Chapter Twenty One

Multi-Orgasmic Practice

On the bottom of the penis just below the point where the skin on the shaft attaches to the head is the area known as the frenulum. This is a particularly sensitive area; it has been referred to in some texts as the male clitoris. This then is a good area to avoid in the beginning of training if you have trouble with controlling ejaculation. Slowly build, using that area infrequently (IN THE BEGINNING EXERCISES).

Soon you will want to be in full use of the area. You will certainly need to build control in that area as in intercourse it is the area most continually in contact with the vagina if you are thrusting. When the woman is using her internal muscles then the whole penis enclosed is receiving equal simulation.

When ejaculating,the muscle area around your prostate has a reflex action creating a series of contractions or pulses that help expel seminal fluid up the main tube and out of the penis. Male orgasm usually consists of two quick phases. The emission phase, which last an average of four seconds, and the ejaculation phase which lasts 8-10 contractions, lasting 8-10 seconds. This does not necessarily mean 8-10 squirts of seminal fluid. The contractions serve to push the fluid out. Some penises dribble, some shoot several squirts and a few do squirt fluid 8-10 times.

Our goal in multi-orgasm is to extend both these phases into a long protracted range of orgasmic pleasure.

When the male learns to control his ejaculation and maintain intensity while extending the orgasmic moment he will find that he has entered a continuous state of emission. .In the beginning clear fluid and later clouded fluid will issue continually from his penis. When he builds and releases a multi -orgasm he will go through a short recovery phase of 10 to 40 sexonds. With awareness added to stimulation he will become aware of the fluid being pulled up from his testicles to refill his penis tube so he can begin preparing for the next multi-orgasm.

As your partner sucks on you after such an orgasm your super senility will allow an almost immediate response of re tumescence. Resume your sexual activity with that ever variations you prefer. When you are ready for the next the multi-orgasm your tube will feel filled again as before and the whole organ will show its readiness by extreme blood fill and distension of the penis. Because of the training we have detailed when he multi-orgasms for the twentieth to thirtieth time he will begin to extend his orgasms. His contractions will rise to 20-30 -40 as he orgasms extending his emission and ejaculation phase but without ejaculation more than is in his penis tube. Every ten orgasms or so he can do this and experience a longer orgasm and still not allow the point of ejaculation inevitability to take over.

In normal ejaculation the prostrate contracts or pumps 6-8 times at orgasm. With these exercises you can build to 20-30 prostate contractions, which will allow you to keep orgasming. Each multi-orgasm will be extended far beyond what you ordinarily experience in a normal orgasm. They will be lengthy. Eventually, with mastery, you may multi-orgasm again and again, simultaneously two or three times without any loss of tumescence. DO NOT COME TO FULL ORGASM AND YOU MAY REPEAT THE EXPERIENCE DOZENS UPON OF DOZENS OF TIMES

Look at how you react when nearing orgasm Awareness is very important when you are in self-training or in partner activity. Do you pant, hold your breath, tense muscles? Do your testicles draw up? Does your scrotum tighten? Does the organ take on a stretched fullness? Does the head become more colored and distended?

Once you notice these signs you may become the one in control. They differ per individual. At first you will notice some of these indications and others you will not. Some may appear to you after you have mastered others. When you are aware and notice exactly what is happening you can use this awareness to bring them under control. It is just like yogic postures or awareness of music, the more you focus your awareness the more you learn. Once aware of these indicators you can bring them under control one by one and thus extend your period of time before ejaculatory inevitability. You will be consciously relaxing which ever of these is forcing you toward orgasm. Once you have mastered this you can move again and again to the point of ejaculation and stop on the brink without activating the orgasmic ejaculation response. Using your new muscular control you will actually shut off the passage of seminal fluid as it begins its orgasmic squirt. With the ejaculation controlled you will still be in orgasmic mode. You can then proceed to orgasm without releasing any more fluid.

When you achieve this you will actually see and feel your penis relax and deflate about 4% to 8%. You balls will also fall back into their sack. However you will have brought so much fluid up into the ready chamber and shaft that you will actually see or feel a small amount of ejaculate ooze or drip out in the seconds and minutes right after a multi-orgasm.

This is fine. If you have controlled yourself correctly, immediate stroking will once again initiate penile response and the penis will almost immediately began to grow again and feel intensity again and start moving toward the next orgasm. Take joy in the stages, again focusing on the feeling and sensations in every part of your organ. Rejoice in the build up, as the fluids are again slowly pulled up your tube, inflating your penis and dripping begins again You may now begin to repeat this sequence again and again in the next hour. In this fashion a master can easily experience 20 orgasms in an hour of sexual practice. Perhaps needless to say this is what makes the tantric such a consummate lover. He is in control for a long and sensuous lovemaking session usually hours. With this alternative Tantra, the male may experience scores of orgasms in this period of lovemaking. As in ancient ritual Tantra the final complete orgasm becomes irrelevant. Most westerners, still attached to the idea of a final complete discharge feel inclined to finish in this manner. For the practitioner of alternative Tantra he is complete either way having indulged in continuous joyful fluid release for hours.

With such close attention, you will notice that when you do bring yourself to the brink of orgasm certain things happen. The penis head and shaft actually increase enlargement, about 4 to 8% in most males. In some cases it occurs in the last seconds before orgasmic discharge. This is the time to assume control of the penis before it does your thinking for you. You can attend to these visual and physical markers much more easily while masturbating because you have a visual right before you and are not dealing with external stimuli.

Another indicator of imminent discharge is that the testicles will pull back up toward or actually into the body in preparation for ejaculatory discharge. This physical sensation is yet another signal allowing you to gain control. Assume control, moving toward orgasm but stopping yourself right before muscular discharge by immediately withdrawing all stimulation or remaining still. You will probably not succeed at first but keep trying. Next time do not wait quite so long to withdraw stimulation. In beginning stages it is probably better for you to totally withdraw and regain control. Slowly build to a point of high stimulation by letting your juices flow and attuning to the feeling inside and on the surface of your penis. Feel the fluids actually flowing upward through your penis.

Tantra believes that sex should be practiced in a calm receptive mode. Like the Eastern martial-meditative arts of Aikido, tie chi, kung fu, it believes that the body moves best when it is at its calm receptive center.

Tantra believes that one is most aware, and most able when in a calm relaxed state of mind.

Tantra seeks to make sex a joyous celebration of life’s mystery, a mystery that is spiritual in nature. Tantra makes no artificial divisions between sexual activity and holiness. It is such dichotomies, so popular among traditional religions that stand in the way of realization. The more we depend on dichotomies like good and bad, black and white, capitalism and communism, etc., the less chance we have of realizing true reality. Divisions or dichotomies exist only in the small view created by humankind’s limited perception of reality.

Life is a meditation to the tantric. The tantric sees life itself as the best meditation technique one need only be truly and constantly aware. When you are aware you are centered, operating from a balanced and all-inclusive perspective. That makes every event, an ongoing meditation, and sex, as an aspect of life becomes yet another technique to transcend the finite to touch infinity.

So meditation was developed to bring the mind into a controlled state, to add additional circuits to a relatively primitive bio-computer. The mind is always moving, restlessly wanting to move ahead. It skips between past and future continuously but abhors the present. It tends to ignore reality, the here and now to frolic in past or future thought forms. Even in sex the mind often engenders past experience or rushes ahead toward the future when it could be totally absorbed in the bliss of the moment.

Tantra says live centered in the NOW… in the eternal present and you will come to know Oneness, Wholeness, and Union. So in the sex act, forget what you have learned about sex from society, from religion, from books and pornography, even forget our usual way of practicing sex. For the tantric act hold you mind in the now. Forget past recordings in your computer as to how sex is performed. Instead, just be the act. Be possessed by the act. Move with no mind… become the animal whole. This can lead to the Tantric full body orgasm…see Advanced below


By creating these twin energy circles each partner gives vital force and meditative force to the other.

Where once each represented one side of completeness, in merger the two polarities become ONE and each becomes the other. Each partner draws the opposite aspect into self and integrates it fully. The result is completeness, a ONENESS, a wholeness that energizes both physically and spiritually. Each time you multi-orgasm without full ejaculation you circulate invigorating healing, rejuvenating energy throughout your body.

Now loose yourself, lose your personality, your separateness, and melt into another. There is no-where to go. Your concern is only with the now, the moment. You are calm, appreciative, caressing one another, keeping eye contact, slowly becoming one. Your action is becoming less and less sexual and more and more spiritual. Sexual organs melt together, into one each other without separation. Bodies melt together as sexuality spreads out from the genitals to include your entire united being. A deep silent communion begins between the two bodies energies. As time moves unnoticed, the togetherness moves deeper and deeper. Without thought you remain in the moment, deeply merged into cosmic sexual communion ...ecstasy…Smadhi

This is advanced whole- body Tantric orgasm. When the energy has been sexual for hours and is really powerful the energy will sometimes spread upward through and beyond the first two chakras to the other chakras and thus outward to all the cells resulting in whole body orgasm. The whole body begins to vibrate and orgasm. At this point you will not even notice if your penis squirts as your whole body is in orgasm.

This cannot be obtained without long sex, lasting hours where every cell of the body becomes infused with sexuality creating the possibility of intra-cellular orgasm

After merging in this fashion for quite some time you may begin to shake. Orgasm is usually localized around the sex centers (genitals, perineum, anus, with lesser signals in breast and ear lobes). In very long calm meditative Tantric sex, orgasm may activity spread throughout the body. At the point of highest achievement the body sexual activity spreads throughout the body involving every cell in cosmic union.

What is occurring is a bioelectrical integration, which causes a vibratory dance throughout the entire body.

For mystics this is the Nataranji, the dance of Shiva. If it happens go with it… enjoy it… enter the shaking and be the shaking. You are gods in the cosmic act of creation. You have become liquid, dissolving into one another. From this place beyond duality you glimpse the meaning of the Upanishads, of Nirvana, of Moksha, of Smadhi.

Total body orgasm can be “ forced” by using this method. And is traditionally not done without a guru present. I would not recommend it until you are well versed in all the techniques we have studies and feel comfortable with them. Generally years of conditioning at other levels are needed for preparation. You should be multi-orgasming for hours at a time before you try for total body orgasm. In fact, you should be multi-organizing for hours for numerous years before you try to force a total body orgasm. It is best if it comes naturally from your concentrated practice in the methods we have discussed.

If you have already been multi-orgasiming for hours with years of practice and wish to try for total body orgasm you may continue contracting the buttocks then anus doing this exercise for minutes. Consciously shooting the energy up toward your brain until the entire body begins to tingle and begin to orgasm. This can be quite shocking and scaring for the uninitiated. Needless to say, if you are with a partner do not want to neglect an inclusive explanation of what might happen.

When you are able consistently TO COME TO THE BRINK OF ORGASM AND CONTROL IT HAVING ONLY PENIS ORGASM INSTEAD OF FULL ORGASM YOU ARE Ready TO ADD ANOTHER LEVEL OF ORGASM. THE PUMPING ORGASM WITHOUT SPERM. To accomplish this stop about 3 seconds before you usually stop for multi-orgasm and begin pumping kegals and emptying prostate. Since you do this without control when normally orgasming you will find you have accomplished orgasm without cuming. The pumps will include the perineum, anus and pc muscles so that your penis begins pumping in sequence as if you were fully in orgasm. His will allow you an even more completely orgasm without the release of ejaculatory fluid. Once mastered this can be repeated again and again alternating with other multi-orgasms


We are conceived in orgasm. Extreme pleasure is our birthright. We are conceived in a moment of pleasure. It is natural that we should strive to recreate this Pleasure as often as possible. Unfortunately most men limit themselves to masturbation or intercourse to achieve this state for a few moments. As discussed, our goal is to lengthen sex substantially with numerous orgasms. The last achievement could be full body orgasm where you will be able to feel the sensation throughout your body.

I do not advise concentrating on this as a goal. I feel that mastery of multi-orgasm and long extended sex will automatically bring you to this point occasionally during sex after you have achieved full mastery.

Relax toward this do not work toward it, let it flow into you.