1 Michka Assayas, Bono on Bono: Conversations with Michka Assayas (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2005), 17.

2 ‘Leadership at a Time of Transition and Turbulence – A Conversation with Peter Sutherland KCMG’, Gresham College, 8 March 2011, at

3 ‘Give Us the Money’, Why Poverty? (BBC Four, 25 November 2012).

4 Marina Hyde, ‘Bono: The Celebrity Who Just Keeps Giving’, Guardian, 23 September 2010; Jane Bussmann, ‘Kony2012 Made up for the Flaws of Bono, Geldof and Co’, Guardian, 3 April 2012.

5 Eamonn McCann, ‘Make Bono Pay Tax’, CounterPunch, 26 February 2009, at

6 ‘Give Us the Money’.

7 Daniel Schorn, ‘Bono And The Christian Right’, CBS News, 20 November 2005, at

8 Ibid.

9 George Monbiot, ‘Africa’s New Best Friends’, Guardian, 5 July 2005.


1 Shane Hegarty, ‘The Sad Ballad of Bruce and Bono’, Irish Times, 24 January 2009.

2 Michka Assayas, Bono on Bono: Conversations with Michka Assayas (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2005), 112.

3 Bill Flanagan, U2: At the End of the World (London: Random House, 1996), 78.

4 David Kootnikoff, U2: A Musical Biography (Oxford: Greenwood Press, 2010), 8.

5 Eamon Dunphy, Unforgettable Fire: The Story of U2 (London: Penguin, 1987), 22–31.

6 Bono, ‘Transcript: Bono Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast’, USA Today, 2 February 2006.

7 Kootnikoff, U2: A Musical Biography, 3–6.

8 Michael Gray, The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia (London: Continuum, 2008), 689.

9 Dunphy, Unforgettable Fire, 26–8.

10 Dan Wooding, ‘Whatever Happened to U2?’, n.d., at

11 Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr, U2 by U2 (London: HarperCollins, 2006), 135.

12 Bill Graham, U2: The Early Days (London: Mandarin Paperbacks, 1989), 24–5.

13 Ibid., 30–2.

14 Assayas, Bono on Bono, 94.

15 Bono et al., U2 By U2, 118.

16 Graham, U2: The Early Days, 30.

17 Ibid., 42.

18 Ibid., 37.

19 Sean Campbell and Gerry Smyth, Beautiful Day: Forty Years of Irish Rock (Cork: Atrium, 2005), 4.

20 Graham, U2: The Early Days, 33.

21 Ibid., 23.

22 Ibid., 10.

23 Dave Fanning, ‘U2 – Just Beginning’, Magill, June 1985.

24 Graham, U2: The Early Days, 36.

25 ‘U2 and the USA’, U2 Magazine, November 1983. This story of principled withdrawal is somewhat confused by a photograph of the band walking under umbrellas in the 1982 parade, taken by the well-known photographer Lynn Goldsmith and available online at

26 Bill Graham, ‘Irish Ways … Irish Laws: The Moving Hearts Interview’, Hot Press, 24 October 1981.

27 Eamonn Sweeney, Down, Down Deeper and Down: Ireland in the 70s and 80s (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2010), 231.

28 ‘Fitzgerald Launches Youth Committee’, Irish Times, 16 September 1983.

29 Laura Jackson, Bono: The Biography (London: Piatkus, 2003), 43.

30 Initially the British claimed that they were returning fire in Derry, and a first official inquiry whitewashed the slaughter; a long peace-process-inspired British investigation confirmed in 2010 what everyone in Ireland had already known for decades: that the victims were completely innocent.

31 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 135.

32 Brian Trench, ‘See the Conquering Heroes Come’, Magill, June 1987; Bill Rolston, ‘ “This is Not a Rebel Song”: The Irish Conflict and Popular Music’, Race and Class 42(3) (2001): 49–67; Barbara Bradby and Brian Torode, ‘To Whom Do U2 Appeal?’, The Crane Bag 8: 2 (1984): 73–8.

33 Kootnikoff, U2: A Musical Biography, 22. The extent to which the specifics of Bloody Sunday in Derry had become a forgotten embarrassment to the southern Irish establishment by the 1980s can be measured by the fact that respected journalist Eamon Dunphy’s U2 ‘biography’, published in 1987, got the year of the atrocity wrong, and mentioned sniffily that ‘many’ of the day’s victims had been innocent. The errors were not corrected in the 1993 edition.

34 ‘A Social History of U2: 1976-2005’, The Dubliner, April 2007.

35 ‘Band FAQ’, U2FAQS.COM: Frequently Asked Questions About U2, n.d., at

36 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 130.

37 Phil Joanou, U2: Rattle and Hum, DVD (Paramount, 1999).

38 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 130.

39 Bono, ‘In Ireland, Tuesday’s Grace’, New York Times, 19 June 2010.

40 Isaac Guzman, ‘No Bombast, But U2 Bands Together With N.Y.’, New York Daily News, 26 October 2001.

41 Sweeney, Down, Down Deeper and Down, 353.

42 Jim Carroll, ‘Self Aid, 22 Years On’, Irish Times, 19 May 2008.

43 Dunphy, Unforgettable Fire, 327.

44 U2: Bad (Live Dublin ’86 – Self Aid) HQ Stereo, n.d., at

45 Dunphy, Unforgettable Fire, 327–30.

46 ‘Pillar of Society: Paul McGuinness’, Phoenix, 27 August 1993.

47 ‘Bono’s Bum Deal’, Phoenix, 11 February 2000; ‘Bono, the Law and His Ass’, Phoenix, 25 February 2000; ‘L’ETAT C’EST MOI! KING BONO INVOKES OFFENCES AGAINST THE STATE ACT’, Phoenix, 25 February 2000.

48 ‘Ali Hewson’s Celestial Offer’, Phoenix, 29 March 2002.

49 James Henke, ‘U2: Here Comes the Next Big Thing’, Rolling Stone, 19 February 1981.

50 Trench, ‘See the Conquering Heroes Come’, Magill, June 1987.

51 Ross, Michael, “All That They Can’t Leave Behind,” Sunday Times, July 12, 2009, Ireland edition.

52 Assayas, Bono on Bono, 289.

53 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 172.

54 Andrew Cockburn, ‘Bono Betrays Ireland’, Counterpunch, 10 August 2002, at

55 ‘How Bono Staged the Hume and Trimble Handshake’, U2log, 9 June 2004, at

56 Gary Grattan and Maeve Quigley, ‘U2 Say Yes to New Two’, Belfast Telegraph, 20 May 1998.

57 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 285–6.

58 Assayas, Bono on Bono, 172–3.

59 ‘Give Us the Money’, Why Poverty? (BBC Four, 25 November 2012).

60 Trench, ‘See the Conquering Heroes Come.’

61 Matt Cooper, Who Really Runs Ireland? The Story of the Elite Who Led Ireland from Bust to Boom … and Back Again (Dublin: Penguin Ireland, 2009), 124.

62 Ibid.

63 Mary Carolan, ‘Call for Retention of Artists’ Tax Exemption’, Irish Times, 15 September 2005.

64 Ibid.

65 Marie O’Halloran, ‘Call for Analysis of Benefits of Arts Tax Scheme’, Irish Times, 14 October 2005.

66 Hugh Linehan, ‘When the Band Has No Shame’, Irish Times, 12 August 2006.

67 Eamonn McCann, ‘Make Bono Pay Tax’, CounterPunch, 26 February 2009, at

68 Richard Tomlinson and Fergal O’Brien, ‘Bono, Who Preaches Charity, Profits From Buyouts, Tax Breaks’, Bloomberg, 25 January 2007.

69 ‘ “Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich” ’, n.d., at

70 Cooper, Who Really Runs Ireland?, 124.

71 Ibid., 126.

72 McCann, ‘Make Bono Pay Tax’.

73 ‘Pillar of Society: Diarmuid Martin’, Phoenix, 15 August 2003.

74 ‘Give Us the Money’.

75 Brian Boyd, ‘Bono “Hurt” by Criticism of U2 Move to Netherlands to Cut Tax’, Irish Times, 27 February 2009.

76 Cooper, Who Really Runs Ireland?, 125–127.

77 See, for example, Jim Stewart, ‘Financial Innovation and the Financial Crisis’ (presented at the International Schumpeter Society Conference 2010 on Innovation, Organisation, Sustainability and Crises, Aalborg, 2010), at

78 Boyd, ‘Bono “Hurt” by Criticism’.

79 Eamonn McCann, ‘The Emperors of Bombast’, CounterPunch, 14 July 2009, at

80 Boyd, ‘Bono “Hurt” by Criticism’.

81 Olaf Tyaransen, ‘There Is Absolutely Nothing Fake About This Man’, Hot Press, 2 June 2011, at

82 ‘Ireland’s Greatest’, RTE, n.d., at

83 Photographs of both sets of graffiti are in the author’s possession.

84 ‘U2 and Tax Avoidance’, Irish Times, 6 March 2009.

85 Lara Gould, ‘ “Heavy Handed” Glastonbury Guards Break up U2 Protest’, Mail Online, 26 June 2011, at

86 Ibid.

87 James O’Shea, ‘Sinead O’Connor Slams Bono, Bob Geldof as “Bozo” and “Lily Livered Cowards” ’,, 19 June 2012, at

88 Visnja Cogan, U2: An Irish Phenomenon (Cork: Collins Press, 2006), 162.

89 ‘U2 Put Their House in Order’, Phoenix, 20 October 2006.

90 ‘Pillar of Society: Ossie Kilkenny’, Phoenix, 14 January, 2000.

91 Tomlinson and O’Brien, ‘Bono, Who Preaches Charity, Profits From Buyouts, Tax Breaks’.

92 Cogan, U2: An Irish Phenomenon, 164.

93 Paul Colgan, ‘U2’s Tangled Financial Web’, Sunday Business Post, 19 June 2005.

94 ‘U2 Put Their House in Order’.

95 Ibid.

96 Ibid.

97 Donal O’Donovan, ‘U2 Firm Pays Tax Bill of Just €16,500 as Profits Plummet’, Irish Independent, 2 December 2011.

98 Colgan, ‘U2’s Tangled Financial Web’.

99 Gordon Deegan, ‘Bono and the Edge Help Clarence Hotel Back to Profit’, Irish Examiner, 15 October 2011.

100 Frank McDonald, ‘Clarence Group Gets Permission to Redevelop’, Irish Times, 18 July 2008.

101 Ibid.

102 Boyd, ‘Bono “Hurt” by Criticism’.

103 Frank McDonald, ‘Bono Sees a Dublin “Defaced” by Developers’, Irish Times, 13 November 2002.

104 ‘U2 Tower Land to Help Settle NAMA Debts’, RTE News, 25 November 2011.

105 Accumulated losses in the Gerenger consortium that was to build the tower, only partly owned by U2, were €2.8 million according to accounts filed early in 2010. See ‘Bono’s Birthday Blues’, Phoenix, 21 May 2010.

106 Tyaransen, ‘There Is Absolutely Nothing Fake About This Man’.

107 Bono Addresses the American Ireland Fund 35th Anniversary New York Gala, 2010, at The quotes that follow are all transcribed from that video.

108 Bono, despite occasional efforts, lacks a common touch when it comes to sport, and sports personalities are in general notable by their absence from his celebrity-filled campaigns.

109 ‘When Bono Meets the Queen’, Mysterious Distance, 24 May 2012, at

110 ‘Bow Before His “Demigodness”: Bono Knighted’,, 29 March 2007, at

111 Eamonn McCann, ‘Simon, Sir Bono and Tinkerbelle’, CounterPunch, 16 April 2007, at


1 Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr, U2 by U2 (London: HarperCollins, 2006), 179.

2 Olaf Tyaransen, ‘There Is Absolutely Nothing Fake About This Man’, Hot Press, 2 June 2011, at

3 Tom Lodge, ‘An “Boks Amach”: The Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement’, History Ireland 14: 4 (August 2006).

4 ‘STRIKE!’, Diatribes of a Dilettante, n.d., at

5 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 351.

6 Ibid., 158.

7 ‘Give Us the Money’, Why Poverty? (BBC Four, 25 November 2012).

8 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 158.

9 Ibid.

10 Ibid.

11 Ibid.

12 U2 – Sunday Bloody Sunday – Live Aid 1985, 2011, at

13 U2 BAD Live Aid 1985, 2006, at

14 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 164.

15 Ibid.

16 U2 At Live Aid, 2009, at

17 Frank Zappa On Howard Stern Show 1985 (pt. 1).

18 U2 At Live Aid.

19 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 162.

20 Pete Paphides, ‘U2 Become Stars After Live Aid’, Observer, 12 June 2011.

21 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 167.

22 Bono, A String of Pearls: Photographs of Ethiopia, 1988.

23 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 167.

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid., 167–9.

26 Ibid., 169.

27 Ibid.

28 Phil Joanou, U2: Rattle and Hum, DVD (Paramount, 1999). Bono concludes his speaking interlude with the injunction, ‘Play the blues, Edge’, to which Edge replies with a not very bluesy solo, underlining both Bono’s desire to connect this song to the blues and U2’s incapacity to make that connection.

29 Noel McLaughlin and Martin McLoone, Rock and Popular Music in Ireland Before and After U2 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2012), 188.

30 At the risk of excessive literalism, it should be noted that the limousine trip in which Bono allegedly heard Holiday on WBLS, on the band’s first night in New York in 1980, occurred on a Thursday, when an oldies show would have been highly unlikely. See Matt McGee, U2: A Diary (London: Omnibus Press, 2008).

31 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 207.

32 Ibid., 211.

33 Ibid., 213.

34 McLaughlin and McLoone, Rock and Popular Music in Ireland Before and After U2, 190.

35 Save the Children, 1995, at

36 Bono, ‘World Debt Angers Me’, Guardian, 17 February 1999.

37 ‘Give Us the Money’.

38 Nick Buxton, ‘Debt Cancellation and Civil Society: A Case Study of Jubilee 2000’, in Paul Gready, ed., Fighting for Human Rights (London: Routledge, 2004).

39 Charlotte Denny, ‘Brown’s $50bn Demand’, Guardian, 20 February 1999.

40 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 293.

41 Michka Assayas, Bono on Bono: Conversations with Michka Assayas (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2005), 89.

42 Ibid.

43 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 290.

44 James Traub, ‘The Statesman’, New York Times, 18 September 2005.

45 ‘Give Us the Money’.

46 Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

47 ‘Washington Wire’, Wall Street Journal, 22 September 2000.

48 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 290.

49 Quoted in Sean O’Hagan, ‘Pro Bono’, Observer, 26 September 2004.

50 Mark Memmott, ‘Rocker Leads Drive to Lift Third World Debt’, USA Today, 14 June 2001, at

51 Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

52 Ibid.

53 Ibid.

54 ‘Bono, Mar. 4, 2002’, at

55 Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

56 Assayas, Bono on Bono, 263.

57 Quoted in Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

58 Robert Pollin, Contours of Descent: US Economic Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity (London: Verso, 2003), 165–7.

59 Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

60 ‘Give Us the Money’.

61 Daniel Schorn, ‘Bono And The Christian Right’, CBS News, 20 November 2005, at

62 Alex de Waal, ‘The Humanitarian Carnival: A Celebrity Vogue’, World Affairs 171: 2 (Fall 2008), 47.

63 Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

64 ‘AIDS: Too Much Morality, Too Little Sense’, Economist, 28 July 2005, at

65 Kapya John Kaoma, Colonizing African Values: How the US Christian Right Is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa (Somerville, MA: Political Research Associates, 2012).

66 Riina Yrjölä, ‘From Street into the World: Towards a Politicised Reading of Celebrity Humanitarianism’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 14: 3 (August 2012), 361–2.

67 Quoted in ibid., 359.

68 Audrey Bryan, ‘Band-Aid Pedagogy, Celebrity Humanitarianism, and Cosmopolitan Provincialism: A Critical Analysis of Global Citizenship Education’, in Charles Wankel and Shaun Malleck, eds, Ethical Models and Applications of Globalization: Cultural, Socio-Political and Economic Perspectives (Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference, 2012), 276.

69 Riina Yrjölä, ‘The Invisible Violence of Celebrity Humanitarianism: Soft Images and Hard Words in the Making and Unmaking of Africa’, World Political Science Review 5: 1 (2009), 1.

70 Yrjölä, ‘From Street into the World’, 367.

71 Bono, ‘Transcript: Bono Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast’, USA Today, 2 February 2006.

72 Assayas, Bono on Bono, 264.

73 Yrjölä, ‘From Street into the World’, 369.

74 Ibid., 358.

75 Yrjölä, ‘Invisible Violence’, 4.

76 Yrjölä, ‘From Street into the World’, 361–2.

77 Summarised in John Street, ‘Do Celebrity Politics and Celebrity Politicians Matter?’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 14: 3 (August 2012), 351.

78 Yrjölä, ‘From Street into the World’, 359.

79 Quoted in Nathan Farrell, ‘Celebrity Politics: Bono, Product (RED) and the Legitimising of Philanthrocapitalism’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 14: 3 (August 2012), 397.

80 Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

81 de Waal, ‘Humanitarian Carnival’, 49.

82 Tony Blair, A Journey (London: Random House, 2010), 555.

83 Quoted in Stuart Hodkinson, ‘G8 – Africa Nil’, Red Pepper, November 2005.

84 ‘ “Get Real” on Africa, Urges Bono’,, 29 September 2004.

85 Quoted in Julie Hollar, ‘Bono, I Presume: Covering Africa Through Celebrities’, Extra!, June 2007, at

86 Josh Tyrangiel, ‘The Constant Charmer’, Time, 19 December 2005.

87 Traub, ‘The Statesman’.

88 Blair, A Journey, 555. Blair’s book is awash with idiotic facsimiles of natural speech such as this one.

89 Ibid.

90 Street, ‘Do Celebrity Politics and Celebrity Politicians Matter?’, 350.

91 Blair, A Journey, 570.

92 Hodkinson, ‘G8 – Africa Nil’.

93 Kate Nash, ‘Global Citizenship as Show Business: The Cultural Politics of Make Poverty History’, Media, Culture and Society 30: 2 (1 March 2008), 175.

94 Ibid., 179.

95 Ibid., 176.

96 Ibid., 177.

97 ‘Albarn Criticises Live 8 Concerts’, BBC, 10 June 2005.

98 Maxine Frith, ‘Celebrities “Hijacked” Poverty Campaign, Say Furious Charities’, Independent, 27 December 2005.

99 Ibid.

100 Hodkinson, ‘G8 – Africa Nil’.

101 Ibid.

102 Ibid.

103 George Monbiot, ‘Bards of the Powerful’, Guardian, 21 June 2005.

104 ‘Bob, Bono and Africa’, Guardian, 27 June 2005.

105 Hodkinson, ‘G8 – Africa Nil’.

106 The colour and the capital letters denote emergency, apparently, and the parentheses are like embracing arms. Confusingly, when attached to products the brand often appears as (PRODUCT)RED, supposedly with the product name occupying the embrace in place of the word ‘product’, though in practice this doesn’t always happen. Some of the passages quoted in this section did not employ the parentheses at all, and I have retained the original presentation in each case.

107 Ray Waddell, ‘U2 Set to Wrap Biggest Concert Tour Ever’, Billboard, 29 July 2011.

108 Bono, ‘Message 2U’, Vanity Fair, 1 July 2007.

109 Alex Shoumatoff, ‘The Lazarus Effect’, Vanity Fair, 1 July 2007. Nike would eventually board the bandwagon in 2009 with some (RED), and red, shoelaces.

110 Eric Dash and Louise Story, ‘Rubin Leaving Citigroup; Smith Barney for Sale’, New York Times, 10 January 2009.

111 Sarah Dadush, ‘Profiting in (RED): The Need for Enhanced Transparency in Cause-Related Marketing’, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 42: 4 (Summer 2010), 1269–336.

112 ‘One Great Color. One Great Cause’,, n.d., at

113 Dadush, ‘Profiting in (RED)’, 1336 n. 21.

114 Ibid., 1336 n. 19.

115 Farrell, ‘Celebrity Politics’, 399.

116 Dadush, ‘Profiting in (RED)’, 1284–5.

117 ‘Costly Red Campaign Reaps Meager $18 Million’, n.d., at

118 Farrell, ‘Celebrity Politics’, 399.

119 Jane Martinson, ‘The Amex Chief Providing Backing for Bono’, Guardian, 17 March 2006.

120 Ibid.

121 Farrell, ‘Celebrity Politics’, 402.

122 Ibid., 404.

123 See Norma Anderson, ‘Shoppers of the World Unite: (RED)’s Messaging and Morality in the Fight Against African AIDS’, Journal of Pan African Studies 2: 6 (September 2008), 32–54.

124 Lisa Ann Richey and Stefano Ponte, ‘Better (Red)TM Than Dead? Celebrities, Consumption and International Aid’, Third World Quarterly 29: 4 (June 2008), 719–21.

125 Colleen O’Manique and Ronald Labonte, ‘Rethinking (Product) RED’, Lancet 371: 9624 (May 2008), 1561–3.

126 Colleen O’Manique and Ronald Labonté, ‘Seeing (RED) – Authors’ Reply’, Lancet 371: 9627 (May 2008), 1836.

127 Bono, ‘ “We Need Europe to Be a Melting-Pot. We Need to Melt” ’, Independent, 16 May 2006.

128 Bono, ‘Bono, Guest Editor: I Am a Witness. What Can I Do?’, Independent, 16 May 2006.

129 Bono, ‘The Africa Issue: Still Optimistic, but No Sleep Until G8 Promises Fulfilled’, Independent, 16 May 2006.

130 Paul Vallely, ‘Can Rock Stars Change the World? The Big Question’, Independent, 16 May 2006.

131 Ciar Byrne, ‘ “We Just Look for the Stuff That Feels Most Visceral” ’, Independent, 16 May 2006.

132 Bob Geldof, ‘Aid Isn’t the Only Answer. Africa Must Be Allowed to Trade Its Way Out of Poverty’, Independent, 16 May 2006.

133 Lisa Robinson, ‘It’s Bono, on Line 1’, Vanity Fair, July 2007.

134 Bono, ‘Meanwhile, in the Next White House …’, Vanity Fair, 1 July 2007.

135 David Carr, ‘Citizen Bono Brings Africa to Idle Rich’, New York Times, 5 March 2007.

136 Bongani Madondo, quoted in Natasha Himmelman and Danai Mupotsa, ‘(Product)Red: (re)Branding Africa?’, Journal of Pan African Studies 2: 6 (September 2008), 1.

137 Ibid., 2.

138 Zine Magubane, ‘The (Product) Red Man’s Burden: Charity, Celebrity, and the Contradictions of Coevalness’, Journal of Pan African Studies 2: 6 (2008).

139 Karon Liu, ‘Bono and Bob Geldof Bring Their Bleeding Hearts (and Headline-Writing Skills) to the Globe’, Toronto Life, 5 May 2010.

140 Jason Pontin, ‘TED Day 1: Bono Heckles the Stage – Technology Review’, Technology Review, 5 June 2007.

141 Felix Salmon, ‘Mwenda vs Bono in Tanzania’, 5 June 2007, at

142 Pontin, ‘TED Day 1’.

143 = Bono & Ali Hewson by Annie Leibovitz for Louis Vuitton’s Core Values Ad Campaign, 2010, at

144 ‘EU Court Rules Against Louis Vuitton in Nadia Plesner Copyright Case’, Eyeteeth, 4 May 2011, at

145 ‘De Beers Jewellery – About De Beers’, De Beers Jewellery, n.d., at

146 Tamara Abraham, ‘Stuck in a Louis Vuitton Moment: Bono and Ali Hewson Pose for French Megabrand … in Clothes from Their Own Ethical Label’, Mail Online, 2 September 2010, at

147 Ibid.

148 ‘Ad Nauseum: How Many Messages Can Bono, Designer Wife Ali Hewson and Louis Vuitton Fit in One Ad?’, New York Daily News, 3 September 2010.

149 Chrissie Russell, ‘Ali Hewson: It’s a Wonderful Life Being Mrs Bono’,, 27 August 2011, at

150 Bono, ‘Message 2U’.

151 David Lipke, ‘Q&A: Ali Hewson and Bono’, WWD, 13 September 2011, at

152 See Carr, ‘Citizen Bono Brings Africa to Idle Rich’.

153 Nathalie Atkinson, ‘Ali Hewson and Bono’s Return to Edun’, National Post, 5 March 2011.

154 ‘Bono’s Hotel Bills’, Phoenix, 3 November 2006.

155 ‘Ali Hewson’s Perfume’, Phoenix, 28 August 2009.

156 Marina Hyde, ‘Stella McCartney v Ali Hewson: Who Has the Right to Be “Nude”?’, Guardian, 14 August 2009.

157 ‘Ali Hewson’s Ethical Losses’, Phoenix, November 2009.

158 The Hon. Mr Justice Floyd, Nude Brands Ltd v Stella McCartney Ltd & Ors [2009] EWHC 2154 (Ch) (EWHC (Ch) 2009).

159 Atkinson, ‘Ali Hewson and Bono’s Return to Edun’.

160 ‘Ali Hewson’s Headaches’, Phoenix, 24 September 2010.

161 ‘Ali Hewson’s Perfume.’

162 ‘Bono and Ali Drop $10m’, Phoenix, 7 October 2011.

163 Jennifer Bray, ‘Ali Calls on Alicia Keys as Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your Own’, Irish Daily Mail, 11 September 2012.

164 Atkinson, ‘Ali Hewson and Bono’s Return to Edun’.

165 Ibid.

166 Quoted in ibid.

167 ‘About Edun’, Edun, n.d., at

168 Bruce Wilson, ‘KONY 2012 Effort a Ministry in Antigay Evangelical Barnabas Group, Reports LGBT Rights Nonprofit’, Huffington Post, 10 April 2012,

169 Elizabeth Flock, ‘Invisible Children Responds to Criticism About “Stop Kony” Campaign’, Washington Post Blogs, 8 March 2012, at

170 Most hilariously by Charlie Brooker in Kony 2012 NWO Sinister Logos and Invisible Children – 10 O’Clock Live, 14 March 2012, at

171 ‘Bono Comments on Invisible Children’s Kony 2012 Campaign’, 12 March 2012, at


1 ‘Media Monkey Goes to Pebble Beach’, Guardian, 2 August 2006.

2 ‘Bono’s Secret: Frontman for Genocide’, Infowars, n.d., at

3 I am indebted to Eric C. Lott, whose stimulating paper at the UCD Clinton Institute conference on ‘Ireland and African America’ in March 2012 dealt with Springsteen’s induction speech for U2. The usual disclaimer applies about Lott’s views being distinct from mine.

4 One of Dublin’s favourite ‘Bruce Springsteen is a lovely fella’ stories, told again and again when his name is mentioned, recounts his very kind behaviour, when he was out in a restaurant with Bono, to fans who were seeking photos and autographs from Bono without recognising Springsteen.

5 Bruce Springsteen, ‘Transcript: Bruce Springsteen Inducts U2 into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’, U2 Station, 17 March 2005, at

6 Ibid.

7 Ibid.

8 Ibid.

9 ‘History FAQ’,, n.d., at

10 ‘Songs/Lyrics FAQ’,, n.d., at

11 All quoted in ‘Apple Introduces the U2 iPod’,, 26 October 2004,

12 ‘iTunes Music Store. Facelift for a Corrupt Industry’, Downhill Battle, n.d., at

13 Bryan Chaffin, ‘Bono: Steve Jobs Is The Dalai Lama of Integration’, Mac Observer, 15 October 2003, at

14 ‘Pillar of Society: Paul McGuinness’, Phoenix, 27 August 1993.

15 Ibid.

16 Ibid.

17 Bill Flanagan, U2: At the End of the World (London: Random House, 1996), 282–3.

18 U2’s Lost Song NEGATIVLAND, 2007, at

19 ‘Negativland Interviews U2’s The Edge’, Negativworldwidewebland!, n.d., at

20 ‘U2 V. Negativland’, What Is Fair Use?, 24 February 2008, at

21 ‘Negativland Interviews U2’s The Edge’.

22 Ibid.

23 Edna Gundersen, ‘U2’s “Horizon” Premieres with Sky-High Sales Numbers’, USA Today, 12 March 2009.

24 Bono, ‘Ten for the Next Ten’, New York Times, 2 January 2010.

25 Ibid.

26 Ibid. The American metaphor ‘bully pulpit’ was coined by Teddy Roosevelt, who used ‘bully’ to mean ‘excellent’. It refers to an office, role or platform that confers authority, credibility and a guaranteed audience on those who speak from it. It can refer to the US presidency; to being a top humanitarian rock-star and New York Times op-ed writer; perhaps to making an induction speech at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. But it’s a wishful, or ignorant, stretch of the phrase’s meaning, even in the corporate media environment, to assume that the ‘next Cole Porter’, selected by Bono to front an industry campaign against music piracy, would have a bully pulpit.

27 ‘U2’s Pension Plans’, Phoenix, 2 November 2007.

28 ‘Bono Becomes The Worst Investor In America’,, 24 March 2010, at

29 Crystal Bell, ‘Bono, Facebook IPO: U2 Singer to Become the World’s Richest Musician (UPDATED)’, Huffington Post, 18 May 2012, at

30 ‘Bono Becomes The Worst Investor In America’.

31 David Carr, ‘Investors, Including Bono, Buy a Piece of Forbes’, New York Times, 7 August 2006.

32 ‘Irresponsible Rumormongering: “Forbes”, The Pensions Stripped Bare, What Does Bono Care?’, Gawker, 18 December 2006, at The same anonymous Forbes staffer ruefully added: ‘Nobody is complaining because a) this is the kind of unbridled asshole capitalism we’re always praising in our pages; and b) we’re all pussies.’

33 Ryan Tate, ‘Forbes Layoffs are Here, and They’re Brutal’, Gawker, 28 October 2009, at A commenter on this Gawker story wrote: ‘Next issue: Forbes’ Top 50 Most Unemployed People in America’.

34 ‘New Wargames for Sir Bono’s Profit’, Phoenix, 6 April 2007.

35 Ibid.

36 Ibid.

37 Lisa O’Carroll, ‘U2’s Bono and the Edge Invest in Dropbox’, Guardian, 3 April 2012.

38 ‘Dropbox to Locate International HQ in Dublin’, Silicon Republic, 3 December 2012, at

39 Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr, U2 by U2 (London: HarperCollins, 2006), 172–7.

40 Ibid., 175.

41 Ibid., 177.

42 Ibid.

43 Phil Joanou, U2: Rattle and Hum, DVD (Paramount, 1999).

44 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 247.

45 Michka Assayas, Bono on Bono: Conversations with Michka Assayas (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2005), 121.

46 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 238.

47 Ibid.

48 Flanagan, U2, 68–78.

49 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 238.

50 ‘BNFL Denies Sellafield THORP Closure Report’, RTE News, 26 August 2003.

51 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 252.

52 Ibid., 253.

53 Ibid.

54 Tom Doyle, ‘10 Years of Turmoil Inside U2’, Q, 10 October 2002.

55 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 253.

56 Ibid.

57 Flanagan, U2, 95.

58 Ibid., 96–7.

59 Ibid., 97–8.

60 Ibid., 99.

61 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 242.

62 ‘Bill Clinton, Stars, Turn Out for Bono’,, 23 February 2003.

63 Flanagan, U2, 100.

64 Ibid., 101.

65 Bono et al., U2 by U2, 290.

66 See ‘Could Bono Handle the Bank?’, CNN Money, 9 March 2005.

67 Tim Grieve, ‘Wolfowitz Reaches Out to Bono’,, 18 March 2005, at

68 Josh Tyrangiel, ‘The Constant Charmer’, Time, 19 December 2005.

69 Matthew Benjamin, ‘Zoellick Better Fit at World Bank Than Wolfowitz, Sachs Says’, Bloomberg, 31 August 2007, at

70 Jeffrey D. Sachs, The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time (New York: Penguin, 2005), xv.

71 Ibid., xv–xvi.

72 ‘Photo Gallery of Summits Past’, Corporate Council on Africa, at; George Monbiot, ‘Africa’s New Best Friends’, Guardian, 5 July 2005.

73 Newspaper interview quoted contemporaneously in Harry Browne, ‘The Curse of Bono!’, CounterPunch, 4 March 2003, at

74 Ibid.

75 ‘Bono’s Peace Medal Blast’, Daily Mirror, 1 March 2003.

76 Ibid.

77 Shaheem Reid, ‘Pride, Shame, Confusion Abound as War Reactions Surface’, MTV, 20 March 2003.

78 ‘Simple Minds’ Kerr Rips Bono’, UPI, 2 February 2005, at

79 Richard Dienst, The Bonds of Debt: Borrowing Against the Common Good (New York: Verso, 2011), 99, 104.

80 ‘Give Us the Money’, Why Poverty? (BBC Four, 25 November 2012).

81 Ibid.

82 Ibid.

83 Ibid.

84 Olaf Tyaransen, ‘There Is Absolutely Nothing Fake About This Man’, Hot Press, 2 June 2011, at

85 Ibid.

86 Ibid. Bono used much the same self-critical language about his past errors in depicting Africa, albeit without citing Obama as its source, during a public meeting with World Bank staff late in 2012.

87 Ibid.

88 Ibid.

89 Ibid.

90 U2 Live from Lincoln Memorial Obama Inaugural Celebration (Pride & City of Blinding Lights), 2009, at

91 Tyaransen, ‘There Is Absolutely Nothing Fake About This Man’.

92 Bono, ‘Ten for the Next Ten’.

93 ‘U2’s Bono Visits West Bank’, Ma’an News Agency, 11 April 2012, at

94 Tim Neufeld, ‘Bono Leaves Jerusalem, and Offers a Poem for the Hotel Staff (Update #2)’, @U2blog, 19 April 2012, at

95 Based on Google Translate from Hebrew of Ynet, 16 April 2012, at

96 Harry Leech, ‘Discord over Irish–Israeli Song Contest’, Sunday Times, 18 November 2012, Ireland edition.

97 John Colapinto, ‘Letter from Hollywood – Looking Good: The New Boom in Celebrity Philanthropy’, New Yorker, 26 March 2012, 59.

98 Tyrangiel, ‘Constant Charmer’.

99 Colapinto, ‘Letter from Hollywood’, 63.

100 ‘Bono’s US-Based Anti-Poverty Groups to Merge’, Reuters, 29 October 2007, at

101 ‘US Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies in Rome, Italy: David J. Lane’, United States Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome, 23 July 2012, at

102 ‘Board of Directors’, ONE, n.d., at

103 Ross, Michael, “All That They Can’t Leave Behind,” Sunday Times, July 12, 2009, Ireland edition.

104 Joe DeCapua, ‘Where Do the World’s Poor Live?’, VOA, 28 August 2012, at

105 ‘Bono’s ONE Foundation Under Fire for Giving Tiny Percentage of Funds to Charity’, Mail Online, 23 September 2010, at

106 See My query to ONE through its website seeking an explanation of this number and other aspects of the campaign’s financing went unanswered.

107 Jeane MacIntosh, ‘Poor Idea, Bono’, New York Post, 20 September 2010, at

108 ‘About This Site’, Guardian, 14 September 2010.

109 John Vidal, ‘Why Is the Gates Foundation Investing in GM Giant Monsanto?’, Guardian, 29 September 2010.

110 Behrooz Morvaridi, ‘Capitalist Philanthropy and Hegemonic Partnerships’, Third World Quarterly 33: 7 (August 2012), 1191–210.

111 P. Sainath, ‘Farm Suicides Rise in Maharashtra, State Still Leads the List’, Hindu, 3 July 2012, at

112 Chad Heeter, ‘Seeds of Suicide: India’s Desperate Farmers’, Frontline/World, PBS, 26 July 2005.

113 Quoted in ibid.

114 ‘U2’s Bono Talks Curbing Hunger with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell’, First Read, 18 May 2012.

115 Ibid.

116 Ibid.

117 Oxfam, ‘G8 Food Security Alliance Answers Question Hungry People Have Not Asked’, Oxfam International, 18 May 2012, at

118 “Open Letter to the G8 from African Civil Society,” Stick to Africa’s Plans:, 4 May 2012, at

119 Quoted in Maria Bustillos, ‘Our Billionaire Philanthropists’, Awl, 13 June 2012, at

120 Grant Cameron, ‘Bono and Data Beyond 2015: How Can the Bank Measure Up?’, Open Data: The World Bank Data Blog, 16 November 2012, at

121 See for example the passage in Chapter 2 that describes Robert Pollin’s measurement of the failure of the Bono–Paul O’Neill approach to development when gauged beside an earlier developmental-state model, which had become ‘unthinkable’ since the 1980s because of an ideological assault from neoliberalism.

122 Melissa Moore, ‘The Myth – Scarcity: The Reality – There IS Enough Food’, Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy, 8 February 2005, at

123 Patrick Healy, ‘ “Spider-Man”, a Year After First Preview, Is on Solid Ground’, New York Times, 27 November 2011.

124 Dave Marsh, ‘Sir Bono: The Knight Who Fled From His Own Debate’, CounterPunch, 19 March 2009, at

125 See for example the end of “Give Us the Money,” Why Poverty? (BBC Four, 25 November 2012).

126 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Economic Development in Africa Report 2012, 2.

127 See Lorna Siggins, Once Upon a Time in the West: The Corrib Gas Controversy (Dublin: Transworld Ireland, 2010).

128 See Gavan Titley, ‘Asylum Seekers in Ireland Languish in the Magdalene Laundries of Our Time’, Guardian, 3 October 2012.

129 ‘PASTOR PARCEL BY JIM GALLAGHER Sunday World December 4, 2011’, Dialogue Ireland, at; ‘Pastor Hade’s “Prison-Like” Conditions’, Phoenix, 17 December 2004.

130 Dervla King, A Needs Analysis of Asylum Seekers Resident in Kilmarnock House, Killiney (Southside Partnership, May 2004).

131 SMS message to author, 4 December 2012.

132 ‘Give Us the Money’.

133 Jann Wenner, ‘Bono: The Rolling Stone Interview’, Rolling Stone, 20 October 2005.

134 Dienst, Bonds of Debt, 117–18.

135 ‘ “Attention Housemates, This Is Bono”: U2 Front Man Makes Guest Appearance on Big Brother Africa’,, 26 July 2012, at