Chapter Six




Evrain parked opposite the diner in Hood River. He’d found the prospect of seeing Dominic again more attractive than a Saturday morning lie-in. Waking early, he’d had a quick shower and shave, dressed for hiking then jumped in the car. He’d not bothered to eat, deciding that trying out the diner Dominic lived over could be a good way of persuading the shy young man to spend some time with him. Now he sat in his vehicle, quelling nervousness that he was unaccustomed to dealing with. He gripped Agatha’s little jar of balm, tapping the lid with a forefinger.

“Jesus, get a grip, Evrain. He’s a man, not a three-headed alien from Pluto.” A man I desperately want to get my hands on and cock into. His thoughts were honest at least. It wasn’t just the physical attraction, though—he felt drawn to Dominic. After such a brief meeting, it was odd that he couldn’t get the man out of his head. He’d suspect that his grandmother had doped him with a love potion if he didn’t know better.

He got out of the car and shut the door with a decisive slam. Just as he was about to cross the road, a figure descended the fire escape at the side of the building. The dark red hair was confirmation enough that it was Dominic even before Evrain saw his face. He grinned and leaned against the car, waiting for Dominic to spot him.

Evrain knew the exact moment that Dominic realized he was there. He froze. His lips parted. He glanced around as if checking out escape routes. Oh, no, you don’t. Evrain crossed the road before Dominic had the chance to make a run for it. He didn’t look either way, just marched across the road with his sights firmly fixed on Dominic. It was a good job there wasn’t any traffic because Evrain’s sense of self-preservation had completely deserted him. Dominic didn’t move other than to hunch his shoulders slightly. Tension was apparent in every inch of his lean frame.

Evrain got right into Dominic’s personal space. Dominic backed up until his ass hit the diner window.

“Good morning,” Evrain said. He leaned in and pressed his lips to Dominic’s. It was a very chaste kiss but Dominic still blushed to the roots of his hair.

“Wh-wha, what are you doing…here? Here. What are you doing here?” Dominic fumbled over his words. He ran his tongue over his lower lip as if gathering Evrain’s taste.

“I’m here to take you to breakfast.” Evrain only made that decision as the words left his mouth.

“I don’t understand.” Dominic’s gaze darted around. His fingers clenched and unclenched.

“Breakfast. The first meal of the day. Generally involves bacon for anyone living on this continent.” Evrain paused. “I apologize. I’ve just stereotyped an entire nation or two.”

“Three if you include Mexico,” Dominic muttered.

Evrain grinned. There was a spark beneath the shyness. “So, are you hungry?”

“I don’t… I mean, you can’t just…”

Oh God, he’s adorable. “It’s breakfast, Dominic, and I’m buying. Indulge me.”

“But why?” Dominic shuffled his feet and examined the ground.

“Why not?” Evrain put a finger beneath Dominic’s chin and tilted it up. “That’s better. You have such pretty eyes.” He pushed his knee forwards, parting Dominic’s legs. “You’re getting hard for me, aren’t you?”

“No!” Dominic twisted sideways in an attempt to get around Evrain. Evrain let him go. Dominic took a few steps then stopped. “What do you want, Evrain?”

“Breakfast. I have a thing for pancakes.” He strolled toward the diner door, praying that Dominic would follow. He checked over his shoulder when he was halfway through the door.

Dominic’s expression was a perfect mix of confused irritation and arousal. Evrain recognized the moment that Dominic gave in. His shoulders dropped and he sighed with a slight shake of his head. Evrain didn’t hide his grin. He held the door open and waited until Dominic joined him.

“Coffee, boys?” The woman staffing the counter raised the jug and waggled it. “Morning, Dominic.” Her eyebrow lifted, her curiosity evident.

“Yes, please,” Evrain said. He scanned the available tables and took one near the back, next to the window. “It’s warm in here.” He peeled off the fleece he’d worn over his hiking skins. The light top beneath clung to his body and he wanted to see Dominic’s reaction.

Dominic’s eyes widened. He groaned and threw himself into a chair, shunting it under the table to hide his lap. He picked up a menu and hid behind it. Evrain pulled the laminated card away and placed it on the table.

“No hiding.”

Dominic shivered.

Interesting, he’s so responsive to commands. Definitely submissive, even if he doesn’t know it. He’ll fight and I’ll enjoy the battle.

The waitress arrived with two mugs of coffee. “You guys know what you want?” she asked, placing a mug before each of them.

“The usual please, Annie.” There was the tiniest quiver in Dominic’s voice.

“I’ll have what he’s having,” Evrain said. “Providing it includes pancakes. And bacon.”

“Oh, it does. Pancakes, bacon, hash browns, grilled tomatoes. Wholewheat toast on the side. Warm syrup. Our Dom has a healthy appetite.” Annie winked, full of mischief.

“As do I.” Evrain winked right back.

She grinned, then laughed, the sound joyful. “Oh, it’s about time!” She wandered off, hips swaying. “Shout if you need refills, food will be out in a few.”

Evrain leaned back in his chair. He stretched his legs, ensuring that his calf brushed against Dominic’s. He pulled Agatha’s jar of balm from his pocket.

“I brought this for you.” He placed the jar on the table and pushed it toward Dominic. “Grandma told me you hurt your back.”

“It’s nothing. Sore muscles, that’s all.” Dominic made eye contact. “But thank you for bringing it. You needn’t have come all this way.”

“It was just an excuse to see you again.” Evrain shrugged. “I was tempted to drive back last night, but I was…working.” He recalled his artwork and immediately pictured Dominic, naked and bound. Evrain’s cock jerked. He shifted in his seat. “You shot out of Grandma’s place so fast yesterday evening and I wanted a chance to get to know you better.”

“Because I work for Aggie and you want to check me out?”

“No.” Evrain chuckled. “Because I have evil intent when it comes to your hot body.”

Dominic’s mouth dropped open. “You’re deliberately trying to shock me, aren’t you?”

Their food arrived. Evrain tucked in and devoured several mouthfuls before he answered. “Not at all. Just giving you fair warning. God, this food is amazing. I can see this becoming a regular haunt of mine.”

Dominic stared at him for a few seconds as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. He gave an exasperated sigh and began to eat. Evrain kept half an eye on Dominic while they finished their meal and found himself entranced. Dominic ate efficiently, that was the only way Evrain could think to describe the neat sectioning of food, the precise cutting. The slide of the fork between Dominic’s lips made Evrain wish that it could be his cock there instead.

Dominic finally pushed his plate aside. “So what now?”

“That’s up to you.” Evrain swallowed the last of his coffee. “Would you like me to leave?”

“I…” Dominic tore his napkin into tiny shreds, making a neat pile of the pieces on the table. He clearly hadn’t expected to be given that option. “No. I mean, that is, if you want…”

“Oh, I do want. Will you let me seduce you, Dominic? There’s something between us that I’d like to explore and I know you feel it too.”

“Seduce me?” Dominic’s voice rose. “How am I supposed to answer that?”

“By calming down, sweetheart. I’m not going to jump you in public—that kind of exhibitionism does nothing for me. Do you have to work this morning?”

Dominic nodded. “I’m clearing the pots and baskets here, then replanting.”

“Well, I’ll help. I was going to go for a hike, but I’d much rather spend time with you.”

“Do you know anything about gardening?” Dominic asked.

“Let’s just say I have an affinity for the earth and all things green.”

“I don’t know if that’s a yes or a no.”

“I can follow instructions.”

“Really? From what I’ve seen so far, I assumed you preferred to give the orders?” Dominic’s skepticism was almost comical.

“That’s true in most situations, especially in the bedroom.” Evrain paused for dramatic effect. “But in the garden I will submit…to your expertise.” Evrain emphasized the word ‘submit’, observing Dominic’s expression carefully. The hint of pink highlighting his cheekbones deepened.

Evrain left some bills on the table and stood up. “Shall we go then? I can’t wait for you to start bossing me around.”

“I can pay for my own breakfast.” Dominic stood but made no move to leave.

“I believe I invited you, so it’s my treat. I think our first date is going well, don’t you?”

That got Dominic moving. Evrain followed him outside, pulling on his fleece as he walked.

“I don’t know what this is, but it isn’t a date,” Dominic muttered under his breath. “More like a hostile takeover.”


* * * *


Evrain discovered that he enjoyed planting. Probing the warm compost with a finger to make a hole, dropping the plants in then bedding them down was satisfying work. Dominic had a portable radio that he balanced on the wall next to them. The local station played a mixture of pop and rock, interspersed with entertaining, if cheesy, commercials for local businesses. The music gave a beat to the rhythm of the work and Evrain hummed along. Every now and again, he caught Dominic giving him a sideways glance. It was a shame it wasn’t warmer, then he could have stripped off his shirt and given Dominic something to really look at. They could form a mutual appreciation society—Evrain was certain that Dominic must be nicely ripped. He licked his lips.

“Are you thirsty?” Dominic asked. “Annie will give us bottled water if you want some.”

“I’m good. Maybe later.”

They carried on working in silence for a while until Dominic paused.

“I need to fetch the trays of seedlings for the hanging baskets.”

“Need a hand?” Evrain asked, rising from where he’d been kneeling on the floor finishing off a pot.

Dominic shrugged so Evrain took that as an invitation. He followed Dominic around to the back of the building where there was a small parking lot. In one corner, there was a storage shack. It didn’t merit the title of shed in Evrain’s opinion. It seemed to be constructed from a converted freight box of some kind.

“I keep some equipment here for my business. The trays of plants are inside.” Dominic pulled open the heavy door.

Inside it was very dark. Evrain could just make out the shape of a mower, some kind of spray pump and a few sacks of compost. Tools hung in neat rows on the walls. Dominic disappeared into the darkness. Evrain glanced across the lot—there was nobody around. He followed Dominic and pulled the door closed behind him, enclosing them both in the warm, dark space.

Evrain focused his senses. Scents surrounded him, earthy and sweet. He could hear Dominic’s breathing, faster than it should be.


Before Dominic could get another word out, Evrain gathered him into a firm embrace. “I’ve been wanting to do this all morning.” He pressed his lips to Dominic’s, probing the seam with his tongue. Evrain was even more assertive than first thing that morning when he’d tasted Dominic for the first time. His lips were so soft. Let me in, darling.

Dominic stood stiff in Evrain’s hold. Evrain slipped an arm around his hips then cupped Dominic’s ass. Dominic gasped, his lips parted, and Evrain took full advantage, thrusting his tongue into Dominic’s mouth. He pulled Dominic closer until they were pressed together, groin to groin. Dominic’s erection stabbed at him through the layers of their clothing. He ravished Dominic’s mouth, keeping him distracted while he slipped his hand down the back of Dominic’s cargo pants. His ass was firm, well muscled and warm. Evrain squeezed a cheek then probed Dominic’s crack with his finger. Dominic squirmed and moaned. He pulled away from the kiss.

“Stop! Stop, Evrain.”

“Why?” Evrain stilled. “I think we’re both enjoying this.”

“I’ll… I’ll come!”

“Oh, is that all? That’s the general idea.” Evrain pushed the dry tip of his finger past Dominic’s fluttering guardian muscle.

Dominic fumbled with his zipper. He yanked his pants and underwear down to midthigh, then grasped his rigid cock.

“That’s mine.” Evrain slapped Dominic’s hand away, replacing it with his own. “So hot.” Two swift tugs and Dominic came in a hot gush over Evrain’s hand.

“Oh God!” Dominic panted. “This isn’t right.”

“Feels right to me.” Evrain chuckled, pulling Dominic closer again.

“You’re, you’re… Do you want…? Oh God.” Dominic rested his head on Evrain’s shoulder. Heat poured from his body.

“You don’t have to do anything, Dominic.” Evrain gave himself a few points for self-control. “That was for you.”

Dominic sank to his knees. He unfastened Evrain’s pants, letting his cock spring free. Evrain locked his knees, parted his legs a little farther. He wished there was more light. What he wouldn’t give to watch Dominic’s pretty mouth taking him in.

Wet heat surrounded Evrain’s dick as Dominic began to suck. He went at his task with enthusiasm, keeping his teeth covered apart from the occasional light scrape. Evrain sucked in his breath. Dominic had a talented mouth. He was going to get Evrain off in seconds.

Evrain grabbed a handful of Dominic’s hair, holding him in place. He waited to see if Dominic fought against the hold, but he didn’t. There was no resistance. Evrain jerked his hips, fucking Dominic’s willing mouth. Dominic submitted totally, allowing Evrain control. On the edge of orgasm, Evrain loosened his grip on Dominic’s hair, giving him a chance to pull away.

“Close.” The word came out as a hiss. Dominic sucked harder, taking Evrain’s shaft deep into his throat. Evrain came hard, muscles trembling. Dominic swallowed every drop, then licked Evrain’s shaft clean before letting it slip from his lips. For a few moments, the only sound was their heavy breathing.

Dominic was the first to move. He pushed open the door, flooding the storage container with light. Evrain blinked as the brightness temporarily blinded him. He spotted a rag and cleaned off his hands before yanking up his pants. Dominic quickly adjusted his clothing too. He picked up a couple of trays of plants and without a word headed back toward the diner.

Smug didn’t begin to describe how Evrain felt. He hefted a couple of trays of seedlings and set off after Dominic. Fabric rubbed his oversensitized cock with every step. At the front of the diner there was no sign of Dominic. Evrain perched on the wall and waited. He didn’t want to carry on working and get things wrong. After a couple of minutes, Dominic appeared from inside the diner, clutching a couple of bottles of Gatorade. He thrust one into Evrain’s hand without a word. He didn’t make eye contact and his cheeks were glowing scarlet. Evrain took the drink. He didn’t need to push. He had Dominic well and truly in his clutches. There was nowhere for Dominic to run or hide. Evrain was content to take his time. Other opportunities like today would present themselves. The thrill of the hunt coursed through his veins. Sooner or later, Dominic would realize that resistance was futile. Evrain knew, deep down, that they were meant to be together.

Is this what love at first sight feels like? He watched Dominic’s Adam’s apple bob and he chugged down his drink. Every bit of him turns me on, yet I don’t know him, not really. Dominic wiped his mouth with the back of his hand—his lips were puffy, kiss-swollen. He gave Evrain a shy smile. Not wanting to spoil the moment, Evrain just smiled back.