Chapter Thirteen

Taoist Methods for Lengthening and Thickening the Penis

Penis stretching: This is used to strengthen and lengthen the organ .The Penis is made up of cells that engorge with blood, called blood spaces or erective tissue. When you stretch the penis you stretch out these empty cells allowing them to hold more blood on their next expansion.

When performing this exercise hold the penis from the base with one hand and pull it from the base downward with the other hand. After each arrival at the head hold by the head keeping it stretched.

Repeat 30 to 50 times. This can also be done with an erect organ. After stretching hold base and maintain the increase for at least one to two minutes. The idea is to keep the organ extended long enough to enlarge and stretch the erective tissue In old Japan some men would perform this exercise then bash the penis against a penis shaped indented rock. Today this seems extreme. It is perhaps better to pummel the penis against the leg or a softer object after each 5 pulls. The idea of the exercise is to expand the corpora cavernosa, the spongy tissue that swells the penis lengthening and thickening it.