
Hudson, Henry, 122
Huerta, Victoriano, 487n 18
Huizar, Pedro, 347
hygiene issues, 188
ignorance and societal advancement, 400–403, 427, 457–58
—France, 234–35, 244–45, 272, 292–93
—Spanish influenza, 261, 326, 340, 352, 353, 356, 360, 381
—typhoid fever, 386
immunizations/vaccinations, 49, 54, 55, 59, 385
Independence Day festivities, 150–51
Indians, American. See Native Americans
influenza, Spanish, 261, 326, 340, 352, 353, 356, 360, 381
injuries. See wounded soldiers
—delousing procedures, 233
—mosquitos, 151
—rats, 239
—spiders, 148
—360th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division (T and O), 21–22, 67, 292, 378, 395
—explorer, 176–77
—importance of, 67
—arrival, Camp Travis, 43
—Boston Harbor, 451
—Germany, 386, 387, 412–13, 430, 432
—transatlantic crossing, 127
Interior, US Department of, 350, 431
Irwin, Hal A. (Sergeant), 148, 155, 182, 191, 200, 204, 276
Iturbide, Agustín de, 489n 3
Jaral, 442
Jasso, Hipólito, 267–68, 379, 470
jealousy of Sáenz’s positions/abilities, 51, 56, 62, 73, 164, 321, 355
Jews, Sáenz’s disparagement of, 11, 143
Jezainville, France, 187–88, 189, 195, 198, 200, 230
Jiménez, Jesús, 43
joblessness and veterans, 350
José (Valdés), 486n 4
Júarez, Benito, 3, 386, 490n 14, 491n 18
Kaiser Wilhelm II, 262–63, 495n 6
Kapp family (Germany), 340
Karthaus-Konz (Trier), Germany, 318
Kelleher (Sergeant), 181, 253, 271, 364, 367, 371, 384, 435
Kentucky, 454
King Edward (ship), 131–32, 139
Kinheim, Germany, 331
Klebold (Lieutenant/Captain), 339, 340, 343, 344, 370–71, 396–97
Knox, Jorge (George) P., 261
Knox, William J., 81–82, 83–84, 91–92, 224, 261, 301, 307, 347, 368, 460, 462–63
K.P. duty, 154–55
Kröv, Germany, 328
Kruger (Sergeant), 220, 409, 412
La Bruyère, Jean de, 421
“The Ladies’ Path,” 437
La Ferme de Sainte-Marie, 268, 276–77
Lake Erie, 120–21
landscape/scenery descriptions
—Appalachian region, 121
—Boston, Massachusetts, 453
—Dudelange, Luxembourg, 311
—Germany, 315, 323–24, 405, 434
—Latrecy, France, 144
—Luxembourg, 311
—Marville area, 296
—Monteville area, 228
—Paris trip, 417–26
—Rouvres, France area, 150, 151–52, 160, 161, 162
—Verdun area, 238
Lane, Franklin Knight, 431
—English literacy exam and voting rights, 480n 14
—English only in US schools, proposal for, 411
—French language skills, 144, 155, 191–92, 347
—German, Sáenz learning, 325, 332, 334, 347, 358, 390
—teaching classes in English, 8, 345–46, 349, 358–59, 400
—translating skills, 183–84, 189–90, 197, 225, 232
—value of skills in, 8, 158, 190, 191–92, 343
“La plegaria de un niño a la hora del crepúsculo” (song), 118
La Prensa
—cultural/racial debate commentary, 410–12
—letters/articles submitted by Sáenz, 7, 170–71, 198–99, 261, 374
—and Perales’s praise of diary, 14
—postwar visit, 463
—and Sáenz’s activism, 4
Latrecy-la-Ville, France, 143–47, 182
La Verdad, 6
leadership qualities (Sáenz), 10
League of Nations, 408
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), 4, 6, 13–14
Le Havre, France, 139–42
Le Prete forest, 200–201, 207, 212–16, 299
letters from Sáenz
—to Amado Gutiérrez, 410–12
—to brother Eugenio, 288, 360–61
—to children, 51–52, 145, 180, 351–52, 356, 379, 397–99
—to fallen soldier’s family, 236
—to family (general or unspecified), 133, 288, 389, 404, 406, 414–15, 429, 441–42
—to father, 122, 145, 180, 356, 383
—to fellow Mexican Americans, 180
—to government, 181
—to graduating students, 95–96
—to nephew Samuel, 51–52, 145, 356, 379
—to sister(s), 223, 335, 347, 379, 390, 397, 415
—to students upon his departure, 35
—to wife
—from Camp Travis, 42, 44–45, 51, 56, 64
—from France, 145, 168–69, 179–80, 223, 238, 297
—from Germany, 337, 364, 369–70, 433
—to W. J. Knox, 81–82, 83–84, 92, 307
letters to Sáenz
—from brother José, 366–67, 380–81
—from Eulalio Velázquez, 409
—from father, 50
—from Father Moura, 349
—from Gregorio Garza Martínez, 382–93
—from José González, 413–14
—from Robert Hoey, 334, 390–91
—from wife, 82–83
—from W. J. Knox, 91–92, 261, 368
—Germany, 367
“The Life of a Man” (play), 421
Lion-devant-Dun, France, 280
literacy requirement for military service, 76, 259, 345
Loire River, 439
“The Long, Long Trail” (song), 322
Long Island, New York, 122–24
Lopez, Jesús, 404
Lopez, Margil, 472
López, Pablo, 86
Luna, Hermenegildo, 34
Luxembourg, 311–14
malilla (card game), 72, 93, 340, 393, 414, 446
Malinche/Moch (sister), 50
maneuvers in post-war Germany, 346, 348, 369
maps, locations of mention, 5, 9
marching, forced (training), 102–3, 103–4, 109, 175
marriages, to French/German women, 362, 402, 428–29
Martel, Charles, 143
Martin, Charles H., 430
Martin, Roy, 221
Martínez, Gregorio Garza, 382–83
Martínez, Juan, 87
Martínez, Julián, 71–72, 86, 93, 96, 188, 234
Martínez, Pablo, 50
Marville, France, 296
mascot, regimental (bear), 67, 166–67
Massenburg, Miles, 162, 271, 318
matalote, 124
Mateos, Juan Antonio, 214, 234
Maximilian I, 495n 6
Maxwell, Joe, 432
Maya, Ben, 17
McAlexander, Ulysses Grant, 301, 331, 457
McKinley, William, 493n 2
Medina, Prisciliano, 363
Mehren, Germany, 325
Meine Erstes Leesbuch, 326
Merren, Jacinto, 387, 388, 390, 434–35
Metz, France, 417
Meuse-Argonne offensive, 8, 212–16, 217–21, 300
Meuse River, 286
Mexican American in the Great War (English translation of diary title), 16
Mexican American Library Program, University of Texas, 17
Mexican Protective Association, 3
Mexico, war with, 432–33, 434, 447, 455–56
Los méxico-americanos en la Gran Guerra y su contingente en pro de la democracia, la humanidad, y la justicia (Sáenz), 7 See also diary
Middletown, New York, 122
Milly-devant-Dun, France, 279
mines, harbor, 129
Mississippi River, 120
Mongolia (ship), 8, 444, 448–49
monotony. See boredom/monotony
Mont, France, 286–87, 290, 291, 294
Monteville, France, 219
Montfaucon, France, 241
monument, commemorative, Sáenz’s campaign for, 4, 6, 11, 137, 291, 446, 470
Moselle River, 189, 312, 314, 328, 336, 339–40, 362
mounted detachments, 87, 100–101, 194, 212, 260
Moura, B. (Priest), 155, 158, 181, 348–49, 412
Mouzay, France, 280–81, 285–86, 294
Nancy, France, 425–26
Nantillais, France, 244
Napoleonic code, 60
Native Americans
—presentation by, 385
—racial identity, 40, 122, 132, 378
—in Texas and Oklahoma division, 76, 291
nativity and citizenship issues, 4, 6, 13–16, 40–41, 100
Nelson, Roy E., 379
Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas, 17
New Braunfels, Texas, 33–34, 39, 118
New Orleans, Louisiana, 455–56
New York City, 8
New York Ship Building Company, 448
Niagara Falls, 120
90th Division
—Carnaval celebration attendees, 376–77
—demobilization, 462–66
—synopsis of European tour, 335, 430–31
—synopsis of last campaign, 302–6
—tribute from General McAlexander, 299–301
nobility (French), Sáenz’s disparagement of, 151
Norder, Elisa, 342–43, 344, 375–76
Norwich, New York, 121
Notas de Kingsville, 94–95
Notre-Dame Cathedral, 421
Nuremberg, Germany, 321
—English classes to fellow soldiers, 8, 345–46, 349, 358–59, 400
—military (clerical/intelligence)
—forms and typing, 48–49, 60–61, 62, 191
—Intelligence Office, 72, 278–79, 343, 432
—jealousy of Sáenz’s positions/abilities, 51, 56, 62, 73, 164, 321, 355
—overview, 8
—translating, 183–84, 189–90, 197, 225, 232
—teaching career, 3–4, 35, 134, 136, 137, 462, 463
officers, arrogance of
—Lieutenant Williams, 72, 93, 149–50, 176, 332
officer training school, applications for, 10, 87–88
Oklahoman Indians, 394–95
Olympic (ship), 8, 124, 127, 129
packages from home, 59
“pain de guerre” (war bread), 209
Pancho Villa, 118
parades, 80–81, 112, 114, 331–32
“The Passing Show of 1917,” 488n 22
patriarchy of Mexican community, 15
patriotism theme, 15–17, 40–41, 67, 118, 147–48
pay, military, 11, 33, 49, 165
peace talks, 277
pedagogy, 6
Perales, Alonso S., 4, 6, 13–14, 137
Pérez, Esther, 95–96
Pérez, Jesse, 85–86, 92, 96, 99, 238, 370, 416
Pérez, Pablo, 2, 96, 98, 113, 162, 206, 234, 276, 313
Pershing, John J., 115
—grand review of troops, 412
—letter to American Expeditionary Forces, 372–73
—telegram from Felipe García, 30–31
—tribute to 90th Division, 429–31
Peza, Juan de Dios, 485n 2
Phlippon, Marie-Jeanne, 125, 488n 24
photographs, military, 42, 56, 105, 378, 453
physical examinations, 33–34, 61, 127, 440
picudo, 118
pillaging, 269–70
pillboxes, description, 218
pinole, 433
Pizaña, Manuel, 358
El placeri (The Child of Pleasure) (D’Annunzio), 158–59, 490n 10
poison gas, 194, 196, 203, 281
“pomocas” (brothers), 50
Portuguese woman (Germany), 342–43, 344, 375–76
possessions, abandoning pre-departure, 115, 181–82
postcards, drawing of, 385, 386, 393, 395
present arms drill, 174
Price, Howard (Colonel), 174, 189, 248, 253, 457
“Primero es la Patria” (poem), 485n 2
prisoners, German, 201, 202, 208, 210, 215, 256, 262, 300
—American, 409
Protestantism, 339
publication and preparation of diary, 7, 12
Puebla, battle of, 484n 2
quarantine of recruits, 44–45, 64, 86
racial discrimination
—by German-origin Americans, 15, 40–41, 114, 117–18, 404
—by German people, 382, 399, 407
—influence on Sáenz’s youth, 2–3
—and lack of patriotism among Mexicans, 29–30
—See also discrimination in military; discrimination in society; equalization, racial, by patriotic service
racial identity
—bad image issues, 457–58
—denial of, 470
—diary as reflection of, 12–13
—and LULAC, 4
—Native Americans, Mexicans mistaken for, 40, 122, 132, 378
—nativity issues, 4, 6, 13–16, 40–41, 100
—See also racial discrimination
Ramos, Petra (stepmother), 1
Rampondt, France, 237
raza (terminology), 481 n 25
reception of US troops in Europe
—England, 131
—Germany, 312, 315, 316–17, 318–21
reconnoitering, 156, 159, 161, 175
recreation. See entertainment
“Red” (unscrupulous Anglo soldier), 128
re-enlistment, value of, 449–50, 454
Reese, Clarence, 69
Reisner, C. Francis, 488n 22
release from military service, family requests for, 367
Remich, Luxembourg, 312–14
restitution for lost soldiers, 33
retreat of Germans, 285
retreats of Germans, 205
returning servicemen
—celebrations for, 451–52, 457, 458, 460–61, 465
—Sáenz’s musing, 402–3
—in San Antonio, 380–81
Reyes, Candelario, 479n 8
Rice Hotel, 458
rifles, 65–66, 67, 78, 148, 214 See also target shooting
“rinches,” 33
R.I.O. (Regimental Intelligence Office), 65, 72, 87, 278 See also under occupations
Rivenich, Germany, 320–21
Rocha, Pedro, 379
Rochet Ville, France, 178
Rodríguez, Luis, 203
Rogers, Texas, 479n 9
Roland de la Patiére, Jean-Marie, 125, 488n 24
Romagne, France, 247, 251, 258
Roman Empire, sights from, 319, 417
Romani (Gypsies), Sáenz’s disparagement of, 11, 143
Rome, desire to visit, 384
“rookies,” harassment of, 45–46
Rosales, Andrés, 208
Rouen, France, 142
Rouvres-sur-Aube, France
—arrival in, 147–48
—departure from, 182
—landscape/scenery descriptions, 150, 151–52, 160, 161, 162
Rowan, Andrew, 493n 2
—of end of war, 233
—of German retreat, 266, 275–76, 277
—of German surrender, 232
—of troop movements, 63, 84, 123, 147
runners/messengers, overview, 259–60
sacrifice and duty, theme of, 83–85, 97, 147–48, 179, 240, 375, 460 See also equalization, racial, by patriotic service
Sáenz, Agustín (cousin), 276
Sáenz, Clotilde (sister), 276
Sáenz, Crispín (brother), 366, 389 See also under letters from/to Sáenz
Sáenz, Eugenio (brother), 69, 114, 347, 366, 386, 389 See also under letters from/to Sáenz
Sáenz, José de la Luz, 138, ii
—biographical articles about, 94–95, 171–72
—birth and childhood, 1–2, 298
—birthday (30th), 103
—civil rights initiatives, 4, 6, 10–11, 13–17, 71
—community of veterans, proposition for, 11, 314, 346, 350, 392, 400, 431
—death of, 6
—discrimination by, 11, 143, 151, 422, 424
—education, 2–3
—English classes to fellow soldiers, 8, 345–46, 349, 358–59, 400
—enlistment in army, 4, 7, 30, 34–35
—headaches plaguing Sáenz, 52, 123, 154, 206, 231, 237, 244–45, 282, 369
—letters to La Prensa, 7, 170–71, 198–99, 261, 374
—marriage and children, 3–4
—military service of, synopses and reflections, 8–11, 302–6, 335, 430–31, 465–66
—promotions, discrimination in, 8, 10, 93, 164, 229
—statue, commemorative, campaign for, 4, 6, 11, 137, 291, 446, 470
—storytelling by, 51–52, 166–67, 222
—teaching career, 3–4, 35, 134, 136, 137, 462, 463
—writing of letters for fellow soldiers, 8, 76, 155, 165
—See also letters from/to Sáenz; occupations; officers, arrogance of
Sáenz, Marcelina (sister), 1, 50, 66, 114 See also under letters from/to Sáenz
Sáenz, María Petra Esparza (wife), 3–4 See also under letters from/to Sáenz
Sáenz, Prisciliano S., 349
Sáenz, Rosalío (father), 1 See also under letters from/to Sáenz
Sainte-Marie, 268
Saint-Germain, France, 280
Saint-Mihiel offensive, 8, 199–205, 207
Saint-Nazaire, France, 8, 439–40
Saint-Pierre-de-Corps, France, 439
Salinas, Agapito, 226–27
Salinas, Juan, 248
Salinas, Manuel, 108
Salón de Mexicanos, 457–58
saluting, 79
Salvatierra v. Del Rio, 6
“Sammies,” 78
Samuel “Samuelito” (nephew), 51–52, 66, 69, 86 See also under letters from/to Sáenz
San Antonio Light cultural/racial debate commentary, 410–12
San Diego, Texas, 1
San Jacinto Day, 80–82
Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 489n 3
sappers, functions of, 226, 241, 295, 309
Saturday Evening Post, 372
—from deserted buildings, 293
schedule, adjusting to, 55, 69
Schulze (Sergeant), 253
Schwab family (Germany), 333, 334
Schwarz (Sergeant), 198, 234, 246, 247, 277, 388
Schweich, Germany, 319–20
scouting. See reconnoitering
“The Seasons of the Year” (play), 421
secrecy of troop movements, 62–63, 130, 172
segregationism, 2, 3–4, 6, 15–16
Seine River, 421
self-inflicted injuries, intentional, 147, 268
self-respect sense of, 2, 8, 13, 240 See also ignorance and societal advancement
sexism, 15
shoes/footwear, military, 104
shortage of men postwar, 361–62, 428–29
Shrovetide, 376
Siegfried the Great, 315
signaling, training in, 163 See also semaphore training
singing by soldiers, 118, 175, 209, 322, 326, 343, 352, 380, 381
slackers, 13, 14, 15, 29–30, 40–41, 100
“The Sleeper and the Walker” (story), 427
La Sociedad Mutualista of Sacred Heart Church, 6
soldier and equipage, profile of, 264
Southampton, England, 8, 129–32
Spanish influenza, 261, 326, 340, 352, 353, 356, 360, 381
Special Operations Squadron (SOS), 440
statue, commemorative, Sáenz’s campaign for, 4, 6, 11, 137, 291, 446, 470
Statue of Liberty, 125
Stenay, France, 295
St. John’s Day, 141
stoicism of Mexican race, 25, 49, 71, 375
storytelling by Sáenz, 51–52, 166–67, 222
St. Patrick’s Day festivities, 384
Strotzbüsch, Germany, 324, 327
submarine destroyers, 335
submarines, 125, 448–49 See also Tuscania (ship)
Sunshine Rider, 495–96n 9
surrenders/cessations, 224, 263, 277, 284–85
target shooting, 106–10, 163, 174
teaching career, 3–4, 35, 134, 136, 137, 462, 463
telegraphy, 190
Texas and Oklahoma Division, 290, 395
“Texas dragnet,” 33
Texas farming colony proposal, 11
Texas Good Relations Association, 6
The Herald, 379
Thil, France, 310
360th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division, 7, 21–22, 67, 374–75, 395, 414–15 See also 90th Division
time schedule, adjusting to, 55, 69
“Tough Ombres,” 494n 3
Toul, France, 183–86, 231, 416, 418–19, 425
transatlantic crossing, 124–30
translation of diary, 17–19
trenches, description of experience, 209
Treviño, Ascencio, 465
Treviño, Fortino, 113, 127, 297–99, 413
Trier, Germany, 315, 318, 426, 437
troop movements, secrecy of, 62–63, 130, 172
Troyes, France, 142–43
truce, 284–85
Tunches, Tómas, 108
“turkeys” (machine guns), 274
Turks, surrender of, 263
Tuscania (ship), 33, 113, 380, 381
typewriters, 191–92, 354, 377–78, 381
typhoid fever, 386
underage draftees, 32–33
—cleaning, 97
—for European campaign, 111, 165, 211
—French, 85
—issuing of and patriotic imagery, 52
—new, after truce, 291–92
—separation policy, 463
—for target practice training, 107
—winter, 226
Unkalunt, Atalie, 495–96n 9
vaccinations/immunizations, 49, 54, 55, 59, 385
Valdés, Armando Palacio, 486n 4
Vasconcelos, José, 492n 24
Velázquez, Eulalio, 2, 3, 70–71, 152–53, 409
Veracruz, occupation of, 118
veterans, Mexican-American
—community of veterans, proposition for, 11, 314, 346, 350, 392, 400, 431
—statue, commemorative, Sáenz’s campaign for, 4, 6, 11, 137, 291, 446, 470
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 6
Vick, Fran, 17
Villers-devant-Dun, France, 265, 273–83, 277, 300
Villers-en-Frey, France, 220
Villers-en-Haye, France, 186–87, 230
voting rights, 480n 14
Washington (ship), 123
weather extremes
—fog, 139
Wengerohr, Germany, 342, 435–36
“wigwag” training, 156
Williams (Lieutenant), 234, 240, 246, 272
Wilson, Margaret Woodrow, 77, 85
Windsor Castle, invitation to, 131
wine, 165, 331, 369, 383, 434–35, 436 See also drinking alcohol
winter activities, 327, 353, 355, 358
Wolver, John, 324
women, soldiers’s interactions with
—rules for soldiers, 361 “sharks,” 439
women’s roles, 15
World War Adjusted Compensation Act, 481n 24
wounded soldiers, 247, 255, 256–57, 267–68, 269, 305
wrestling match, 381
writing of letters for fellow soldiers, 8, 76, 155, 165
YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association), 72, 297
Zaragoza, Ignacio, 50, 491n 18
Zeltingen, Germany, 10, 339, 426, 434
Zimmerman, Arthur, 487n 19
zurdo, 118