Chapter Nine
All the light and laughter that had surrounded Agatha’s cabin had gone, or so it seemed to Evrain as he and Dominic walked down the path toward the rustic building. Storm clouds loomed, promising rain.
“I still can’t believe she’s not around anymore,” Dominic said. “Have the police told you anything more about how the investigation is going?”
On the drive from Portland, Dominic had barely spoken a word, so Evrain welcomed the question, difficult though it was. He understood that Dominic had cared about Agatha just as much as he had.
“No, I haven’t heard anything new. The investigating detective, O’Shea, gives me a courtesy call every now and again, but I doubt they will catch anyone. The trail’s gone cold by now and they don’t seem to have any leads to go on at all.” Evrain’s tone was sharper than he had intended. “Sorry, talking about it just gets me frustrated and angry.” This was his first visit to the cabin since his grandmother’s funeral and the memories of discovering her body were still horrifyingly fresh.
“I thought she was just sleeping when I found her.” He paused on the path, kicking at fallen leaves. “I’d brought her shopping as usual. I wandered around, unpacking, talking to her. She didn’t answer and I assumed she’d dozed off. Normally she’d be telling me off about something less than five minutes after I arrived. When she didn’t stir, I went to check on her but she was gone.” He began to walk again. “She was an old lady, she should have died peacefully in her sleep. Instead she had this expression on her face.” He shuddered. “It was just awful.” There was no need to share the gruesome details with Dominic.
“It must have been a terrible shock,” Dominic said.
“It was if the world slowed down for a moment. I suppose it didn’t sink in straight away that she’d been murdered, but I should have realized immediately. She was fit and healthy. Even at her age there was no reason for her to die so suddenly.”
“She kept up with me in the garden just fine,” Dominic agreed. “She was in great shape.”
“After that, seeing her face, everything’s a blur. Calling the police, waiting for them to arrive—which seemed to take forever—and then the endless questions.”
They reached the garden gate. Dominic pushed it open and they approached the cabin door together.
“And of course they suspected me.”
Dominic’s eyes widened. “Why on earth would they do that?”
“I think close relatives are always the first port of call when it comes to suspects. I don’t blame them at all—they were just doing their jobs. Once the medical examiner confirmed the time of death and I was able to provide rock-solid alibis, they left me alone.”
“They spoke to me too,” Dominic said. “But I’d been so busy I hadn’t seen her for a couple of days, and, fortunately, I had plenty of witnesses to my whereabouts at the time of her death because I’d been redoing the window troughs outside the library. I do wonder, though, if I’d called in that evening, would I have been able to save her?”
“Or ended up dead yourself?” Evrain said. “Believe me, I’ve been through all the ‘what if?’s. Someone wanted her dead and neither you nor I could have been with her twenty-four hours a day. A determined person would have got to her sooner or later.” He pushed open the door.
Inside the cabin, everything was exactly the same as it had been weeks earlier. Evrain could picture his grandmother sitting in her usual chair, scolding him for some minor infraction. He wandered around touching things, letting his fingers absorb what was left of her presence. It provided a measure of comfort.
“I’ll light a fire, shall I?” Dominic asked, moving toward the hearth.
Evrain felt the chill for the first time. “Good idea, it’s cold in here.”
Dominic scooped ash from the grate using a small brass shovel that Agatha kept nearby just for that purpose, depositing the waste in a copper bucket. He scrunched up some newspaper to line the grate, then added some kindling from the wood basket. Everything was very dry and caught well when he touched a match to the paper. He quickly added bigger pieces of wood and finally a couple of chunky logs. Soon a toasty blaze was roaring away.
Evrain took one of the armchairs next to the fire, and, after making sure that the flames were well established, Dominic sat in the other. An awkward silence followed, broken only by the crackle of burning wood.
Evrain took a deep breath. “I suppose we should open our letters and see what Grandmother has to say for herself,” Evrain said, feeling strangely nervous.
Dominic nodded. He turned his envelope over and over in his hands. “Okay. You first.”
Evrain ripped open his envelope, extracted the note from inside, then began to read. He chuckled. “It seems you have to hear this too.”
He cleared his throat and began to read aloud, “Dearest Evrain, that you are reading this note means that I am gone earlier than I hoped and the challenges ahead of you have consequently increased. Mr. Pitt—and, yes, I know what impression he makes, but he is a good man and someone you can trust—should have told you to open this when you and Dominic are together. I hope, for once, you’ve obeyed instructions. You must read your letter aloud in Dominic’s presence. He should then do the same.” Evrain rolled his eyes. “Still telling me what to do, even from beyond the grave.”
Dominic giggled. The sound went straight to Evrain’s heart.
“I hope you will follow my wishes and move to the cabin immediately. You’re a stubborn boy but it’s for your own good. The cabin is warded and will provide a measure of protection for both you and Dominic while you learn to master your craft.”
“Wait, does that mean what I think it does?” Dominic asked. “She wants us to move in together?” The pitch of his voice rose. “And what is she talking about? What wards, what craft?”
“Don’t worry about that for a minute. Looks like she wants us to be housemates,” Evrain replied. He waved his letter. “Let’s see what else she has to say.” He carried on reading. “Be diligent in continuing your training. Self-discipline is vital—I have shown you how to proceed, now it is up to you.
“My dear, you have enormous talent, but it will only truly mature once you can channel through a life partner. I have done what I can to set you on the right path in this but you can only follow your heart. You will never be an easy person to love—recognize that in yourself and it will help because I know you have it in you to love the right man deeply.
“There are those who would seek to harm you or to use your gifts for evil. Be vigilant. Protect yourself and the one you will come to love. I know that you will fulfill my expectations and be all that you can be. My spirit will be watching over you. Grandma.”
Evrain looked up and met Dominic’s questioning gaze. Tiny flashes of orange reflected in Dominic’s blue eyes as the fire blazed in response to Evrain’s emotional state.
“What is she talking about, Evrain?” Dominic asked.
“Why don’t you read your letter, then everything might become clearer?” Evrain really hoped that Aggie would do the explaining for him.
Fingers trembling, Dominic broke the wax seal on the envelope and pulled out his own letter. It began in a similar way to Evrain’s, instructing him to read it aloud.
“Dearest Dominic, I’m sure that you have known, or suspected, for some time that I am, or should I say was, a witch. I could see the knowledge in those beautiful eyes, but you were always too shy to ask. I am glad you were able to accept me and hope that you have learned from me.”
Dominic stopped reading.
“It’s true,” Evrain said. “You knew it, just like she said.”
“I suppose I did.” Dominic lifted the letter again. “The talent runs deep in my family—my grandson possesses more power than I could ever have dreamed of. Evrain is the first warlock to be born to my family line in several hundred years.” Dominic’s eyes widened but he carried on reading, “For his own protection, he only gained full access to his abilities on his twenty-first birthday. The two of you are close in age so I’m sure you can understand a little of what he is going through. Powerful warlocks control their power by channeling some of their emotional energy through a life partner. This can only be achieved consensually and through a bond of love. I will not deceive you, Dominic, channeling is very painful. A relationship with a warlock is not to be taken lightly.
“You are bright enough to realize by now that I saw you as a potential partner for Evrain and that I planned to bring you together. Your quiet strength will provide the perfect counterpoint to his assertive confidence. Forgive me for putting you in this position, just promise me that you will think about my words before you make any decisions.
“However the future unfolds, I know that you will make good use of the land I have willed you. Do with it as you see fit, with my blessing. With much love, Agatha.”
Dominic leaned back in his chair, staring at the piece of paper in his hand. “You have got to be kidding me. Did you slip something in my coffee back at the solicitor’s?”
Evrain just sat and looked at him implacably.
“It can’t be true. This is the real world, warlocks don’t exist.” He stood up and ran agitated fingers through his hair. “A witch I can handle. Aggie was great with remedies, that kind of thing. If that’s witchcraft, then fine, who am I to judge? But a warlock? Jesus, I’ve stepped into a bad B-movie.”
Evrain twisted his fingers into the required shape, made a gesture and the fire flared brightly next to them.
“No… I don’t believe it. This is madness.” Dominic got up. He backed to the door and opened it. Outside the rain was coming down in sheets.
Evrain made another gesture and a gust of wind slammed it closed again.
“It’s true, Dominic. I realize it’s a lot to take in and I don’t blame you for being skeptical. I can’t help what I am, but I’m sorry if that scares you. Leave if you wish, I won’t try to stop you.” He sighed as Dominic reopened the door and edged out into the cold. “It sounds like an old woman’s ramblings, believe me I know,” he whispered the words at the dancing flames and settled back to wait.
Outside Dominic turned his face to the sky and let the raindrops spatter against his skin in an attempt to clear his head. He walked to the back of the cabin, to the potting shed where he kept all his tools and gardening kit. He changed into an old pair of wellington boots that he stored there, tucking his jeans inside them. He grabbed a spade, then strolled to the vegetable patch and methodically began to dig over the ground. Several sections were planted and had been sadly neglected for the past few weeks. Turning the soil between the rows of growth was necessary work with all the weeds that had sprouted.
He let the contents of the two letters drift through his mind as the spade cut through the loamy earth. Deep down, he knew that Aggie wouldn’t lie. She’d been sharp as a tack and scrupulously honest. It was just so hard to accept. And she thought that he and Evrain could be together? That was even more unbelievable than the whole witches and warlocks scenario. Evrain was charismatic, beautiful and talented. What possible use could he have for a lowly gardener? Sure, they’d had a few moments where Dominic’s hopes had been raised, including one particularly astounding blow job, but that was it. Dominic had been too scared to risk his feelings any further.
Dominic dug until his muscles screamed at him to stop then dug some more. He could lose himself in the repetitive action of push, stamp and turn, ignoring the ache in arms and back. The rain got steadily harder and he was soaked to the skin before he finally paused. His thin shirt was plastered to his body, clinging uncomfortably to his skin. Rivulets of water ran down his face from strands of sodden hair. Absently he noticed the blisters on his hands where he had neglected to wear any gloves and shivered as his body temperature cooled. He abandoned the spade and walked slowly back to the house. He kicked off soaked boots before pushing the door open. He stood inside on the mat and shook as a puddle gathered around his feet.
Evrain took one look and swore. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, what have you done to yourself? Get over here by the fire.”
Dominic complied without resistance and steam began to hiss from his jeans as intense heat penetrated the cold, wet denim. The door slammed shut behind him. On its own.
“Strip.” Evrain barked the order.
Dominic gave Evrain a startled glance at the perfunctory command. “What? No!”
“You need to get out of those wet clothes before you catch pneumonia, Dominic, so strip or I’ll do it for you.” Evrain advanced toward him.
Dominic discovered that his fingers were shaking so much from the cold that he was unable to undo his own shirt buttons. Evrain stepped right into his personal space with an exasperated hiss and deftly undid them all. He peeled the fabric away from Dominic’s clammy skin and hung the soggy garment on the arm of the chair closest to the fire. Next he tackled Dominic’s belt, undoing the buckle and slipping it from its loops.
“I should use this to tie you down so that you can’t run away while I talk some sense into you.” He undid Dominic’s jeans then pulled them down to reveal snug black underwear that was also soaked through. “Were you testing the whole ‘soaked to the skin’ thing? These need to come off too.” Evrain twanged the elastic. “I’ll fetch a towel.”
Dominic stood and shivered miserably. He hurt everywhere. Evrain was gone barely two minutes, before returning with a couple of thick towels.
“You know, this isn’t what I had in mind when I imagined undressing you for the first time.” Evrain stood and stared. “You have an amazing body.” He threw one of the towels around Dominic’s shoulders.
Dominic pulled it close. He had no idea what to say, and even if he did, his teeth were chattering too hard.
“I believe I told you to take off your underwear.”
God he was bossy in the most appealing way. He stood there, hands on hips, waiting expectantly to be obeyed. Dominic guessed that if he didn’t do as he’d been told, Evrain would feel obliged to help. Dominic was in too delicate a state to deal with Evrain’s hands on his body so he slid his trunks down then stepped out of them, clutching the towel around himself defensively.
Evrain took the second towel and began to rub Dominic’s limbs roughly, generating heat through the friction.
“Now’s not the time to be shy, and besides, I know you have all the same parts I do. You weren’t so reserved that day back at the diner. I need to get your circulation going, you must be virtually hypothermic. What the hell did you think you were doing out there?”
“I’m sorry,” Dominic apologized through chattering teeth. “I just needed a bit of time to think.”
“And you had to do that in the cold and rain? Idiot!” Evrain scolded.
Dominic hung his head and shook miserably—there wasn’t much he could say and he didn’t have the strength to defend himself. Evrain was right, he shouldn’t have stayed outside so long, but surely he was due a bit of credit after all the revelations that had been dumped on him? Revelations he still wasn’t sure he believed.
“I’m going to put you to bed so you warm through properly,” Evrain said. “You’ll have to stay here tonight. Do you think you can manage the stairs?”
Dominic’s head was spinning, he couldn’t articulate a sensible response so he kept his mouth shut. Evrain no doubt took the lack of an answer for agreement and manhandled him up the narrow staircase. If it hadn’t been for Evrain propping him up from behind, Dominic thought he might have taken a tumble back down the stairs. He was so cold that even the hearthrug seemed like an attractive prospect. If he did fall, he could just curl up there in front of the fire.
The guest room turned out to be a far preferable option. Small but cozy, the double bed was covered in a heavy patchwork quilt. Evrain pulled it back and gestured in the direction of the bed.
“It’s probably a bit dusty but the sheets are clean. Get in before you freeze to death. I’m going to see if I can find a hot water bottle. Grandmother didn’t believe in electric blankets.”
He turned away, and Dominic dropped his towel to climb under the covers. As he snuggled beneath the sheets, he realized that Evrain was staring into the dressing-table mirror. A mirror that would have given him a perfect view of Dominic’s bare ass as he scrambled into bed. Evrain grinned, then winked, confirming that he’d enjoyed the view. Dominic hid his head beneath the covers and groaned.
Evrain left the bedroom door open a crack. He crossed the landing to the bathroom where he rummaged in the cupboard under the sink, letting out a small cry of victory when he discovered an ancient rubber bottle. He checked the stopper and there was no sign that the seal was perished. It would do the job. He took the bottle down to the kitchen where he could warm up a pan of water on the stove. A quick twist of his fingers had it bubbling away merrily in no time. Evrain filled the bottle, tested the stopper by giving the bottle a good shake, then took it back upstairs only to find that Dominic had already fallen asleep.
With all the worry lines smoothed from his face, Dominic appeared much younger. There were only six months between them but Evrain felt that he’d aged significantly since his twenty-first birthday. The knowledge of his heritage had come with a heavy weight of responsibility. He lifted the bed covers just enough to shove the hot water bottle into position near Dominic’s feet then made sure that they were pulled up enough to cover his bare shoulders. Dominic’s damp hair was curling a little at the ends and his lips were slightly parted, his breathing steady. As Evrain watched over the younger man, he felt incredibly protective. It would be so easy to lift the covers and have a really good look at Dominic’s naked body. If the promise of that ass he’d glimpsed in the mirror was anything to go by, he knew he wouldn’t be disappointed. He couldn’t do it, though. He wanted Dominic to be fully aware of what was going on when Evrain did eventually get to touch again.
Reluctantly, Evrain left Dominic sleeping. He investigated the cabin, poking into all the cupboards, checking on supplies. As a child he’d often thought that the cabin was a kind of TARDIS, bigger on the inside than it seemed from the outside. Knowing what he did now about his grandmother, there was probably a good Doctor Who plotline in there somewhere. He could picture Agatha and the Doctor having polite conversation over herbal tea and cookies. Evrain sniggered as he explored and wondered if Dominic was a sci-fi fan.
He didn’t venture into the attic for fear of disturbing Dominic’s rest, but he did decide to turn the third bedroom into an office. Tomorrow he would bring a few things from home and set up his workstation. Hopefully Dominic could be persuaded to loan both his truck and his muscles to help with the removal process.
Evrain found clean sheets and blankets in the linen cupboard. He wiped off the layer of dust on the furniture in the master bedroom, then made up the bed. Much as he would have enjoyed a snuggle session with Dominic, he wouldn’t presume that Dominic would be prepared to take the next step just yet, if ever. He still had to come to terms with the whole warlock thing and that might take a while.
Evrain turned on the central heating and gave the bathroom a quick wipe-over. Four weeks’ worth of dust lay over everything but it didn’t take long to clean up. Aggie had a glorious, claw-footed tub that he couldn’t wait to try out. A soak in the bath would have to wait for a while, though—there was a bit more exploration to complete first.
Downstairs was one huge open-plan space and would take a bit more effort to clean. That could wait. He investigated the freezer, which proved to be well stocked, and extracted a plastic tub of frozen stew to heat on the stove. For tonight, they could manage with what was at the cabin. There were plenty of tins in the cupboards and one night without fresh produce wouldn’t kill them.
It was seven o’clock when Evrain detected the sounds of stirring from upstairs. Dominic had slept for about three hours. Evrain loaded up a tray with bowls of stew, a couple of forks and mugs of tea. Fresh bread to go with the stew would have been nice. He wondered if Dominic knew how to bake. He headed for the guest room. He pushed open the door with his ass and reversed into the room, then rotated and almost dropped the tray. Dominic was sitting up in bed, bare-chested, hair tousled from sleep, blue eyes blinking in confusion. To Evrain he looked young, vulnerable and incredibly desirable. Evrain’s heart beat just a little faster as he was rewarded with a shy, tentative smile. He bent to put the tray on the edge of the bed, then held out one of the bowls and a fork to Dominic.
“This is stew. It’s not poisoned. Eye of newt and tongue of bat were not involved in its construction, at least I don’t think so—I got it out of the freezer. So eat it while it’s hot.”
Dominic took the bowl and obediently spooned some of the savory dish into his mouth.
“It’s great. Thank you, I’m starving.”
Evrain grunted. “It’s early evening—you didn’t get lunch.” He placed the mugs of tea on the bedside table, careful to put them on a mat to avoid marking the wood. He shifted the tray onto the floor, then made himself comfortable at the end of the bed. He began to eat his own meal and took the opportunity to steal another glance at Dominic. Dark red hair flickered copper in the light of the one small lamp and Dominic’s eyes seemed to gleam from within, like sapphires. The beginnings of stubble shadowed his jaw and upper lip, and Evrain wondered what it would feel like grazing his own sensitive skin. Dominic had a sharp, aquiline nose and a tiny birthmark, shaped like a star, high on one cheekbone.
Suddenly he realized that Dominic was staring right back at him.
“I can see a lot of Aggie in you, she must have been a great beauty in her youth,” Dominic said. He ducked his head as if realizing that he had unintentionally complimented Evrain as well as his grandmother.
“Thank you. So you can see past what I am, Dominic. Just a man, not a monster?”
Dominic’s lashes fluttered. He took another spoonful of stew, chewed then swallowed. “I see a mystery. A man, but something else, something I don’t understand.”
Evrain put his bowl down. He grasped Dominic’s wrist in a firm grip. “You don’t have to be afraid of me. I promise.”
“But I am afraid, Evrain. Regardless of what you say you are, I’m terrified of the way you make me feel and that has absolutely nothing to do with the supernatural.” His voice was so soft that it barely registered, but he didn’t pull away from Evrain’s grasp.
Evrain just smiled, released him and carried on eating. When they were both finished, he loaded the tray with their crockery and stood up.
“Get some sleep. You need to rest. This has been an emotional day and I don’t think we should carry on this conversation until the morning.”
“You don’t?” Dominic’s pout was adorable.
Evrain resisted the temptation to take that sweet lower lip between his teeth and give it a punishing nip.
“I don’t, because if I stay in this room any longer I won’t be able to control myself, and much as I’m looking forward to fucking you through the mattress very soon, now is not the time.”
“Oh!” Dominic managed shocked innocence so well.
It made Evrain even harder than he already was. If the tent in the bedclothes was anything to go by, Dominic was equally aroused by their conversation.
Evrain grabbed the laden tray and retreated. Back in the kitchen, he put the tray down and leaned against the sink, digging his nails into the palms of his hands. Resisting the temptation to bruise those soft, sensuous lips had been close to impossible and his cock was not amused at his willpower. He sat by the fire and tried to calm his thoughts. The flames were spitting and sparking, mirroring his agitation as he unzipped his fly and allowed his aching cock some freedom. He gripped the arms of the chair hard and closed his eyes. With Dominic so close to him, he found it easy to focus. Light wisps of breeze caressed him, spiraling around his rigid cock with tantalizing delicacy. Heated fingers of air squeezed and released in time with his pulse and as his heartbeat quickened so did they. The soft touches were torture, and eventually Evrain gave in to his own need and grasped himself firmly. In the hearth, the fire rose and fell in time with his movements until finally there was a crackling explosion of smoke and flame as he came with a strangled moan.
“Oh God, that’s so good.” There had to be some benefit to being a powerful warlock. If he had to settle for magical masturbation then that might just be enough.
Happily sated, Evrain had a wicked thought. He washed his hands, then crept up the stairs as quietly as the creaky old boards would allow. He stood at the door to the guest bedroom and pushed it open just far enough that he could see Dominic lying in bed. His eyes were closed, the lashes fluttering against his cheeks. Fuck, he’s so beautiful. I could jack off to that image quite happily. But that wasn’t why Evrain was lurking outside Dominic’s door. The tiniest pang of guilt hit him, but he brushed it away. I need the practice. This benefits both of us. He began to twist his fingers into intricate shapes.
Dominic’s eyes snapped open, his lips parted in a silent gasp. Evrain had to bite his lip to stop a chuckle escaping. He flicked his fingers and sent spikes of heat toward the bed.
“Oh!” Dominic whimpered, the sound one of pleasure rather than fear. He rolled onto his stomach then kicked at the bed covers until they slipped to midthigh.
Evrain licked his lips. He directed his warm spears at Dominic’s exposed ass, probing, penetrating just as he might have done with his fingers given the chance.
Dominic stretched his arms over his head and gripped the rail of the headboard. Face down, it seemed to Evrain that Dominic had his teeth embedded in his pillow. He was holding the metal headboard so tightly that his knuckles bleached. Evrain sent licks of heat to brush Dominic’s skin, slowly moving closer to his virgin entrance, pushing apart his creamy cheeks. He applied gentle pressure to the small of Dominic’s back, holding him firmly in place, and increased the heat. It was nowhere near hot enough to burn, but Dominic would feel every touch.
Dominic gasped and spread his legs wide in wanton abandon. He wasn’t attempting to escape—rather he seemed to have given in to sensation. He drew up his knees, sticking his ass in the air, and Evrain took up the invitation eagerly. He filled Dominic’s channel with pulsating waves of warmth. There would be no pain, just a tingling pleasure spreading inside Dominic’s body. Evrain’s fingers moved almost of their own accord, faster and faster. Dominic groped for his cock and managed to take hold. He’d barely made contact when he came, producing streams of creamy cum with a hiss of pleasure.
Once his body was drained, Dominic rolled onto his back and stared blindly at the ceiling. He appeared emotionally and physically exhausted. Evrain could only imagine the terrifying exhilaration of giving in to something he didn’t understand. He froze in place, determined not to give away his presence.
“Hell fire, Evrain, are you trying to kill me with pleasure?” Dominic muttered.
Evrain choked back a laugh. He was so busted. Dominic might not have seen him but he knew he was involved. Evrain couldn’t wait to tease Dominic the next morning and make it clear that he was guilty as charged.