[U]nder the influence of the curse in Genesis, every human culture has found a way to interpret male headship in a way that has marginalized and oppressed women, and it’s usually the women who notice, and object, to this treatment first. (Hardcover, p. 170; paperback, p. 191)
INTRODUCING “HEADSHIP.” With tremendous ingenuity and creativity, sin has found ways in every time and place to twist the headship of men, prescribed in the Bible (Ephesians 5:23) and intended for good, into culturally approved ways to push women to the margins, rather than partnering together for the health of the family, the church, and the world. In order to nourish our God-starved sense of self, we oppress and exploit those who cannot resist. Instead of deploying strength and power to nurture and protect, as Jesus did, we “lord it over” others for our own comfort and benefit. We see men doing this to women and read that back into the term “head” in the Bible and reject the whole idea. We should not do this.
Reflection: Would both you and your spouse say that you are partners in the marriage and in the shared life to which God has called you? If not, which of you feels unappreciated or underutilized?
Thought for prayer: In each other’s presence pray for your ability as a couple to hear the biblical teaching amid the cacophony of cultural voices around this subject.