Classic Techniques to Delay Orgasm
Medicines may be applied to the head of the penis or the whole shaft that anesthetize the entire sensitivity of the penis and thus allow some men to last longer.
This may work for some men with premature ejaculatory problems but is the antithesis of our program. We want a penis fully sensitized and able to feel the slightest pressures and sensations. Rubbers also reduce sensitivity rather than elevating it and also inhibit exchange of male and female energy. However, in situations where safety or birth control is required you should certainly use them.
This method works but is distractive. Thinking of dogs or cheese or motorbikes hardly adds to sexual focus. We want a method that adds to sexual excitement and heightens sexual attention rather than burying it. We want to be able to concentrate fully on the superlative pleasures of the sexual act.
This is the simple technique of withdrawing the penis from its sheath so that external stimulation stops. The organ is then able to relax. This method works also but tends to distract and sometimes desensitizes. The sexual act at its best maintains a flow from level to level. If you use this method do not withdraw from sexuality. Continue to stroke and play with the empty vagina, promising it renewed pleasure. Even better use you penis as an outside stimulator rubbing and caressing clitoris and vaginal lips with the promise of reentry to come. If done correctly she will believe you withdrew to offer her a different pleasure not because you were about to loose control. Be creative, continue to enjoy and bring joy.
The Perineum is a subtle point midway between the penile base and anus. When you feel orgasm is imminent press this area. You will feel immediate reduction in the desire to cum. After ten to thirty seconds you should be able to release and continue stroking again. Many men can even continue strong stroking when this pressure is applied but loose the need to ejaculate.
Use the thumb and forefinger to apply pressure to the penis head when approaching orgasm. This is another method that works. It can sometimes be slightly painful. Most men notice an immediate reduction of head and shaft size as blood rushes from the penis (5%-10 %). The method is somewhat distractive and can diminish the sexual tingling for some men. However it stops the need to ejaculate effectively and rebuilding sexual sensation is usually quick and strong. You are usually ready to reenter in ten to thirty seconds.
The ancient Taoist noticed that the buttocks tightened along with the perineum and anus just prior to ejaculation. So they developed a buttocks relaxing exercise whereby you consciously relax the buttocks muscles and allow them to relax thus stopping the orgasmic response. If you turn your consciousness to your buttocks you can voluntarily relax them, stopping ejaculation. This exercise is easily combined with the relaxation of the scrotum
Now that you are aware of the signs that indicate point of ejaculatory inevitability you can gently grab both testicles in one hand and slowly pull them downward. You partner can also do this for you if she is working with you to notice the point of ejaculatory response. If she does choose to help in this manner then a gentle but firm pull downward is the key. Make sure she is aware that this is not the time to massage or move them about, as this is likely to have the opposite effect on you.
Even better is to assume control of your testicles and scrotum and relax them mentally so that they fall. The exercises outlined above are designed to give you the ability to mentally release your testicles and drop them downward. This will ease the ejaculatory response and relax the pelvic muscles.
Using the breath to control orgasm has been used in all three sexual schools. It is another effective technique for preventing orgasm. When intercourse becomes intense the breathing tends to automatically become shallow and rapid. By noticing this phenomena indicating the approach of orgasm you can readjust breathing.
Tantra has devised two types of breathing that accomplish this. All the methods below are concerned with switching part of the body’s energy to other areas. When this occurs it naturally reduces the amount of direct energy supplied to the genitals and slows down the body’s ejaculation response. These methods work differently on different body types and mental attitudes.
1. Simply closing off the right nostril and breathing through the left. Called the cooling breath it will reduce the call to orgasm. (most subtle of the methods)
2. The second method is called the crow breath. Here the man curls his tongue back to whatever degree possible and breaths air through or over the tongue deeply into the diaphragm.
3. Another Tantric redirection exercise is to simply press the tongue against the pallet at the top of the mouth.
4. The Taoist recommends the eye roll as beneficial to retard ejaculation. With orgasm approaching you simply switch your attention to your eyes and roll them in complete circles. Be careful not to scare your partner with this one.
5. Westerners can also accomplish the halt of orgasm by simply slowing the breathing and breathing deeply into the diaphragm. As passions heighten, our bodies are functioning at an accelerated rate. Breath also contracts and becomes shallow because of the tension in the lower body. When you feel the advent of orgasm simply begin to breath deeply into you stomach with long deep breaths as you continue stroking.
Your body will note the slow down signal and lower the tension in your lower body thus deactivating the orgasm response. If this works for you…use it. If not, go to one of the above methods, which require more concentration and redirect energy more emphatically.
In this miniature painted on ivory a Raja and lover enjoy bliss
Here the idea is to alter sensation by changing stimulation. The penis must adjust to a new rhythm and this causes a slow down of the orgasmic response. By using long strokes, short strokes, upper vaginal strokes, lower vaginal strokes, angling strokes and side strokes we change the sensation on the penis. If you create a series of different rhythms the penis will be constantly altering its perception mode and readjusting without lessening pleasure. The penis is activated into a pre-cum (orgasm response) mode by a repetition of the same intensity. By varying this intensity the penis must switch to a new mode and prepare for this new level to stimulate it toward pre-cum status. By continuing to switch modes of intensity you can delay ejaculation indefinitely.
1. Method one; when you are reaching the point of ejaculatory inevitability simply change from one stroke to another. The penis will have to readjust as different pleasure centers become activated and you will have to build again toward climax. Instead of going full length you may choose to push to the left or right, to push only halfway in or adjust your push and angle downward.
2. An Asian alternative to this technique is varied pacing. Counting and pacing the strokes is a very effective ancient Chinese and Japanese method. . Since long strokes are considered by most to be more stimulating it is customary to shorten the number of long strokes and lengthen the number of short strokes when desiring long intercourse or control. You might perhaps deliver only two long strokes followed by three to five short strokes. Repeating this pattern until you reach 1000 strokes. You can then switch back to your normal stroking method until you again find the need to control your orgasm response.
Pacing is an excellent method for satisfying partners, if you are having trouble lasting until her point of orgasm. This method definitely slows or prevents orgasm and allows you great control. It has the added advantage of keeping the penis sensitized. It provides the intense stimulation the long stroke tempered by switching to short strokes. So the speed of strokes can also be adjusted to add additional dimension.
Most westerners use this method in a simplified form; switching strokes only a few dozen times in order to confuse the orgasm response. I do not advise this simplified form if you are really wishing to become multi-orgasmic
This method has the disadvantage of counting being somewhat distractive. After considerable practice and attunement to the penis on sensitivity level you will no longer count but switch stroking techniques according to your level of sensitivity. In this way you can prevent full orgasm while continuing to heighten your sensitivity over hours of stroking. The counting soon becomes unessential, and drops away as you attune to the sensitivity of your penis. Then you may alternate strokes by your intensity of feeling rather then counts. It is by far the best of the methods enumerated. Once this method has been mastered you can move on to the next level. Changing the type of strokes works very well as a combination to this technique.
Fellatio or phallic worship is performed for Raja