June 5

Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. (Proverbs 31:11)

CONFIDANTS. The Bible constantly condemns putting one’s trust in anyone or anything other than the Lord (Psalm 118:8–9), so this verse is remarkable. Nowhere else do we see the Bible speak of, literally, entrusting one’s heart to anyone beside God.72 But in marriage spouses are to be confidants, to be intimate and vulnerable to one another, and to enjoy the highest level of spiritual trust. Such a relationship is hard won. No two flawed, sinful people can be married without letting each other down, so mistrust can easily grow. Only by keeping intimacy fresh through genuine mutual repentance and forgiveness can even the failures lead to deeper trust in one another. Only as we give our spouses the same grace that Jesus gave us will we be able to trust each other (Ephesians 4:32).

Reflection: Recall a time in which each of you let the other down. Did you use grace to repair and deepen trust?

Prayer: Lord, help us to forgive those times in which we have disappointed each other so that we don’t lose confidence in one another. Give us grace so we can show one another grace, and let our trust in each other grow and grow. Amen.