Many engineers, scientists, statisticians, practitioners, and students have benefited from Professor Montgomery’s prolific writings, in a wide range of topics, including engineering statistics, design of experiments, linear regression, time series, response surfaces, and statistical quality control. We have applied his teachings throughout our careers and have enjoyed our interactions with him over the years. We are fortunate to have been able to write a companion book to one of his most popular books, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. This companion book is a way for us to express our appreciation to him.
We also want to express our gratitude to John Sall, who had the vision more than 30 years ago to create JMP, an intuitive, powerful, and innovative statistical software for engineers and scientists, to help them make sense out of their data. This book would have not been possible without him. We would also like to thank our many friends and collaborators at JMP, including the ones who took the time to review this book: Karen Copeland, Jianfeng Ding, Annie Dudley Zangi, Curt Hinrichs, Laura Lancaster, Peng Liu, Tonya Mauldin, Di Michelson, Sarah Seligman, Sue Walsh, Byron Wingerd, and Leo Wright.
Special thanks go to our editor and ‘project manager’, Catherine Connolly. Her critical eye for detail and editorial assistance were invaluable, as well as her suggestions to make the manuscript better. Thanks also to the SAS Press team for their dedication to bringing this book to print.
Gracias to our friend and superb graphic designer Víctor Fiol, who took a histogram, a control chart and a process performance graph and created a wonderful and meaningful cover.
Finally, with much love, we dedicate this book to our daughter Oriana, for her patience and for reminding us, “Mom, Dad you have to work on the book this weekend.”