Exercises for Better Sex
URINE CONTROL (PC muscle isolation practice)
Stopping and starting urine flow is another step in Tantric control of the muscles of the penis. This is somewhat more internal but still relies (largely) in the above-mentioned muscles. Begin by trying to constrict the flow of urine toward the end of urination when the flow is not backed by great pressure.
Gradually build up to being able to stop your urination completely by muscle contractions at any point during urination. Once you have achieved this it will add greatly in your ability to control orgasm. Using this and more advanced techniques you will be able to stop impending orgasm in midstream, relax for 30 to 60 seconds and begin building once again. You will then emit only the fluid in your tube and the rest will wait leaving you plenty of fluid for continued multi-orgasms.
Begin by consciously stopping and starting urine flow. Start with two conscious cutoffs and restarts and move up to six to eight per day. Control the pc muscle, and hold back urination. Hold for a count of 4 seconds then completely relax. Once completed, resume peeing and repeat exercise. First session: 2 “cut offs” . You do not need to add more cut-offs per urination. You do not need to overdo in one session.
Since you pee frequently during the day you have plenty of opportunity to practice this exercise two times each time you urination.
After 3 to 6 months of this training you should have achieved much greater control of the penis, enhancing power, erection, lift, control, ejaculation. Once you begin exercise of the sexual organ you will soon find you have increased control to a point where once per urination is sufficient to maintain control .You will probably find that this is a temporary exercise. You will be using exactly the same muscles to control the flow of ejaculate in sex. By gaining control of urine flow you gain control of seminal fluid flow. You will probably find that your use of the muscle in sexual control is so frequent that you no longer need to exercise urine control.
Not only do these exercises strengthen the penis but they also give control over the penis. With the perfection of this exercise you will also gain more control over bringing up, stopping and starting seminal fluid. You will notice substantial change in your control ability in a matter of months. Practice this exercise two sessions a day, combine with more advanced techniques and achieve penis mastery.
Since sexual activity has been under the shroud of Judo-Christian sexual prejudice and shame for so long, few men have received training in sexual exercise. Men and women in our society are thrown into sexual situations without training and must find their way. Body builders spend lives toning and tuning their bodies but neglect their most pleasurable organ. It is absolutely essential to the multi-orgasmic male to exercise and strengthen his organ of pleasure.
LEVEL ONE: Step by step for the flaccid penis
The penis jerk is one of the most important of all techniques in advanced sexuality. Take off your cloths and observe your unaroused penis. Next simply tighten your PC muscle pulling upward. If you are not sure where it is, concentrate on the area between your anus and penis and pull upwards; with that muscle.
Observe your penis in front of a mirror. If you are doing it correctly you will notice it jerk or pull upward one quarter to one inch. It does not matter what the lift is at this point, each anatomy is different. Like any exercise for toning muscles, practice makes perfect. . You may choose to do the exercise in front of a mirror so you may observe your penis jerk. If you practice this exercise you will begin to see an appreciable rise and fall of your penis. The great thing is that you can practice this exercise anytime, sitting or standing, walking talking, urinating or during sex. Do this about 100 times per session. Your number of sessions a day will determine how quickly you progress. After 3 to 6 months of this training you should have achieved much greater control of your Penis. This will enhance power, erection, lift, control, and ejaculation. You may choose how quickly you advance by how often you exercise, just as if you were doing bodybuilding.
Japanese men in the classic period actually put weights of varying degrees on their penises and practiced either holding them firm or jerking with the penis erect. Which brings us to the alternative way to practice this exercise. You may also practice with an erect penis before a mirror if you like. Here you will soon see even more dramatic results. A normal lift for most men would be one quarter inch to one-half inch per jerk. See exercise below. You may also practice when masturbating or during sex. Not only does this exercise strengthen the penis but also it gives control of the penis. With the perfection of this exercise you will also gain more control over bringing up, stopping and starting seminal fluid. Practice this exercise with advanced techniques and achieve penis mastery.
Perfection of this jerk will also give you increased benefit your partner in sex. Once you have entered to your fullest extent use your penile jerk. Use your muscles to jerk your penis for greater expansion, penetration and pleasure for you and your partner. The amount of actual physical extension is usually small but the added jerking performed at the right moments gives great-added stimulation both to the vagina and the penis. Not only does the vagina benefit but also the penis receives greater stimulation and sensation. Perform these actions before full orgasm including other techniques we are studying and you will be on your way to becoming the multi-orgasmic male.
Penis Jerk with erect penis is an alternative way to practice.. You may practice with an erect penis also before a mirror if you like. Here you will soon see even more dramatic results. A normal lift for most men would be one to three lift inches per jerk. . Again practice 100 times per session. Obviously this is an extension of the penis jerk exercise. You may practice when masturbating or during sex.
With penis erect do the same exercise and watch you penis jerk or lift. Do fifty jerks at a time and work up a great pre-sex exercise to create super sensitivity and establish control. After several weeks of training you will notice a strengthening of your penis through its controlling muscles. You will eventually want to work up to 500 jerks a day but take your time and build slowly. Do not over exert…just as in actual muscle training. If you feel aching stop and begin the next day at a lower level You will feel the difference with consistent sets of 100 per day after several months of practice
After 3 to 6 months of this training at 500 jerks a day you should have achieved much greater control of Penis, enhancing power, erection, lift, control, ejaculation
With your morning erection lie in bed and practice lifting the sheet with you penis. You should see a strong lift of the sheets growing stronger each session Work up to 100 times per session
Now try this in the shower. Arouse yourself. Then place a wet warm washcloth over your erection and begin lifting. Do not strain, but use you PC muscles to lift your organ again and again without straining.
You want to think of your penis as a muscle you are strengthening like you would your biceps. This Training not only strengthens the penis like a muscle but gives you control. Begin with 5-10 lifts and work up to 50 to 100 times per session. You are now lifting weights with your penis.
Exercises like his were used for sexual training for ancient Bon magicians, Tantrics and Taoists. Sexual exercise was popularized in China and Japan for sexual athletes. In ancient Japan men would perform as ardor athletes before a desired woman by placing a strings of 10 to 30 coins on their penises. They would demonstrate which of them could keep his penis fully standing with the pressure of the coins pushing it downward.
There were public phallic contests at court as far back as the old Kyoto Imperial court of the 7th century present era. Couriers at court would contend at such events as balancing umbrellas on penis, weight lifting with penis and penis tug of wars. The size of the head of the organ and the size of full organ were also judged. Events like balancing showed skill at maintaining penis standing and stability. Events like weight lifting and tug of wars showed the level of muscle and strength developed.
Full and sustained erections are not solely a function of age, nutrition, testosterone, and psychology. Erections are also affected by the strength of these PC muscles. A recent Italian study showed that men with strong muscles surrounding the penis were 17 percent more potent. Why? The stronger these muscles are, the stronger the erection.
If you keep up these exercises and add the other techniques enumerated you will develop an athletic penis capable of listening to and obeying your commands. You will be able to bring yourself to the brink of ejaculation, experience orgasm but stop ejaculation. You will be able to cut off the orgasmic response releasing only a little seminal fluid. This will allow you to continue with your strengthened organ with little loss of tension and no significant loss of tumescence. You will be free to go repeatedly to orgasm after orgasm, ecstasy after ecstasy.
You will also find that you have added a new dimension of communication to your sexuality. When your partner begins to use her new found vaginal milking muscles you can respond with penis jerks and continued orgasms, prolonging sex until both partners are fully satiated. For extended time periods neither of you need move other muscles of the body. Let you sexual organs communicate without other muscles or movements taking away attention. You can communicate by subtle vaginal pulls and penis jerks in attuned response to each other’s sexual muscles. This allows a whole new dimension of sensuality to develop on a very internal level without the body being in continual thrusting movement. This allows other facets to come to the fore for deeper communication like locking eyes, or concentrating solely on the face or hair or breast while the rest of your body responds only on a pure genital communication. Women are especially attuned to this type of concentration and are delighted when males employ its use.
These exercises strengthen the penis and the muscles which give it control. Therefore your control will also increase dramatically with the perfection of this exercise You will also gain more control over bringing up, stopping and starting seminal fluid. Practice this exercise two sessions a day and in a maximum of three years you will have penis mastery.